1 i 1 QztjC G o ß » ? - — X I t ------- J------------------------ ! . . VOLUME XXXIII L"------L---[. 3 - ' J — Z iM I . I ill» ScnooiNons COMPARISON GIVEN ON • RESULTS ACHIEVEMENT TEST # World Mourns Her Death GOLD HILL, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 26,1931 Public Utilities Bitls Voted Favorably by State Solons NUMBER 46 Scapes For Schools Get Approval The office of the county school Superiiiteiutciit recently released Other Items O f Interest Gleaned From the Halls of The the data covering the county wide Legislature for our Reader* Inform ation Sluudford io hievemeiit teat«. These teal» have been prepared J One of the most controversial and by authorities to determine theI far reaching measures of the ses­ House hill 77 for Hie regulation committee has turned down salary achievement of grude school stu- I sion of the Oregon Legislature is of public utilities, wus passed by increases. dent* in the fundamental whjecta. the one providing for the free use the House by a vote of 50 to 10. it ia poaailde Io tell by the score* of text books. House Bill 34. This is another major administra­ Department of Agriculture Voted received whethec a student, grade At a public hearing, when this tion measure und provides for the After repealed delays and amend­ or high school is above or below hill was in the House, crowds of abolition of the present Public Ser­ ments in committee. Senate Bill 87, wliut it should he for ruch of the persons representing teachers, par­ vice Commission and the creation provided for creation of a state de­ subjects. The teal wus given and ent-teachers’ associations, and oth­ Duma Nellie Melba, considered by of a one-man commission appointed partment of agriculture, was con­ scored under the same condition* General Smcdley D. butler, Com­ ers, appeared in its behalf, while many Io have been the greutesi so­ by ihe Governor. sidered on the fortieth day of the and by the same method through prano in the world, died last week mandant of Quantico Marine bar­ representatives of private and par­ out the county. Recalling no doubt that this meas­ session. at the age of sixty-four, at Mel­ ure reflected the major sentiment of Senator Miller explained the pro­ racks 'who w»s recently reprimand­ ochial schools as discriminating The information as given in the ed by Secretary of the Navy Adam* against such schools. bourne, Australia, the city of her their constituency few representa­ visions of the proposition and de­ following churl indicute* Hint with on account of an address, in which Attention was called to the fact the exception of one grade (he Gold birth, from which she took her op­ tives op|>o»ed it on final considera­ clared its operation would stimu­ era name. Dame Melba for a time late agricultural progress in Ore­ Butler i$ said to have offended the that the present system is waste­ tion. Hill tirade School ranks at the top Italian nation. He was at first or­ ful, thousands of dollars being in­ resided with her family at Klamath | Leaders of Hie opposition were gon. of the Jackson County schools. dered before a general court mar­ vested in books which are used but Pulls, her real name being Helen Bennett favored it as a measure Hamilton, Taylor, and Thornburg. Since our school board has placed Porter Mitchell. a short time and then discarded, ' Hamilton declared himself opixised tending toward economy. Dunn, of tial, but the order was changed. this particular grade in the hands of , while under Ihe proposed law text Multnomah, declared that this Jaw to the abolition of the present com- one teacher a degree of progress books will he used until worn out. , mission; and to home rule, which is would make an effective system should be noticeable by next year. BUSINESS BLOCK BEING Another argument in favor of the Av. Co. grade Gold Hill Normal Gr'd 1 ERECTED ON HIGHWAY , embodied in the bill. He scouted of cooperative marketing possible. proposed measure was that it will Woodward called attention to the also the idru of a "mandate of the srhool of 4, 5, Score Should save much time for the schools at myriads of boards and commissions 6,7,8 teachers made be A one-story business buijding is people.** the beginning of each term, when Taylor informed the House that in Oregon and held that this bill 86.3 90.0 96 8 bring erected on (be site just east so many children are without should be enacted into law in the I Ids constituency Were not in favor 86.7 82.4 82 7 of the Carter blacksmith shop on books. 