Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1928)
coir Hm yyirg. r.rvios -**r ’ »rs p<wlv»*t a ropy of the votir's pamphlet». to'» hope that they treat« i rd them a» they war* rxpaetad to I be trolled, The people of Oregon An Independent Newspaper dedicat i r.ft‘ fortunate to have ti e Ihfortnu* ed to the bctterukni of Gold »ai ' ' |>'««ed h fore them to that they and Jackson t'niiiil». >1 Intell: ently e.:M their ballot b l Hie November election. C. J. Sharb Editor Quid Mill News county , orsoon tiivrsdkt avovst n trk i the better type of those who expect to cast their lot with es and help to develop our re source» and taka advantage of our inxtitutlona, our public schools etj. Wo do not need more of the class of people who come here and re place onr own workmen and add it. ten COL ! INItHFRG STOPS OVER Huy» Unlry Farm the family as Jf»u Rlrdsrya HI. The AT .MKFUOKU AIR PORT j Ernest Althcrr h,it purchase! a vl»Hor» are now located In.Alham dclry farm about six miles from On- 1,1 "• OaJIfornia and were on their 11,rotiie from ’scuttle, \Vn»h, to tarlo and has taken up his home "»u rn form u trip to Cenati« and San Francisco, Colonel Chas, Lind there. Mrs. Althcrr t-xpccl* to teme »l«»t""’d » '» r here Wednesday an- berg. America’s Lone Eagle, was in the city within a short time to juin route. Medford I'hursdr.y afternoon, slop Mr, Altherr in the I , v irili l ir e on I Our Demoeratie fo ni of govern length to our breail lilies. Is that ping liter efor gas and oil. His ar ! « ounlry, IV /iy P o tw tm a n A / t rival was unannounced and less than Published every Thursday evening m int grant« to even eitizu-n the not rigid? A rial cull In New itrleuii* polle- in Gold tiili, Jacksoo It, Jac.*— — County, ---- *" Óre i ght of the ballot and It is snd Io a dozen people were al the air purl Did Timers Visit heiiilipiurters hrnuglil PI policemen Io greet him. Mrs Piiiiii,- llirdscye formerly o a,-leel|ve« «nJ iiiiiliireyele patrolmen believe that this privilege Is so Entered at the Post Office at Gold In n Imus» where II was suit) robbers Giving those present a generili sal Ibis city and the Dard in lies net, H ill, Oregon, for transmission thru abused as it is by many. Ry abused wer» b re ak in g In. On reach in g «h» this city is Hie house guest of Ml utation, the colonel immediately In »tier. , «bused by ouii sion rath- the mafts as second Alass matter. bous» K w as found Dial a »10 bill, ----------- thin commission. Many people gan his custodii.ry inspection of his Ella Patrick. Mrs. Illrdscvc is , m.sstiig fruiti Die liiiilitelptee», anil Idvcrtising Rates— D is p la y .__ 25e r per fail Io register and do not care to silvery. Ryan monoplane and Inter «oinpnnied In |„.r daughter and I p supposed Io have been stolen, hail Column inch: Legal advertising at vole. 1 hey do not seem Io appreci look on a supply of gasoline and nil. husband, Mr. and Mis Ernest Gre Imen hion i i to i|,e floor by ih» wind legal rate. Readers 10c per line. He refused to In- interviewed by a ory and sop Jim, Jim is known t< Classified, lc per word per inser ate the trust that has been placed in Medford re|Hirter. declaring tli.H he tion. No mor’e than one agency them by the moulders and builders commission allowed on any for of this great nation. They are w ilt had nothing to say amt that plans J r eign advertising. ing to be governed as others wish were indefinite in regurd to his des .............. rh5 steamship. City of New York. tinnlion. them to tie without making known Subscribtion $2.00 a year their thoughts through the ballot. ^ ‘‘w York harbor lust week fur "I won't pose for a picture.” he In Advance What a crime that is! Ohe might as ,lu' MMI* h seas. this ship is the said in response to a request for a well tie living in a monarchy, ruled fla*Wh*P ° f Commander Byrd's Ant- snapshot. "hut go ahead and take it. by a despot or dictator as to sit idle i,rc**<' expeihtion and carried among However, when the picture was tut.- THE WEST AND by and ntake no attempt to interest , “ ,her Ihlngs an entire set of office en, the eolom-l -turned his face »way HOOVER himself in the politics and the c o n - ,he 4s covered from the camera as did his com There is one thing most evident, with a heavy armor as ii protection panimi. Thomas II. Eastland of .San duct of the government to our way of thinking, concerning The voters pamphlets explain the against the ice. Commander Bvrd Francisco, a director in the new the presidential campaign which is several referendum measures that expects to spend two years in re transcontinental air line which is MEDFORD ORE now opening up in all its vigor— w ill be offered to the electorate at search work near the south pole. scheduled to begin operations next that is this. If the west wants re Two more ships w ill follow later. May l» lu ,- u i I ,is \ngeles „„il New lief—if the west wants recognition the Fall election, together with a r York (lily. Mr. Eastland iiccnnipa-i- — if the west wants an even break guments both for and against them. Over a hundred people were killed ied Colonel