Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1930)
(Go fò NUMBER 34 ^ r- fice Building postoffice than thru any similar postal unit in the Luit GOLD HILL RESIDENTS cd States, the postmaster In the RECEIVE CHRISTMAS SEALS building us unable to make an sail- male u( the number o( cards be is Many of the citizens of Gold Hill, handling. 'Ibe total runs into mil received through the agency of the lions. Lust year during Itie tew County Health Unit, red seal stamps days preceding Clirtsiuius an aver the sale of which contribute to the age ot fifteeu sucks un hour were fund, for assisting and helping the By EBNEST CAMPJQ bundled by Hie House building post sick and combatting the terrible BY RADFORD MOBLKY al -employees, who were kept busy scourge of tuberculosis, it takes By Caleb Johnson all these localities where the cab- AM’OGAfTFR WAfluNGTOM MuRCAU until ten o’clock ut night with in money for scientific research and bit thrives, and that means all ov New York—New Yorkers at a helpful care and the wonderful re Consider the rabbit. -------- i M l coming und outgoing mall. football game display as much col er Ihe nation, the animal plays an Chrtslmus curds lor senators und sults from such disbursements, jus Anil consider it one of Hie most Washington, I). C.—Official lege spirit” as a herd of creditors important part in the economic and tify those who work without pay, to representatives are purchased thru \ \ usliiiitftuu uguiii prepare* to »end important game animal* in the Un at a bankruptcy meeting. spoil life. ask you to assist in the work. out the season’s greeting» from the Ihe stutiunrry rooms of tlie Capitol. ited Stale» today. If one of them cuts loose with a It wu» estimated lust year Ihut ap In order Io reach the public in One of the reasons why rabbits nation'» capital but there 1» one lusty yell, somebody has stepped on I lint is the plea of the A i tie r lean proximately 150,000 curds were ob mun who cannot afford to »end are becoming more valuable is that, dividual one dollar in stamps was his foot. tained through Hie House dpeument sent Io each. It is not expected or Game Protective association, which Christmas card* even to hi» intim To the hardened New Yorker a as the country becomes settled, it thought that this amount must be re ate friend». The man denied this room uiune. the card» cost from l'A points out that this little animal, football game, like everything else, beedmes increasingly difficult to turned. Buy what you can afford pleasant holiday privilege is Her cents tu eleven cents. Hie average counted upon to furnish sport to is a heezness proposition. If the being ubout three vents a card. and remember each stamp bought provide aud protect feathered game. millions when other quarry fail, is bert Hoover. Hep. Hubert L. Bacon, of New not receiving due recognition from Ihe hunter must have something to helps in a fight which effects our team he staked five bucks on is a The reason no one 1» going to re coupla touchdowns up or down, York, bus, without any doubt, hunters. hunt, und us wild geese, ducks aud home, our stale and even our nation, why get steamed up about it? ceive a curd from the funious resi Hie largest mailing list <A any con Anil beware, is the warning, for grouse become scarcer, more and for the red Cross with its double dence on I’ensylviiniu Avenue is ob- Didn’t he drop fifty grand in Wail gressman. Lust year hi- sent out the rabbit is Ihe future bet of the more gun sights are levelled at the bars has become a national emblem. vtous. If President and Mrs. Hoov Street on Consolidated soap—and .more than 25,000 Christinas curds. game producer. The tremendous rabbits. Game birds and most big ITiose who have not received er begun to send out curds therr is did he bat an eyelash? representatives exceeded the Ouffulo herds are gone. The wood game animals are difficult to raise these stamps thru the mail are the no telling where it might stop. It Many The only real reason why these 10,000 mark. parents of families and they will be pigeon Inis passed within the mem in sufficient quantities to provide would take a busy squud of secre birds attended the games in person Probuhly the most elaborate card ory of many living s|iortsinen. The suitable hunting near thickly pop given an opportunity to buy from taries to address greeting even to is to enable the Mrs. to show off from Hie capital during recent years elk is restricted in must sections be-1 ulated centers. Only in the moun the children of the public school. the thousands of High party offic the new chinchilla coat. If they hu» been sent out by Edmund F. cause of need of pasturage for ' tainous and more brushy districts, This method has a two-fold pur ials and leaders over the I'niled had their way about it, they would Erk, secretary to former Hep. Ste pose. The tradespeople of the town ■States. stock. The wild fowl supply is ‘ us a rule, can feathered und larger stay at home and follow the day’s phen G. Porter, of Pensylvunia. will not be annoyed and