Mil t " volume xx^ y .............................. " ¿ Z _ I * 8 . . ■ * . L ittle N ew s a n d C om m ent i ~ fl — -----------— A I 1“ S* 1^ * ■ S '< ■ MB PIONEER MINER PASSES AWAY ^ 1 I n il, -,. » T'”,’”'--------- ------- l , l l - I - ( ) R E ( ,z O N - ^ » U R S D A Y , D E C E M B E R , y a Lodge Sets January 12 As Installation Date ] " " 1 A Land Gets State Tax Relief Through New Levy on Incomes PROGRAMS TO MARK SEASON Two Important matter* held the attention of the Odd Fellows at their met (Illg Tuesday of this week Plan» were made for the Christ­ ?Ood news ,hal ,h f Peo­ inas observance next week, with thr ul? ple of the state with incomes large , The total requirements by the joint Installation of officer», which W as f umouj as O iicoverer S a y 'S ,',’0! b ta r ' hK ,8X bUrden' win «late, outside Ihe school tax w ill « Io l.e held January 12, coming Here'» unoilicr one for Ripley; * ha,V of lb‘‘ »«ate «mount to 89.928,712, according to for it» «hare of consideration. This Taxes . , ol Rich Gold Pockets budget estimates. The revenue, for Gold H ili Organization* Are WWhln 12 u;li,s of .»eh o„ ,cr , W() ' 8n d ° W n e r» »<* is one of the big event» of the lodg.- he r e . lhrn..u.eX{Ka,d :Ure* wUI be raist‘d Wyoming point» reported two of the ° f UH bu‘ ’ « " “» '«X in County year, and appropriate preparation» for £ Bu*y w ith Plan# for or the support of Ihe schools, under through indirect taxation, income, are being made. « M t extreme temperature» along nlangibles and excise taxes, and It was also decided that CSUdl- e new tax law effective for 1932. ■00 mile» of the traiucontineniul air . fees, fines, rentals, etc. Christmas W eek ------------ — ...... .. and Wood- woon. The new ruling calls for a 2 m ill 1 Dorman Eno» M. Kholen, 79, known in lales Howard • a l l route Tuesday. At Laramie It Another factor which w ill relieve row Shuvir go Io Ashland Thursday ^ " 'm t a r y school lax. which in all Southern Oregon for the rich was 18 degree» below xero, while at to receive their second degree. They Jack»on county, with a taxable valu- private property owners to a cer »trike* he hud made us a prospector With the “Night Before Christ­ •Sherman H ill, 12 m ile. away, it wax w ill be accompanied by other lodge a ,'on o i « 6 « 75.018, w ill .„can that tain extent i , that the board ol and pocket hunter, died at his Kanes equalization has decreased the eoun mas ' and Santa’s Ion« anticipated -em bers : 8 fund of «2.799 w ill be created for 1« above, a spread o f 3»; degree». y taxable valuations, but the proper­ visit only a wees away, Gold H ill is creek home near here Saturday. An invitation was also read from 1.! . u,e o f *he cfementary schools Jacksonville lodge to uttend t h « l r , if m,w,ey w ,,l all he used in ty valuations of public u lilitv prop­ taking on Ihe Christinas spirit with Ten corloud» of turkeys wer< Death was due Io apoplexy. » h o lm is suid Io have originated installation of officer. / ack»°" county, an,l the state wi t erties are slightly in excess of those preparations being made for a fit­ officers January January 4. »hip|N-d by the Oregon Turkey pool the art of hunting gold pockets in ------------------ M k t o other sources of revenue for fixwl by the state tax commission ting observance of this happiest holi­ U te last week bound for Christnuu ior lust year. I its ’S o w n support. «nrtrws»« the days of the gold rush and 1» Glendalc-Gold HiU own day of all the year. market» in Naw York. This is the W Uh the state making these revl- credited w Hi taking more gold ou| In removing the land tax the state In addition to the annual home­ second consignment from Oregon to Cage Game H ere Friday of the hills of Jackson county lhan _____ _ . ihe on4; "dll market road •io n . for the benefit of the proper- comings and many gatherings plan­ eastern points. any oilier individual. His process • • • Glendale high school w ill be ,hc t i X r K ^ W ^ H ‘h* opera* v owner, attention has been called ned for Christmas day, itself, many to the fact that local levies should programs w ill be the order of the S S S S e xl f opponel on « Gold H « ill high n . U War v,',eran’ r °m- Three are dead and a »core in ­ n d m i i i r a‘C. Car‘ rU,Iy' and iunds week by the church, school, and other millage taxes. jured in a tornado that swept Ar , „ 5 ^ ! ? ' “ redu.c,ion «mount ad ninutered wisely so that the lo­ ) lodge organizations. kansa» Monday. The storm followed ■ n g U about four and a half X ' cal levies w ill not offset the saving AI