Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1930)
THE GOLD HILL NEWS, GOLD HILL, OREGON Rogue River Canning Co. Pi r o tin I I i., ( II I H, F n t I i lii In kt. M i i .Il,, l l u i I I In li it w i l l k iiiiw n e n t in ln r c o m p a n y w here I.II'J I-IIII n u ll » III n il k l.n l» . T his lip Io (lull* i m I a I i II h I iiih ii I hii |, pllr» mi ri-hunta In ihl» ,.,u i m tin « l l l l r » II II Hu ll a-K lii u ie ly li l li -i i I, fruit» nt nil kind I In .< p r t i. | iir '< ttiw high rill»», mail, i Hi, mi,il m nltury conditions mid th ey offer Hi« (rude the In »( uf »ervlce An In slllutloii Ihal Ini» prospered uiob'i Ihn direction of mi'll who m r thoroughly a b re a st of ihe l l w » . 'I'hl» well known coneem 1» very vati'iktlul lo tlm prngr, » and grow th i,r H i,, c o m m u n ity l i 1» a lo ia * in»!Il ul In ti opt ia trd by ilrpi'iidikldr unit rltlrlriit ini'll II provldi a n tie«’ i'»»my service In lb ,* » u p p ly ln g at boat p ile ,» t ile V ery t i l l ' I i f f p u r r fr illla . I 'll. ' p U h lle lllil li usHIII' I , of »< all .11 kind» ..r of frullk right h r ul lionu* uud of Hi«' very highest grgile T hus, Hila in stitu tio n uieilt« youi cotiuldcrutluu mid th e liberal guppoil both uf th e fa rm ers uud tin- public. W hile (heir pro d u cts m e on aule In llio lo cu p ato rea over Ihl» p in t of He , » tale yet thia la but u suinll pm t ol th e business. H ire at liotuo the pro ducts a re very populur mid endorsed by dlscrlinliiutlnx people. Thia, how ever, 1» only a sm all p art of th e bu Ini'»» a» they »hip to all pi’Hs of He coutilry w lin e th eir product ■ find a In ly e anil ready sale. People should alw ays deinmti^ llielr biatids as they urn a local product and of su p erio r flavin. Thl» popular plant 1» one of Hie le a d in g In d u stries. They employ a num ber of people who ure all boo le rs. They have ulwuys taken «>» C ’s ii’o l d l l l v , i l.le f o n i , 1» th è IlO lll, ta t o c h ip s F i,,h u p lo d u le III I p ii day c o n c e in 1» O li' , , 'ito li p la n i m m o d e lli and e V e ly p llllltu lu r uud ib io u g h o iit . Ti«< b u rin e » » i» v o u d u c ie d s la n g p to g n ilv . a n d w e a re p r o u d tu »ay li d i i lo lit i» p a r i o f H i,, In e » I» a ere sta te . T u be s b lc | u lu a k e ( ' H a lli o f ge l- ling absolul"ly r-oud to o l produci» ta a booti lo thè city. Al Ibis pinot thè pai i lieallM ul In gredlenlg a l e u. « il it i th è proC '»; "t n ian u faciu ra, , lit* E A K IN The D odge B r o th e r s Im p ro v e m e n t» w h ic h m o d e ls p u b lic c o u ld ( iiilv BR 08 — P LYM O U TH M OTOR — COTTAG E CHEESE B U T T E R M IL K o f any sim ilar Industry in the coun try, while its celebrated products a re to ld o v er very many of the retail counters througliout this sec tion nt the country arid th u s does much to ad v ertise the community fr o m a successful stan d p o in t. It is being recognized m ore every day th a t the people should eat m ore ice cream than they do. It is both a food and delicacy and w hile It answ ers all th e uses of a d e sse rt it has non" of the ill effects. A uthor IHeg In all p a rts o f th e country are recom m ending it for g re a te r use. ft Is easily digested and has great n u tritiv e pow ers. T his well know n concern is one of the m ost prom inent in this p a rt of the state, its p lan t is m odern and up-to-date in every p articu lar, clean and sa n ita ry th ro u g h o u t. The bush he « I« conducted along progressive lines and we a re proud to say th a t it in a cred-t to th is section of the country. A special fe a tu re is th e ir service to m o th ers. Many m others of no- « a il'd "bottle fed” babies have found that few concerns a re so painstaking in th eir service as th is one. Every ef fort l< exerted to give the most com- pi, te and »ati.