75.3 69.0 74 6 tlie highway. The building is the I of thr hill. He did not explain his interest of consolidation. Eddy expressed the belief that in the face , of the fact 622 That the district should furnish 63.0 63 5 property of Bud Snyder who in- . conclusion . ,, the proposal was a step in the dir­ 48.9 49.0 tends to open up a business at that ' ,ha‘ h,s toun,y of 48 Mrs. Edith Ackert and daughter books for the same reason that they 4 buildings, blackboards, Sennes-Harry Achievement Test Carol were guests at the Kenaston furnish site us soon as Hie building is com- Governor Meier Ihe iiighest ma- ection of coordination. Wheeler waxed eloquent in stat­ home Monday evening. Mrs. Ackert seats, and many other articles of A small study of the »cores made pleled. Mr. Snyder inn, for many Hor,,y «iven by any counly in ,he ing hi* belief that this act would is the wife of the late Kitt Ackert equipment and that as the law forc­ by students on the Sennes-Harry years travelled over the world as state. Thornburg declared that a three- result in better service for agricul­ and is at present serving Douglas es children to attend school it achievement lest indicates that the a vaudeville actor and in all his county as county superintendent of should furnish them the tools for Gold Hill School rank* ul the top of travels he says there has never been man commission is superior to a ture in the state. Ebcrhard regretted the contro­ schools. their education, was also asserted. the list in comparison with other another s|»ot that suited him us the one-man commission. Among those extolling Ihe merits versy apparent over the state in re­ Orrgon school* the same site. Senator Bailey led the pleas for vicinity of Gold Hill. Ik- wus very The dance given Tuesday night by the measure, calling attention to the I>r. C. L. lluffaker, director of the much impressed with the Bogue of the bill were representatives gard to this matter. Dlinu of Jackson was fearful that the Montana club in Central Point fact that 44 states have either per­ Bureau of Educational Research diver «siting and for the past two Lawrence, Thompkins and Gill. The final vote was:—Aye—Allen, it would result in a powerful polit­ was a grand success. Good music missive or mandatory laws for free University of Orrgon, has been col­ /ears he has spent most of hi* time lecting information Io help in deter­ iere during which time he has done Anderson. Andrews, Angell, Bron­ ical machine and declared he was and a good crowd featured the ev­ use of textbooks. “Every candidate mining the kind of teaching and thr considerable fishing ill the river. augh. Byaon, Chiudgren Chinnock, voting for it against his best judg­ ening. The club will hold another for Governor endorsed free text function next month. results oh tai Bed In the high school. He bus acquainted himself with the Day Deuel, Eckley, Fisher, Gill, ment. books,” he declared. Upton declared his opposition to Thr result* of thr Gold Hill test mbits of "ihe ly’ LaW' it in sp rin g the Grange for having were turned over to this department nows their haunts ami when h eV " m ,*en’f condemning* the bill as paternal­ celaned out and Expanded in places to he used in this study. The Bur­ cts his newly established business tenee, Lee, Lewis, MaePherson, opposed ihe bill providing for “Cab­ in preparation for the spring and istic, and asserting that it would eau staled in their reply Hint they ¡oing here he expects to do guide Hanning. McAllister. MrCourt, Mc- inet government” at the last elec­ summer run of water. The fish ruin the state economically. Eddy were sending the score* of several vork for sportsmen who come Io the C aw \ McPhillips, Mott, Nichols, tion. wheel formerly located at the Galls expressed fear that it would allow St rayer characterized the author typical small schools that would vicinity Io enjoy the fishing. He Oxinan, Peters. Proctor. Sehaupp, creek flume has been moved to the evasion of personal responsibility compare as to site with the Gold will enter to the s|>ortsmcn by Scott of Umatilla, Scott of Morrow, as a dreamer; the art as an encour­ for the education of children. head of the ditch. Hill High school. A few facts may stocking the kind of sporting goods Smith of Hood River. Smith of Mar­ agement of still more office holders Crowford expressed approval as Stockdale, and a “pipe dream.’’ be noted by studying the scores as he knows will catch the fish. He ion, Snell, Stewart, Robt. E. Cook and Fate Rowe are did Upton. Eberbard, Hall, Wheeler, Bailey offered an amendment rel- busy at their mine property on Woodward, and Moser. given in the chart. ■vill also conduct a confectionery Swift, Temple, Tompkins, Wells, ■ I alive to initial operation. Winslow, Yates, Loncrgan. The Gold Hill High school ranks nd lunch stand. Foots Creek where they have erect­ Fisher attacked the bill on the No—Delap, Hamilton. Hill. How- Brown declared the Governor ed cabins and have been doing some second uccording Io the averngi The new building will be of lay grounds that it may be found un­ nrd, Knapp, McCornack, Nash, Tay- favors Ihe measure; that it will score* for all subjects; second in ilc with a concrete front veneered work on their mill. They expect to centralize responsibility now rest- do considerable development work constitutional and that it does not Language and Literature; seventh villi ornamental brick. He will lor, Thornburg, Weatherford. furnish free text books to children —— — i :ng in various boards and eommis- on this property