Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1931)
®he (fiatò ***************************************************** VOLLME XXXIV___________ ' 1 »s************************************************************* .............._ (JOLI, HILL, OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST jg T ^ ^ B U M i TT —— — In The W orlds N ew s IM S OF INTEREST EX H A C IID FROM W iilll li ,'M T E M .M iS AM> ItOII.El> Ild W N FOB (»I K READERS. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lindbergh <•!»• le n d Asia t««rril<>r> Inst week u n i <m th eir trip |<i the Orient by a ir plane. T heir destination in Tnkio. —— - --------------— _ — ------------- ' Ignorance of Depression has Traffic Laws bui Little Effect Hinders Work Upon Tourists _____ ________________ •Marches Now A L A I B L R 19 Man Pleads Guilty Upon an Arson Charge This is Hie las) installment of Hu Gar 11 gistrulions in Oregon arc I brer ineendiarists from Fools tra ffic laws of the slate that we w ill Ktoout (q u ill this year to last year, Governor Roosevelt of New York creek appeared before Judge II. 1). print. We have given our readers as shown by Hie bulletin issued hiis called m special session of Ihe Norton in Ibe circuit court in Med Ibe best report on them we could, from Hie secretary of slate’s depart slate li gislaltiri- lo discuss (lie eradi- ford V. i-dmsday and pleaded guilty rigid ilow n to flute. Every one ment. Grants Pass and Ashlunil lead cation of the vice ring which is in to charges brought against them by should be posted upon these laws the ri si of the stale in registrations. Prof. Auguste Piccard, a Sw ln, festing Ihnt slide and* the city of I- A. Emery of Salem, state law en lo save themselves considerable I'nr the period from Jan. 1 to July New York in particular. Governor j ascended ten miles in the air in the forcement officer. trouble at some lime. interests of science and returned of 1931 lb re were 54,578 ears regis Roosevelt stilted Unit lie did not feel Robert Poole was sentenced to safely. 77. (J. Is it law ful lo park on tered id the several registration thid Die governor should in uny serve one year in the state jieniten- highways outside o f business or points in the state. Last year there I way interfere w ith the investigation CAPITALISTIC CONTROL O F tiary fo r setting three fires in the residence districts? were 50,350 registered in the same o f the vice ring which was authoris FARMING SANCTIONED Loots creek district Sunday, accord Ans. No person shall park or peirod. Grants Pass leads again this ed by a Republican administration. ing lo telephonic inform ation reach Here it U at I um I! Many months leave standing any vehicle upon the year in the number o f cars register ♦ ♦ ♦ ing lure. Poole is said to have “ ta lk paved or main traveled portion i f ed, having signed 28 per cent o f all Puiigboru mid llcrudon, American ago this paper suggested the possl- ed when confronted w ith condemn flyers who started out lo set u new j b ilily of just sueb a plan being In uny highway outside of business or non-resident ears registered in the ing evidence in the possession of o f record fo r circling the globe m ill Int uugurated us Hie one proposed by residence district when it is practi slate. ficers. He is reported lo have said cable lo park such vehicle o ff the er giving up the idea win n they Mr. Campbell und now we are Follow ing are Hie stations leading he set the fires to provide employ Gen Edgar Warfield, 89, is the last were met bv interference of bud Ibrealened more seriously bv the paved or main traveled portion of in the number of registrations and' ot the gallant soldiers who answered ment fo r himself. weulber conditions und plune tro u likelihood of just sueb a movement. said highway; provided, in no event Ihe comparison w ith the period cor Gen Lees call in 1861 from Alex A rthur Poole, Robert's brother, shall any iterson park a vehicle up responding last year. ble. are in Japun w ith u fine of andria. Va ' Back from Ids lalest conference and George Snodgrass, were each 91025 each bunging over their heads ■ w ill) President Hoover about farm ! on any highway unless a clear and 1931 1930 placed 011 a three year parole. The ns Ih;' result of their flyin g over mid relief, Thomas I), Campbell expres unobstructed w idth of not less than Ashland 10,636 14,035 ! CRATER LAKE WILL two were w ith Robert Poole when Inking pictures of Japanese fo rtlfi sed the belief that “ industrial farm Bi feet opposite such vehicle shall Bandon 171 135 I he started the fires, according to RECEIVE TROUT TRY be left for free passage of o ilie r ve rations. In the event the flyers <lo ing" was the cure fur the economic Brookings 300 193 official record. hicles may be obtuined from a dis- Coquille not puy their fines they w ill be depression. 