«factory service aa possible, , specially in the furnishing of th eir w holesom e m ili fo r baibies The m anagem ent has alw ays had at h e a rt tb e best in te re st ot this ection and has done tb e best a t all tim es to serve the people to th e beat ad v an ta g es. U nder th e acute busl- n i- direction th is firm has p ro sp er ed and expanded. CARS distin g u ish Dodge Brother» p u rc h a s e rs. Motor f a r » as am ong th e ,« sle st T h e Dodgi B rnthera six and eight rid Ini autem ohllea on th e m arket, I I,'lives nothing to he desired In this regai d lens of price. O th er ini class ,,f m otor vehicle They sustain pro e ,m ill» com bine to m ake Dode th,. enviable Dodi'e B rothers, stand B rothers Motor t ’ars com for a r il of qual ly uud etflclency, and ar» table u n d er all road cond itio n s. offered at a moat a ttra c tiv e p rice. The Dodge B ros, sixes and eight The t'ln yslt r M otor Company a re prlri'd very low. they a re , ngl- has not te e n content to sit qu h " a ,'e re I aml designed to a flue point ly hack and let the pa-t n-putatlun of of craft, m anshlp. And are w onderful the car sell |t, for It year tin y are car» for the d iscrim in atin g liny, r H . log to im prove and p, if, ct It In T he Dodge B ros, six and eight h a v «Uch a way th at they will not only taken th e ir place as of th e e s s e n tia l hold all llielr old custom ers, hut will featu res of la te r day equipm ent. a ttracl new ones. They a re popular both with bust We are pleased to com plim ent tie»» men and farm ers, mul have he Kakin Motor Uo. upon 'b come Into wide favor because they : very satisfacto ry ervlce they are su stain th eir réputation for efficiency g iv in g th e people mid th e wide pop and dependability amt have stood up ularlly th is estab lish m en t has at under «very te st to which they have tained in th e business life of the been subjected by all classes of com m unity. Economy Lumber Co. in iiio n lly On N Court In Medford. Is head , able to offer at reasonable prices know ledge th a t it will be of the best q u a rte rs for ev erything lo build with high grade goods and encourage th« grade, co n sisten t w ith p rice. « lu r e iliey g estu re the best grade . extension of hom e and en te rp rise , T be m anagem ent extends to th e of lum ber and build rs su p p lies. j I,et them serv e you w ith your next people of this com m unity a cordial T hia well known concern has o rd er o f th is and you will get the in v itatio n to call a t th e ir yards and h e ,m in . an im portant factor In th - good, perm anent, well seasoned sort any inform ation will be gladly given, developm ent of Hits section of the that huiids for perm anency, rath , r no m a tte r w hether you w ish to buy eo n n try . T he guiding Influence of jth a n Increase co sts thaï occur when at th is tim e .or n o t. this com pany has alw ays been a hulldintvs have to he gone over wh«a W e a re pleased in th is edition to determ ination to furnish the highest th,. stru c tu re s e ttle s. give com m endable m ention to th e grad, of lu m le r and hulldine m a T here Is no one establishm ent In Economy L um ber Company and to terial at a reasonable price, so that th is com m unity th at has g re a te r In assu re the public they will receive the extension anq bfautlflcat on of fluence for Hie b etterm eb t of th, the best of service and any inform a the com m unity can progress rapjdl.v. building in d u stry . C o n tracto rs and tion th a t is desired will be given in By purchasing to an advantage th e public in general have com e to ' a m ost courteous m an n er. It is to when th e m arket Is right and em know th at w h atev er they desire In j vottr ad v an ta g e to tra n sa c t business ploying experienced help, they are th e lum ber and build rs supply 1 with them in th e lum ber and line can be secured here, w ith a builders supply line. per On K. Main rtl In M* Hold U nder th, dlr, i ilon of asiu te financiers who liuve guided Hus well known hank to su b stan tial progress evidenced by Ihe lari e husl- l ess It