■■ • Bui’ Snyder was a business caller in Medford Saturday. W. K. Boss was a business caller in Grants Pass Monday. Miss Edith Fenwick was shoppii g in Medford Monday evenng. Genuine Mexican Chile—H orn­ ings’ Shack, Grants Pass. D3-10 Mrs. Tetherow of Medford was a guest of \V. R. Walker Friday. Mrs. Joe B lair and son N ir tan W’ re business callers in Grants Pass Monday. Clyde W alker and Clinton Walker were duck hunting Sunday in Sains Valley. Mrs. Crawford o f Kanes Creek was calling on Mrs. Clinton Walker of this city Sunday. Hl' ( .01.14 HIM . NEWS I IV ■ - — I IH K N i.U . P l’.t I’.MBKR 3, iQV Mr. and Mrs. Felix Dunn of Eu- Genuine Mexican Chile -llnrn- Boy Cameron who has been work gciv spent Thanksgiving w ith Mr. ings' Shack. Grants Pass. D3-I0 ing at Collage lirn v ., returned Sun and Mrs. C. W. Martian o f this city. day night to his home in this city Mrs. Minnie Byerly was a g"esl K. II. J udd of Medford was 1 John Palmer o f Evans Valley was of Mrs. Baldwin in M ulford Mumlin business caller here Monday and ' a week-end gucsl of his uncle, Ed Blot of this city. Holiday boxes of chocolates a Thursday of this week. suitable gift for anyone on your Asil Walker ami I.insley Dorman Mrs. Kais of Medford is spending list. At Beektr’s Drug store. |)3 mot- ,id to Yreka, CuPfornia, over the week w ith her father. Mr. Hall Hi • v t e end. of Gold H ill. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore and U>- V irgil Greer of this c llv was at­ ney Boss were among Medford call­ Mrs. Tom Cook, daughter Ib rn ic c ers Monday. tending Io business at his mine at and son Jake attended a show in Bogue River Monday. Medford Thursday afternoon. E. A. Pelletier was u Gold H ill Me. and Mr.. Filch Snyder of Sums caller from his n i'ning claim cn old A radio w ill please the whole fam­ Valley was 11 guest o f Mr. und Mrs. ’’Gold H ill,” Monday. ily. See our set at only $29.30. Beck­ Velly Biles of this city Sunday. er's Drug Store. D3 Mrs. George Meisinger, Mrs. Paul Special on boxed toilet sets of ¡Thompson. Mrs. Joe Blair, Mrs. Au Mrs. Madeline Pendleton and c h il­ hath salts ami perfumes. ONLY 50c. rele Meunier and Mr. ami Mrs. Mer- dren B illy and Betty spent Thanks j r itt Merriman were among Medford Also sets ul other prices. Becker's giving w ith relatives in Ashland. Drug store. 1)3 shoppers Tuesday. Wimer Bailey is cutting wood for Mr. and Mrs. Floyd I .nin e spent Misses Albertina H anltA ami his own use on Galls C retk this Sunday evening w ith Mr. and Mrs. 1 Edith Fenwick, teachers in the local week. W m. Ferguson. high school, spent the Thanksgiving Mrs. Grimes o f the Hl-W>y Inn holidays at (heir homes in Pori Mi's. J. W. Steelman is enjoying was a Grants Pass caller Tuesday land. a visit w ith her son, II. W. Steel­ afternoon. Among out of town visitors in this man, who came last week Io spend Mrs. Katherine P hillips was a city Tuesday were Mrs. Skelton and Thanksgiving w ith her. Win. Puhi spent Monday butcher, guest of her daughter in Medford ing hogs at his ranch on Galls Sunday. Creek. A. F. Becker, local druggist, spent last Wednesday w ith friends in r 1 ----------------- -— Roseburg. HAVE YOU TRIED HI-FLEX HEAT PROOF LIQUID GRAPHITE This is a positive and constant lubrication for valves, cylinders, p i s - tens, etc. which will give you the maximum lubrication. increasing your gas mileage, life of your car and ease of op­ eration. Try this new but tried lubricant in your car or truck and then test your gas mile­ age. You will be surpris­ ed. Yours for SERVICE Nugget Service Station J. H. DROLETTE, Prop. Gold H ill, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Stunibo o f Foots Creek. M erritt H itlle und Norman Bailey Tom Griggs and John Dale of Sams were members of a skiing parly on Valley. the Siskiyou mountains near Ash­ land Sunday. Word was received here this week of the b irth of a son to Mr. Jim Lively came last Friday from and Mrs. Oscar Jolson o f eastern San Jose, C alifornia, making a Frank Fink o f Medford spent Oregon. Mrs. Jolson was formerly short stay here before continuing Io the Thanksgiving holidays in Gold David Biles of this city. I ortland on business. He returned H ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. here Hit* first of the week, leaving Gungey. Mr. ano Mrs. Hugh Hayes and for San Jose Tuesday evening. fam ily n-.».'