V « S ill VOLUME NO. .12 l n - - ~ , 4 i n L NKWa JACKSON CtMfNTY, Oregon Would Attract New Settlers Here I tank mystery 1H SO LVE!) L o ra l Company Arouaaa CurioMity «n Coaat w ith Tank Truck I , „^,M y 7 ^ 7 ^ 7 7 7 ^ ? ' Final Section Kell to Head of Outlook is The Volunteer Given Public Fire Brigade NUMBER 41 III GE KILN at CEMENT COMPANY REVOLVES ACAIN Grange Would Have a State Lieut Governor Smoke ro llin g fro m the huge Lust week the Beaver Portland slack at the Beaver P ortland plant Cement Company made it tria l run from thia c ity to Gold Beach, at the again reminds us that once more the ye a rs run o f s lu rry has started on mouth o f Rogue River, w ith a large 1« course th ru Ihe long k iln to be truck loaded w ith w ater fo r the later turned in to finished cement purpose o f estim ating the cu . m fo r and sent in to the channels o f trade transporting cement fro m the Ilea- ver Portland Cement Company in ( " Parts ° f this western coun- _____ t , y ’ rh e raw « rin d started opera- The "B u ild O regon!" program « f <:,,,d ,k a c b where the --------- ,|° n , early11,b i» *e e k and now the the Oregon Male Chamber ,,f ( . / " o ' wl1’ *‘ >on *’v h u ll! ,0 Field crops and fr u it present At a meeting at the Gold H ill gar- ’ 1 1,s 'H m rtm e n ts is func- nu-rce means just what it says, Jul ve’li " h i « h m , T somewhat varying possibilities in age, Monday evening, step» were n u " " 18 “ * .,na» ‘" um production, lus L. Meier, general campaign \'o doubt prompted by the untlm e- Oregon fo r 1931). w ith In d ivid ua l taken to form a volunteer lire de- ' • r *‘ JPe r,o «’*ly o f the local product lie i. aight o f " Hie tanker , on the p ro d u c tio n " o i f many chairman staled in ta lkin g about |liu I ilw v" „ ....... ly death o f the recent I. Patterson, m any commodities commodttlea in About t w o tv-five in - p „L , « "«"»e fo r Beaver «he expansion program and Oregon .,,7, “y caused no in - response IV to B ailm ent. ----- vnuncu it creasing ra p • - id ly ••• tareated citizens were present and ' h . <' en,cn' aad a» a result governor o f Oregon the m atter o f judging from tin» the r<»i. fo | grow I outer Stump ciimpoign being < on little e surmise, Judging ing o . grow ing demands, according to the H- D. Force was called upon io pre- tr e u f *he ,0C" 1 “ »'"1"»"} is the election o f a lieutenant govern­ lo w in g article, i lipped from the dueled by the organisation. o r has received much attention over crops and h o rtic u ltu ra l set lions of •Ide. A committee upon ru le , and I eaCh yca r’ / ‘ W ide spread approval, keen in I C u rry County Reporter. the 1930 a g ric u ltu ra l report issued the state and the grange o f the regulations were appointed consist- ' A ,ar8e cre" o f men have been leresl and enthusiasm in the p ro ­ An immense lunker and as large by the Oregon Extension service. state has sponsored an in itia tiv e in « o f Chas. K ell. Paul Thompson ! , 7 f o r sevcral * « * k s . »¡nee the gram and poster stumps have ul- i « lank tra ile r tra ve lin g down the " jth crops keeping puce w ith de­ measure w hich i f passed w ill do w n ’ rt’Pa«ring w o rn equip- reaily been expressed, and in ad­ ¡Oregon Coast liig h w u y on Wednes­ mand, such as canned berries, cher­ end (). V. N ew ell wus appointed change the constitution o f the state a lot — o f * — excitement m in ries. pears, celery, nuts and some and th is comm ittee suggested that I ” lent and ’ " b s tilu tln g new equip- to authorize the creation o f the o f­ d itio n requests fo r udditionul lu fo r- day caused ------- WhHe ,be cbemieal lab o ra to ry fice o f lieutenant governor. «nation on the various projects the