Lindberg from Meilfm.I with its Atlantic seaboard brothers, What a wonderful o p p o rin itv to it has got to send a man to the become acquainted with these meas and injured in a New York subway Io Seattle last I'uisdav morning mid ures; and yet, people throw them in aceideot, last Friday. The accident left him yesterday afternoon al 3 in. IS NOW BEING Whitehouse who has sympathy for While in Medford, (he famous fl the projects of the west amt confi to the <fiscard without a glance at happened right at the busiest time of the day. them. They either go to the polls er accompanied by Mr. Eastland call dents in its future. u ,, . . ""in fo rm e d or do not gq al all and »il on Hary Reed of Portland irt the We of the west, should ace to .. ,hen complain if ,i|u> (,o,n u .n. Jaqueline t.ogan. who recently- Community hospital, where he is that we have men of power, real efit them after they are enacted married a Los Angeles broker is , xufering from a broken leg sustained go-getters, who have the ability and \ U e hope thnt our d |jle n s wjJ| threatened with charges of bigamy at the Harry Scott cabin on the energy to do things, to represent us ,nke intervs, in lhese p;„ h|(.,s if she returns to Los Angeles coun Rogue river last Sunday, when tip- at the seat of our government, lie and study them. We w ill possibly ty. An interlocutory decree which colonel wi;s also at the cabin in con tween the two presidential c a n d i-! comment upon some of the measures she received from her former hus nection with a business meeting dates, the choice of the man should between now and the election and band w ill not become effective un which was carried on there in order be without question to anyone in no doubt much paid propaganda to he away from the noise and many til next March. the west. Take from the campaign w ill be distributed concerning the lieople of the city. the religious and liquor questions measures or some of them Prepare Immediately upon returning from Portions of New Mexico were instruments -oven into the battle yourself to iulelltgtnlly discuss visited Monday, by a cyclone. No the hospital. Colonel Lindberg Ir li to befog the vision of the voters and these hills It is yoer duly to your lives were lost. for the south, ending his six-ond vis conceal the real issues—and what self as a citizen and a cog in this il --— to Southern Oregon S|| in |||||- one W wi C*V>(. --------- — — vrisfyuil argument has the west to make fur greet democratic machine— the gov Representatives of fifteen nations JUI>* •‘‘ fore departing, lie express, ,| the candidacy of Smith. ernment of this commonwealth. signed . j the „ .. Kellogg-Rriand . ....................... peace j hi* desire of returning here again in Mr. Hoover is a son of the west— pact, designed to outlaw wur. The jthc com para lively near future. he is also an engineer. He knows German envoy was the first to sign While at the field he was friendly LABOR AND THIS IS A WONDERFUL CHANCE FOR THE the possibilities of the west and un and Secretary of State Kellogg M-e- rnd far different from phat reports IM MIGRATION derstands its potentialities. He, if ond. from Portland indicated him do be PEOPLE OF GOLD HILL TO BUY NEW either, would be our friend. The laboring man who w ill vote when he stopped there Tuesday noon Mr. Smith, while a brilliant man for Smith for president, this Fall A huge tri-motored plane, the and refuacd to get out of Ids plane AT PRICES USUALLY ASKED FOR SECOND —« a — clever politician knows 9 „ littl „ iv hi expectation of once more placing property of the British Columbia or even and .. questioned ..... ........ by ... nesvspap- r HAND GOODS. BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO or nothing of this great empire of his 4oot on a brass rail and blowing Airways Corporation was lost Iasi men, in whose face he slammed Di the west. He has spent most of his ,h» foam off, w ill by so doing vote week end in the fog of the Puget cabin door. Cpon ruining to Mi I HURRY AS OUR TIME TO DISPOSE OF entire life east of the Hudson river | 4or the admission of a group of al Sound country, near Port Towns ford, he did not stop in the stati and cannot appreciate the problems '‘«ns •" come and drink with them, end. The plane carried four pas metropolis. THIS STOCK IS LIMITED. WE MUST VA and opportunities the west repres Governor Smith’s stand on the im senger* and two pilots. Mcving pictures of his visit were ents. Throughout the entire history migration question is but typical of CATE THIS ROOM VERY SHORTLY. taken by Horace Rroinlry of the Cal of our country the west has never one of his standing. Statistics Col. Charles Lindlxrg visited the ifornia Oregon Power company end been represented in the white house. which are puoted by people who are Medford air port this week and inns I k « shown here in a short lime Now we have an opportunity to in a position to know—show that spent some time fishing in the if they are desired. place at the head of our nation a Smith has at no time carried to ex Rogue river near Prospect. man who has been raised within the ceed four of the 62 counties of New City Wafer Good environs of the west, and one who York State outside of Greater New At Huckleberry Mountain According to a new test of th • is able, competent and progressive. ^ork, where the "ward healer” the Geo. Davis, Mrs. Chas. Beck and city water made Angus» 16 by the One who has achieved greatness, street politician and the "bow«ery family, Zelila Mae Smith and J. E. state it was found to be in At not alone in our . country but in oth- boss” dominates. It ..