« ili VOLUME NO. 33 THURSDAY. AUGUST 2^ 1830 — g .--1 j W -i. j. .. ■ _ ■ j ü ll ; . NUMBER 19 ■■ Local School Bread Claimed Best of Any One Single Food Offers Wider Range of Study Fire Engine Now Assuming Shape 22 Carloads of Pears Are Shipped Here I he c ity ’s new {fire engine is rapidly assuming a new appearance. ANO The new hood and cowl, drivers seat, tool box and olher parts were But U. S. Public Health Service Explains That Man Can completed the past week by Earl Adams of the Adams Cabinet Shop, Not Live by Bread Alone in this city and the work is surely fine. The truck is hack now al the FRANK P A R K E R (¡old H ill garage where the mo­ STOCKBRIDCc tor is being tuned up and the tanks By Caleb Johnson Efforts Will He Made to Adjust being placed in position. Just a ACCIDENTS That “ bread is Ihe staff of life,” Local Packing Plant and Rocky Book Sul«-« Ho Espanse Will few more weeks and Ihe local de­ The tno»| ilaiigrnm t occupation, ac- is an old suying fam iliar Io every­ Point Plant Doing Much Be Leila «<>rdiiiu tn . hi industrial survey o( selected ’to meet all three require­ partment w ilt he (he proud owner body. New York, is w itidnw cleaning The Shipping of as fine a piece of equipment as 11 was a wise man, whoe name ments, bulk, protein, ration and elisui : of accident to a window- I'liv follow ing subjects are io I have been unable to find, who taste, is likely, therefore, to con­ any town of this size. elc.iticr i.« nearly nine times as great as that winch tlie artisan making tine lie offered in the Gobi H ill high added, "hul bread und butler is a tain materials of both animal and Reports from the S. P. Company m.i finery and instruments runs, the SMALL GROUP OF ELECTORS school in 193U-3I w ith u few poa- gold-headed cane." this week show that twenty-two latter bring the least hazardous occu­ vegetable origin. Al any rate it VOTE NEW KEATING PLANT carloads o f pears have already slbic m inor changes due io irre g ­ l o r Hie experiments lit diet con­ pation. i» only by means o f a mixed diet ular students, in is year’s course ducted by the United Stales Pub­ been shipped from the local yards. 1'AerylnMly wl. i has ever watched the lhat we are able to maintain sat­ Al an ejection of the taxpayers Ten o f ihe car« were shipped from Window .callers at wmk on the out­ o f study it is hoped w ill give a lic Health Service, while they in ­ isfactory ration. For infants m ilk of the Gold H ill school district, side of a skyscraper has shuddered at wider choice of practical subjects dicate Ihut Ihe nearest approach to the local packing plant while 12 is, of course, a complete food, es­ held at (he school house, Saturday f tl ii •'•» " i wii it would happen if besides those required fo r grudua- originated from Bock Point. The a perfect food is whole wheat the worker's safety-licit broke while pecially mother’s m ilk—but as the afternoon Ihe hoard was authoriz­ liou und those offering ueadcuiie bread, fu lly hear out Ihe truth he was cleaning the thirtieth-story child develops (his even does not ed to spend «GOOD of the districts first car of pear», to be shipped to windows Hie lielts do break, occa­ pi'eparation, suys George Meisinger, which is set forth in ihe Bible, in Ihe markets from Bogue River val­ suffice. sionally, nr the cleaner's foot shp» money in the building of a new- ley was shipped by the Root A principal. holh ihe Old Testament und Ihe and lie falls to Ins death A large part of the m alnutrition heating plant. There were hut 11 Pankey Company at this place. Course of Study: Biology, EJe- New, »that “ man cannot live by Window-sash made with a pivoted in children is due to Ihe lack of electors present at the meteing in ­ This distinction Ipas gone to H. Van interior frame which can lie rotated j iiu iila ry Science, Civics, t.ommcr- bread atone.” So that 'm i ll sides of the glass can be Hoevenberg of Sams Valley in past There is no single perfect food, a balanced diet. People who are cluding the hoard members. eiul Arithm etic, Uookkeepiug, Plane cleaned ruin inside afe used in a very j Geometry or Algebra, Social proh- though there are so-eallcd "d ie ti­ unacquainted w ith Ihe importance years hut this season Mr. and Mrs. lew Inn dings Tliey cost a little more of a balanced diet often purchase CAUCUS TO BE HELD MONDAY Van Hoevenberg were in California [ Ictus, Economics, Ehgllali, 11. S. tians” and food experts who claim than th ordinary kind, hut in a coni food entirely on the basis of ap­ SEPT. 15 TO NOMINATE TICKET! j did made no effort to ship the early ideici -'tdely ivilined svorld their use w ill Geography, Typing I and 2, Short­ lhal all bodily needs can he sutis- PC cc petite or the temptations of mar­ conn ulsory | car. Mr. Van Hoevenberg stated hand I and 2, American History field by a single substance. If that A caucus w ill he held al the City I that he was loading his fru it into were so, and we could find that ket. Also there are those who are und Latin 2. FINGERPRINTS so poor as to be unable to buy hall, Monday, Sc«>»embcr 15 at Ever reader o f detective stories 1 lie music department w ill have substance, what a care-free world anything but ihe cheapest articles 8:00 p. in. at which time candidates co.’d storage this year and expecls knows hat two individuals never this would he! No more w orry to hold it fo r awhile u ntil the mar­ .Mrs. Minnie Guy in charge of lh< leave t f same sort o f tingerprinti, about choosing our meals, only one io be obtained, and such persons for the various city offices w ill be ket becomes more definite. He singing for both Ihe grades and and th often suffer from m alnutrition. I'un-ertirint records of the noiiunated. There are several of predicts a rise in the market about high school while It. A. Bolts w ill thing to grow to feed everybody— In the ease of school children the \ gic.it t ’ dice departments » e organized the present board who have de­ conduct the orchestra und give les­ it would he marvelous. But that indulgence of the appetite in an ex- clared their intentions of w ith ­ the first of the week fo r by lhat so that lie inipi mt o f any Known ctim - isn't Ihe way Nature works, the time the C alifornia clean-up stuff iual ca •i l>e re lei led to at once, sons to anyone interested as a pari men at Washington say whose eessive amount of sweets and the 1 drawing from Ihe public service so is off the market and the Oregon Few ealirc that in the 1 ciwrmient of llie school work. of Ju ice at Washington is itiain- business it is Io keep Iheir finger consequent throw ing o f the diet there must be some new timber fru it w ill command a much better The stale department of Education on Ihe Nation’s pulse. out o f balance has been found to found to replace them. • tained lic largest international coltec- price. The fru it this year is fine turn < I fingerprint records in the uml llie Institutions of Higher ---------o----- — I'here are only a few substances be one of the most frequent looking and many ol the bartletts world, i'otnprising photographs of the Learning of lids slate on longer which contain ihe proportions of causes of m alnutrition. The re- I rof. and Mrs. George Meisinger are much larger than they were fuigrri ■irks of more than ¿.KXt.tXX) require language and mathematical protein and (he fuel foods neces­ , sort to cheap foods may lead to and daughter Patty returned Tues­ Iasi year. pe i son uhn haie been accused or sus- units for grailuation or college en­ sary for human needs. 1 m alnutrition through an excessive day evening from M yrtle Point parted f ci ime. Som lu . i proposed that every trance. They have suhsliluted the I amount of starches. Starchy foods Oregon where they have been vis­ If, fo r inslaanee, you eat enough child'» fingerprints he taken when he requirements Bint Ihe subjects ol l>eef Io satisfy the protein needs are usually the cheapest foods that iting with Mrs. Meisinger’s parents. CITY COUNCIL PASSES first ci ter» school, and preserved as RESOLUTION LAST NIGHT '* students choice |»e oon~*entrated o f ,1a body ami cai nothing else, ran .be purchased, and w hile good The Meisingers were at Eugene dur a peri men» record ol nis identity, in suggested subject fields. The you w ill have an insufficient sup­ foods, sliould not he used Io e x - , fog o great part o,' the summer There me many cases in which sv.