the young The president might begin with Each yeur Mr. Erk bus sent oip u | largely u mutter of the presence of j hoofed game be kept numerous sters taught the value of the lesson investments by radio. Say, Pop, did they let that touch the supreme court, but where he turd which is really a beautifully sufficient lakes and marshes for where there is much hunting. Hut the rabbit does well nearly of the Yuletide season. Peace on down count? would end would be difficult to »ay. engraved booklet. He has made a breeding places and the grouse sup Earth, Good will toward men. Er-don’t bother me now, son— If it became known Ihut Christmas jureful study of some phase of gov ply is eqnstuntly attacked by cer- everywhere. On the edge of coun Anyone wishing to purchase Tu try wood lots, in the swamps of the | tau parasitical diseases most dif let’s see, I’ve got ten on Army and cards would issue from the White ernmental life or history and re south, in populated areas, often berculosis seals can obtain same at gave six points, five on Penn, five House it is certuin that every mem produced its spirit in bis Christmas ficult to Control. the Delta. on Dartmouth and got twelve points "So hunter, take heed. The rab within the confines of large towns | ber of congress would huve an ex greetings. Two years ugu Erk's they are surprisingly plentiful. So ten on Notre Dame. The— tensive list of friends he wished to curd cuntuiued u reproduction of bit is Hie mainstay of millions who HEALTH UNIT TO MEET Say, Pop, what state’ is Illinois be favored. Before all requests the fundamental documents of our pay for hunting licenses and who as lime goes on an I civilization; WITH MRS. FRANK CHILDERS in? were gratified President Hoover government. East year be empha expect to get something in return drives out of existence our game animals and birds, the rabbit, be Lord, Willie, Pm surprised at you. would undoubtedly be called u|>on sised the friendly treaties the I lilt for it.” The Gold Hill division of the Jack- Io send out millions of cards. The ed Stales has made with other coun Few people realize how invalu cause of his adaptability, will be soil county Health unit will have Er—ask your mother. • • • expense of course would be enor tries to point out progress in attain able us a game animal the rabbit is, come the game animal of the coun the November, December meeting mous and il would probably lake ing peace un earth and good will the association declares. In cer try. One New Yorker has figured out But even he needs protection from on Wednesday December 10 at the Hie White House secretariat many toward men. This Christmus Mr. tain of our thickly populated areas, a way to prevent his dogs from be home of Mrs. Frank Childers on weeks to till a small part of the de Erk will sit as u member of con from 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 rabbits enemies which ever threaten to ing run over by automobiles. After conquer, so today numerous state Riverside. '¿Ml members and friends mands. I gress, having been elected to office are taken yearly as game und food. commissions are purchasing thous invited to f u n ic and bring thimbles seeing two pets killed in this man ner, he decided to teach his animals after the lamented death of Hep. Probably one half of the men and Although it sends no cards, Ihe Porter. He will probably be high buys who go gunning take out a ands of cottontail and snowshoe prepared to sew. to take better care of themselves. rabbits and setting them loose at White House receives probably the among those members who use license principally to hunt rabbits, So he taugh them—six of them to largest unit most interesting collec Christmas cards to express affec nuhhits of one variety or another opportune times in likely pl-ices un REGI EAR, BABY CLINIC TO obey traffic signals. der the protection of kindly farm tion of greeting» in the world. Prom be H eld here as usual With a police whistle he taught tion and appreciation to their con make up 50 per cent or more of the ers. game conservationists and all parts of the inhabited globe, stituents. hag of the average hunter; and them to cross the street at one blast sportsmen. The regular well baby clinic for to stop at two. If they don’t see a messages of good cheer pour into most partculnrly is this true of the -------- o ■ Efforts are being made to use the executive offices for many days the Gold Hill district will be held policeman they watcb the traffic sident of tlie sniull town and the In-fore arid after December 25. Days ANOTHER STORY ABOUT farm. The farmer and the farmer’s rabbits to replenish game-depleted hereafter on the third Tuesday of lights. Never, it is said, do they areas. In Kansas, Nebraska and each month in the usual place, re sre required to open all of the card» COAST RAILWAY STARTED >o> have hunted rabbits from time cross against a red light. western states where they are ports Mrs. King, the county health and arrange them for President itnmen oriul, und they will contin plentiful, rabbits are caught alive, Hoover’s inspection. nurse for the district. The next ue to do so for years to come. Just to prove—as if it needed any boxed and shipped to those regions, Some of the greeting which the Will Curry county, Oregon and It is in recognition of these facts; where they are bred to bolster up clinic will be* held on the 10th of proving—that New York is just president and his wife will receive Del Norte county, Calif ,in... ue the hut slate game commissioners and December. All parents are urged a big hick town, there’s a horseshoe on December 25 will be elaborate next buttle ground of toe Gn..