enjoys and Ils , in ihl, repu- tpllon for safely lo il, pnslioi » . Oue of Hie in stltu llo iis Ihal gives sltb lllty to the financial nnd com m erclal Inter, sis ,,f the co u n try Is th is m odern hanking house. From the day tin,l II first opened Ils doors to th e people U has alw ays been under Ihe m anagem ent ot conservative yet progr- ss lv f men. of broad nnd liberal views In the m atter of rarir.g ' fur th e tr pafrohs needs, yet men who have carefully- guarded Ihe best In terests of th e de. posltors by dem anding Ihe fullest re curlty and ad h erin g lo the card in al law of finance T h is Invariable policy has gained for th is well known hank th e g reatest confidence of the people of all th e surrounding country and am ong Ha custom , rs you w ill rind the m ajority of th e com m unity's most prom inent m en anil firm s. T he savings service Is a g real con venlence lo Ihe people ns th is Is a perfectly snfe place to keep um isy nnd then It d raw s In terest right along A «p,-chilly is mail,' of sm all accounts an,| the very best attp n tio n is fIv. n Many pimple :roni the su rio u n d ltii’ Rogue River Meats, Inc. le rrllo ry have found Ibis a very desi rnbl, p iar, lo accu m u late quit, a fund for th e proverbial rainy day. Tills is one of |h e absolutely essen tial In stitu tio n s which m akes possible th e expansion and grow th, not only o f the com m unity nt large hut of the individual b u s in ,-s and e n terp rises | t also prom otes Hi progress and I nppiti, ss of t i l , ' Individual Imines hy providing m odern saving facilities in m aking th is r, view of th e on ward pro g ress of th e com m unity, we wish to com plim ent Hie Jackson C ounty Bank. it« officers and Ils dlr, ( tor« and direct m ti-nilon of read ers lo this stro n g financial slltuH on. The Medford Business College Al .’ll N tlra p e si In .M,,Iloni. Tills o ffe rs — CREAM CO. JACKSON COUNTY BANK c o lle g e not do b e tte r than to consult them In regard to all m atters of this work and allied fe a tu res. In the employ of the concern are expert men who thoroughly under ’and Hi. lay ng of roofs to the best advantage. T he service on roofing work Is rapid and satisfactory, the work careful and lastin g . T hese craftsm en will go on your Job and will asto n ish you a t the resu lts that can be produced. Ily gkving first class work at mode r a te p r ic e s (h e y nave built their bitslnera to Its p resen t high sta n d a rd . W e advise all of our read ers that When they w ant any of this work properly ex,killed they consult M -dford S h eet M etal W orks. S W IS S CREAM ERY M IL K c o n ip r M ,. C, I,hu pa«» i , * paid a d r e r t i a w n .« , At 71 x N .^ 'e o i r i il in Medford rp n tra« !« h ere anil these stan d as Ihl« establishm ent 1» deserving of example» of the expert w orkm ansuip more than passing notice In this r< And w hile only the highest class of view of thn onw ard progress of thl.« ■fleet m etal and o th er work is per section, ns the m anager is recognized formed by Hi, in, Hu* price» a re roosb as one of the m ost expert sheet reasonable, in the various d ep art nietsi men in this »fate. m ents they have a large stock on They Couduot a com plete »le hand a t all tim es, and th is is pec.- m etal establishment and a rc ally tru.- of the rep air d ep artm en t. pr 'pared to execute all clas- Thl« cla«s of work Is a specialty with e„ of work Including tin work, and Hii'in and ¡,-t done prom ptly and all the o th er fine and in tricate ft» satisfacto rily , tu ie s of m odern sh eet metal e s’ab- \ \ h e ih '- r tin - jo b be large or »mall llshtuenlg »uch a» skylight, ventila m akes no difference to them in Hie lor», repairing and rebuilding, n d i e m anner in which it 1- accom plished. roll, cresting mid all kinds or orna T he best m a té ria l1, the bent wo-k m ental w ork. m an.