I GoW “ " d ,nuch conjecture as o f Ihe seed crops, the fu tu re de- a chief he elected as w ell as a sec- i re la ry and treasurer. Chas. K e ll ' , been busv w o rk in g out new fo r- Stale Chamber w ill undertake in I *° " 111,1 ,b<‘ ,a n k* contained. F o llo w in g is the fu ll text o f the pends on w hether production o r Meier staled. . Thc »lory got around that the demand gains the more ra p id ly , the received the unanimous endorse- ! rn“ ,JS *° im prove upon the already measure as reprinted from the Ore­ "le n t as chief, due to his position as I ap£ ndid " f the product. gon vo te r and sponsored by the 'M il liie Oregon State Chamber I *anba w er* « traveling moonshine , report indicates. On some other gon Voter and sponsored the fire marshal and also due to his | ' ^ " « " g o f the plant thru o u t , Grange fo r submission by in by itia tiv e 1» seeking to do in i t , ’B u ild Oregon’ |,b' " ' ’ w i,h lb ,‘ » Q U o rln water commodities, such as potatoes, the past experience and services. C. J. *. “ * '>'* « welcome th in g in o u r petition at the general election on program is Io advertise Oregon ' F'ckeled tanks. O lliers declared forecast i , not favorable, and w ith ’ to r " "'cans that a ll hands are November 4. 1930- statewide to the w o rld , | o tl.|| » „ " “ y Werc’ o il ,,,n k» »«•"• along the others such as fiber (lax it is defin­ Shod, was elected secretary and 11. D. _ Force as .................- treasurer of m the k «"<1 the pay checks w ill That Section 8 of A rtic le V o f the .w . ua e i new i r w i .v y | fa d s about it and attract the in- Ore* on <;oasl highw ay on u scouting ite ly b right. rorrited organization. About tw e n ty »•rest o f prospective settlers w ill, I and ,o« f,n »f ‘ rip . p re lim in a ry to I _____ ____ C onstitution o f the Zz.e o f Oregon, T h is year 30.000 copies o f the o u t­ capital, industries, tourists and in- I ’ " '" T °*1 company entering the look report, eith e r complete o r as men were signed to a< t upon i.,e C LRPEW W IL L N o ~ , abal1 b‘‘- and ‘ be same hereby is.' department. The meeting o r d r ill » « to rs . wd,,« O r,gon P()S,(.r «eld. ___ 1 K,NG •»"'ended Io read as fo llo w s :— separated dealing w ith d a iry, liv e ­ Stamps as the motive pow er o f flip 1 ,u n k» " e r e accompanied by ' stock, p o u ltry, farm crops o r h o r­ nights w ill be the 2nd Monday in The old s-,vi,i„ . t **r< » I Section 8.—A lieutenant-governor "»<>re Ilian I " bi« '*'u, i"g car d rive n by "M o ose" ticu ltu re . have been printed fo r free every month. A special meeting not B ing to n ig h t” was reenact ^ 4’11 1 r h° ShaU ha¥e * * * S“ nie <*naJiflca- was called fo r next Monday evening .utx) business ami professional men 1 'b 'lrh e a il, manager o f the Beaver d istrib u tio n . re’ lit y in this c ity this week t rc<,uircd fo r «overnor, shall County agents now in ru using the stamps on th e ir out- ! (;c»ient Company at Cold H ill. The 1 have supplies, o r copies u,a.v he ob­ at w hich the department w ill he ------ .....v fu rth e r perfected. go ng mail w ill he h e lping us do u I !a,lks 11111,1 ,b ‘ >' reached Rogue Riv- ! tained from the college. the same manner as the governor The m atter o f obtaining a new for years has pealed out the w a rn - n,“ y. ‘•'r<<'»iv * Job. ' " er were filled w ith w ater and' the’,, and he shall hold office fo r the term I he general outlook fo r potatoes must h“ • r r ‘ Ve,‘ w b in Wl,"*‘r W“ 8 in ,° ,he r iv ’ •» " •’ « P«r«.euiarty favorable if fire truck was discussed and the o f fo u r S years; the equim ,;;m i a provided, ^ ; i od„ ‘ that ohr 1i at ,h: 1« not p a rtic u la rly favorable i f vclopment i lot only inadequate hut the tru ck a c r k • . ° b'ladeiphia, has lieutenant-governor shall be elected now owned by the department is u „ J S,d<“- L n ,ik e ,b ‘‘ »b- ! fo r a term o f tw o years He h n too light to w ithstand Ihe load was b ’ however no museum w ill receive a salary ? i cited w ith the result that H. D ? ' > • — t he tanks ith a bushel compared __ w ith fo r De do the w o rk the local department ! W ri*!en ,n ’ •« memory. But un­ 4 A g ricu ltu re .’ T h ru expanding w ill he the cement trucks i f th president o f the senate, but shall -em ber 1929. w ill be called upon to do. I an°th e r bell is obtained o r the the present la n d settlement program have no vote, except that w jien the company g is the contracts and | W o-I-I wheat demand is reim rted Tl^« meeting w«s adjourned to , o ' „ D ° 2 f r.e' ’a ire>l. C urfew w ill not fam H |M' b r'1" 8 ‘ h* n," ,,b< r o f vote o f the senate shall be equally- when they reached Ilog I)' r the | "« increasing as t ra ra n p jd id tv ly n as . n pro- eef again Monday evenino -Oil I 8 on««bt. R rie < ^reu sin g about a rn - nieef J " "Hcs locating in Oregon up | „ i t evening at 8 8:00 divided he shall cast the deciding .1 I 1« lh ,l i ,ll i,.t in _ a " ''' ' * ' h” - Present supplies and o’clock at the same place, Feb. 17. 41 ------ «H) a month. Next, we want to urge .•e m "1M ,rm■ks’ " ' " ,■,, vote. The senate shall choose a FEBRUARY—THE BEST TIME the grow ing o f now im ported a g ri­ *»l‘n<*ral conditions indicate no bet- TO SEED SAYS N EL finxi' PF° ,empore ,0 Preside I lie company wants to determine 1er price in 193b ; an fo r last year, cu ltu ra l c ro p , and Io establish ade­ » ■ x w ’-.eat is ex- __' Mrket fo r hard spring quate file d ,ti,.s fo r „ „ r |,e, jnH ()f | when he shall exercise the office o f t v Cie n A . N ebon o f Columbia coun- I I to he the least favorable. o u r farm crops and thus Increase site o f the bridge on Rogue River. governor. T h a t’s the solution o f liie tank tiu ls, hurley barley and corn are three ,e rrPd Ihe first degree o f Odd Fel- ' 1. S ,be far,ners lhat du rin g the Oats, d k .'r " S ° ? r f " r " ,crs '■'•’•«‘i 'c anna­ m y s te ry ., In case the governor-elect fails to crops that n d io n a lly are not in a ,o" ' shiP upon fo u r candidates, Tues- '” ° n’ h o f February clover and grass ’ ll} fo th e ir production.** f »v( cable p .ttilio n hut fo r w h ich a dav evening. The candidates were ‘ be 8eeded best advantage on q u a lify, o r in case the governor is “ The goal o f ’M illions y rw too.! exist., in Oregon w here ,w o tro m Central P oint and tw o seeded grain fields "The th ird goal o f ’.Millions New prodgram o f “ B meet a c ritic a l demand. Outlook ed Tuesday. sstk . l_ _ — _ leaallv , f l • i ’i* * ’ k b° ,b ° — f a . ,he Kovem the ..w . o u n i H u or i a and iiu m e D riv •er, e r, o f m otor vehicles legally Twelve diffe re n t c irc le to u r ro u t­ fo r sweet clover is poor, but ladino Sen e n " y. fro,n lieutenant governor, the Secretary- assume lia b ility i f they do not “ stop Scenic Resources* is to be attained ings covering all o f the outstanding and alsike are fa irly strong. South­ RAT1O OF BUCK DEER look and lis te n " as a ra ilro a d cross­ o f State shall act as governor, u n til by c a rryin g display advertising in points o f interest in Oregon are be­ ern demnd fo r w in te r field pea SAID TO BE SHORT ing. the d is a b ility be removed, o r a gov­ national magazines ami publications ing w orked out and w ill he p u blish­ seed is s till increasing. e T his was established here in a de- h i rn " ° o n r be , elected “ at the next general endeavoring to ¡„crease to u rist tra f- ed