< . 'loniil protective associations are Hie disai pearing supply of game an to take un interest in these clinics, pitching parlor near Madison and expensive, (terhaps hand-paint Northern and the Southern Pacim? putting fortli great efforts Io in imals. The association nan~»s three as they have already proved their Square Garden. vailelies of game that, with the ed. costing several dollars. Others usks the Oregon Journal. value to the health of the children During the five o’clock rush on crease Hie rabbit denizens of this will he plain, simple, from some This question uriscs due to the country. Nature also does its best proper protection, food and cover, of various communities. Broadway the other day a sidewalk r a i l be increased and raised in a liny place in u far distant stale. apIH-arunce of a group of surveyors by providing 5 or 7 young ones per ---------o-------- fakir was selling imported German All of them are handled with equal on the Chetco River in Curry coun litter, but not all these grow to ma wild state to almost unbelievable MRS. A. A. WALTER ENTERTAINS watches, worth $5, at twenty-five numbers. They are white-tailed respect by the White House secre ty who ure working under a screen turity. That litter soon dwindles to cents a throw. They went like hot tariat. of mystery. The surveyors have i, 3, 2 and often none if discovered deer, ring-necked pheasants and 5frs. A. A. Walker entertained the cakes—just as fast as he could grab Two years ago, before they en been engaged in Josephine for some by the rabbit’s natural enemies, rabbits. Sewing club at her home in th»' west them out of a shabby black bag. It is on these three species that tered the White House, President time und three weeks ugo moved in hawks, owls, dogs and cats. So end of the city, last Friday at which There’s one born every minute, and Mrs. Hoover sent their close to Curry county. Their operation very often the generosity of Moth the sportsmen of the future will time those present enjoyed a pleas said Barnum. He must have known have to depend. With a national friends a small card on whirh was while they are being kepi secret are er Nature is all for naught. ant afternoon sewing and convers his Broadway. population fast reaching the 150,- engraved in red script the names— thought to he the operation of some ing. Refreshments were served to Every street corner, almost, in The rabbit family, including both 000,000 mark, only the breeding and "Herbert and I.ou Henry.’’ The rail compuny. the following: Mesdames Earl Moore New York is occupied by someone rabbits and "hares,’’ is most widely producing of game by hundred card also bore the names of the II is thf belief of some that the Paul and Bay Thompson. H. D. with a box of apples and a sign: two sons, and Mrs. Herbert Hoover, Great Northern is making the sur represented by the cottontail. In thousands will have any effect. Force, M. B. Merriman, Floyd Lance, Unemployed—Buy Apples.” The the northern stutes and the higher The importance of giving attention Jr., and the two Hoover grandchild vey with a view to putting a line Joe Blair, Aurele Meunier, Hugh fruit interest, who furnish the signs country live the snowshoe rabbits, to varieties that will reproduce ren. It was neat and tasteful. It thru to the coast ut Brookings or Hayes, Frank Carter W. H. Fergus free and the first box on credit, are Is needless to say those on the Crescent City. The Great Northern on the plains the jack rabbits. most prolifically is most important. on, Geo. Hammersly, Clyde Walker, said to be cleaning up. One of There Is also a Northern hare and And all signs seen to say, “Look Hoover list at the time prize those would have to build from Klamath Opal Wilmot, Cleo Gilchrist, W. W. these unemployed is said to have a Southern swamp rabbit. And in to the rabbit. little curds very highly. Fulls over the Cascades, down the Hittle, Eher Davis, J. W. Bryan, Joe earned $5.00 in one day. The joyous privilege of designing Hogue River und over the Siskiyous Lewis, and Misses A. Hankey and Even unemployment has become another such card was denied the It is sited that at the present time KENNETH KINNEY JOINS MEUNIERS ENTERTAIN Olive Turner. a racket, see? Hoovers last year and will be this the Weyerhauser Lumber Co hus a RANKS OF BENEDICTS AT BRIDGE PARTY year. The White House «loes, how railroad from Klamath to a point GIFT SHOP