-h There v, is A special session of record, would he invaluable, but we only necessary subjects are: Allt­ ply of fuel. I f you eat enough cess. where Mr. Meisinger had been in a rt la about such things. H a lf of Ihe city council last evening at the el lean History, (.ivies ami English beef to supply Ihe fuel needs of There arc I wo serious objections attendance at the University of Or­ the sta es do not even keep a record i , council chambers. The purpose of each year in high school. The stu­ j io Ihe excessive use of meat. The j egon summer school. o f hirt' i*. Ihe hotly you w id take in too iruea the meeting, we understand, was dent must also earn three units in protein. () I Ihe olher h. ml, if you first objection is concerned w ith BOOKS Io pass a resolution congratulating English Satisfactory work must Mrs. Minnie Sargent was at Ihe chemical side. There are sub­ ry <•) live on fru it you w ill h .i« Not more than three or four per­ he done in tliese subjects regard­ It, cal ; 1 out Ihe equivalent of 35 stances produced in Ihe digestion 1 (■rants Pass Tuesday where she the governor of our state fo r the fect Copies are known o f the first stand he took on the request fo r less of (lie majors ami minors pounds of apples Io supply the n t- of meat which may prove in ju r­ attended to business. book printed from movable type. Guts power sites in this stale. Just enlierg « Bible 'I he United Slates of earned in Ihe subject fiulda. •a ary p i olt in where as 9 pounds ious Io Ihe cells of the body, par­ America now owns the finest example This years class .schedule w i’ l would supply suffie»«ii energy t> ticu la rly i f too much is eaten, i Ben Paul was al Medford Tues what the text of the resolution as of thia precious volume The last ses­ sent io the governor, was, we were use the long period supervised .'ail there would he .• rhortage nf Some individuals are able Io throw day looking after city business. sion of Congress appropriated Jl.tXMl,- unable io learn. It was deemed un- study plan in contrast to the 46 protein. B: ked po’.itoes o ff these substances more easily 000 with wli.cii to buy ihe Volthehr onions, portant that the governor be the collect! ti of rare books, for the minute period commonly used. We corn, almonds, ami read appro-t-h and as a result do not suffer. first to read the manuscript after Library of Congress, winch contains have long conducted our high school a balanced diel, hul even these fa!’ Other people, however, accumulate I not only this famous Bible but more Ihe city counciltnen has applied these products in Ihe body u n til i on Ihe assumption that study is for short. Potatoes •'ml to rn at me than J,000 other splendid examples of their signatures so the press was entirely a responsibility of Ihe pu­ w i iil«i l - i ’ «. to be c rs u n ie i* they result in inju ry. the work of the earliest printers. It denied the priviledge ol broadcast­ has liem estimated that it would cost pil. I lie student lias been expect­ large quan’ ities Io meet Ihe needs. W ith ihe excessive use of meat \\‘v understand that a lease has ing the message (o its readers. more than $5,(JOO,IXX) to duplicate this ed In gel liis lessons for Ihe next j Taken by itself, good bread, made a person is likely Io accumulate an collection, if duplication were possible. been given by Mrs. Sam Chisholm --------- o--------- day as best lie could. Th meager of whole grain, comes the near­ excess of protein. This is a dan­ on a piece of mining property she A thousand years from now men The Beaver Portland Co. has had supervision of study activities that 1 est, perhaps of a ll food arlieles Io ger which should nol he minimized w ill point to these hooks and say: "Here are the seeds o f our civilisa­ lias been curried on in (he high furnishing a balanced food diet of because any excess of proteins, un­ owns on Foots Creek. The ground a truck on the job the past week tion It began when man learned how schools has been almost entirely satisfactory hulk. W ith bread is less burned up by physical exer­ w ill