Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1930)
cicló THURSDAY, JULY 3!, 1930 TO ano DAY _ t Dedication of Dandelion Has Many Medford Port Economic Purposes By Air Tourists NEW STEAM PLANT PLANNED FOR SCHOOL BUILDINGS Copco Stops Operations at Power Site Again the matter of an adequate heating plant for the Gold Hill schools is being brought before the 7 voters of this district. E’or many years the school authorities have struggled along with the old inad equate system of hot air heating. /A . . ‘.-¡hi '^¿L^ By Caleb Johnson The present system has been, ac Nobody knows how Hie dande culling them out so that usually cording to the people who have had lion got from Europe to America. parts of the roots are unavoidably the conduct of our school plant in TEMPERATURE Anyone who has seen Hie dande left in the ground. If this method their care, inadequate to properly MEDFORD LEGION POST WILL All Italian inventor hat develi>i>rd lion seeds floating uway on (heir is persisted in, eventually the plants heat the building. They believe WORK ON POWER DAM STOP- a heat cooling furnace fo r domeitic SPONSOR AIK CIRCUS AND feathery wings—as who has not? are destroyed, providing that in the j that by the building of the new u»e. The «m e apparatui which keep» PED BY INJUNCTION FILED CELEBRATION AT TH E ,th< h«>u»e warm in W inter w ill draw —might imagine Hial they floated culling all leaves are cut away. plant they will he able to create a IN FEDERAL COURT BY 4)ic heat from the air in Summer M E D F O R D PORT across the AHuiiHc in Hie same way The roots ar perennia land have saving in feul and at the same time and keep it cod. POWER COMPANY were if not for the fact that the a food storage system» which pre heat the gymnasium from the same Scientists have kno{*n for eighty wind is always blowing Hie other plant. I he stale inspector in his — a ' yean that thia could lie done, but the I he Citizens of Medford, Oregon, serves the plant over non-growing report recommended a , n u t ha» made it impractible. Now Work was stopped at the site will celebrate the arrival of the Pa w**y- seasons. If no leaves are permitted annual Professor E. Guarini, of Milan, claim» Anyway, Hie dundelion has been Io grow the roots use up their change when he made a survey of | of the power dain again this week cific Northwest Air lour in the to have found a practical method of before operations were hardly un with us for two hundred years or storage supply, with the result that the local plant, last year. Pear City" August 4th. he un elab making »uch a refrigerator heater. It is proposed to issue $6.000 in der way when the California Ore more, and everybody who has ever the plant starves out. But the re órale dedication of their new <120.- Tlie u»e of »uch a mean» o f a rtifi cial cooling require» all window» to ooo.oo Airport. The celehrulion tried Io keep a green lawn green quisite is: no leaves must be per warrant sto be taken up at the rate gon Power Company filed suit in be tightly doted. Outside o f the will he sponsored by Medford Post j is painfully conscious of its pre mitted to develop; otherwise, fowl of $1,000 per year until the plant is Federal court for $5,000 damages United State», however, few people No. 15 of (lie American Legion and sence. is stored and the roots will develop paid for. The election will he held against the Beaver Portland Ce ever open their window«; and it at the school house on Saturday, ment Company and the City of Gold a new plant. will feulure lit greatest “air circus" Not that Hhe dandelion is not should not be difficult to provide for August 16th at 2:00 o’clock. Hill, claiming that the defendants artificial ventilation to take the place ever witnessed in Southern Oregon. beautiful. Unlike piost weeds, it Any part of the root after being --------- o--------- o f direct fresh air from outside had dynamited the bed of the Famous Pilots with speedy aircraft has an attractive flower, it is al cut will send up a new shoot, Bogue River and thereby had di of every kind and description arc most as aflraetive when it goes to lienee. Hie starvation method will NEW STRIKE MADE AT MOUNTAINS REVENUE MINE LAST WEEK verted water from their side of the expected to lake purl in Ike "stunt seed, its leaves are go<xi Io eat, and finally destroy the old plants. But j The I ighest peak east of the Miss stream. show" Monday afternoon as well its roots have medicinal value. this method is bad. not only i, the issippi isn’t as high as had lieen Thl. goo<) ncw, of new s(rjke They also asked that the defend thought The U itrd States Geologi as the evening program and the Really, after all the only thing the lawn constantly disturbed and at the Revenue mine was reported cal Sune.v has m ile a new survey of ants be enjoined from diverting night parade to follow. mailer with the dandelion is that it made unlsgbtly by the holes made ,as, week e|)(|> The ,H.W ,|lsrov(.rv Mount Mitchell, in North Carolina, any of the natural flow of the river. Among tlie noted pilots on the lestroys Hie smooth, green velvet n it, but it entails far too much and fin 's that it is A,AR4 feet above The steps leading up to the action day’s program will he Miss Dorothy effect lliut particular