_THB OOLD HILL NCWS THURSDAY. DECEMBER „ . M Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drake were buxine»» cullers in Grant» Pa»» .Sat­ urday. 1 ■ ■ r — — ..tu — ,---------------- • Smilin' Charlie Says- In an ediloriai in Ihe Medford Mrs. Marjorie Pena spent the Dully News dated Wednesday, De- week end with In r parents and her eember 9, under the heudirfg, "Bid ding Eor Jobs.” it was said that small son in Medford. a small clly of the county was con­ Mrs. Joe Blair win |n Medford Miss l.otus Hesslegruves of Cen­ sidering putting teaching positions Tuesday. tral Point whs calling on friends In of its schools up for bids. inis city Friday evening. As I happened to be one who at­ Mr». Flovd Lance nnd Mr». Lee tended this board meeting and also Cook were Medford caller» Monday. L illie Patricia Thompson visited as I am an official of the clly, I her grandmother, Mrs. G. L. Haff Mr. and Mr*. IV E. Cook were w ill nnswer In behalf of the city the f.r»t of the week. »hopping In Grants Pas» Saturday. by stating ihe facts. This remark tra n k Fink of Medford »pent was made at that meeting. But I Miss Albertina Ilankey wn» »hop I he week-end with his sister, Mrs. want to slate, emphatically, that the ping in Medford Saturday, city and the m ajority of the school Elmer Dungey of this city. board do not consider such tactics Mrs. Jim Bryan was employed al Wallace Ivi rson spent Saturday good business for a school system. Drake's grocery Saturday. Sin- w ill and Sunday with his brother, A r­ “ T h e r e ’s lo t s o’ Ilie remark came from one, who work there during Christmux week thur, and Ids father, in Medford. also. himself, depends upon the public fo lk s on E a s y Mrs. Laura Pankey was calling in for u Job, and who has hail little S t r e e t - - cornin’ Medford Wednesday. She is Inking experience in hiring for school po­ J b a c k ------ " sitions. treatments for a defective ear. Signed, f.9 **“ Jud Doty, who lius been visiting MAYOR W. II. FERGUSON. Dallas— Falls C ily hank consoli- his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Doty, of dated with Dallas C ily bank. this city, left Friday for his home Following is the editorial referred in Nebraska. Io by Mayor Ferguson: Salem— State Declamation Com­ mission approved development on B ID D IN G FOR JOBS Mrs. Clara Beck nnd daughter, Deschutes river to supplement w at­ Ellen, of Grants Pass, visited Mr. “ Indiscriminate, cut-throat com­ and Mrs. Howard Drake from Sai petition IS detrimenial to any pro­ er supply for irrigation of lands under irrigation, to cost approxi­ urday to Monday. fession und that business which can mately $300,000. escape its octopus grip is bctler off Mrs. C. F. Becker of Boseburg wa: for the lack. The general public al­ a week-end guest of lit r husband, Application for permit to con­ ways profits by rate wars or price- proprietor of Becker's Drug store, struct reservoir on Powder River culling w ith the hardship falling on here. between Baker and McEwen about for the llic participants in the quarrel. A 15 miles upstream, filed by T. G. * 4 C h ris tin a s Shopper J. (.. Bin II of Medford called on street brawl is fun for onlookers Montgomery for Baker Valley Ir r i- h i J. S. Prime Wednesday afternoon. hut lias its undesirable compensa- galion association. I £ Mr. Buell formerly worked for Mr. ton to the fighters. S P R IN t S, ful! A small city in this county is re­ Prime when In- was agent at Chilo­ Comparison of Ihe lists showing 90 coil, helical quin. port- d io he considering a new way registration of motor vehicles in '.elect its public servants and _________ L $7.35 Mr. and .Mrs. Bruce Force of Ea­ ■avc money. It was proposed to Hie stale department for the current gle Point are here io assist in the the school board of that city that year and those of 1927 shows a F E L T I: VSE R1 GS, care o f Mrs. D. S. Force, the for­ all teachers he required io bid for heavy mortality in obsolete makes 1 size 9x12 ... $5.95 mer''. mother, who is quite ill ul the •heir jobs next year instead of be­ of automobiles, evidently due Io Ihe ; much heavier type of older cars Full Size F E L T E D M i home of her son, Wm. Force. ing hired by the usual process of which require larger license fees M A TTR ESS, 40 II,., M Mr. and M rs. H K. Cook returned deliberative consideration by the and to the hardships encountered hoard. only cc oc ¿¿.