Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1928)
VOILMK NO. SI COLI» H ILU JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY JULY 2«. 1928 NUMBER 14 V O IE p o n Road Conditions I'O I'I I KYMEN HOOVER EOI K TO ONE On Coast I In- large .1 cro w d ever to allend Hu- anim al poultry men's eim vi-iition Are Very Good [id I In-gnu Stale A g ricu ltu ra l college ■ om pm i-d reports from O n gnu ami Voters Will Ballot On • Eight Proposed Measures Î Airplane Flares -Noliccs are out cautioning | To Illuminate tin- users o f c ity w a te r from us- | iog c ity w ater w ith o u t firs t b o iling if. W hile there may he [ Convention C ITY WATER IS KAO Washington mid agreed that in both W hile those persons iiit«-ri-.ste«l in once of Deschutes River end its tr ib no real danger, (he w ater test ) A ll lim ili m in is in Oregon, W ash stales Hus low point in tin- in In d ry In o p o see meustfri-s covering various shows it to bear im p u ritie s ami i utaries, except w hite R iver, in its ington Mini C a lifo rn io ore in good lias been |»».sed, th ru the das when su b jects h iv.- taken Hie p re lim in a ry Hierefore the notices. A new type o f illu m in a tio n in tlie natural condition free from com co n d ition a nil are cu rryin g maxi klip-shod inettim'is o r sm all volume measures covering various subjects form of huge airplane flares w hich m ercial encroachments fo r food and mum tra ffic . The tooriM xi-asnn, a f of business w ill make money is also have taken tin- p re lim in a ry steps gauu- fish propagation and recrea w ill lig h t up the countryside fo r -ad 1 t e ii luti- beginning, is on Mint in pns'i d i f it were ever here low.g-d Hie si.hmission of the same j tio n a l purpos«-s, a heiiefieial use of in ik s around w ill he a novel fea | m arket. have stpn-c/rd out m fu ll bluM. ture o f the American Legion Con land outers” h-.iving the x, t.i Io tin- |» ople under the iiu lia tiv c Ils waters, and subject to vested NEW ROUND W OLKD RECORD 'I'oiirials, lliix year, uri- u s i n g « 'l i b | i-ivisio n o f the Oregon e o n s titu -1 r glds and rights of rt|n iria n owners ESTABLISHED BY AMERICANS vention at M eilford, August 2. 3, and better fo r Ils- skilled breeders and ili i-uiiiiM in n greatly increased ex t on, on Ju ly 5. 1931, the lust dale fo r required domestic use. Io w ith - i t . Tliese big flares w ill he releas- egg men. t r i l l unii a ll over the country these I ed by a irc ra ft d u rin g the night par- i Ila law foe s o e li filings, ttn -1 d raw fr<-in appropriation or l ondetn John Henry Mears, th eatrical pro Market im s s ih llitirs fo r Inn:«- oaiups, »«mietine.’x representing a Ire l l a ik w hich is scheduled fo r T hurs '■"m pliti-d petitions fo r eight p ro -[n a tio n all waters of said riv e r and ii it- hi ton s Investment, have sprung up w hite I ,-’ lit y o ile d eggs are bright, pose I nm cndiiirvitx and measure* 'trib u ta rie s not already appropriated ducer and w rite r, and Captain C. B. day, August 2nd, and w ill provide hut not fo r poor r grades, A lot id I». C ollyer, flie r, today held the rec like magic. A chain eatiin campii, had been file d w ith the .Secretary , to beneficial use, and p ro h ib itin g di b rillia n t illu m in a tio n a ll over the of 2.31 men .and women registered ord by 4 days ;.nd 23 hours. representing un investment o l soiin of Stall* w itli sufficient s'giKitures version o r in te rru p tio n of th e ir na c ity and the surrounding te rrito ry . They slipped from an automobile $21*0,00(1 fo r cucii un it, is now plun- and slnycdtfor tw o days of enuealio--, o f legal voters t(, authorize them to tu ra i flo w except fo r improvements I he flares to be used are know'n as neil. I nils w ill lx- e s lu in