people strive work for small results, as many of , show» a vein about three feet wide »ea lev I, or 24 feet lower than former igure». Hester, Hi-yeur-old avialrix, who fur in their lawns. And that, after us know and it does not prevent i with ore estimated at about $200 would require a long story with Only a few mountains in the East was Ute first woman iu history to all, is merely a matter of fashion, the thousands of new seeds blown per ton. The revenue was formerly which most of our readers are no approx late a mile in height Cling- do lite dangerous outside loop and if some fashionable leader should in front fields and neighboring known as the oid Hhoten pocket. doubt familiar with. I.ast year when the Beaver Port man's I me. Tennessee, is 6/4 4 feet, upside down outside spin; lex Ban- start Hie fashion of a dandeion lawns to establish themselves in Seattle interests have been develop ! ing the mine and they have now land Company attempted to build only 40 leet lower than Mount M it kin, famous cross-country flier; lawn, everybody would he trying the vacated places of the old plants. chell. fount Washington, in New closed down Up1 property, tempor the power dam they were enjoined Nick Nnmcr, Gordon Mounce, Edith Io grow them! One of the easiest methods of get arily to effect a reorganzation of Hampshire, is h,>M, Mount Rogers. by the Power company and the Foils mid many others. A total of As a matter of fact, the dandelion ting rid of the dandelion and other Virginia 5,719 feet, Mount Kalahdm, over fifty planes from all parts ol is cultivated by many people in lawn, old weeds are cut down and the company with a view to adding court with Judge Bean presiding Maine, 5 J68 leet, or 12 feet less than new equipment to the property and upheld the Power Company hut his a mile, I he highest American tnoun the Northwest Is expected Io par different purls of the world. ing. This method checks the weeds planning more extensive develop decision was reversed by a higher tain is Mount McKinley, Alaska. ticipate in Hu- nig; | parade which At the start, lawns should be given In America us far as most of us ment. 20,.100 I et high, with Mount Whit* court and so with low water the will he fhe first event of its kind • • • ney, Cai forma, next, at 14,501 teei. go in economic use o f the dande an extra heavy seeding of blue grass company again attempted to renew ever featured in litis section of tlx lion is to collect the leaves in the using five to ten pounds of seed A ll tli highest mountains are sink The country is full of mining their work at the site only to be ing. in a m illion years even rbe Coast. Iln brilliantly lighted flttw •arty spring and boil them for upon a 100-150 lot once every three Rockies nay le merely hills, and the will parade through the skies fol green ..” In France an especially months, say April, July and Sep men, looking for Properties to buy. again stopped by the Power Com The report gained headway in pany. Appalac lau range a flat plain. lowing the nfghl exhibition, A large-leafed variety of dandelion is tember. This makes a fine mat of Grants Pass, lad v -e k that tlie The flood of several rears ago SI IER ,OCK triple parachute drop will be an cultivated for foo«l. The name dan lawn, prevents bare spots for dan The death o f Sir A rth u r Conan other event which promises Io thrili delion is in passing, is French. It delions to get a start and usually Matthews mine on Foots Creek had bad partially filled the race from Doyle a' 71 remove» from the earth the crowds. The rand finale of the is a corruption of “dent de lion,” gives the lawn the desired appear been sold for <75,000 but we found which the city water is pumped and ly scene the creator of one of the en , that the deal had not yet been made thus caused a shortage of water at evening will he in the form of a meaning ‘lion’s tooth,” from a fan- ance. during character» in fiction and the although there was a deal pending. the city plant. This plant was be big aviation hall given by Hie Am father o f a new school of story w rit ied resmhlance to the leaf to a Weeds in general, particularly the ing operated by the Beaver Port ing. erican l.egion in tlie new hangar tooth. dandelion are sunloving. Its young A mining engineer by the name land Company in accordance with Educated as a physician, Conan building at which Hie visiting pi 'The French also use the dande seedlings cannot tolerate the shade of Price from Idaho stopped over the terms of the agreement with the Doyle early turned to literature, and lots will he guests of honor. "Miss lion leaves as a salad, the slightly and the dense mat of a compact for a short time today and made an city of Gold Hill. In order to re while be wrote several historical Medford,” winner of second place novels I f great merit, his immense I hitler taste being relished by many lawn. By persistent mowing of the inspection of some properties in the lieve this situation and to blast in Hie recent state beauty contes Success was with his stories of the palates. Tlie Germans, on the other lown, old weeds are cut down and Foots Creek vicinity. No report away fragments of rock which super de active, Sherlock Holmes. lest will preside over Hie affair. hand, boil the leaves and serve cannot survive as quickly as the could he obtained at present althou would tend to weaken the super Literally m illions of copies of hi» Metlford citizens are justly proud them as a vegetable and in some blue grass. They are thus crowded he stated that he expected to be structure of the dam, the workmen books almut Sherlock Holmes have of their new $120,000.00 Airport, been sol I, and the name is fam iliar localities harvest them for cattle out. If they are not destroyed, the back again in the near future to placed a blast in the river near the which is one «if the finest on the fodder. wherever English is spokrn old plants should be cut out. Thus make further inquiries. city’s side of the stream, (.