Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1928)
THB COLD HILL NEWS, J a CK îô N COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY, F E W VARY ». I»2N The Jackson County Bank COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE C. M. Kidd QUALITY SHOES— MODERATE PRICES The C. M. Kidd shoe store of stantial progress than this well Another feature is the savings de known institution. Front the date partment, where courtesy und effi Medford located at 223 Fast Main of its organisation up to the pres ciency are u-uays in evidence and Street is one of the most modem and ent time they have been noted for many who have never enjoyed toe up-.o-date slice stores in this sec their sound, energetic and conser confidence which the possession of tion, currying a complete and well- vative business, commanding a I a bank account gives Io every man selected slock of shoes for the marked degree of the co n fi-, w ill find this savings department a who'e family. No business review dence of their depositors and i stepiung stone to success. Many would be complete without mention the confidence of their depositors1 people from the surrounding te rri of this prominent shoe firm. and the public at large, a condition tory have found this a sery desir Success in the shoe business does that is the tim of the officers and ex- able place to accumulate quite a not always rest in furnishing real ecutive board. fund for the proverbial rainy day. (quality. One must know how to This is the only bank in this part | It is arranged not only for the fit shoes, and it is this feature that of the state that have arranged fa-j convenience of the officials of this has tuude this store so popular. cilities for after hour depositing. hank, but as well for the accommo Specie) attention is given to seeing Depositors of this bank may thru dation of the public. Heal luagnnn-1 that your foot is properly fitted. this arrangement make deposits -t imous service to the public has been It is not necessary to sacrifice style any time of day or night. They the policy of this bank since its in have every electrical burglar pro ception and thus the people have Among the financial institutions tection to their vaults so in bank learned that it is the intention of of this part of the state there are in ing here you are assured full pro the management that they should deed few whihc ean hsow more sub tection to your funds. not only give interest but show It. SOI East Main Street in Medford I* the location a t the Jackson County Bank which is the oldest bank in Jackson county as it was established in 1888. This hank has been a most important factor in the up-building of this section of Oregon and one of the strongest recconunendations is its list of officers which consists of the following:—C. W. McDonald, Pres,: C. I. Hutchison, Vice Pres., V. H . Vawter, Cashier: W . I. Vawter. Assistant Cashier; S. V. Davis. As sistant Cashier; and directors which consists of the following:—T. W. Mile«, V. J. Emerick, V. l i . Vawter, B. F. Antle. C. W. McDonald. C. I: Hutchison, W. I. Vawter and S. V. Davis. i f you con sult them . You can e n jo y s u ffe r w ith sore feet is because the y foo tra se Io the greatest degree and do nut w e ar the rig h t k in d o f at the siiine tim e he s ty lis h und c o r shoes. T l e d iffe re n c e Is In h a vin g re c tly shod i f you trade here. a man f it y o u r feet w h o kno w s Just T h e m anageinent is u n d e r the d ir e xa ctly w h a t you need, i f you e ctio n o f one w h o has given years w o u ld a lw ays he c o rre c tly , s ty lls tily , o f close personal iille iilio n to tilt- and al the same lim e c o m fo rta b ly shoe business fro m fa c to ry to foot shod, v is it th is shop, w h ic h is one of the exclusive shoe stores o f the has been his experience. c o m m u n ity whose iiia n u g e m rn t It is q u ite pro|M-r that in this re kno w s the business fro m A. to Z. v ie w o f the business interests o f this section we make m en tion , p ro m in e n t The managem ent has taken a com m id m e rito rio u s , to the m odern mid m endable in te re st in a ll p ro p o sitio n s progressive shot- store operated by tlia t fu r th e r p u b lic im p rovem e nts, and we urge o u r readers to look tills w e ll-k n o w n firm . them up when in M e d fo rd and in The reason why so m any iM'ople ¡need o f shoes. =1........ ..... ■___ Treichler Motors Jackson County Abstract Company American Fruit Growers Ino. MEDFORD, OREGON Under capable ma nage men this institution has done much in en couraging the agricutlural progress of the comrauniy. SOUTH FRONT STREET ' ed with them only such assistants as can be depended upon to render the most courteous and magnanimous service. There is no more public spirited The largest and most reliable in stitution of this kind in this section citizen in the community than the of the state, doing an extensive management of this well known es tablishment. and in making this re wholesale business in Fruits. « view of this section, we are pleased I t is because of the excellent ser to eommend them and give them in vice and desirable market, afforded this review the prominent position by this well known company, that that their progress and reliable pol this feature is receiving more at icies have merited. We assure our tention from the farmers locally. readers that here they w ill receive the best treatment and utmost in- Another feature of the very satis service. factory service of this popular house is the courtesy and accommodation With the business acumen and which marks their dealings with the foresight which has won such popu producer. The establishment is un larity and patronage for the com der the direction of competent bus pany in the past, the management iness men, and they have associat- has anticipated the needs and de- Sale and Service for W illys Knight and W hippet I-ocaled in Medford nt 30 N. Holly the Trelchler Motors Inc. a r t deal ers in the famous Willys-Knight ano Whippet automobiles. This is an in stitution tli | is under the manage ment of nn.i well known in this section for their interest in the wel fare and progress of the community. mnnds of the people of this section of the stale and is far surpassing ev en the largest expectation, this firm still specializes in rendering individ ual service to every patron. The manager and employees are thor They are truly a "Live-W ire” con oughly conversant with every fea ture of the business, an,| as a re cern und ure always on the alert to see that its putrons get the most sult work moves along at a most metropolitan service, an,| their line rapid and satisfactory manner. of ears are handled in the efficient manner thut their superiority and In iking tl progress of this section of the coun enviable reputation merits. try we wish to compliment this The New Willys-Knight is the cli firm and management u|>on the ad mirable manner in which the bus max of 20 years of motor ear build iness of this valued institution is op- j ing by John N. Willys und in me erated, upon the progressive and | chanical construction, beauty, and public spirited policies. We wish durability as well us the pep Io get to refer American Fruit Growers to up and lake the road, it is a fitting all of obr readers as one of the dis tribute to its builder. tinctive features of the commercial HOME POINTERS efficiency of this part of the state. COMPLETE ABSTRACT AND TITLE SERVICE In M edford at 121 East Clh Street the Jackson C o u n ty A bstra ct Com pany has the m ost com plete set of abstract books in S outhern Oregon. I bis o ffic e is u n d e r the able d ire c tio n o f men w h o are w e ll versed in a ll o f the d e lu lls o f the com p reh en sive and s a tis fa c to ry service they re n d e r th e ir m an y clients. These jiro p le ure p a r tic u la r ly en dow ed w ith the an alysis und care- ta k in g atta in m e n ts that re n d e r them safe and con serva tive in th e ir m a k in g up o f abstracts. T h e re is uo d e lu il th a t is not given the most p a in sta kin g a tte n tio n , w h ile the h is to ry o f th e ir business n|>crutions show that Ihev have a lw a ys been so. purchase a home In the fir s t days o f settlem ent o f People d e s irh ia a ll co m m u n itie s the question o f title can consult no m ore re lia b le a n d to p ro p e rty alw a ys causes a ce rta in com petent a u th o rity up on the title th e ir proposed purchases than am ount o f co n fu sio n . While this to his firm . c o m m u n ity b a il its in n in g s in th is fe n tu re o f settlem ent, today th is has In m ilk in g th is re v ie w o f the p r o a ll been done aw ay w ith th ru Ihe gress of th is section w t w ish to e ffic ie n t service o f m odern abstract recom m end them t u a ll o u r rea d com panies th u t spe cia lize in th is ers w hen they may be in need o f business. service o i the highest ch a ra cte r. Stillman Cabinet Works HIGH GRADE CABINET WORK OF ALL KINDS Medford Battery And Electric Company AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Located on So. Bartlett the Med ford Battery and Electric Co„ have the most prominent electrical en gineers in this section, and is Man ufacturer's Service representative for many nationally known lines of electrical auto accessories