« is , «iii.-i this llflllfn element i Kelly motored to Huckleberry inoun condition. Conditions nl the pump . . . ..... ...... .. er nations as well. He has been the which has sent him to the governor- tain, Sunday. In speaking of the house have much improved also and councelor of the presidents of both ship of New York. He is their trip Mr. Kelly said there wx-re more tlie water supply has been much bet parties and their most trusted as champion, why shouldn’t he want people on the mountain than there ter of late. sistant To Woodrow Wilson, more of them. are in Gold H ill, including hundreds whom Smith eulogized so often in W<- cannot help but feel that of Indians. his speech of acceptance, Hoover Smith's attitude on immigration as was a trusted aide in time of a na portrayed in his acceptance speech Form er R esident Visits tional crisis. Woodrow Wilson would open the flood gates of im Ralph Darling of Fori Klamath wanted a man who could do a great migration again, allowing the coun was in the city Sunday renewing service for the country and he try to be overrun with aliens not aequaintences. Mr. Darling was in searched for a man capable of the easily assimilated by our n a tio n - business in this city many years. great undertaking and he chose more inhabitants for the slums of For the past few years he has been Herbert Hoover. Hoover did the our great cities— more cheap labor living over in the Klamath country job and did it well and was praised to drive our own workmen to the but he never overlooks an oppor PASTEURIZED, SAFE for his services alike by Democrats bread lines. We believe that dis tunity to come over and fraternalize PURE PRODUCED, PACK and Republicans. Hoover was so crimination is wise in many cases with old friends and pals. ED THE SANITARY WAY. popular with both parties that their especially in the case of immigra leaders solicited him to become tion. More important than ever be their standard bearer eight years fore is the closed door policy wise, «»O. with labor saving machinery replac People admire Hoover for his abil ing the manual labor and new in ity as a man of efficiency— he does dustrial conditions prevailing and not hesitate for advice from every new labor problems to be met. quarter— he gets busy and does his I heoreticatly one of our neigh work quietly and well, without the bors should be as welcome to our blare and ballyhoo of a politician. home as another, hut it is not always We believe him to be the friend of the case. The same is true of our the west man ...V the west Theoretically all «countries -countries — and - the •— ...... w c m I nation. - ....... „ „ „ I l , an should, whole-heartedly endorse, re- »Boula be treated alike in regard Io gardless of parly. immigration but in practice it does not work out. We have the right Io choose those BUT W E ARE STILL GOING STRONG ON THE VOTERS we wish to admit, to enjoy the bless HARDWARE. W E ARE DEVOTING ALL PAMPHLETS ings which we have to bestow, a.s a AKE nation, and in making our choice we an Electric Cooker with vott on The past week, most of our read- naturally w ill choose those who w ill OUR TIME TO OUR HARDWARE AND your outing You can cook a good News o f the World Boiled Down for you Entire Stock O f Swenson--Peebler Big Furniture Store Closed Out At BANKRUPT Sale Prices So Come Today—You Can Save Big Money at this Sale Gold Seal Nutritious Milk, Butter, Ice Cream We Have Sold our Grocery Have Nourishing Food for the picnic M EN’S CLOTHING AND ASSURE YOU OF KI X II I X 1(11 X 1X1 iX i OUR. X Iffl X fl« = = STOCK. Fall Merchandise Feeds o f A ll Varieties Is Arriving Daily. Latest Pattern« and Shade« POPULAR PRICED MILLINERY X FOR EARLY FALL— Including Felt«, Satin Soleil Al and Hatter« Plush X X fl» X Mi ÎX B S X ! THE BEST OF SERVICE AND A LARGER W E STILL HAVE OUR FEED BUSINESS AND PREPARED TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR NEEDS. Gold Hill Hardware Co. Grant« Pa««, Oregon 0 . C. STANWOOD IX a B X a B X M B X ^ X H B X i Electric Cookers co. k without attention, save hours of w atching and sweltering. Very econ omical of electricity and handy to move about. 7 ASK YOUR DEALER Mrs. Nellie Njas fX i T f,k ,. .1 " ,; lir,Ish,.n^ In,?ch nt home and then take the food along right in the cooker and keep tt fresh and hot. The cooker not only roasts, browns, l,al« s. steams and stews I, n’t it may also he used as a thermal ju g to keen food hot or cold “on the road." J C 1XBSX1 IX I T he C alifornia O regon P ower C om pany OFFICIJ n,,,. k.„nii>|h mka. Diuumuir-OUitomte P