ls iitil in at program, exhibits and lieuinnxtr.a In- pla« i-il upon Hie haltoi at tin- gen fo r navigation under a u th o rity of at b a tte ry park last night at 8.21 the A iryays Parachute Flares and Hoiw. M. ,s. Schrock', .YHIw-iukie, o’clock completing a journey by every lu rg r c ity in tin- country. i i at t ieetion to he held November ft Ha- United Slates or fo r fish hatch- have a lighting capacity o f 418»,000 was ch-etd# press lent am: F. | „ I 1928. A boat and airplane w hich they began He Jwood H ighw ay In spile of new list of such measures, w ith c ry and propagation w o rk by the from tlu- same place th m orning of candle power. They are released K now lton, C orvallis, secretary-tress-1 construction, Is cu rryin g a consider ballot titles, fo llo w s: by means o f special equipment •tate. June 29. ai»' volume o f tr u ffe , «:-*«• to the urer. A straw v o le taken on Hie na-i F IV E CENT GASOLINE TAX— In- wnich drops the fla re and pora- liouul election turned out four to I ROGUE HIVED W ATER AND VYith them, harking enthusiastic.-,i- heute, the la tte r opening at about w e ll-u d ve rlh e d scenic attraction of d ii ted liv Joe E. Dunne, 507 K. 5(8 tl mu- fo r lliK iver. FISH H ILI.— In itia te d by the Or« y, was a little Sealyham tenrier, 5« feet below the plene. Each flare this rou I io addition Io the fact l i m i , SI. N orth, Portland!, Oregon- Pur- it offers a loop tr ip Io ttn- Oregon p m - : 'Io in e r n is e the tax on gaso gon Game Proteelive Association— nam.d la ilw ilK i, who had sped w ith w ill burn fo r a period o f nearly R etu rn s from ilo mi n» a inn to u rin g in C ulfnrniu. You ! line to five cents per gallon instead Purpose: To declare the maiuten- them o ver tw o oceans and- three fo u r minutes. D ov .- j I hs Cameron, who fo r the -ontinpnts. H<> by e iliie r the Hi IXvooil o r 1'iieif- lo f three cents, and to authorixe the anee of Ho;ue Diver, and its trih A irc ra ft w ill play an im portant |>ast several weeks has h en em By his tr ip .dears again became t>art in the Medford Convention, 1« H igh w r y amt re tu rn by the allei- Slate H ighw ay Commission to use Utaries in iJs natural condition free ployeil nt Bonanta, O r in. re tu rn - ¡not mop than om«-fifth o f the co-holder of lh . record fo r c irc lin g not only in the “ A ir C ircus” w hich native route. T li.s scenic route is iwo- from I'omaien-iui enero; chme.its for «-it to th is city and is employed lit in fa ir condition throughout. Tin- i-ted.s o f such tnx in assisting the food and g«u»?> fish propagation and he globe, breaking that of L in to n is one of the big features of the Hu- Iteaver Portland Cement Co. o n ly ini oliv elli« nee is expertelieed | variou s counties in the construction Fecrea^onal purposes, a beneficial \\ ells and Edw; rd Evans set in 1923. three day program, hut in many h u l-fin ite time. M s . C lark resides use o f its waters, ansi, subject to I he W ells-Evans expedition had other events. One notew orthy fea Iielween Hie Klamath U ser mid tin- o f si de market roi ds. on Hu- highw ay in the west end o f to w n of Oisi'k. Ib is piece of road D ll.I. FOR REDUCTIO N OF MO- vested rights and rights o f ripariar. »roken the reconl of 35 da.vs w hich ture w ill be the aerial parade of the c ity . w ill be fouiwl somewhat dusty ami I OH YEH1CLE’ E’EES— In itia te d by ow ners fo r re q u ire d d om istie use, Messrs set in 1913. from .9) to 40 planes w hich w ill d u rin g w o rkin g hours il is operateli Joe E. Dunne, 507 E 5?«. :u. North to w ith d ra w fro m a p propriation or precede the P atriotic Prgeant w hich Keturnk ti» Gold H ill (Keep S m iiia r under Hu- fo llo w in g contro*, system: ! P ortland, Oregon—Purpose: To ro- condemnation a ll w ater o f said riv e r is scheduled fo r Saturday afternoon, En-i’ .