248 330 Although the three fires started lance of 200 feet in each direction Arrangements have been complet forced to lay it out in ja il in Unit 1,812 1,263 Campbell, who grows wheal on upon such highway. (P 131, sec. 50a) Gold Bench 1 Jiiday by Poole did not burn more ed fo r the planting of 22,000 eastern country. Grants Puss 15,239 i 95,001) acres of leased land in Mon lhan two acres, other incendiary ♦ ♦ ♦ 78. Q. Are there any exceptions Huntington brook trout and 16.000 rainbow 2.192 1,728 tana. and runs bis farm like a fac fires in the same district this year A petition fo r 11 rehearing of the tory, envisioned a day when'iigrieul. lo Hie law against parking on Ibe Klamath Falls 2.704 2,545 trout during the next week in have (I. stroyed many acres of valu- Kingscly case was tfile il Saturday lure would be an important unit of highways? Medford 2,772 3,402 the lake this fall, maxing the larg ble timber, according to the state w ith the Supreme court. This mo “ big business.” Ans. Such law shall not apply lo Ontario 509 717 est single season planting on record. firewardens. tion w ill slop any fu rthe r action on The trout fo r Ihe first planting Ihe driver of any vehieel which is Portland 3,482 3,976 “ Bankers and rich men must lake A rthur Poole was convicted in the case u ntil after the vacation of 1,588 1,722 w ill be furnished by the slate hatch (¡old H ill Justice court this week fiver the farms," lie said, "w ork disabled in such a manner that it Roseburg the supreme court next month. is impossible lo avoid slopping und Salem 2,830 2,455 ery below Fort Klamath and w ill fo r hunting w ithout a lieense and Kingsley is the confessed murdered them 111 economical units, use the tem porarily leaving such vehicle on average around an inch in length. best of machine equipment, pay high given a 15-day suspended sentence. of .Sum Prescott, Ashluud. Oregon They w ill be planted in trib u ta ry Hie highway nor lo any emergency wages lo skilled, men, and employ SCHOOL DAYS JUST A police officer. He was tried und streams of Castle creek and in a few vehicles when being operated in engineers its ma lingers. PEOPLE VOTE TO EXTEND SHORT TIME DISTANT sentenced to hung w ithin 11 few years are expected to do much to any emergency* which necessitates a TIME OF BEAVER PORTLAND “ We can't be a prosperous nation violation of this law. (P 132, scc. 50» days o f the k illin g but attorneys improve the joys ofanglers there. have held the mutter in court on our iis long us agriculture is broke. And The ominous shadow of school 79. Q. Where Is it unlaw ful to The Butte Falls fish hatchery is Wednesday afternoon the election pretext or another ever since lliut It's prostrate. It lias dropped nine i uirk a rur? duss is becoming more menacing expected'to furnish a large share called by the city council to autho b illion dollars of income in right ea-Ji day fo r the young folks who time. The iitlorneys arc trying lo Ans. I. W ithin an intersection. of the tn iut fp r lake planting. rize or reject Hie proposal to extend years. Agriculture is Hie n i'i - n ’ bent the death |*enully. have been enjoying several months 1 2. On ¡1 crosswalk. Fishing in Ihe lake has been the Ihe lime of Ihe option o f the Beaver biggest buyer, so you cun see now 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ of freedom in Ihe open spaces. On 3. Between 11 safety sone and the ('bus. Talent, former police cup what kicked us down in Hie Ini i- ; djn e e iit c u rb or w ithin th irty (30) Monday morning, September 7, the best the past season fo r some time Portland Cement company fo r an tain in the stale tra ffic force, was ness toboggan. Business men ami en feel o f points on Ihe curb iinmedi- school w ill be summoned into ses w ith many lim it catches reported, other five year period was held and released from the service when the gineers have taken over every other I alely opposite '.he ends of a safety sion once again, and barefoot boys both by tro llin g and fly easting. w ith the exception of one vote car ried it unanimous. new stale police took charge of Hie industry and pul it on its feel. They j I zone, unless local or tra ffic nulhor- w ill again be forced lo draw their Several distinguished visitors after ’ spending several hours angling, j The voting was slow all after police duties of the stale. He Inis must <lo Hie same w ith farm ing." feel back into shoes and get back . itics shall indicate a different length now lit-« ii given an appointment un into the harness of srhool days for caught quite a number o f fin ny , noon and at the end of the voting by signs or markings. beauties and are now- enthusiastic i period only seventy votes were cast another term. der the secretary of stale, Hal E. OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK SEEN 4. W ithin tw enty-five (25) feel 69 fo r and one against the proposal. boosters for Crater lake fishing. MARKET ADVANCES lloss, ns field representative of the 1^' FARM T l i i . year the state law provides Tom Hie intersection of curb lines, --------- o--------- motor vehicle department. for the p.