«last, and welcome the opportun No real detective ever did thing» • • • it was this blast which the power When treated as chicory, the roots the heavy seeding method is per tlie way Sherlock Holmes did, but ity to fittingly dedicate this splen haps the best, for it not only de New strikes were reported at two company claims was a move to set that makes no difference. What did new properly. They have ar will produce a Winter salad very stroys the old plants, but it pre readers of detective stories want ia ranged an attractive program for much like the “barbe de capucin.” vents the entrance and the estab different properties in the Gold Hill their land high and dry and divert not fact but illusion. Hie entertainment of outside visit The roots are also employed, in- lishment of the new seedlings of District this week hut we were not the water to the opposite side of able to verify the reports but will the river. WASIIINGTON ors on August 4 and extend a cor stead of chicory for mixing in cof weeds in general. endeavor Io do so by next week. fee, thereby becoming both a filler With the filing of the court ac In 1932 the United States of Am er dial invitation Io every one to at ica w ill celebrate the 200th birthday Sucess sometimes is also had with There are also more mining deals tion goes the possibility of the pow and substitute. tend. o f George Washington. He was horn Ils most iinportant use is medic the use of white colver over infest pending in the district which may er project being built this year and on February 11, 1732, and the 11th inal. The roots are dug up in the ed dandelion areas. The clover, un materialize soon. At any rate this incidentally with that delay went was the day which was celebrated as BRUSH BURNED FROM Fall and dried and sold for medic der ordinary conditions, if drainage Southern Oregon country is surely- the possibility of a job for many- his birthday for many years. But the I’AltK SITE NEAR CITY HALL inal purposes in drug stores under is good, withstands climate well being given a “look” by the mining men who would otherwise be en change in the calendar in 1754, by which 11 days were dropped out of Hie name of Taraxacum, which is and Is capable of crowding out gras.« men of the country and there is lit gaged at that place and making ♦he month of September in that year, <>. U. Newell and Ben Paul were •b<’ B^neric name of the common and seetis, but it sometimes dies tle doubt but what there will be their home in this city. The action made thia anniversary, hv an exact comes as quite a blow to the com ----.. busy Wednesday . . , , , , , burning , , i , i n the , - if,.iss grass j I -------------- dandelion. --- At one — —— time ....... .... the root out due to various diseases which many new developments soon. calculation, fall on the 22nd. -------- o-------- munity for it will now require con and brush out of the park site on wn* employed os a remedy for attack it, leaving bare spots and The national celebration of 1932, the hill near the city hall. This ! many internal ailments, but now is places for the dandelion to return. siderable time to clear up the pres Mr. and Mrs. Don Avery visited fo r which Congress has appropriated The spray methods are often used with old friends in this city one ent court case and no doubt no land would make an ideal park I officially used as a mild laxative. $4,5(X),tXJU, w ill last trom February 22 In India, where plant is native, with success. Weeds in general day last week enroute to Yreka. Cal construction will be attempted if a little work done upon it and an to Thanksgiving. The President is chairman of the Washington Bicen other beauty spot could be created it has never been used by the nat are easily eradicated by irop-sul- where Mr. Avery will be affiliated •gain until next year, at least. tennial Commission, and each State The people of the city voted four in Gold Hill. At any rule Hie burn ives for medicinal purposes. The phate sprays if properly applied with his brother in the newspaper is to appoint a similar commission. Swiss require it to be gathered in and at the right time. If the spray business. Don served an appren y ears ago to grant the Cement com- ing of the brush from this spot was Ix< a l committees w ill be formed to Spring. It is collected chifely in is fine no injury is done to the ticeship on the Gold Hill News in >any the privilege of constructing a Idg improvement. sec to it that every child and every Europe and thousands of pounds