in fo ld e r form and in colors. Among fru its, apple markets are Settlers in the county who live S ection. The governor n «H Paris o f ,he state ami to Each ro u tin g w ill ca rry a log o f the expected to be more stable in the back near the foot h ills have re- cision rendered in the nsunicio il ' 1U n n ia court com pelling a C abf alif, "Vrans'fer’ tr a n s L ) ' he VaCa" Cy sha,‘ boId e xp lo it our scenic resources before lo u r and be profusely illu stra te d next fe w years, hut heavy produc- ! ported a grea't m any d e e i^ r iv e n C° Ur' COmpe,,in« S° U' h i rn Pa' office fo r the unexpired term o f the he w o rld and prospective stale vis­ w ith photographs o f Hie slate’s scen­ «ion and ,„ w prices arc s ti.. p r o b - [ ou, by d e £ snow a " ^ , X X ™ ^ f l c ' X i . in . years of ' especially ‘, t favorable "a vy Those acep snow and shortaffo n ci f 1 ih ” V n ' u outgoing governor. able ' feed. observing these d e e° r8t' Maa’ ’ " vm vine>aedis ors. And the., by the form ation ic spots. fecd. Those observing these deer »h., r..i, ' 8t ■l ‘,as> a eyardist crop conditions. N orthw est grow - say there is only an occasion^ buck I X h „ T ° Unt ° f dan,a«e '»"■> sus of circle tours’* covering every ■’’The tours w ill he complete ir, , ........’ •••‘’I»» sus- ----.V .... ussnaiumil UUtK . . . tamed when n a tra in rrn«hnH crashed in to a BANDON EDITOR WILL ill he favored, th r ru «»"*'««• — * <— • turned covering every pari and section o f prs w ------- ------- - ........... however, .. in u p a rt o f Oregon and direct service among about tw e n ty o r more does. Kive („m is t „ „ Inducement Io Oregon and we have much to gain 18 ro w ' ni* f<’ «’»’ign demand and ah- It is said that i f the same ra tio ex­ tru ck and tra ile r loaded w ith gaso- HEAD STATE ASSOCIATION g o „ n° r<' ° f " " ,l SlHV ,onacr in ° re - in encouraging the tourists v is itin g I SPnc'‘. o f ,a r«<’ young commercial ists other places (here should be a line. L. D. Felsheim, e d ito r o f the Oregon to slay longer and to sec plantings l di" ’ lings al at present. " hen a Southern Pacific tra in eo- closed season on the male deer as "A B«b l,"H these goals is essen more o f our great state,” H am ilton I car production is increasing so lided w ith the tru ck d riv e r had " e s te r n W orld, Bandon. Oregon., a means o f preventing exterm ina­ It il to the progress am! development said. ra p id lv that prospects depend large- tion. The census o f w ild life over driven on the ra ilro a d crossing was elected president o f the Oregon o f Oregon ami what they mean to l f w can double the time to u r- !V 00 m ain taining rate o f demand the slate is held to be merely con­ w ith o u t ta kin g any precaution by press conference in the concluding He succeeds every business and professional ists stay in Oregon it w ill mean just Somewhat the same is jecture and a very poor guess at stopping, lo oking o r listening to ax- session here today. ""»n is readily understood. If we that much more Io us from a busin- 1 T " ' ° be ,ruc’ o f sweet cherries, that. ccrtain if a tra in were approaching. E a rl Richardson o f Dallas. P ro­ Increase o u r new w a lt h produc­ ess standpoint. Manv thousands <)f|,b o "« h ,b c prospective increase in At the close o f the tria l the court fessor George T u rn b u ll o f the The fact that deer have been d riv ­ tion annually, we increase one p(>0. tourists visit Oregon annually and I l ’r " ,b" ' ion so great, rendered decision against the trans­ jo u rn a lism was re-elected secretary en out o f the h ills has caused a like l ie s purchasing power and w ill, the number is increasing every fe r company w hich was ordered to fo r the tw e lfth consecutive time. " ln<* productlon in Europe is exit of cougar from the higher h ills , decreasing, but as three-fourths o f money to buy, business a c tiv ity is year.” pa.v fo r the damages sustained bv Both elections w ere unanimous. E. ‘ Most o f the to u r, can he made in ' "æ W° ï ' ' 1 SU,’.