-ovision of books for grade >r, if none, then w ith in fifteen (I.')) ELECTORS ASK CUT OF ♦ ♦ ♦ Further improvement in Hie egg feel of the intersection of p --»; (■•• y school rliild re n lo Ihe extent of UNIFORM AUTO LAWS FOR 48 10% IN SCHOOL BUDGET The United Slides, according lo and poultry situation and signs of lines ul an intersection w ith in - I . '• each. Some schools in the stale STATES AIM OF MOTORIST BODY James M. Korun, commissioner of Hie lurn low aril heller conditions in business or residence d istrict, ex v ii! purchase all the necessary In one o f the best attended school industrial alcohol, is going lo start -Jhe dairy and sheep industries are cept nt alleys. 1 Looks for the grade students this A camptiign fo r fu ll reciprocity budget meetings ever held in Gold the distillation of 2,780,100 gallons seen in the annual summer outlook I year and several are ra ilin g fo r do 5. W ithin th irty (30) feel upon among all states in the matter of H ill the budget as published was of bourbon and rye liquors to re reports of the college extension u-r- the approach to any official flash nations of books which have been automobile licenses has been begun turned down by the voters. The plenish the slocks of bonded goods vice just issued. ing beacon, slop sign or tra ffic con- purchased in oust years as a means by the American Motorists’ associa vote on the budget as o rigin ally which are in the bonded ware P r ill s fo r eggs anil chickens, al Irol signal located nt the side of the , of saving the school the added ex- tion. presented was about tw o to one a- houses. The liquor Is supposed to though still low compared lo recent roadway. pease of buying more books. Slu- The prelim inary survey shows, gainst acceptance. The matter was be used fo r medicinal purposes. years have made a strong seasonal drnts w ho have been buying books 8. W ithin fifteen (15) feet of the Whatever malady it lakes lo get in advance during the past few weeks. driveway entrance lo any fire sta every year may have some Hud are according lo a recent statement, :hen brought up fo r fu rthe r consid that only 16 states now grant fu ll eration and it was moved that the on tliul suirply evidently must be at I-ewer liens are hi prospect lo go in tion. of no use to them ami in some dis- reciprocal agreements in regard to budget be trimm ed to the extent of taining epidemic proportions us it to laying houses this fall, anil de 7. W ithin len (10) feet of a fire , r ‘c,s the donation of these hooks licensing of automobiles. 10%. This motion carried as did al Is estimated that 1,600,000 gnllons mand is expected lo increase ns h y d ra n t I to the district is being encouraged) “ Despite the fact that there has so the vote on the budget w ith but per year is drawn from tin- stork. business conditions improve. 8. In front of a private driveway. Under Ihe new system of free text been a u nifo rm ity of opinion in four dissenting votes. ♦ ♦ ♦ As to the dairy industry, the re 9. ()u a sidewalk books, it w ill behoove the users to --------- o--------- state legislatures and state highway The old sourdoughs of the Alas port says, “ The outlook appears lo 10. Alongside or opposite any take good care of the hooks for any Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H aff and Mrs. kan country have been holding their he on the side of modi rale improve street or highway excavation or ob mistreatment w ill be charged lo the motor vehicle commissions,” says J. W. Weeks, president of the Mo Olive Harrington and two daughters annual reunion in Portland the past ment.” Some increase in demand is struction when such stopping, pupils using the books and not be week and the days of romance and expected, hut production is likely to standing or parking would obstruct charged to the district. The pupils torists, association, “ there are s till left fo r C alifornia last week where 26 states which have not adopted Ihe Haffs w ill visit fo r a short lime adventure em iniillng in Die late 90s continue relatively heavy fo r some traffic. w ill he responsible fo r all books as and Mrs. Harrington and daughters fu ll reciprocal licenses." up in Alaska and the northwest lime. Figures are given showing 11. On Hie roadway side of any signed and are expceled lo keep have been retold w ith the variations Hud dairymen have been saving vehicle stopped or parked at the them in good condition. In the general summary’ made by w ill proceed on to Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Harrington is Ihe sister o f Mrs. which age mills to any good story. fewer heifer calves ami H111I the edge or curb of 11 highway. The handling of free text books the association it was found that Haff and has been visiting here for It has been interesting to bear again rapid Increase in Hie number of Mississippi and Texas perm it fo r 12. At uny place where oficial in Oregon is a new experiment and those tales of gold and adventure. m ilk cows on farms has probably tra ffic signs have been creeled pro it may require some lime to get ad eign motorists only 25 days of op iotne time xvith relatives. ♦ ♦ ♦ been cheeked. hib iting standing and parking. justed lo th eir use so that they might eration, w hile two more states, (Hive Turner today accompanied More than 30 earloads of Oregon Record marketings of sheep and 13. W ithin a tw enty-five (25) foot lu- made to give the ; eatest amount Georgia and