this spring. in Mathematics; second in Naturu' mve large plate glass show win- attending private schools. Jons; und that it will stimulate the Science and second in the Soria1 lows. The building will lie 25x75 Utility Act Repealed Senators Bennett and Schulmer- Alan Cameron and Clarence The first of the administration! progress and prosperity of agricul- Sciences. feel. 11. E. Adams has the contract. Shaver returned last week end from ich scored Ihe measure as sure to public and power measures to pass lure. Senator Kiddle added his l.it.Jt Nut. So. Mr. Snyder’s building will be an­ Toledo, Washington. They were ac­ increase the dependence of parents City lang. math. Sci Sci. Av E other asset to Gold Hill’s business both branches of the legislature recommendation. companied on their return to the upon the state for the education of wag the repeal of the "Certificate of Bonanza 55.8 72.5 «1.2 «1.2 03.0 42 district. city by Mrs. Hattie Hedges and their children and that it will in­ Public Convenience and Necessity Water P»wer Bill Wins Gold Hill 52.4 5«.I 08.8 «9.« «1.7 40 -------- o-------- daughter, Gladys. They will make crease taxes upon real property. Act., which passed the House Feb­ Having run the gauntlet of a flood Florence 46.2 53.5 72.3 72.3 61.2 48 PROWLERS RBEAA INTO The vote in the Senate stood as ruary 17. of lobbyists w-hose ability to con­ a short visit in this city with the Crew 50.2 58.7 «3.1 63.1 56.7 3« GARAGE. STEAL TIRES Shaver family. Mrs. Hedges is a follows: Aye—Bailey, Booth, Cars­ Spenking for the measure were demn and to offer amendments to it Rlschley 4(1.1 59.3 64.1 64.1 56.« 3« ner, Crawford, Dunne, Eberharh, Lawrence, Lewis, Gill, Tompkins, Senate Bill 62. introduced by Brown sister of T. J. Shaver. ( laki idge M J M J M J M J MkS 51 Franciscovich, Hall, Jones, Kiddle, . Manning, Macpherson and Glass. In Sometime Sunday night burglnrs and sponsored by the administra­ Henley IH,l M l M.7 M J M J 39 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews who Ruck, Miller. Moser, Spaulding, Up­ opposition were Hamilton, Lee, entered the Gold Hill garage in this tion, passed the Upper House by a Santa Clara 43.« «6.3 57.9 57.9 51.0 44 have been operating a mine and N o- city and stole six automobile (ires Norton, Peters, Norton, Nash, Tay­ 29 to 1, Senator Carsner being ab­ stamp mill near Gold Hill have mov­ ton, Wheeler, Woodward. The ubove scores indicute the per­ Bennett, Billingsley, Brown. Burke, of several sixes. They also looted lor. Mrs. Lee explained her vote sent. ed to Butte E'nlls for the summer centile ranking of each school. This the stage money which Was left in for the measure by saying that she This bill provides for the creation where Mr. Andrews has accepted a Dunn of Jackson, Eddy, E'isher, means, for illustration, that for nil the garage. Ollier articles may was conforming lo the mandate of of a Hydro-Electric Commission, in­ position. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews’ Johnson. Mann, Sehulmerich, Stap­ thr students who have taken this have been taken that Mr. Kell could the people cluding the State Engineer and two many friends wish them success in les, Strayer, Marks. test the Gold Hill high school stu­ not check up on. Here is the vote:Yes—Allen, An­ other persons, appointed by the their new home. Mr. Andrews dent* made higher score* in natur­ The job is believed to have been derson, Angell, Bronaugh, Bynon Governor. stamp mill will be looked after by- RECORDS SET MAKING SCENES al science than 08.8 per cent. done by local talent ns the jiinmie Chindren, Cliinnoek, D ay' Deuel, It provides also for the use and de­ Mr. Frost who with his family have FOR “WIDOW FROM CHICAGO” ■sed to gain admittance appears to Eckley, Fisher, Gill Glass, Gordon, velopment of water and water pow­ moved out to the mill. GRADE NEWS >e the same as Hie one which has Gouley, Hellberg, Jnnnsen, Johnson, er by citizens, associations of citi­ Bobby Johnson has returned t< >cen used on several other hurglar- Keasey, Knapp, Lawrence, Lee, zens and private corporation or­ Our Public Library looks much the Isl grade after an absence of es committed in this vicinity dur- la?wis, MaePherson, Manning, Mc­ ganized under the laws of the Unit­ “The Widow from Chicago,” better after some long needed im­ several days. Allister, McGraw, McPhillips, Mott, ed States or any slate thereof, and provements, the floor has been oil­ First National’s new comedy-drama ng the past several years. I'nul McOuat has returned to his Nichols, Oxinan, Proctor, Scott of prescribes the ma.:* in which and ed. the windows have been cleaned which conies to the Holly Tuesday -------- o-------- Classes after un absence. Morrow, Smith of Hood River, conditions up« n wh'c'i the right lo and new curtains hung. Everyone for a three day run, was in its ENTERTAIN AT BRIDGE The fifth grade made booklets Smith of Marion, Snell, Stewart, the u -' of water r.ny be secured and is i nviied to come and make use of making a record