-i n r I te o n » la n tz re tu ri"-1 , „ o,o r vehiide license fees; nil and trib u ta rie s not already appro Autom obiles are perm itted over the August tth . A ir transportation w ill to this c ity from Ronrnza, "H ear,” said the w ife , “ the col also he used by many of the con road from both cnita ui 8:45 a. in., license fe.R to be based on the priated to beneficial use, and p ro the fo ri part o f the week. I t :I5 a. m 12:15 p. in. and 2:45 p. in. weight o f vehicles: solid tire trucks h ib itin g diversion o r in te rru p tio n of lectors have com«' fo r the piano.” vention visitors due to the fact that Oh, w e ll,' the easy-going hus the Medford a irp o rt is on the Pa The road, however is «qu-ii u ll night ilo pay one fo u rth adu.,:onai; ahol- th e ir natural flo w fo r any purpose I ¡shing u ll operating fees o f motor except fo r improvements fo r n avi band n spom leiL “ I «mss I can in c ific A irw a y and enjoys regular from 5:90 p. in. u n til 7 a. in. (< - n iers, and all other fees and la.. gation under a u th o rity o f the United stall them o ff fo r a w h ile .” passenger, a ir m ail and express ser I lie P acific H ighway is in good vice. : es o f every kin d on m otor vehicles, States o r fo r fish hatchery and prop c o n d ii on south into C alifornia w ith rn d substituting a fee o f $15.00 fo r agation w o rk by the state. the exi p .io ii o f construction w o rk i onimon c a rrie r m otor vehicles, not S im ila r h ills are to he placed on b «tw ri-i ! 'Moine and the Shasta FIREBUG WORKING AT over $45,1*00 of w hich to apply on the ballot know n as the Umpqua County line in C alifornia. MYRTLE CREEK THOUGHT ieKpenses o f supervision o f such mo River W ater and Fish H ill and Mc At Boulder Creek (hers- is a sharp to r trnns|M>rtation by Public Service Kenzie River W ider and Fish B ill; tu rn where a hi r'ye is being Install* The d w e llin g bouse o f Elsie May j Commission; one h a lf o f the rem ain Thesis propose«] amemhnents and Cli. I Ins picei- nf ro ,| is well sig ile I C ardw ell o f M yrtle Creek was de Gene Tunney the fig titin g ex- ing money collected under this act, im A m m -s, together w ith arguments hul m otorists should use greul cau stroyed by fire early th is week m arine demonstrated the s u p rrin u iy tio n in approaching the curve. of brains over braw n in the fignt a fte r inlying expenses, to be« c re d it thereon, w iil be coniained in the anil the state fire m arshall is being ed to State H ighw ay fund, the other measures pamphlet to be compiled N o rth o f Boulder Creek then- are requested to make an investigation New Y ork Thursday evening h a lf to Hie counties. and issued by the Secretary o f State lo u r large steam slmveis at w o rk i w l.en The Gold H ill Post O ffice was the o f the blaze, as a series of bad fires , . i h r beat the liuvi- New Zealand INCOME TAX B IL L — Initiated* by and distrib u te d to the registered vot and mnnerous trucks engaged in , blacksm ith in to suhtuis sioji in ten < tri gnu Stale Grange; Geo. A. Pal scene o f a robbery some tim e d u r in M yrtle Creek is leaibng some o f ers o f the state p rio r to the coming* hauling m aterial. There are flag rounds. the citizens to bzl'eve that a firebug ing the night Thursday night. m iter, Master, Hood R iver, Oregon; general election. men nt ei eh shovel so there is no j Many o f Hie self iqqiointe.l s|»ort I. Heck, S iiT i-ta ry, Route 3, Albany' When Mrs. Heed a rrive d at the ¡is operating in that city. ilungi-r but careful ih iv iu g Is ree- The resi ! nee was located on Sec Postoffice F ritfa y m orning to take i c r it ic , figured that Tunney was in Oregon; Oregon State Federation of «iiiimeiidi'd. TWO GOLD H IL L TEACHERS a position to tin- licavy weight l.ahor; W illim u Cooper, President; up her d a ily duties she found the ond street, just across fro m the crow n. Especially did they believe Hen T. ( »shorne, Ex-Secretary, Labor TA K E SUMMER TRAIN IN G office safe blow n open anil the tourist hotel, w h ich was recently The fire SPRAY RESIDUE PROBLEM pieces o f the safe strewn about the burtied to the ground. Ibid Tunney wotud he worsted in tem ple, P ortland, Oregon; Farmers started at 2 a. m., and com pletely de flo o r. EAST NEARING SOLUTION tin- extra rounds over the ten roumti I nion o f Oregon; II. R. Richards, \ \ lu ll is considered the most suc stroyed the building, o n ly a portion lie rim l hut tunney- sueeessfully Pri-sidi-nt. The Halles, Oregon; Mrs. cessful summer school in the U n i- The exact amount o f loss un- o f the w alls being le ft standing. i-vnded the New Zealanders rushes G. It. Jones, Secretary Monmouth, ve rsify o f Oregon was attended th is know n “ * ,his w ritin g . Most is of the Rapid progress in the sotulion o f D r. C oryell and fa m ily have oc in llu- firs t f w rounds amf then ( tri Ron; O rder o f Hail way Conduc summer by tw o students from Gold stamps were taken and about $100 cupied the b u ild in g u n til D r. C or tin- spray residue problem is re p o rt lieut him down u n til in the tenth tors: E. J. Ellingsen, State Legisla in money. Besides this some valu H ill. The Gold H ill representatives ed m M new b u lletin on this subject only the bell saved Heeney from tive Representative, Engi ne. Oregon in the enrollm ent o f over five hun able papers were taken belonging y e ll’s recent illness since w hich Soon to he o ff (he state college time he has been at the home o f his being eim iited m il. He eanie back — Purpose: o levy annually a dred are George E. Meisingt-r, a ma- to the Reeds and some that had «laughter. His son Charles Can-yell, press. Tin- b u lle tin is by Henry fo r tin- 11 tli round Iml was helpless progressive slate income tux upon , i o r *n education, and Mrs. Minnie P. been le ft there thru courtesy by however, was asleep in the residence H nrtm nn. ponm logist; It. II. R obin before tin- lite ra ry fis tic a rtist and n I incomes o f persons and corpora -Mrs. Heed. Guy, w ho majored1 in music. son, uwsuciaie chemist m ill Hr. S. M ad nliad a very n a rro w escape as he in's managers w o u ld not let him re tions resident and non-resident The perpetrators o f the crim e en Z e lle r, plant pathologist of the Ore in These students have attended was not awakened u n til the fire was tu rn fo r fu rth e r mauling. the stale, from every source w ith in classes conducted by educators from tered th ru a rear w in d o w and le ft w e ll underway. gon experim ent station. T unney’s fa ilu re to uiiike him self I he th ru the hack door. The lock on stale; exempting from net in - C leaning fru it by the chemical The M yrtle (i-eek fire department the figure o f ballyhoo methods o f con» o f a single person, 91.A4M); mar- leading institu tio n s in the country, the window- hail been pried o ff to w ashing metho, t. o riginated at the and have m ixe d w ith stmients from held the flames in check w ith o u t Hie promoters has placed him in a rie r llo w them to enter. person, head o f fa m ily , o r hus- Oregon station, has been generally p e rm ittin g any spread to adjo in in g had standing w ith the , light fo llo w - hand and w ife together, $3,000, and all parts o f the country, many of Residents liv in g near the post o f adopted now not only in Hi« United them educators from Middle West structures. In the past few weeks ers. He chooses to fig h t his own for c.i h ch ild o r dependent under fice report hearing shots