-hlp and fa ir prices regulate D uring the tim e th is firm hag been nrt-ir activity, and it | g w ithout fear In busin,.»» they have executed many of contradiction th a t wc aay one can b end bow the»« p roducts are On N. lUv rside av, in M -d fo rl. handled by this com pany, could un T his place Is one of the very d erstan d how pai*o and health giving prom inent and san itary in stitu tio n s they a te , th ere would not be a fam ily w hich has aided lu the upbuilding ol In Hie vicinity which would not he a th'- com m unity and renders a .■at run of the concern. valu. d and essen tial service in fu r T l u l i p to d u c ls a re v e r y p o p u la r nishing t h 'l r milk aim c r am and In th e com m unity, being the very a re adm irably equipped to serve the b, si tin,l the m arket affords. trad , which they supply over all H arold .1, B ark er's c o n c e rn ‘ his e, c tlo n . III,» been Very closely allied Il 1» a well known fact th at no Willi Hie larg e b u s in e s s Inter one Industry in the vicinity has made ests of th is section of Hie s ta te for m ote rapid progress a s an im por som e tim e mid has been Instruni'-ntal ta n t Industrial factor during the past In th e upbuilding of this- section o f few years th an this com pany whose Ihe country and the Institution shott'd tiiod -i p lant |s orn- of our m ost valued receive th e patro n ag e of th e en tire Industrial a ss e ts. Slncp the location I p eo p le. of the plant it has been continually Im p ro v e d , d d e to the rapid increase of business, until today th e plant from every standpoint is the equal M O TO R DODGE em body ; activ e i n t e n t In all m atters th « 1 p ertain to the good of lln county anil have aided in the b etterm en t of local eoiulilions, realizing th at a I m g er city mid eoiuiniinlly would he a hen,-lit lo the whole people We wl»h lo com plim ent the nianagoinent upon the progressive mi,| »ucces-lul policies uud to re fe r Hie establish nu nt and 11» products to all o f our ren d ers. Tin Ir sucre»« has been m arked mid I Hie r< ' ult of Ibelr high grad« goods m n| the fact th at lin y ,iuve alw ays a k,-,l fair p i l e s and give th e best of service We are pleased to com plim ent Hie Itogiie lllv er Punning t'onrpany mid lo give them In th is r - view Hu, prom inent position that th e progressive and reliable policies have m erited . M ANUFACTURER unnlysls has proven III,-III to he uhsolutely flee ftotu any llitug Injurious; consequently Hoy a ie not only health giving hut ure h< aiih p ro tectin g . T heir business ‘increased so I l i a , lut pi i,v. iin-iits have been tiiadi' from time to tim e until toduy they have a model Industry E verytbliig In th e plant Is kept scrupulously clean, as 11 Is the policy uf th e In stitu tio n not only to m ake first cls-a goods th at will pa Inspection but to tu rn out products th at a to us neur an approach to the acm e ,,f perfection a s m odem nrach tilery and up to d a le m ethods will pet mit. If Al if, K F ir si in M '.llo id l'I o - concern lia» many used ears you can buy rig h t. T,iey* a re dl»- trlh u io is for Ho I'lymouHi motor car. A ll U U tom n h le Institution «nil'll Is on« of Hie nio l prom inent n u lo n ite five til ms In point of »ervlce, and one ot the most pi«:-.r«< Iv, In ihl» section of th e sta le They are the "ftlekil d l s t r lh u l o i . f o r D odg e B roil ers Motor l ai-. In Ix; X , I h I i i -. u t i l Dodge B ro th ers t i u ik s t truly a ''Jiv e iv r e " lo n re rn , w h o m an agem viit Is on its lues to see th a t Its friends and p atro n s get the most m etroplltan service, and that Dodge D rothers Motors Cars handled in th e efficient m anner th at th eir superiority and enviable reputalion m e r it. C H IP The i i i l l i r i i l il i t i n i ut |h e s ia le , l i s a n ita r y M ,| o f tllo s e < V v ry T lils w e ll k t io n u Of th è Illu s i p i in f y r, Medford Sheet Metal Works •!. P a r k o i PO TATO A’ «12 8 Advertí..