Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1930)
(Sotti VOLUME NO. 33 TUB GOLD HILL NEWS, JACKSON COCNTY, OREGON THURSO A y 7.M A Y 29 *■ Nine Students Graduate From Local School Spendici Program Given by Student« of School» and Gradúate« the m —r — e j! a i ' i ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ - ' ' ‘ loin 1 NUMBER « SHASTA TRAINS SPEED UP JUNE FIFTEENTH Easter schedules fo r rSouthern Puciflc coast and transcontinental trains w ill become effective June 15th, according to James A. Or niandy, passenger truffle muuager, who reports a general speeding up More Local News — More Special Articles and Continued Story Will be Among the New Attractions of practically all Southern Pacific trains on that date. Pour Shasta Houle trains between Beginning with the first issue in June this paper will Portland and San Francisco and I.os come to its readers with additional attractions. Chiefly Angeles w ill he affected in the re among these will he a new continued story “Miss Nobody vision of schedules. Southbound time of the Shasta bronl Nowhere by Elizabeth Jordan, a pleasing story of w ill he reduced 50 minutes; north- a beautiful young woman who finds herself a victim of hound, 4C minutes, making the run amnesia in a strange city. between Portland and San Fran Beginning with this issue you will be able to read cisco in 25 hours and 40 minutes, the new feature by Frank , Stockbridge. “Today and via the Siskiyou line. Under the new schedule both Tomorrow.’’ north and southbound Shaslu lime , Our weekly cartoons will be a regular feature in the arriving in Medford at a more con- I future as wfcll as our new comic strip, Pinkey Dinkey by veneient lime and reaching San Fran 1 Terry Gilkison. cisco und Portlund earlier thun at Besides these features will be many pictorial offerings present. Favorable For 1930 Season Records of business activity in the Tw elfth Federal Reserve D istrict showed little fundamental change during April. Industrial production in the aggregate was practically unchanged from March, some indus tries failing to show the expansion customary in A pril and others ¡ml proving more than seasonally. Trade indicators offered a rather mixed picture during A pril hut, on the whole, showed some improvement from the low levels of other recent months. Markets for most farm products were dull and prices were at low levels. Beneficial rains were favorable fo r growing conditions, however, and from a productions standpoint the agricultural outlook improved. Wholesale comm odity unproved. woolesale mergers Consolidation o f several small en terprises to make a single large one is not confined to manufacturing in dustries. Senator A rth u r Capper, o f Kansas, who knows what he is talk ing about most o f the time, says that more than a m illio n acres o f Kansas farm lands are now owned by cor porations, and tF_t recently one cor poration bought th irty farms in the w in te r wheat region and merged them. Friday evening the high school auditorium was Hie scene of the graduation exercises of the Senior class of the Gold H ill high school. At tills time there were nine young men und women who received their higli school diplomas. The com- mencetnent address was delivered Corporate farm ing is more o f a of people and events of current interest. You will like all business enterprise and less o f a mode Shasta Southbound by l»r. Taylor of the University of of liv in g than farm ing by an indi- of these, we are sure. The scrap book feature and fashion Leave Portland 8:10 a. m. Oregon mid was very well received. vidu-d Is. /..c o rd in g to Senator Cap I-eave Medford 7 p. in. Following Is tiie program of the hints, and other items of interest embodied in our Women’s per. invsc fa rw corporations hire men Arrive San Francisco 9:50 a. m. who leave th e ir families behind, to evening: Prelude, Mrs. Minnie Guy; Page will appeal to a large number of readers. Shaat Northbound go out in the F a ll and put in the crop. Trio. High School Glrh, Southern W e will be pleased to receive any comment upon these In Summer they hire other men to I-eave Sun Fransisco 7:40 p. in. Moon: Salulutorian, Warren Krlsor- our readers 7 . care It is o wu. our u desire come in and harvest the crop. The Arrive Medford 10:40 a. m. . features which ___ '7 ” to offer. ............. m iiv Quurtet High School Hoys. The rest o f the year nobodv lives on the Arrive Portland 9:20 p. m. make our paper one which will interest all classes of prices averaged slig h tly low er than big Three Chafer,; Girls Glee Club, In farm s. Q people. Any constructive criticism will be gladly received in in March. 'r'—- There were --------------- r.o important the llo iit ; Valedictorian, Evelyn T h a t seems menacing to the Sena to r from Kansas. He thinks it w ill Thompson; Hoy (¡lee Club, Marl- NEW DAIRY DEVELOPMENT We will appreciate any co-operation from our readers that changes in the credit situation. Climatic conditions point toward result in depletion o f the soil, through mine; Address. Dr. Taylor; Mixed IN JAQKSON COUNTY might tend to bring a bigger, better and newsier paper lack o f crop relation, maintenance o f satisfactory yields of most crops in Chorus, loud Shadows, Glory of the fe r tility and diversification. I t is hard to our subscribers. 