including W illard Batteries. Day and night aarvice is featured, also Magneto Service, Speedometer Service and 8-hour Battery Service. The manager of this well-known house realized this when he started in business and as a result equipped his plant with all the latest scientif ic machines so that he could turn out work that would pass the clos est inspection. He searched the market thoroughly for a battery that would give the people complete sat isfaction and decided upon the W il lard Battery. W ith steady improvement in au tomobiles the auto electrical engin eer has become a necessity rather than a convenience. With practical ly every car equipped with a self starter and up-to-date lighting sys tem, it requires the work of men who are well versed in this feature of repair work to keep your car in runn nine fog order. In the repair department he has provided equipment for repairing, rebuilding or recharging batteries This service is a great accommoda tion for motorists, for they have learned that their batteries w ill be correctly repaired and that the firm gives a guarantee on iis. work. _ . . . . , This firm is probably as welt Val. J. Fisher Located in M ed fo rd at .128 No. best o b tain ab le, Im lh in w o rk m a n A little salt added to the whites of Grape Street the .Stillm an 'C a b in e t ship und m a te ria l. eggs in beating w ill make them froth w o rk s is among the most valuable firm s o f th is section mid are doing W ith the business acumen and quickly. uu ever in crea sing busniess in gen foresigh t w h ic h has w on such p o p u la r ity u itil patronage f o r the com pany, the m anagem ent b in antici- paled the needs and dem and* o f the people o f th is section o f Ihe s tu ff anil is fa r surpassing even th e ir largest expeetatioiis. T h is f ir m spec ializes in re n d e rin g in d iv id u a l ser vice to every p a tro n . Courteous and e ffic ie n t to a m arked degree, the m anager bus surro un ded h im s e lf w ith em ployees th o ro u g h ly eouver- and n il p la n in g m ill w o rk. si lit w ith every feature o f the bus iness. Just d ro p in o r c a ll them o il A f«w slices of bacon placed on T h e managem ent and em ployees Ihe phone and you w i ll get the most lop of a chicken when roasting gives o f th is fir m are such that von can pa in sta kin g and aeeom m oduliiig .ser place y o u r p ro blem in th e ir hi nils vice that has w i n them such an en- it a delirious flavor. w ith the utm ost con fide nce and as v o h le re p u ta tio n us a m e tro p o lita n Gasoline w ill remove rust from surance that you w ill receive the an,| progressive establishm ent. The life of linoleum on floors can e ra l and com plete cabinet w o rk of equipped to do this work as any a ll kinds, fo r th e ir pa trons o f .Med other in the county. We suggest be lengthened greutly by giving it fo rd “ f d the s u rro u n d in g te r r ito r y . u good coat of varnish occasionally. In this, o u r re v ie w o f the p ro g that you take your next job to them ress o f th is section o f the slate we for a trial. Sait sprinkled over carpets before are glad to be able to state tha t th is We are pleased in this review to sweeping preserves the colors and con cern is p re p a rin g to increase give them and their associates the keeps away moths. th e ir service to in clu d e general plan- roininent place they deserve in the in « m ill w o rk m id at an e a rly dale Copper and brass vessels a re , w i ll in s ta ll m a ch in e ry and he in a usiness life of Jackson county, and we wish to compliment them on th- brightened by using vinegar and salt p o s itio n to do unexh-nsive business In the m an ufacture o f doors, fram es high quality of service they are giv In the water when washing. ing. C They have a department where they specialize on all kinds of elec trical work on all electrical units. For generator and all Lighting or ignition troubles go to Medford Bat tery and Electric Co. and you are nickle. assured of the very best work ma n- »hip by men who know what they A less tender cut from n well fed o f bay leaf, pepper corns, w h o le blade o f mace. are doing. animal ean be made more palatable cloves, thym e o r sweet m ajoram . L e ft ove r vegetable* ns cn rro ls, by proper cooking than a select cut celery, tu rn ip s an,| o n io n s m ay b - T o a q u a rt o f meat slock add the from an inferior animal. used to fh .v o r soup stock. A la rg e r RADIOS—OIL BURNERS The Val J. Fisher Store of Med ford located at 402 East Main Street is one of the foremost radio con cerns in this section and is also en joying a tremendous business in their oil burner department. (Front