at about States Iml in several foreign coun .Myrtle Cri-ek has had several very way and evade tin- heavy punches eertuin com lilionx, $400; corpora- ern states here to spend th e ir vaca 2:30 o'clock. Aceoriling to Mrs. tries. P ruetieally ull the commercial tions in study and enjoyment of had fires and mr.ny of the residents <>f his udtversiiries le ttin them wear twins, Quakenhueh, manager o f the H i- $2.000 each; and p ro vid in g Oregon’s outdoors. packer« and ore ha ri lists m Oregon believe that a firebug is responsible. t ’, emselves out try in g to w h ip him Hint the way Inn there were three shots An investigation is to be requested i slinialeil amount o f in installed fru it w ashing machines In addition to the exceptional w h ile he continues io step in and fired. I he explosion alarmed the come taxes fo r each year 1 m - dcduct- mid used them thrue the 1927 season. lend te llin g punches often on the part of the state marshal. t-iiough cd from the total amount of reven- scholastic advantages offered by dog In the Drakes Grocery and it A pproxim ately 9(1 p4* rent of the slimmer school, many social and en- Io bring h im self tile vic to ry m icq u iri-d fo r state purposes, and start«# harking. Mir. Drake saw- tipple a n il ix-ar crop wus w.i«hc<| by ONE DOLLAR PER DAY t«-rla-inmi*nt features were arranged o n ly the balance o f such required nothing to efuse the alarm an-d the hydroehorle m id iiu-thixl, Hie re for* th is year’s session. Under the ASHLAND TROUBLED COST TO OPERATE AUTO amount he levied as direct taxes on returned to sleep. People who m ainder being from lig h t spray d is direction o f Marion McClain, the | W IT H WATER SHORTAGE property. heard the shot paid little attention tricts. One dlollar a day was the average L IM IT IN G POWER OF LEGISI-A- summer session students were taken to it. th in k in g it was from the Ce More Ilian 300(1 chemical analyses on many interesting outdoor trip s I'm- Io the continued hot weather cost to the average American o i the were made by hrnneh eliemieal la b and the heavy usage o f w id e r result I I HE OVER LAWS APPROVED RY into scenic regions about Eugene, ment plant. Several tools were left lyin g on average ear in 1927, according to in oratories of the Onrgon slid ion hist ing therefrom , the city of Ashland I i J . I LO PI.E Initia te d by Oregon and were accompanied on several of form ation just received by the Ore year, according Io tin- bu lle tin , and Ims p la cid stringent wai t- re stric State Federation o f Labor: Win these trip s by members o f the Eu the flo o r when the burglars de parteif. Some small change was al gon State Motor Association, the fig these showed Hud about !»0 per cent tions in effect Io conserve the city's Cooper, President. Labor Temple. gene Outdoor club. I ortland, Oregon; Ren T. Osborne. so dropped by the bandits In th e ir ure being based on operating and o f Hie to la l crop, o f 3,700 000 hosts Once a week the suuuner school w ater supply. The restrictions w ill maj'ntena«-«- charges o f $229 am i de were pix-pari-il fo rim rrket below ev remain in efrect im li-fim d e ly it i- Executive S-;erctary. Labor Temple, students gathered nt an in fo rm a l h u rry to leave. preciation o f $136. P ortland, Oregon; Oregon Slate Iht- S h e riff’s office and postal en Hie strict foreign tolerance spray reported. party, twldl at the Woman’s building The operating b ill was d ivided in Grange; Geo. A. P alm iter, Master, authorities were notified as soon .as residue lim it. or outdoors on the tennis courts, “ A Hood River, Oregon, Bertha J. Beck, the crim e wr.s discovered and they to: $101 fo r fuel and lubricants, $47 Standardization and in-rfection of GRANTS PASS HAS NEW social sw im ” held once