1930, although light rainfall in re Dawn; Presentation of the Halfour to believe that any group o f capital The Southern Oregon Co-opera rent years has resutted iq a notice engaging in business on a large scale Key; Presentation of Diplomas, J. tive Dairy Association w ith 150 w ould be so short-sighted as not to able lack of sub-soil moisture in Cornult, Chairman of School Hoard. members has started a cheese fac take those things into consideration some of this D istrict’s important Those who received their diplo tory nt Central Point near Medford. and apply the most modern principles I agricultural areas. Condition re mas at this time were John Allen Ib is plant w ill draw for 20 miles o f agriculture to th e ir enterprise. ports indicates that deciduous fru it Chisholm. Charles U. Smith. Jewel around und bus over 800 cows sign crops w ill he larger this year than TRADEMARKS Quakenhush, Evelyn Byerly Thomp. ed up. The idea is to have smaller in 1929 but smaller than in 1928. I t would be interesting to make a son. Woodrow Shaver, arl J. Pal curing plusts scattered at other This years moderate-sized crop of list o f words which were invented mer. Leona Wheatley. Whrren Kel- |»oist wtierc there are productios A special committee of the United | require a year or more to assemble. citrus fruits is being marketed satis to serve as trademarks fo r a particular «or and Nora Dailey. centers. product, but which have come into Senate has been appointed to in classify and digest the facts. After -------- o- - The newly elected officers of this vestigute nil matters pertaining to all recommendations from govern factorily. Declining prices fo r lambs general use to describe anything re and wool have hud an adverse ef sembling the orginal article. "Cel association are: W. J. Warner of mental, individual and private Road to Diamond lu lo id " is one o f those w ords; it Medford, president; Ed Robinson of the rnplnccmcnt und conservation sources have been assembled and fect on the position of the sheep s tric tly means only the product o f the of w ild life (including aquatic and raising industry, white prices for Lake la Now Open Talent, vice-president; E. B. Carter bird life) w ith a view to determin studied, it is the intention of the cattle, nltiiough sotnewhaj lower Celluloid Company. "K o d a k " is an of Hogue River, secretary. These commission to recommend to the than a year ago, have been main other ; the same belongs to George ing the most appropriate methods Tlic road to Diamond latke, is w ith John Anderson and Ralph W il Eastman’s cameras but we use it to United States Senate any changes tained at relatively high levels and mean , any small camera. When you open and free of snow, according son of Central Point comprise the for carrying out such purposes, to or additions that they consider ne say "C o lt" everybody fa m ilia r w ith gelher w ith its redommendations cattle markets continue relatively to Malt Hyckman, superintendent hoard of directors. cessary in or to existing laws per stronger than other livestock mar firearms knows you mean a large- for the necessary legistlation. of hatcheries for the slate game The urge to do this thing has caliber pistol. Probably nine men out taining to conseration. kets. The committee has I wen instructed commission who has returned from been growing fo r some time. The o f ten in the region where “ five-gal to report its finding to the Senate T,he co™mit,ee is strictly non- Industrial output during A p ril re lon” hats are wora refe r to their head- a tour which took him to all of the difference between Hie price paid ,he mained at the low level of March gear as “ Stetsons." “ W inchester" is hatcheries and egg taking stations for butterfat in whole m ilk and ; s soon as possible ami not later I almost a synonym fo r "rifle .” A n d in that section of the state east that paid fo r it in cheese and butter than tl.e beginning of, the first re-1 X " * P" e»ider“ Cur,ls rhose not only and was well below the rate of everybody refers to the abbreviated of the the next next Congress. C n n v r,« " ,Ose Sena,ors whom he consider- activity in April, 1928 or 1929. Lum gular session session of of the Cascades. Diamond Lake, was 17c at one time this spring and gular masculine underwear which is now in a favorite resort for hundreds of has customarily been one of the It has been given fu ll power to call ed best qualified, but he also en ber production increased seasonally such general use by the trade-mark deavored to distribute his selection and the output of copper rose slight of the firs t o f its kind, “ B .V .D .’s” Tcsidcnt mid non-resident anglers greatest differences to he noticed in witnesses und take testimony under The adoption o f such words in w ill |><- open for fishing June I. any dairy district on the coast. oath and also to call fo r the pro geographically. The Pacific states, ly from the extremely low rate of usage is one o f the ways