«1 last Wednesday from Oakland, Call- $5.95 in obtaining parts for repairs. "in other words the teachers fornia. after a three weeks' visit in would hand in Ihe figure ihai they AX M IN STER RUG, : Mirious pads of southern California. L E G A L N O T IC E S I While in Oakland they called on would he w illing to work for next size 0X1.» (Biglow 1 Mrs. Wing, n former resident of year, put themselves on an auction C IT Y BUDGET H a rtfo rd 1 $27.45 block nnd say, “I am for sale for ; Ibis city, and well known here. *100 a month.” Budget for the City of Gold H ill S P R I N G M I.I ! I > To a person in a profession for the year 1932. M A T TR ESS, ltd I where bidding for Jobs is a pari Salaries— and water master $1,320.00 si.'v excellent «tual- C? of their work this may sound like L Marshal ib r a r ia n ................... an «in good business. Contractors bid for Recorder --------------- 30000 >»y.................. $9.75 a th iir work and the contract is ................ - ............ 300 00 D IN IN G R ('( '\l 'I T awarded the lowest bidder in mosi cases. There is a rock bottom be­ 8-piece, 5-ply waU 2 A S IT S H O U L D B E $2,100.00 low which no contractor can go. nut .......... . $48.75 Blit not in Ihe teaching profession. Building 4 Ixian .................. 1,986.00 1,080.00 Persons can be found who w ill Interest on bonds ... W aln u t BEDROOM Ai Interest on warrants .......... 700.00 W e have the most mod­ wok for nothing for several months Bond and w arrant sinking SET, 4-piece $37.75 M ern g reasin g equipm ent in order Io gd a position later on. fund ------------------ 2,500.00 m ent, and when w e "What becomes of the intelligent, LIV IN G R(X)M SE T $6.266.00 efficient, well-prepared teacher grease your car it is O verstuffed velour, when a layman school board which Chlorene for water ........... 400 00 done right. You'll no­ beautiful p attern, 150.00 often knows loo little about quali Sewer repairs ....................... tice how much nicer it 150.00 ' 2~P‘CCC ..... $39.50 fieulions for instruction sits down Street repairs ............ Insurance ............................ 100.OO rides and also know that to compare her $1,00« bid w ith an Printing and attorneys fee 240.00 BRID GE LA M P. your car is lubricated at offer to work a year for nothing? (c o m p 1 e t e with “Such a proposition undoubtedly every p rin t. $1.040.00 would save tliat city money, lots of Total of all expenses......... $9,406.00 sh ad e) ... $3.50 it. Taxes would be lower. I f Ihey Waler receipts ...................... 3,200.00 Drive in today. B R E A K FA ST S r.'I. 100.00 underlake to select their teachers r in e i ................ _............. ___ 6,1063)0 by this method they must remem­ T V » ^ V » A » » *» » A » A » » W IL L ACT ON HARBOR DOUAR DAYS! ’ ..... ........ I I *»»» ’ ’Ml I «1« III! U llin slashcU to approximately I cent a mile ($1 for each 100 miles/. Go lomrwbere for (he holidays! TICKFTS GOOD ON ALL TRAINS LEAVING SAM PLE R O U N D T R IP S : L o s A n g ele s ......................................... $17.75 S an F ran cisco ......................................... 9.40 P o rtla n d .................................................. 6.80 S o u th e rn P a c ific J. 8. PRIM E, AgL— PHONE 26 PROJECT AT SESSION C. E. Gales, president of tne N or­ thern California-Southern Oregon Development association, in an in terview, staled that he could see no reason why there would not be definite action on Ihe Cescent City harbor project during the present session of Congress. During Hie past few days ihe assoeialion has contacted numerous congressmen und senators who arc acquainted with Ihe project, in an effort Io determine whether action could be expected by congress, nnd io urge that everything be done in order Io avoid delays oil the devel­ opment. I he m ailer now rests in the hands of Hie division engineer whose re­ port Io Ihe hoard of army engineers i ; expected to be forwarded at any time. Development association offi- c uls believe that Ihe board w ill lake favorable action on same anti then it w ill be a matter for con­ gress Io dispose of. Congressman Clarence F. Lea wired Mr. Gates lliat action by congress on the Crescent City development must await a general authorization bill ex peeled Io be acted on this scs sion, and further slated that he saw no reason w hy any difficulties should he anticipated in securing action by the board of army engin­ eers before that time. w L A D IE S W IN T E R C O A T S A fin e a sso rtm en t, regu lar $30 valu e O ur F inal o ffe r ---------- M E N S S ---------- U IT S A ll W o o l. V a lu e s to $25.00. N o w $13.77 $13.67 M EN S O XFO RDS G ood W e lts L A D IE S P U M P S A N D O X F O R D S R e g u la r to $3.98, sp ecially grouped at o D o $1.47 L ad ies and C hildrens O U T IN G G O W N S V alu es to $1.00 47c L A D IE S W IN T E R H A T S V alu es to $2.50, to clo se at 77c C H L ID R E N S F O O T W E A R L a r g e A sso rtm en t $1.97 BO YS O XFO RDS A N D SH O ES S tu rd y W e lts $1.47 M E N S D R E S S S H IR T S B road cloth and M adras 69c M E N S PA JA M A S H e a v y O u tin g F lannel. $1.25 valu e 79c J • < • , • I ► , ► < ▼ g ► M E N S T IE S F ine A s s ’t. 47c-69c ^ ^ a a a a a a a a aavaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa $1.29 I Medford, osaocs C. J. B r e ie r Co. iOxaiOE M edford