the Methodist church an ap­ unseasonably warm weather and a to taxpayerj made by the state propriate Christmas service w ill be heavy rain. Just another of nature'» el ever uncovered here / *d with the Sun­ seals early. G irl. W in and B oy. freak weather streak» this year. Itlioten u.wa' s spent his money day school children, under the di­ Cold Snap Again • • • An opener is to be Scheduled. ac­ Lose in Game* w ith in true miner fash On. He uncovered rection of their teachers, presenting cording io present plans, for the Seven prisoners broke out of Pay* V to V alley an evening of songs, recitations and a pocket valued at 859,000 one time Rogue River Friday town learn, but their opponent has the U aven w o rtb federal penilen- h’ ..... .. and , not been" " d e ^ i t e 'l T i e l X ? dialogues. The congregation w ill al­ been definitely »elected. tlary last Friday after kidnaping W ith temperatures as low as 20 with the mime) bought two saloons, * 1 Cle® hiJh * n O, «-•« Friday. «he . f t | • »core of M M W M 1,hi ‘r bv ’ diVP *° 'he 1(,w ,eZ l ‘■recteti in (he church, and Santa money , ernoon being j? X % I • »core of 3 9 -» , w h i u Z t ^ T i o , T u e X y ,' „ 7 d£T n o °X e m W n cl, « 3? ^ 3, whi,e ,he h°ys lost and Tuesday's sun did not seem to w ill be present to remember each of ni« train robber, in it dr Rood his «• •••- u trnoon being spent in i f w I r « noun names were drawn for the annual ihe P ^ V ^ ^ ^ ~"««t S “ >e raw weate™ wind V was gone he returned to the inoun the children with a Christinas tre a t .. and hard-fough, contest in »Hect the raw U'PcIorn M. e»ca|>r. Prison guards are suspected tains, there to mine more gold. The program is under the direct n ibis i S n n,r k f Pre“ nU I i i n « « 7 ?aV tr CagfrS’ ,he score h“ rried abou« ,heir shTppingind Of having aided Ihe prisoner» in pie hurried about their shopping and Known by every old timer in this supervision of Mrs. Lucy Mee, su­ their break and an investiga­ usiness, a little unprepared for th - perintendent of The Sunday School, section, Rhotcn's passing is regrel regret^ for their annual Christmas party, ’ . I0" * 8ir,s »««rted out strong tion w ill be made. weather man’s trick. led by many. By his death one of which who is being ably assisted by Mrs.’ ill be held m at the home of ! it h,8d t comi«rtabU- lead at the • ; y; • a,n Hn‘’ winch w in On two mornings during the last Howard Wharton, Miss Evagene Af» _ . , I »** most pictures,,ue characters of i i Mrs, Mr» W II F »» ers of W. H. Ferguson. a li‘ ,n third quarter Rogue — third quarter Rogue week the ground has been white After receiving newts thaj she Ihe is gone, and mans a a tale F‘,r* “ ®°- Ihe H section section gone, Starns, Mrs. Della Shaver, and Miss h .d Inherited an estate once v .l- ,-f r c k is .1?.. . .. and many " L I talc ‘ nl< L Tho«-.. « « ‘-nt we, Those » present were Mesdames .. River started a rally that resuR^d w ith a thin blanket of snow which of the early days die* with him. . hOrb' Ab° U‘ f° r,y Youngsters In » port companies since the law be here with her parents for two years noon at the home of Miss Olive T u r­ Eighteen members have now paid Jacksonville V ote* $9,500 ..... t ........ came effective In September 1927 to prior to moving to Grants Pass about ner. This organization is also in Bond* Tuesday to Seplcmbcr 30. 1931. total 81,406,- Iheir membership fees and it is ex­ three years ago. She attended the making a cdllection of food and 181.07, of which 8312,022.81 has pected several more w ill join before Improve W a te r System ...... local schools and made many clothing for distribution amongthe ...... lg .............. been distributed to the counties un­ application for the charter is made friends here. needy. Anyone wishing to contrib­ n.n S n UbfS d,o i'i,L! ‘ : Rogl,e R i' * r -I-rhp- within the next few days. Those der Ihe provision of the motor Bond issues providing fa r the ex­ Mr. Trotter is also a resident of ute to this worthy cause may leave who arc inrmbrrs of Hie d u b are: transportation act Collections of M«gcrle for Ring Grants Pass, being employed in the their donation at Drake’s store. penditure of 89500 for construction ' ’ Hamm-rsly for Hak- this money were handled by the J. R. MacKay. M errill Merriman, of a new pipe line and furlher im­ er Wheatley for Smith. Higgin­ box factory there. The couple has former Public Service Commission Elov,I l.ance, R. Lloyd M iller, Bed­ provement of Ihe -uia.suininc Jacksonville wa- — ...W taken an apartment at the corner until