breaker. on Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meisinger en- Stockdale, Swift Temple, Thorn­ i njoveA. the library as it is for the public. I New marks for undisturbed and Ruth Johnson and Clarence Stone erlained a number of friends nt n burg, Thompkins, Wells, Winslow, Ti.i 'def purpose of this measure No charges are made for the use of ' errorless recording were establish­ are absent from Hie 5th grade this progressive bridge party at their Yates, Lonergan, s to preserve the water power re­ books and magazines unless they ed by Neil Hamilton and Edward G. week. No—Andrews, Hamilti i. Hi sources of the state of Oregon for arc kept out overtime, then the Robinson. The very first sequence icone in Ibis city, Saturday evening. Martha Maloney and Dorothy Pet-1 all the citizens thereof, There were six tables of bridge Howard. MrCornnck, McCo . small fee of two cents for each li­ filmed went nine minutes without a Slioeinuker of the tith grade have ers, Nash, Norton, Sehaupp, cott of It marks the beginning of a new to provide entertainment for the brary day they are overdue. Every mental lapse or need of technical the mumps. guests after which refreshments Umatilla, Taylor, WenlheiL.r.1, De­ effort is being made to please and adjustments, expending practically The first lamb tongue of the sea­ w ife served to the following: Mes­ lap. (Continued on Page Two) if we haven’t the book you wish to the capacity load of a film maga- son was brought to school by Del- srs. nnd Mesdntncs Earl Mftore, Geo. ■ ■ o-------- read we will try and ge, it for you. ine, 1006 feet. Several subsequent ores Drennen. scenes attained nearly the same Mr. nnd Mrs. R. L. Kennston went Hanunersley, M. B. Merriman, Win Agricultural Bill Reported June More of Hie 8th grade has Ferguson, Paul Thompson, H, I). length. Most talking picture epi­ Senate Bill 87, sponsored by the to Grants Pass, Saturday evening. LADIES AID MEETS returned to school after u months Force. Frank Carter, Paul Angstead, Senate Agricultural committee nnd Mrs. Kennston and her brother R. A. sodes average little better than two nbsence. minutes between cuts. C J. Shorh, Attrrle Meuuier, Geo. providing for n State Department of Pierce left Sunday morning for The Ladies Aid held their last -------- o-------- Alice White, in addition to ex­ Meisinger Mrs. Floyd Lance and Agriculture, hns been reported out Roseburg to visit relatives und meeting February 19 at the church, The six weeks examination of Hie Miss llankey. tended scenes, also set a mark for a of the Ways nnd Menus committee ' friends, it being an all day session. A bas­ number of long “talks” in the pro­ 4th six weeks period, will be given Mrs. Angstead won high and Mrs. where it was sent for an appropri­ Mr and Mrs. E'rosl and children ket dinner was served at noon lo Thursday and Friday. duction. Her sustained dialogue is ation. without recommendation. Carter consolation prizes. who have been living in one of Mr. ten members and seven visitors. Much Io our regret, new cases of dramatic scenes, from six to eight Friends nnd foes of this bill seem The bi-monthly meeting of the The Ladies passed Ihe time by minutes each, brought her average mumps arc still appearing. Bill Jackson Co. Health Unit will be lo he about equal from reports re­ Swan’s houses on 41 h avenue have moved out on the Sam* Valley road. quilting a quilt for MYs. Belknap. to about twice that of the usual Conner, Clarence Kell and Arthur held Monday March 2, nt 2:00 p. m. ceived from over Ihe state. Duzenberry arc the most recent vic­ at the Delta. It is hoped to have a Mrs. R. L. Kennston accompanied At 2:00 they held their regular bus­ talkie or slightly better than four tims. relatives to Myrtle Creek Sunday iness meeting which was called to minutes per scene. good nltcndnnce a* important bus­ Would Raise Salary “The Widow from Chicago” was to attend the funeral of Kitt Ackert order by Ihe president, Mrs. Lucy Next Friday the Banking contest iness is Io be transacted. If House Bill 209 by Representa­ for many years a resident jeweler Mee. A song “Who Soever Meaneth directed by Edward Cline. will come Io an end. Thus fnr the tives Andrews, Gill, Anderson, and Me,” was sung and Mrs. Parker led Also on the stage the Holly is pre­ Freshmen nnd Juniors are ahead.. Medford is going to bury old man Senators Moser and Miller shall of that city. in prayer. The ladies will soon senting an added stage attraction, The percentage for lust week is; D. Presslon nt a public funernl next pass, the Labor Commissioner’s sal­ Mrs. Eber Davis has been ill the start lo have the church re-shingled evenings only “The Sleepy Town Seniors nnd Sophomores, 75 per week. Gold Hill might donate a ary will be increased from $3600 to past week, at her home on 4th av­ and repapered. Our next meeting Express." staged by Dixie Ambler Cent. Freshmen and Juniors, 100 concrete tomb stone. $4800. So far the Ways nnd Means enue. will be held at the Church March 5, Harvey. oc a f > peninysj « BOOkS