in While on this tour Mr. Hyckman There arc tw o private creameries duction of all data in connection the Atlantic states, and those adja production in March, Production of general which language grows. A hundred w ith Hie subject. This action by the cent to the Canadian order are all petroleum in California declined by paid close attention to the work go In Medford and one in Ashland. years from now probably, nobody w ill represented. a small amount for the whole of say “ d irigible” but everybody w ill ing on in Hu- hatcheries and states There are now 8,000 dairy cows in Sennte is the broadest and most com Senator Frederic C. Walcott is A pril hut showed a tendency to know what you mean by a "zep.” that the crews under his direction Jackson county, which is double the prehensive yet taken to conserve arc obtaining all the eggs the hat number found here In 1925. This the birds, fish and w ild animals of chairman. He was for seven years increase toward the end of the LONGEVITY v president of the Connecticut State month. Ttie building and construc cheries arc in a position to handle. increase has been partly due Io the our nation. Human life is not getting any longer, according to the men who The activities of the committee Hoard o f Fish and Game and was tion industry was slightly less ac increasing influence of San Fran ---------o--------- make a business o f studying vital sta cisco as a butterfat market in south w ill necessarily cover a vast range chairman of the State Water Com tive than in March whereas it us June First End of tistics. The average life is longer be ern Oregon. The average size of the of subjects, including Federal game mission. He has been a leader for ually expands during April. cause a larger proportion o f babies many years in investigations having Largely in response to this years Cousar Killing Contest dairy herds, predominantly grade reservations, bird sanctuaries, w ild live to grow up. Fewer people die in Jerseys, is 10 head. The average life in our national parks and forests Io do w ith the conservation and Easter retail trade showed an in childhood and early life than form erly, hut the man who reaches fifty -fo u r, June 1 marks the close of the cou production per head is about 200 the problem of m igratory birds, of preservation of game in various crease over A p ril, 1929. Sales of which is the average expectation o f reporting stores during March and gar killin g contest which was in lbs. of fat. The advent of Ladino upland birds, of predatory animals. parts of the country. life o f every new-born baby in A m e r augurated a year ago by the state clover has been another reason for The study w ill also deal w ith the Senator H arry B. Hawes, vice April, 1930, were one per cent less ica, has no better chance o f living to 1929. gamp commission. At that time the expansion of dairying. There are seal industry, the fish industry, the chuirman has been a widely known than in March and April, seventy than his grandfather d id ; office of Harold C liiford, state game now 2,000 acres of this pasture feed fir industry and all others connec authority on fish and game for Wholesale trade improved some not so good, according to some. C ertainly the average life o f a warden w ill make a check of the in Jackson county. It carries double ted w ith w ild animal, aquatic and twenty-five years. He is the author what as compared w ith recent President o f the United States is bounties paid during the twelve the number of head of cattle on bird life. The plan of the commit of the Upper Mississippi W ild Life, months but stil was s till well below month period and award cash prizes pasture as could be carried w ith tee is to make an exhaustive study Fish and Game Refuge Bill, which Hie levels of last year. Most other | shorter than it used to be. CoL Leonard P. Ayres o f Cleveland, one amounting to 5(10 to the rival leaders an equal number of acres o f 5 Ion of all these problems and of the was the first constructive measure lines of trade were less active than o f the w o rld ’s famous statisticians, among the cougar hunters. This per acre alfalfa. And when the laws connected w ith them. To do involving the direct expenditure of in the corresponding month of last points out that M r. T a ft lived longer —to 72—than any other President contest Recording to Mr. Clifford, cows do their own mowing, hauling this they w ill call upon the Biolo government money fo r reclamation year. since M illa rd Fillm ore, who died 56 Reversing the temporary upward has undoubtedly accounted for the and feeding in the field it cuts the gical Survey und the commissioners and conservation of waters of the slaying of n large number of the cost so that it is harder for an of bird sanctuaries and game res Upper Mississippi River. He is also movement of late March and early •ye a rs ago. Out o f the firs t eight Presidents Washington, who died at big cals as hunters have been an alfalfa dairyman to compete._Pa ervations of the Department of Ag the author of various other bills re April and for the month as a whole 67, had the shortest li f e ; John Adams, xious