-»l »luring the week-end Bee. J. T. MePheeters, blind to th eir new !,« me, whiea is irv w:i I.insley Di.iiuan who has been preacher, w ill preach every Salur- | day afternoon in street meetings in as the Penning house and was re­ running the Nugget Service Station cently purchased by Mr. Hayes. lo r Heinic D rullctte w ill disconliu- front o f Tlie Delta in Gold H ill. ue work the Mi i day uing upon Mr. and Mrs. George H.immcrsl •. Beautiful Greeting Cards, tags and daughter Jeanne, and son B ill, and the return ot lit inic. He has been seals. Any size or style, only 5c. Al- Mr. ami Mrs. It. E. Hluukenhiirg operating »nc ’ Nip and Sip” station ; so boxed cards of assorted styles made a trip to Crescent City, teilif., hi »lent,a! Point 6tk' and 90c at Becker’s Drug Store ami Brookings, Ore., Sunday. George It. Carter of M ulford was I i making culls here Tuesday, mid Jud Doty arrived here by aulo On Thursday evening, eight mem­ Friday from Nebraska to spend bers of (.rater l.akc Encampment dropped into the News office to an- some time visiting relatives in this of Gold H ill w ill he present at the , ntiunce that he w ill he a candidate city. . fo r nomination fo r the office of meeting o f the Jacksonville En­ ■ county clerk on the republican Dick Robinson and Mrs. Wm. campment, at which time they w ill ! ticket. Reed and children B illy Lee ami confer the Royal Purple degree. Beth were callers in Medford Sat­ According to a statement made During the month of December urday. the Southern Pacific railroad's din- I I this week the Southern Pacific r a il­ road w ill cut an hours' time o ff the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey of Med­ ing car and buffet car menus w ill run between Portland and Sun carry pictures and a description of ford were dinner guests o f Mr. and Francisco, making the tip on u 20- Mrs. George Meisinger Friday eve­ the famous Bogue River pears. It ! hull schedule. is estimated that over a m illion ning. people w ill read the advertisments Jim Clements and Geo. Hammcrs- Frank Doty received an in ju ry to anti it w ill he a great benefit to this ' I.V began w ork near Tolo W ednes­ his hand in a buzz saw Wednesday section of the state. day, where they are installing u afternoon w hile cutting wood, and m ill in a gold mine there. A crew J. S. Prime, Southern Pacific was rushed to Medford to receive agent in Gold H ill, has announced o f eight men have been employed medical treatment. pre-Christmas fares of roundtrips for about tw o months, bringing the at the cost of the usual one-way orc from the shaft, and the m ill w ill fares. The fares arc effective from begin running soon. Christmas Suggestions DOLLS . . . TABLE CLOTHS . . . NECKTIES CHRISTMAS CARDS . . . LADIES’ HOSE BOYS and MEN’S SOX . . . FANCY TOWELS FANCY BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS And Other Nice Gifts for Your Selection DRAKE'S General Line of Groceries and Fresh Vegetables Golden Rule Grocery No. 3 E. T. HAM, Prop. December 1 to 12 on all S mthern 1 he high school appropriately oh Pacific lines anil .top-over» may he served Thanksgiving Iasi Wednts made up Io ten days, according Io day afternoon w ith the presenta­ the announcement. tion o f a playlet, “ Landing at P ly­ Classes were resumed Monday mouth Bock.” Puritan Maids and morning at the Gold H ill schools Men depicted the landing of tin1 after the Thanksgiving