Tennessee, give the vis Mrs. Ford to Marshfield where she pears mostly from Hie Medford dis Innib are being made Ibis year ami radius of the intersection of the of service to Ihe p I and to the iting driver 30 days w ithout the ne w-ill visit over the week end. tric t, w ill be cleared from Portland conditions indicate that sheep num intersection of tlie center lines of greatest saving to III. district. cessity of securing a new license. fo r Havre, Antwerp and Rotlerdain bers w ill be fu rth e r reduced in this a highway and a steam or interur- Arkansas, Indiana, Nebraska and aboard the Norwegian m otorsliip country and abroad. Demand is ex- biin railw ay crossing. (P 132, see. H)I) ELI.OW8 CONTEST Oklahoma have 60 days lim itations Heranger, due August 13 in the si r peeled lo increase as business con 51.) BEGINS NEXT WEEK and there are 13 states w hich set a vice of Hie In te ro na n line. 90-day lim it on car owners from ditions improve. Ibe report points 89. Q. Is it law ful lo It ve your ---------o--------- out Hint w orld-w ide conditions of ear parked on the highway > ith the The Noble Grand has appointed other states. In addition to three JU D G E R E E K HAS supply and demand affect wool motor running? the captains of the contest teams. Arizona F .is a four months law and S E V E R A L CASES prices hi this country and conse Ans. No person hnving con'rol or Ray Thompson lends the “ Jubilee six months is allowed in Illinois, quently have a bearing on the sheep charge of a motor ve' He shail al Maniacs” and W. M. Ferguson leads Iowa, New- Mexico and Virginia. During Hie past week Justice II. and wool outlook in Oregon. North low such vehicle lo sin id on any Ihe “ Jubilee Boosters." The contest The remaining slates and the Dis D. Heed has heard five cases in Ids America has but 8 per cent of the highway unattended without first starts on Tuesday night, August 25. tric t of Columbia all have reciprocal court. It. F. Ilyerson wus fined $10 world's sheep. effectively selling the brakes there ind ends December 8, 1931. To start agreements. fo r passing n ship sign. II. Ander on and slopping Ihe motor. (P 133, it o ff there w ill lie ice eream served son was assessed $10 fo r having CHINA POPULATION see. 53b.) and practice fo r the d rill team. ATTENDANCE DECLINES AT four in Hie front sent. Hugo Lung, NEAR 500 MILLION 82. Q. Is it law ful for children lo Rules of the contest are: Getting S T Y T B T R A IN IN G SCH O O L Medford iiulo denier, was fined $25 The latest census of China, com he curried upon the hood, fender, a new member, 190 points; rein fo r reckless driving. E. Spaulding piled by the m inistry of the interior, running hoard or other external statement, 50 points; lo lie present, W. IL Baillie, superintendent of w as fined $15 and hail Ids license dmws the population In he 474,787,- part of any motor vehicle?Ans. No. 20 points; to visit the sick, 15 points; the slate training school fo r boys, revoked fo r th irty days for dru nk 000. This is 15,000,000 less Ilian Hie 83. Q. What are the restriction" lo lie present five nights in succes in his report to the board o f con enness. A rth ur Poole of Fools ereek postoffice estimates of 1920. against follow ing or parking near sion, 100 points; for having dues tro l, announced the lowest July at was given 15 flays in ja il for hunt Due In disorders in several purls fire apparatus? A£ th a t. th parent» cf paid up to date, 25 points; entertain tendance nt the school fo r the past ing w ithout a lieense b ill was pa of China at present,, Hie lalest esti Ans. Il is unlaw ful for the driver ment number, 25 points; fo r sick 16 years. At the close of the month, 6>day knew as muck roled. mate Is considered approximate. Dr. of any vehicle oilier Hum one on o f ness no dem erit; absent from team, 111 hoys v,ere enrolled. about wkat ¿heir child -o- Warren S. Thompson, head of the ficial business lo follow nnv fire ap 25 points demerit; no entertainm ent; Baillie fu rthe r advised the board Mr. mid M'rs. Carton of Seattle Scripps FoFunilntinii lo r study of paratus traveling in response lo an number, 50 points demerit. The sec ren are doing as t k ' were guests of George Turner mid population Problems, who recently alarm closer than 500 feet or lo retary to be the Referee. The prize j that under the present parole sys children ’tncvr about ’ fam ily I uesday. They are enroute completed a year in China, declared drive or park w ith in the block is a big feed fo r the winners, paid tem and supervision, 65 per cent of the hoys committed to the state in w h a t ( 7-ir parents to California and stooped over lo Hud il is possible to say only that where fire apparatus has skipped in for by the losers. Every member be w ere d o in 'in th’good see Crater lake anil other southern the populalion of China is some answer lo a fire alarm, or w ithin ■ on hand fo r Ihe big start and find stitution leave in less than four months’ time and are reformed. Oregon scenery. old d a y s "---- • j where between 350 and 500 m illion. (Continued on Page 3) out on which side you belong. ♦ ♦ ♦ Smilin’ Charlie S ays’