a week also to r mechanics’ hire, $41 fo r replace Seer. I.u-y, Route 3, Albany, Oregon; started immediate investigation. the w iN liliig process is expected to At TO PARKING LAW (ti 'e r R ailway Conductors; E. J. El- proved1 very popular, especially on ment parts ami $40 fo r tires. reduce Hie costs w hich last season i son. State Legislative Represen- ' w arm evenings. The Eugene eamp- FIRES OVER THE STATE z 'f3 averaged only from le Io 5c a box. I us is at its best in the «ununer time, S turting Iasi Mom'-iy m orning the Practical Education TAK E HEAVY TO LL TH IS W EEK Wlu-ii p ro p e rly done Hie washing m otorists who park on Grants Pas, tative, Eugene. Oregon— Purpose: To 1 anil much o f the studying is done amend s «-Hon I of A rtic le IV of has not injured th,.-. fr u it Iml lias a Streets w ill observe thd new style outside on the green lawns undli-.- Rut don't you remember any o f tl state constitution so as to fo r he past week has been a bad one ib-il Io its iippenrnnce and has appar o f parking. the firs and oaks, the things you learned at your bid the Legislature declaring a„ fo r fires all over the country, due 1-nlly contributed to keeping q ual A number of plays were presented Hug.',lining next week the pave m other’s knee?” in quired the w e ll- 1 eney and thus preventing the by the summer classes In dram atics to the, extrem ely d ry Weather. ity under certain eoiuTitions, the ments w ill In- lined to denote park meaning Individual. The tow n o f M ilton-Sweetwuter r< f ence to the people by referen- Hie b u lle tin states. under (he d irection o f Lloyd J. ing spaces so that U c m otorist w ill <>h, o f course,” answered the was swept by fire . There was a The present b u lle tin is largely a have no : r iii fftty in understanding (’ in petition o f any legislative act Reynoldts. flapper. " I learned that you can’t " i < h amends any law w h ich has Increasing attendmux- and interest [ w d u 're ^ * Leb:,no"- Ml in ma ry of results o f tin- pasl sea (It parking system. get n fifty-n in e -ce n t stocking that h i approved by the |>coplc w ith in the son, w ith emphasis on phase, re la t u n ive rsity slim m er session out n fen-ing the repealing act to the ed Io e fficie n cy mid prevention o f promises Io keep the Eugene campus Klamath Falls w ill vole again to pi ople fo r th e ir approval o r rejec- res of tim ber . land was burned in ju ry . The firs t part neais will-, rn ',fv -------over active all the year around. In a<lili- $105,00(1 school building lion. Rubbing It l n methods and processes, another w th hnn:!.s. tion to the regular summer p«-rio«l near H ilt C alifornia. Over 400 ae- “ Poor fe llo w !” ejaculated the us DESCHUTES RIVER WATER AND n s o f land was burned over near i-ffe ts Oil the fru it Hsoif an.: , ie ..... — o- FISH R ILL In itia le d by the Oregon a post session is adited, and the tw o Rend. Many fires were reporteil in ual w e ll-in te n tio n e il but in q u isitive last is a resume o f w o rk <!»>;-,»( on ' a patronize our adlver- Came Protective Association, 505 v irtu a lly compose a fo u rth quarter Lane county. The entire country prison visito r. “ Why have they put disinfectants in relation to the tlzi-rx mention Dial you saw th e ir ---------0--------- tw o halls and chains on you?” Pdtoek Block, Portland» Oregon— washing process. Roseburg— Section o f T ille r T ra il siM-eially the northern pairt o f the ad in this paper. It helps a lot. “I’m in for bigamy,” said the con Purpose— To declare the m aintain- dale lies um ler a screen o f smoke cut o ff road w ill cost $25,717. vict w ho was fed up an answering almost dense enough to hide the sun. Gens Tunney Agaid Proves Himself Master Gold Hill Post Office Safe Blown such querii-s, ’