he sampled and tested and if hauling cement into Medford to to duplicate knowledge by printing and a matter of order keeping and the included a variety of flo ur prepar­ cise, must he throw n o ff from Ihe il proves satisfactory the company be used in paving a seelion o f made u free to at! ir«« and conditions o f men.” teacher lias devoted llie major of ations such as macaroni, biscuits, body by Ihe action of the liver which holds the lease Uiay develop Medford’s streets h it time Io lesson-hearing. As soon Vienna rolls, ami crackers, but to and kidneys because the body has il. The Chisholm property is a low- RADIUM grade gold property. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Walker as Ihe school assumes the respon­ Iry Io live on these alone would no way of storing up a surplus of The world's most precious metal, moved to Gold H ili the past week s ib ility fo r directing tl.e study ha he manifestly absurd. worth $2.1 XIO.IXM) an ounce, now comes proteins. I f we lake too much fat Mr. and Mrs. Dee W illiams of and w ill make Ih eir home here in hits as well us (he class w ork its exclusively from the Belgian Congo, If we cannot live on bread alone or carbohydrates we are usually Medford were in Bie city, Saturday Ihe future. Mr. Walker was the in Africa O riginally discovered- us lask increases m aterially. certainly we shall not be able Io able to convert some carbohydrates Mr. W il­ successful bidder on the school bus pitchblende ores in the Joachimsthal, The coming years schedule w ill find any olher one substance that into fat. This is deposited in cells looking after business liams is resident manager and en­ route up Foots Creek. Austria, radium was lo r a while consist of six periods of fit) m in­ w ill meet Ihe dietary requirements under the skin, and likewise should gineer for (lie company which is milled commercially in Utah, but the utes in length. Kuril of these long of ihe day. It is necessary to discovery of a lied o l very rich uran­ be gotten rid of by proper habits preparing to erect the electric smel- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dover of ium orc iri A frica lias put the olher periods w ill he divided into a sup­ combine high protein foods w ith of exercise. ♦er near Ihe city. Portland are spending a few days producers out of business and enriched ervised slmly and recitation period low protein foods in sucli propor­ Most of us of sedentary habits the prnsiiectors who made the lucky at ih e ir homestead on Evans Creek. approximately 30 minutes long tions as w ill furnish bulk, Ihe strike. «. could probably gel along w ith E. A. Coulter of Portland was in --------- o—— ■ . H ie teacher w ill lie directly re­ proper nutritive ratio, and w ill, nt The cost o f radium is due to th much less meat than we use and the city, Saturday looking after CARD OF THANKS sponsible for supervising the study Ihe same lime, suit the taste. Pro- most of us would probably bene­ difficulty of extracting it fr i ni the business al ihe Sylvanite mine. Mr. W-e wisb Io thank our friends ore and the danger in handling it. habits of the students in (heir les­ lein foods, are, as you know, most­ fit by reducing the amount of Coulter is one of the oficials of who have shown th eir sympathy Radium’s value is due to the fact son preparation and this phase of ly of animal origin and foods low meat in our daily diets Some peo­ llie company w hich operates ihe Io us during our recent bereave­ that it is constantly changing into the instruction is Io he treated us n protein value are mostly of ve­ ple depend more upon meat than Sylvanite. other substances, and in the process ment. getable origin. A bnlanced ratio do others and in favor o f meat it gives off rays and emanations. These important as the hearing of Ihe re­ Donald C. Tisdale and fam ily citations. have effects upon the human system may he said lhat the proteins Norman Stein, promoter and en­ Vaughn Quakenbush and fam ily similar to those of the x-ray. Its use The effort w ill he made this year which are contained in meats are gineer for Bit- Aiuska Exploration in medicine is still in its