« m. nt» In a rapid line of ad v ancem ent to an th e H iiv a n , e,l cou rw . ¡ e x e c u tiv e poaltlon. The m anagem ent Is composed of n u n of unusual ability » h o have es lahllshed for them selves and th eir valued school an exceptional re p u ta tion for m odern and efficient ideas for in stru c tio n . They well m erit the enviable pbsliion they occupy In the estim atio n of the general public. It does not req u ire a large sum of money to secure a p ractical business train in g h e re . Out of town stu d en ts bave in num erous In stan ces procured congenial em ploym ent lo help pay expenses. Easy term s can he a rra n g ed for the tuition when go desired Hood positions hy th e hundreds await th o se who qualify for office. All stu d en ts have Ihe benefit of the school's em ploym ent bureau abso lutely free. which conform to m odern m ethods. In th ese m odern days of practical Tills mo, b in and efficient business bu sin ess efficiency Hie person who collegi' holds a prom inent pince In falls to prepare th em selv es in keep Hie educational world, providing Ihe log nh reast of tim es hy a thoraugh more advanced courses conform ing and practical course of in stru ctio n to the h iisille si mcl Inni.» of Im lay. soon falls by th e w ayside, in every T heir Increased enrollm ent demon- line of endeavor It is th e one who Is .s tr a te s the popularity Hits college especially irain ed and fitted for the has gained hy g raduatin g pupils a work th a t proves the most valued m ajority of whom arc Imlay employ em p lo y ees. t'd In the higher station s uf life. A business train in g will enable An exc,'pilotini featu re of th is you to handle y ourself and th e many school and oue that Is invaluable lo resp o n sib ilities th at comes to you the prospective student is Hull Hie will, skill, assu ran ce and success. Al m anagem ent a ss ists Hie graduale» In you need I» a clean c h a ra c te r and the securing suitable positions. d eterm in atio n to m ake som ething or T hrough th is vnlunble Institution y ourself. th e young peuple of HiLs section can Tills Institution Is far superior to avail them selves of educational ad ihe av erag e business college nnd pro- Do not delay. Het In touch with v antages equal lo th at offered in Hie vides up-to-date equipm ent, m odern the m anagem ent, tell them about m etropolitan c ity . But few cent- text books nnd efficient In stru cto rs, ji.uirself nad b n rticu ln r desire m unlties the size of this enn possess The most expeditious and practical and you »111 be advised fran k ly . such n convenient and com plete Of business tact lee nre h ere employ The Medford B usiness College »III business college as this one. H e re je ,! by the In stru cto rs in p rep arin g reg ard your case ns confidential, the iimhlllnus young man ,»r woman the stu d en t for a plnce of responsl- and «111 explain |o you fully Just may equip them selves for th e ir lit" lilllty In the realm s of tw en tieth cen- bow to go about It to secure a b usi work In a Werlcal capacity which Is ¡ fury business a ctiv ity . ness ed u catio n . MEAT s At 1! 2o N . Itiversld, ¡IV ' In Mod- fo rd . T his 1« one of Hi, most su b stan tial eo n irih u lo rs to the comm unity, o peratin g a very m odern packing concern, m. riling the support of the local public, and rend, rs a service to the trad e and o perate under the dl- reettou Of public spirited manage- m ent thoroughly fam iliar w ilb every p hase of this essential business wlllcb adds to the grow th and com m er t ial aclivi las of this section. II Is a fa rt beyond question th at ad ,q u n te packing bouse service I-» essen tial to th e progress and expan sion of any com m unity. Therefore, In detailing th e prospects for a G reater C om m unity, It Is with a feel ing of satisfactio n th a t we direct your special atten tio n to this PACKERS com pany. T here is probably no o th e r corn- m uuily this site in the country th at is b etter equipped in th is respect, for this well known and popular con- cern has provided m