THE GOLD HILI. NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER t7, 1931 W E N D T C H O SEN H E A D O F J A C K S O '.V IL I.F ( 3 t \N G K Lipton’s COFFEE Special 3 9 c wtppeninyq Ms*. Haymond I'iioinpson and Mrs. Monday. E. T. Ham attended lodge at Cen­ tra l P oint Wednesday evening. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS DOLLS . . . TABLE CLOTHS . . . NECKTIES CHRISTMAS CARDS . . . LADIES’ HOSE EOYS and MEN’S SOX . . . FANCY TOWELS A ra d io w ill pleas? the w hole fam- ilv S r « rue set al o n ly $29.50. l i e ! . . e r’s h ru g Store. D I7 Mrs. Della Shaver and Mrs. Min e S tickle were callers in M edford Monday. D R A K E 'S « . ■ u a a t f a a s n e a B a M y M EATS H a Posed candv, G S S K S E ^ ^ a a n ie « a e a r n n r ¡ng at ass. wranned fo r m ill llo rn in g 'a Shack. Grants DIO-24 Three c h ild re n lam l> w ho liv e c f the A rn o ld D uring the past football season the on the Sams Val- Scotchmen o f Carnegie Tech devel 'ey road are i ll this week w ith oped a favorite y ell : " ( ¡ f t ihat q chicken pox. lei hack." Special on boxed to il d sets of p > ito i p.s and p i f O N LY ■.O' B Use s i s at oth e r peicc... I c •’ .• a D rug store. D |7 u a ■ a ■ a n b ■ ■ I Char es Heed o f San I'ra n e i co r r iv . d Monday evenit and w ill pend Ihe holidays w i'.'i his fa J r .r , H. I). Reed, and M 's. I! ed. Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Moore and June anti Vonnie, visited ■ ' relatives at In d ia n Head Springs ■ Sunday. ■ i daughters, Beef Boil ...............10c Shoulder of Mutton 15c ■ ■ ■ ■ .B «V . v .. i ..,S c ....... 15‘ Steak ................. 20c Bacon .................... 25c Leg of M utton......20c Lard, 4 lb. pails..... 65c Mutton Stew ......... 5c Mince Meat, 2 lbs. 45c Also Have Some Nice KIPPERED SALMON Gold Hill Meat Market Jack Pickard, Prop. s H o lid a y boxes o f chocolates- a ■ ¡suitable g ft fo r anyone on your ■ lis t. At Decker’s Drug Store. D17 T ile Gold H ill boys’ basketball ■ team drove to Sams Valley Tuesday ■ evening fo r a practice game w ith ■ that q u in te t. Spectators were not ■ admitted. V Mrs. Lavon Garman re tu rn e d G. L. H a ff w ere Medford visito rs ■ Sunday evening from C orning. C ali- ■ * frn ia , where she has been w o rk in g ■ in an olive plant. ■ DRESSMAKING and DEMOD­ n E LIN G done in your home. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Charles E. Gray. pDlO-17-24 “Boy. . . But She Runs Sweet!” We can hear you making that happy remark after we’ve given your auto­ mobile a thorough, efficient overhaul­ ing. You’ll hardly believe its the same car. Drive ’er over now. I GOLD HILL GARAGE Chas. Kell, Prop. Golden Rule Grocery No. 3 E. T. HAM, Prop. FRESH M E A TS Specials for Saturday BREAD i-lb. loaves CANDY 2 1-2 lb. Box Choco­ lates .................... 75c 5c FLOUR 49-lb. Bag Drifted Snow ................ $1.38 CALUMET BAKING POWDER i-lb. Tins ............... 25c Del Rogue COFFEE i-lb. package......... 27c Fancy STRING BEANS Medium can .... ....... 10c MATCHES Per carton............. POST’S WHOLE BRAN Package .................. 10c 15c Granulated BORAX SOAP Large Package 43c Glass Dishes Free SOAP io Bars White Won­ der ...................... 33c HODGEN-BREWSTER POULTRY FEED Chester W endt was elected mas­ te r of • the Jacksonville grange in an ile e lO n o f nnusu d interest, last F rid a y evening. Other o ffice rs chosen .11 the co n tra t were I. A. i Dew. overseer; C. C. Hoover, lec­ tu re r; \V. II. A rn o ld , sit w a rd ; Ted ' Sims, assistant stew ard; E dith G if- ford, ch a p lain ; George Fisk, Ircas- u re r; G. (), Samien. secretary; Claude Hoover, gale ke e p -r; Doris i ? nger; *’ r ‘®.; « IK o rtl. ,Or“ ! 1 ( ;on i,e r; 1 l' ,nnna; M yr- e A rn tl*tl. ,a e the students mueli m re r , 1 exy-rienca than ever 1 bef re, nee v/orlt is now done under fag the : ha I f aa im pending deadline. | Cha • ,o n.nv held only fo r the pur- S t pore o f on and criticism o f the actual 'afcoratory work on the fo u r Lg n o y e r i, r a m ■ ' fo r the days on which ¡¡?i they are w ritte n , the Monday M ail, T u r .day Tribune, V.'edne day W orld and Thursday Times. W ire and syndicate services are sup­ plied to the students through the cour­ tesy o f the Eugene Register-Guard. F u rth e r details o f the plan w ill be put into e ffect in the fu tu re , D. an Allen stated, as a t the present tim e it was possible only to u tiliz e such portions o f i t as did not need submission to the state board o f high er education. ’ . 23c CANDIES, per poi nd 3c lo 28c BANANAS, large firm in il— 4Pc Per dozen G o l d H i l l S u p p ly “Where Prices Sell Quality*' Phone H I, A. A. W A I K K K We D eliver W HAVE YOU TRIED HI-FLEX HEAT PROOF LIQUID GRAPHITE This is a positive and constant lubrication for valves, cylinders, p i s ­ tons, etc. which will give you the maximum lubrication, increasing your gas mileage, life of your car and ease of op­ eration. Try this new but tried lubricant in your car or truck and then test your gas mile­ age. You will be surpris­ ed. Christmas Gifts Get “her” a HOT POINT ELECTRIC IRON at $3.95 Dandy Granite ROASTER $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 A WATERLESS COOKER or an ATWATER KENT RADIO We Have a Fine Display. Come in and See Them Specials HEAVY BIB OVERALLS 98c TOYS AT COST Y ours fo r SERVICB Nugget Service Station » 1 r <- *9 4 "c Just Received a Shipment of McClaren Auto Tires—AT REDUCED PRICES J. D. D R O LETTE, Prop. GOLD HILL HARDWARE Gold Hill, Oregon O. C. Stanwood, Prop. '••'S iiiS i A Gift of F ine. . . “ JEWELRY . . . Is a Joy Forever! Io a woman, the most precious (lift of all. To a man, a token revealing the lasting sentiment of the giver. So we suggest: FOR “HER”: White Gold Diamond Kings—$10.00 up Earrings—$i,oo Brooches—$2.50 Graduated Pearl/Necklaces—$2.50 up Ladies’ Wrist Watches—$12.50 FOR “HIM”: A Waltham Pocket W atch—$12.50 Waklemar Chain—$2.50 Knife—$1.7« Cuff Links—$1.50 JEWELERS MEDFORD. ORE.