|,,y ° f d ried ',ru,ies and this resulted in a larger num­ he ra ilro a d and the grape grow er. I-.. Brodie of Oregon C ity Enterprise « really slim ti! it ber o f those animals being killed. •w<> or three days, so no doubt f r 0'" ' " e P" C,flc roaa» was chairm an o f the nom inating committee. INCREASE IN OREGON GRANGES scores of Oregonians w ill want Io i )r° M’e‘ ln<’ Production i s lik e ly to HERE’S BIG NEWS—AS WE Oranges and o ther citru s fru its The H ills b o ro Argus awarded the Ih e subordinate Granges o f Ore­ I NDERSTAND THE DEFINITION ............. are p a rtic u la rly good source o f v it­ gon have increase,I to the number " e have been to ld that when a Sigma Delta Chi tro p h y fo r being 270 ami now include every county Thn Bhivf» 1 1 1 1 find production arc cxocct- amin C. man bites a dog that is news but the best w eekly newspaper in the in the state, Hie several counties be­ it was left fo r Ringgold Georgia to state. Presentation o f the tro p h y I f w affles stick .den’t grease the ing supplied as here indicated; I produce a more sensational morsel was made at a luncheon o f the con­ ......... I<,,ll\ ,o u ris l camps and) N ational outlook fo r straw berries iron, hut add tw o extra tablespoons o f news. ference today at men’s d o rm ito ry. Clackamas countv 18; Lane Oouglas and " u ^ h in g i^ n " iT 'c a . 'h ; ! S In fo rm a iffin ' ' ' T ffi o f melted b utter to the w a ffle hatter Down in that southern c ity is a H onorable mention w ent to the County News-Times Columbia and Marion 12 each; Coo, expected to I,,- r .......... N , HIV \ 8h' re' ,uctlon in Oregon-Wash- Vitam in I! .w hich occurs abundantly man w ho w-as shot by a rabbit. The W ashington ............ expected to he ready fo r announce­ ington acreage is reported. Celery in vegetables, fru its , m ilk, and man was James H. Gordy, sports and the St. Helens Mist. and U m atilla It) each; Klamath. ment in Hie next few weeks. produclion is s till on the increase wholegrained cereals, stimulates the man o f Ringgold. L in n , Multnomah and Wasco 9 each; appetite. T his vitam in is lacking P ru n in g season is ra p id ly passing, Baker, Crook, Jackson, Union, W’nl- Here’s the story. Members o f l b ” fa m ily who are hut demands seems to w a rra n t it. sugar, fats, and h ig h ly refined and most o f the o ld e r orchards lo w n and Y a m h ill each 8; Renton Among Oregon’s nut crops, w a l- 1 in S",8 uis in Hu. futí.i... ..... >.....1 i cereals w ould respond to a systematic th in ­ «5 G illiam , G ranl, Jefferson Mai ¡cooked m ills , a tlra c tiv e ly ' 'sened i V ’ ,n»"rn nb‘>'" ’,n8 a"’ domestic consumpUom O niJ | T abbR "^ X . ° »¿he 8 r° " nd- The exceeds n s h e d , nnu 1 Only “ Plugging” livestock i , the in ­ ¿ X h ac <‘nch:/ d a' - p a" d Lake wheat hr. ad and ce ’l , y iih < xi ( i n , demand demand fo fo r r u unshelled m ___ _ . consun.ption. . » -•""• xm iy ra b b it came to life — and ...... kicked niviLt'ii the ine 9 each; C u rry and Harney 1 each. little candy and p a .trie , Y trig g e r on G ordy’s gun. The charge jection o f ta llo w , oils. la rd and o th ­ w ent through the sportsm an’s shoe er substances under the skin o f an animal to fill depressions to deceive taking tw’o toes w ith it, the judges in the show rings. th r u t? ° ¿ " ‘‘r m *'an’ '** d ° 11 the State Chamber o f Coin a