January 1, 1030, when Ihe ford Riles, Cleo Gilchrist. Win. Fer­ ter system were approved Tuesday, botham for Stone, W’alklin for of Fourth and E streets, where they Support Your Home Paper. Palmer. guson. II. D. Norton, Geo. Meisinger, work was placed under the super­ when a heavy vote was cast. lire now at home to their friends. L. R. Ruling, R. E. Rlnnkenhurg, Jus. vision of (he Secretary of Stale. I lie largest bond issue, for 86000 McDonough, Sdh Coy. A. F. Becker, • • • for construction of the new pipe­ Siskron M ine 1« Mrs. Mary W. Gulligar of Bogue « . C. Stanwood, Jack Couture, line between the two reservoirs, • X " , ................... River, who was Injured in an acci­ l.insley Dorman anil Grant Powell. passed by a vole of 143 io 28 and Operating Again It was planned io start work on dent on the Pacific highway near ....... rg G- Lingri " Ihe second for 83,500, by a vote of Milton 1) ......... ,g " G‘ L ln 8 rcn ««) there last July was awarded 8176.35 the outdoor range in (lie near fu­ 129 (o 50. Siskron gold mining porpertieh M ~,O.n . 4 ) ......... '« .. H. Lingrcn (2) In a damage suit last Friday. Cary ture. Il w ill lie located on this side An amendment to the charter, on Sucker creek near Holland. of Blackwell hill where a 600-yard Subatitutions: Rogue River sub­ W. Johnson, also of Bogue River, which w ill enable Ihe city to pay regon, which have been dormant range can lie set up. stituted Hatch for O'Kelly, Hatch was the deefnrinnt. Mrs. Galligur six per cent on bonds, instead of Three members of (he Medford scoring 4 points. For Gold H ill for the past nine years, except for hnd asked 8226.50 in her su it •< I 2, was also approved by the Hammersly went in for C. Kell, and assessment work, are being mined «mi dub were present nn,l invited voters, Gold H ill members Io attend Ihe lompkins, who replaced Wtilkcr at the present time by the lessees, I lit- water problem has been on<- According to reports received by according to George S. Barton. The Medford dub's annual meeting and made 1 point. the Medford irrigation district, and «real interest to local pe iple 835 nCr dinner ¡d the Armory Wedncsdny, Referee Deal of Grants Pass of­ ore runs approximately the watermnster's office, as much since Ihe city had trouble last sum­ ton, he said. Cleo Gilbert, Fred Eddings, A. F. ficiated. mer supplying the demand, rflcessi- snow has fallen at Fish Lake, source Marlon and Ray Stevenson of Becker and Dick MacKay attended tilling the purchase and hauling of of supply for Ihe district, to dale, Jacksonville, who leased the min, this m e tin g , and report a fine M RPRfSE PARTY ON M R GRAY water from Medford. ns fell all Inst winter, and Ihnt Hi? during the summer, are now oper­ evening. Moving pictures of Brilish According to plans, a tunnel nboul precipitation has been heavier. No Saturday evening a surprise party ating the m ill daily, Mr. Barton, di­ Columbia was one of the main ten- 300 feet long w ill be dug under a reports have been received on the lutes of entertainment. was held at the Charles Gray home rector, stated, and w ill continue to shale and granite formation to tap snow and rainfall at the Emigrant do so for some time. They started The Medford d u ll w ill shoot on I bonor ot M r- Gray’s birthday. Hi, underground water system that dam and Hiatt Prairie, bul it is fig-1 a eouplq of weeks ago, anil indica­ its range Sunday, starling at ten Ihe evening was spent plaving ured as In excess of Inst year. H e -' engineers believe exisits. New pipe in Ihe morning, and (.old H ill gun cards and dninty refreshments were tions are that there is enough ore lines w ill do away with waste, cember and January storms are ex­ to mill several years, uli men are invited. and other minor improvements are served Inter in the evening. Those pected to bring the water levels ul ' Mr. Barton has been director for planned, which arc expected to sup­ ut*’!'C u .7 .<’re MeMrs and « « ‘lames the operations during the past both reserviors Io normalcy next I Lrt us print your letterheads— r ”’V fi l tt c’ W m - Pergnaon, Bob ply w ith adequate water at all sea year, three years. H. W. Finch of San Ihe Gold H ill News. » 00xv, ,? ony Rom’ Hugh H - y « . A. j sons Francisco, owner of the mine, spent I A. W alker and Charles Gray. considerable time there lately. IT E M * OF IN T E R E S T EX- TRA CTED FROM WOULD HAPPENINGS AND IJOH.ED » O W N FO » OL'R HEADERS. B X «S taS W TiFfönsfl jj ttttuDv • dangenxxiitkùió bui ftò re’s tw thä Sania Claus io a J lo i o'poorkúUief