OFFERS SPECIAL New York things I like: ever, respond, to those who send near the summit of the Cascades on Kenneth M. Kinney foreman at the Mr. and Mrs. Aurele Meunier en The Chrysler tower, silver against Christmas cards to the president. the east and the Owen Lumber Co. Mac’s Printing Co. was quietly mar tertained last Wednesday at a As a special inducement to local the sunset sky of rose. Shortly nfter Christmas a reply hus a line from Medford to a point ried, Saturday noon to Miss Irina Bridge Party. After an evening of women. Wurtz Gift Shop of Med Manhattan at dusk, viewed from card, slntlng simply ‘thank you for near the top of the west side of the M. Hoop of Portland. Bridge dainty refreshments were en ford, located at tilh and Central is the upper level of Manhattan bridge the Christmas greetings, is mulled same mountains. It is pointed out The ceremony wag performed at joyed. Those present were: Messrs, offering a fO-inch ('hiñese silk em The lower Manhattan skyline to the senders. that the lumber companies are and Mesdames. Geo. Meisinger, M. Probably more Christmas cards friendly to the Great Northern und the rural home of Hev. Belknap, pas B. Merriman, Frank Carter, Paul broidery suitable for pillow top, ra viewed from the harbor. dio or end table at 75c. With each Hoboken beer. are handled through Ihe House Of that it would not he difficult for tar of the Gold Hill, Methodist Thompson. Ray Thompson, Earl purchase Mr. Wurtz will give free Pay day. them to get the two logging roads church. The ‘young couple will Moore, Joe Blair, W. H. Ferguson one French Godey print. A copy of and connect then and continue on uiakc their home at the Ellu Patrick Geo. Hammersly, H. D. Force and this ad must be presented in order over the Siskiyous into the Chetco residence on 4th street. Miss A Hankey. to gel the discount or the print. watershed and from thence to eith -------- o-------- - ---------o--------- er Brookings or Crescent City. GOLD HILL TO HAVE TAILOR BELIEVES IN ADVERTISING W. R. C. TO MEET If such a line was constructed it Rabbit Hunting Becoming a Popular Pastime in America W A SH IN G TO N Sinclair Lewis, American author of "M ain Street,” "Babbitt" and other famous novels, winner of the Nobel sward In literature, sit international cash prjse oi HS.UOO. would lap a rich country which has an already large quantity of developed commerce and a country with unlimited resources to be de veloped. It would give southern Oregon and northern California a - Iiorter route to tide water and re sult in Ihe more rapid development cf this great inland empire. This project is the dream of years of southern Oregon and d>e possi bility of a road to the c last can al ways gain much applause from Ill’s portion of the state. -------- o-------- Kitty—Jnck says he can rend me 'ike a book. Phyllis—You mustn’t take Jnck too literally, dear. He probably I means that you are • plain type. The building on 4th avenue known as the Hamuiersly building and until recently occupied by the Bed Front Shoe Shop has been un dergoing a thorough renovation und within a short time C. I). Sorenson will open up n dry cleaning and tai.- loring establishment. Mr. Sorenson formerly was located in Central Point. He will do all kinds of men’s and women’s cleaning and tailoring as well as fur work. He will also make suits to order. It has been several years since Gold Hifl has had n tailoring estab lishment and go doubt the new In dustry will receive a very good pat ronage. An announcement of the new firm will be found on another page. Bobt. Adams, local distributor for Philco radios ran a four inch adver tisement two weeks ago in the Gold Hill News for his radio and as a re sult he sold two machines. He says he is thoroughly sold on advertising and feels that anyone who has any thing to sell that anyone wants that an ad In the home paper is Ihe best advance agent. Mr. Adams is doing service work on ull makes of radios and will han dle tubes for same. An advertise ment for Mr. Adams appears on an other page. -------- o-------- Mrs. Otis Johnson and smnll son were guests of Mrs. Johnsons par The local chapter of the W. R. C. will hold their regular monthly meeting and dinner at their club rooms in the city hall, next Wednes day. The membership of the corps has been growing and a good attend ance is expected. -------- o -------- The local Odd Fellows Lodge en tertained some 40 members of the outside lodges over the county, Tuesday evening when a candidate from Jacksonville was to have tak en the first degree. However the candidate was ill but the meeting turned out to be a very sociable one after all. One of Ihe features of the evening was a delicious oyster ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cameron, ov- stew prepared by the lodge chefs, • r the week end. Geo, H aff and Geo, Mardon, Dr. Karl Landiteiner, bacteriologist and pathologist of the Rockefeller In stitute for Medical Research, awarded the Nobel Prise In Medicine, amount*, ing to more than (45,000 cash. $