to he termed the “ cougar cific Hural Press. riculture; the Bureau of Fisheries lating to the preservation of fish averagel slightly below the level living to 90, the longest; the others were 85, 83, 80, 78, 73, and 68 at champion" or Oregon ns well as re of the Department of Commerce; and game and is a member repre- I of March. « their respective deaths. The average T here were no basic changes in ceive a sizable sum of money in ad Grade Students Graduate the national parks and national senting the Senate on the Migratory life o f the eight was 80 years and a dition to their regular 825 bounties. monuments of the Department of Bird Commission. As a member of the credit situation between mid- The fo u r latest presidents w ho At Ashland Exercises the Interior; the state departments Congress he was spokesman for the April and niidMay. Borrowing of half. died averaged only 66J4 years o f life city member hanks at the Federal each; M cK inley and H arding died a t of game and fisheries and all nation Izaak Walton League. 58, Roosevelt at 61, H arrison and W il All the eighth grade students of al organizations in any way repre , Senator Hawes and Walcott are Resrve Bank of San Fransisco, al SAMBO’S PHILOSOPHY Jackson county who were eligible son each at 67. Hayes at 70, Cleveland sented w ith the subject. the authors of the present b ill on ready small in volume, declined at 71 and T a ft at 72. « to graduate went to Ashland last This is a nesenrch work of very w ild life resources. The jo b o f President o f the U nited The other further down the first half of May, Friday here they attended the large proportions and w ill probably members of the committee are as although discounts for country States is getting harder, fo r one thing. F or another, nearly all men w erk more the county graduation exercises. member hanks continued about the follows: intensively and wear out their hearts Many eighth grade pupils were pre same in volume as during recent and nervous systems earlier than men Senator Key Pittman, who is now sent at these exercises which start month. Reports of small declines did a hundred years ago. • beginning his 18th year in the Un ed at 9:30 in the morning and in average interest rates charged ited States Senate, has been indent!, GASOLINE ended w ith a tinge picnic luncheon customers by hanks in this District fied w ith national legslation in re in the afternoon at the beautiful The average m otorist uses 571 g al- lation to fish and game conservation continued the down trend of inter Ions o f gasoline a year. Every state l.ithia park. H. C. Seymore of the est rates acted since late in 1927. throughout his career. Part of his now imposes a sale ta x on gasoline, Oregon State College was the speak early life was spent in Alaska where tanging from two to six cents a gallon. er of the day and delivered a very The highest rates are in Florida, he look prominent part in the gold on the farmer’s needs in the matter impressive message to the youthful Georgia, South Carolina and New M ex rush as prosecuting attorney at of conservation. ico. That is natural, since those states graduates. A parade of the gradu Nome. He is thoroughly fam iliar have the largest highway systems in Senator Feter Norheck is likewise ates from the Chautaqun building w ith the national park, national fo r w ith ‘ Senator Hawes on the Migra proportion to population anil taxable to the Junior high building was a property values. In Massachusetts, est and game sanctuaries of Amer feature of the morning. tory Bird Commission. He is au where the tax is only 2 cents and dis ica. thor of the b ill creating this com Following were the local pupils tances are shorter, the average m otor Senator Charles L. McNary has mission. He was also the author ist uses only 400 gallons a year and who received their diplomas at this MOV4 pays $8 tow ard highway maintenance uniform ly supported w ild life con of the American Eagle B ill and the time: ßSFoq.E. T H E O N U T W A y and improvement. 1-ast year the total servation. He (s the author of the Predatory Animal Control Bill. Beatrice Palmer. Mabel Ann Dus- gasoline fax collected in this country TO K E E P A B o y A T VMOR k I Fish and W ild Life Refuge B ill and was $449,731,000. • 7 The committee has chosen as its "D e tronhle vrboiit raeln’ «vld (le enberry, Lucille Wheatley, Frances the amended Alaska game laws. o r» T H E F A R M W IL L B e TO The gasoline tax is one tax at which secretary Morris Legrende, a gradu P evll la, w ’en ynn aklila In de diteli Childers, Dora E. Smith, Arthur few persons grumble seriously. I t is Senator McNary is chairman of the ate of Princeton and a Rhodes scho he go rl'.’ ht (in n ti wln de race, an K. Dusenberry, Robert E. Rim bey,. C A L L HIM FIR >T VIC E a ta x the benefiti of which are d i Convdttee on Agriculture and has lar to Oxford. He has made ex- doti' aeu uo iielp back !’’ Edna R, Clement, Maria Bile* j PReflDBFtr IM ÍHAR6E Of CoV4i rectly enjoyed by those who pay it. Special Senate Committee Will Investigate W ild Life Resources In this -apscity bacon« an authority (Continued on last page)