grass. If sprayed about once a the days of Ben Hur Laniptnan but he power plant here and they are -------- o— - citizen has an opportunity to take are exported to all parts of the month it kills dandelions and the has for the past few years been a becoming irked at the enforced de part iu some form o i local celebra Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hayes and tion. His lays caused by the continual oppo- family arrived in the city Wed world. Teas and wines are made pesty pluinlain. The general solu resident of Taft, Oregon. I hope that the picture o f Wash front the flowers. iition of the power company. tion recipe is two pounds of sul friends in this city wish him luck nesday from Gold Beach to make ington as something between a saint -------- o--------- Even though it has economic phate to a gallon of water. Spray in his new undertaking. their home. and a drnu-god, so long perpetuated values, what most of us want to about two to three days after cut .Mrs. Whiter Ross left today for In the name of patriotism, w ill be re know is how to gel rid of it from ting and do not cut for the same placed in the public mind by the im Mrs. George Hatnniersly enter New York City where she will be pression of him as a very human our lawns and gardens. Complete length-of time after spraying. Gare SAMBO’S PHILOSOPHY eradication tained the sewing club, Friday af the guest of relatives. sort of person, but I am afraid not. is impossible because it must be taken in the use of tlie sul ternoon at the swimming tank on lias gained worldwide distribution. phate, because it discolors clothes SMITHSONIAN Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byerly, Ruth the Murrel place in Sams Valley. II is thus found in waste places, and sione walks. More than 1(0 years ago James A splendid time was had by (tie Byerly and Aletha Byerly were vis giving seeds to furnish a good sup In gravel paths and drives, a women folks. Smithson, a wealthy Englishman who itors at Crater Lake today. ply for all lywns and parks. The number of good methods are sug was the illegitimate son of a British noblemaig left Ins entire fortune to windblown seeds are produced all gested to prevent the recurrence of the United States of America to found Mrs. J. M. Blackinglon of Coquille summer; hence the seeds arc found weeds after hoeing. Salt can he "an institution for the increase and Oregon, and a former resident of any and everywhere. sprayed to make a white covering diffusion of knowledge among men.” To give an Idea of the seed pro of the ground. Washing soda is this city, was a guest of friends in Congress just before adjournment this year appropriated $6,500,00(1 to duction. a controlled plant was ob used, five pounds to ten gallons. this city the past week. She was add to previous appropriations fo r the served for a whole season at the Other substances used are carbolic a house guest of Mrs. Mary Chis enlargement of the Smithsonian Insti New York Botanical gardens. The acid, 5 to 10 per cent, copper sul holm. tution and its National Museum. average number of seeds given by phate, ammonium sulphate 4.100 Smithson's bequest and the purpose Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reed of Los oneaflower was two hundred. The and hydrochloroic acid, 2 to 4 per to which it has been put have been Angeles was a guest of his brother cent. plant produced twenty seven flow worth uncountable millions to Amer ica. Research in pure science con ers «luring the season; thus from Other methods to eradicate dan and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Reed ducted by the men in charge of the one plant 5,400 seeds were develop delions are the use of ammonium for a couple of days this week. Institution has done more toward the ed. From one field of dandelions, sulphates acids and kerosene or They visited at Crater Lake while development of our national resour enough seeds are produced to sup oils. When the dandelion is cut, her y. They left for the south Wed ces than any other one cause, so those ply many lawns miles away. The a drop of the above suggested solu nesday morning via the Redwoods fam iliar with the matter say. I l is the center to which everybody who seeds develop parthcnogentlcally, tions is placed on the cut surfuce highway. wants to know anything about Amer without pollination or fertilization. of the root. This is rather a tedious trance of weeds, and entails but lit "Boss man 'low did harkin' «tangs ican soils, rocks, fishes, plants, trees. •O N I Many methods are suggested for method, but it is efficient. Un tle effort. The presence of dande Insects or animals goes for precise in Ion’ nevah bite lint lion us gnlne F O U N D O U T Y E T 15 WH43W Hie eradication of the weed. The doubtedly, the heavy seeding me lions always indicates good soil, formation. It is also the greatest ter tell <lut Kin' o’ flunks fin d, DO M O S « U lT O e $ S L B e P # commonest method used is in dig source of information on applied sci- thod is the best, for it assures a UITIN'' dungs dal burka, TOUT’ but once this is known, they should i ia tbs form of invention. ging them out with a spud or koife, good lawn, discourages tbo <n- be destroyed unless desired. 4K. r »b<g