infancy, but Io conduct a hook exchange and apparently more easily digested and Co. of Fairbanks, Alaska, which Commercially, as the basis of luminous SAMBO’S PHILOSOPHY paint fo r the hands of watches and an attempt Io save the parents a more easily absorbed than are company is owned by llie American clocks, air navigation instruments and needles waste in Ihe purchashing of proteins contained in vegetables. Smelling and Refining Co. was a the like, the demand is large A single textbooks. There is an old superstition that visitor in the district a few days ounce is enough to supply this indus­ Last Spring before school closed tria l demand fo r several years, but no lias gained much general credence. this week. While here he looked amount of radium as large as one all ixissilde used lexis were collect­ You probably have heard it said over several properties on Fools ounce has ever been assembled in one ed together w ith the name of the lhat “ every part feeds a part,” lhat Creek and one al Jacksonville. Mr. place. owners uml the price expected from is, that certain foods should he Stein at Ihe present time has the ils sale II was understood that a COLOR eaten fo r the benefit of special te rrito ria l rights fo r a new com­ percentage of each sale would go In the Middle Ages the rich mer­ parts of the body. Sonic people pound, which is destined Io re­ chants of V enice spent so much money Io the high school treasury us a believe that beef should be eaten place quicksilver in many mining in painting their gondolas in brilliant p io lil fo r conducting the exchange. Io develop the muscles, fat should camps. Mr. Stein has been at Gold colors, trying to outshine each other, These hooks w ill he available for be eaten to preserve Ihe hair, fish Beach p rio r to coming to lliis city that an edict was passed by the Coun­ anyone wishing to procure them cil of Ten that no other color but should be eaten for brain food, and io Iry out the substance on Ihe black when school opens This method black might be used on these floating celery for nerve food I f you stop sand deposits al the mouth of Ihe ‘TALK a b o u t t h e s e e n ­ vehicles of the Venetian canals. And j f handling the used texts should Io consider Bud in »be process of Bogue River. He returned to his all gondolas have Iteen painted black save a loss Io both Ihe owner and d u r a n c e CONTESTS, THERE*) digestion nil carbohydrates are home in Vancouver, B. C. Wednes­ fo r five hundred years. folks in T H IS T O W N V pur» baser when books are misplar- ■hanged tc. simple suqars, all futs day. Some have wondered whether there t h a t a i n ' t p a id © il l s ■ destroyed (luring Ihe vaca­ might not he a revival of the old u l to simple soaps and glycerines, Venetian rivalry in Ihe gaudy colors tion. F O R F i v e D E A R S '* in I ah proteins to simpl? n itro ­ W ork at the (¡rant Matthews o f modern automobiles. Ihe new text-hook problem w ill genous compounds y o i w ill see property on Foots Creek is pro­ The matter is one o f personal taste. he handled sim ilar to last year. delay nnr. loss of lime Io ho'h ; ir- how absurd it is to claim' a spe­ gressing rapidly. The mine is now- Conservative people and those who do not court attention w ill always pre­ Since 'he p ro fit is smal! and no enis and the school. A fter the cial value fo r one kind of food in held under a lease by Max Voll and fer blark or plain blue, while the spirit "tie handles school texts in (¡old used lexis are distributed each pu­ connection w ith the b uilding up he is now pumping the water from ‘Treachah ax me while ago, la Ah o f youth and modernity t ill continue H ill it is i ccessary f >r each pat p il w ill bring (he money to school o f any special part or tissue. to express itself in gay green, yellow the shaft so that the property cat) workin’ reglah fo‘ de Mahatah. 8ho— • id Io make a separate trip n't and u ear w ill be sent fo r a ll the and red cars. be thoroughly sampled and proa- Hits Old Miss dat keep dla po‘ niggah, immediute c.ty. Thia c.wyi« u*uv;i| hooka (o be used. •weatin’ J’ (Continued oo h u t page) pec led. ÌOMCBROV Mining Stories