odern and scien 'irieally co rre c t a h b a to ir equlpm en, It Is a local pi,eking insti- tution operated by dependable and efficient m en. It provides a neces »ary service in supplying the very f i l l , s i o f p a c k ' 1 foods. Th, public th u s is assured of w holesom e paek- ing house products and nt, the higdi-st grade. T hus this Institution m erits your consideration nnd the liberal support both ,,f th e farm ers and the public. c o n c e rn . And this. coupled w ith th* in a irta n a n c e here of one of th e most m odern and up-to-date p la n ts in th is sect on Is icsponsible for th e very satisfacto ry service rendered to th e ir patrons over th e country, and for the fact th a t every patron of th e concern is a loyal sup p o rter and con sist, nt booster for It. Ttie p lant of th is popular and ef- fn ie-iHy m anaged concern Is a m od ern. sanitary in stitu tio n of th is p a rt of the country that has m et w ith th e universal approval of th e people Thl- com pany has probably m ade g re a te r strid es th an any o th e r sim l lar in stitu tio n in th is p a rt of the A s Ih e b u s in e s s p r o g re s s ,' I th e y s ta le . T he dem and fo r th e ir goods a d d 'd e q u ip m e n t so th e y m ig h t b e t is daily increasing, and so far has te r s e rv e t h e i r m a n y p a tr o n s . O n ly becom e b e tte r known by nam e and c o m p e te n t and e x p e r ie n c e d n e n a re e m p lo y e d h y t h is fa m ■ |n t i l l s s e c tio n . McCurdy & Daniels Ins. Agency, Inc. In Medford N ational Bank B id;. Is the largest Insurance agency in S o u 'h ern O regon and employs four peivpl, . One of the most im portant factors la Ihe upbuilding of a com m unity Is Hie proper protection of property. The firm who handle- Insurance 1» one of tbe most Im portant a sse ts that a com m unity can have. It is through Hie efforts of Insurance experts that the property is kepi properly In s u r ed and th e com m unity is protected ag ainst home nnd Industrial losses T ills IIow m any tim es have you read an account of a disastro u s fire wiili th e notation, “ no insurance’ which m eans ¡hat som e man tins suffered a g reat financial loss that routd have been avoided had he consulted »nine reliable in su ran ce expert such a» this com m unity can boast of. I A thorough kgow ledge of th e state Insurance law s and th e rules and regulations ot th e insurance com pa nies has equipped this office for the p a rticu lar field of endeavor. They a re able to tell you w hat kind of in stirance you should carry, how the policies should be w ritten , w hat p re cautions can be taken th at will aid In the reduction of the prem ium and ho«' you can get th e m axim um of in stirance at the m inim um of expense. W hen you receive a policy Don, this well know n office of insu ran ce experts you can rest assu red that your property 1» nmply protected In one of the largest insurance com panies of th e w orld. A careful se lection of clients and a clean am! straig h tfo rw ard m an n er of doing bus iness has won th is offipe a large clientage In this p a rt of th e s ta te , W hen this agency w rites a policy for you th e ir service does not end th e re . T hey keep a record ot the policy and notify you of any changes In the insurance law s or any o th er m a tte r th a t would be ot vital in te re st to you and your prop e rly . They will not allow your ln- «urance to lapse w ithout notifying you in am ple tim e to rein su re and «ill keep you inform ed on all m a t ter» pertaining to your policy aud It is th e kind of service th a t has won for th e office th e confidence of th» public and has been responsible for th e ir increasing num ber of c lien ts. Always progressive and looking to the best In terests of th e com m unity at all tim es. T his office has heron,,, one of the b o d in g offices of 'h e com m unity and a h ig asset to Hie industrial and horn, life of this section of the s ta te .