holidays. “ M ayflower," and a small hand of Classes were dismissed Iasi Wed­ surprised Indians were also in the nesday afternoon and many of the cast which numbered fifteen. Miss teachers and students spent Thanks Edith Fenwick directed. The glee giving day and the week-end visit­ club and sextette sang musical num­ bers. ing w ith relatives and friends in Ur other cities. A total of 16,000 trees were re­ A number of Gobi H ill friends ceived at Grants Pass this week spent a delightful evening at the and w ill he distributed by the Gar­ home of Mr. and Mrs Bert Stephen­ den club and {.handier of Commerce son in Grants Pass Saturday eve­ to anyone who w ill plant and care ning. Games and in js ie furnished fo r trees. Every person that plants the evening’s diversions, followed a tree is enrolled in the National by a delicious midnight supper. I ree assot-ialion. The association is The guests were Mr. and Mrs. G. E. endeavoring Io have 10,000,000 trees Meisinger, Mr. and Mrs. P a u l planted and growing by February of next year. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Force, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Moore and fam By, Mr. and Mrs. Bay Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Aurele Meunier and Mrs. Aletha Robins. ■ ■ b ■ « a s s « b b a M EATS Í Beef Boil 10c Beef Roast 15c Pork, Beef, Veal Steak 20c Leg of Mutton 20c Mutton Stew 5c TRADE AT HOME — - Shoulder of Mutton 15c Hamburger .......... 15c Bacon 25c Lard, 4 lb. pails 65c Mince Meat, 2 lbs. 45c These prices are right. Gold Hill Meal Market Jack Pickard, Prop. MAKE THIS CHRISTMAS A Practical Christmas It is su rp risin g what ••ift eau he found at y o u r Hottie G rocery a n d t ietterai Store. \ \ hy in>t give A HAM OR----- A BOX OF CANNED GOODS FANCY FRUITS HEAVY SOX SHOES A NEW HAT We Have Them All, and Many Other. G o ld H ill S u p p ly Phone 8 I, ’Where Prices Sell Quality” A. A. WALKER We Deliver Christmas Tree LIGHTS FRESH M EATS Specials for Saturday BREAD i-lb. loaves 5c MATCHES Carton, 6 b o x ......... 15c SHRIMP Per can .................. 15C ROLLED OATS Carnation Medium Package .. 10c COFFEE I-lb. can Royal club 32c SHORTENING 8 lb. pail ................ 90c GREASING. ■ ■ AS IT SHOULD BE We have the most mod­ ern greasing equipment ment, and when w e grease your car it ts done right. You’ll H o­ tice how much nicer it rides and also know . bat your car is lubricated at every print. Drive in today. SPAGHETTI 3 c a n s ...................... 25c PEAS 2 No. 2 t in s ............. 25c WHITE WONDER SOAP io Bars ................... 33c FLOUR Sperry’« Drifted Snow 49-lb. sa ck .............$1.35 Get Our Price* on Feed—We Carry Hodgen-Brewster Poultry Feed. I EE KTII for , J 'l'E h . - r KHVICE Si Coy & Robinson SETH COY, Mgr. Lunch stand and restaurant in connection. HEADACHES NEURITIS N E U R A L G IA , COLDS Whenever you have some nagging ache or pain, take some tablets of Bayer Aspirin. Relief is immediate! There’s scarcely ever an ache or pain that Bayer Aspirin won’t relieve—and never a time when you can’t take it. The tablets with the Bayer cross arc always safe. T hey will not depress the heart, or otherwise harm you. Use then as often as they can spare you any pein j or discomfort. Just lie Rure to buy the I genuine. Examine the box. Beware of imitations. Aspirin is the trade-mark ot Bayer !' manufacture of monoaccticacidester oi ’ ■alicylicacid. ■ j H'ie Have Them Dazzling in color . , . fa '■mating to tool m their clever shapes. Don’t take chances lights g y‘,ur " " h (l' c« electric CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS Men’. ? Oy‘ T Dieh? c 7 - E,ectric Lnmps Men . Furnishing and Shoe. - Guns of «11 Type. Naugatex Wnrmster Coats Wonderful Values in Felt Base Rug. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early GOLD HILL HARDWARE O. c . Stanwood, Prop. : : ■ ■ ■ ■