School of Home Economics— O. A. C. They can supply you with sets from the very cheapest to the most expensive kind on the market. No matter what priced set you buy you get your value received for your money. fo llo w in g seasonings: 2 to 4 pepper Pig’s liver which costs less, con corn s, 1 o r 2 w h o le eloves, 1 teas q u a n tity is needed than if the vege tables are fresh. tains five times as much iron us the p o o n fu l o f salt, 1 teaspoonful sweet liver of a calf. herbs and a sm all s p rig o f parsley, FOli RESULTS— put a classified add To make gravy delicious, add a bit m ajoram o r thym e, o r hay leaf, o r in the Gold H ill News. porating the four fundamental laws of perfect oil combustion with a sufficient range of sizes to make heating any size of building with oil a logical method. Nu-Way is made in six different sizes. This enables you to have the right size for your They have a very complete line of In the Oil Burner department LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL building. No need to use a burn the foremost Radio Sets and re much study was given as to what er with twelve-room capacity in a pairs for all others and invite you concern an,| goods to offer and af five-room bungalow. No need to to bring your radio trouble to them The Porter Lumber Company of out this section as s one of the lead lead-dhome builders, They invite you to Radio is perhaps the greatest inven ter giving the question much thought try to force a burner with twelve- they decided on The Nu-Way Auto room rapacity to heat a fifty room Medford with yard at 201 So. F ir ers in the lumbe •r business. Tiled talk over with them y o u r b u ild in g tion that has been made in the last matic. The advantages of using Oil apartment building. Street are extensive dealers in lum tremendous prestige decade. Its usefulness is proven to ige of their im- problems- -their b u ild in g experience us every day. From a standpoint Burning Heating is so many that it ber and building materials, lime, mense volume of business, the wide enables them to fu rn is h useful in You w ill find everyone at Fisch would be hard to list them all at of entertainment It is unexcelled. fo rm a tio n and sound counsel. lath and cement. experience of this most prominent Tha biggest concerts, addresses, op this time but users of the NuWay ers genial an,| accommodating and they would be glad to have you call state that the outstanding reasons The co n tra c to rs and b u ild e rs, the eras, music of all kinds, baseball Their prices are right and quality firm in this line, Ihe practical knowl fa rm e rs and the people g e n e ra lly them and get their prices. We and football games, all contests of are comfort, convenience. Economy, on edge that has won for them the rec Healthfulness and Cleanli might say that the wonders of both an<| service Ihe best. This is a firm ognition of the country at large and iiave come to k n o w th a t Uiev can international importance are report Safety, ness. Radio and Nu-Way Oil burners arc whose high-grade lumber has won depend on th is w e ll-k n o w n fir m f o r ed as they happen, to the radio fans. so many and the cost so small that wide popularity and patronage for | the patronage of thousands, all adds ju s t about e v e ry th in « that there is . i t There is not a night but that the ra The Fischer store can supply six no matter what vour station In dfe, the company at ail times. It is a to the progress and prosperity of the lu m b e r business. The re p u t..- dio fan can get any and all kinds of di t Afferent sizes of these burners and you can not afford to lie without well known fact that th i*e is no in J the community in which their large lio n th a t they established fo r sloe . (ft entertainment that he desires. modern establishment is located m-Way is Ihe only burner incor- them. stitution in the community that ha.» I land There are few if any cities the size o f q u a lity am| fo r s tra ig h tfo rw a rd grenier favor with the public than d e aling is b rin g in g thousands of this well known establishment. Ry of Medford that have the advantage d o lla rs Io to w n th a t w o u ld go 1.» of the location in their midst of reason of Ihe fact that the manage an establishment as this well- soine o th e r trade cen ter w e re tin s ment hns had wide experience in ev such establishm ent not located here. It known firm maintains. ery feature of this business and be m ay he t r u ly said th a t th is e sta b lish cause of their comprehensive knowl Ry reason of their modern facili ment is a valuable asset to the cou o- edge of every branch of the trade ties they are able to furnish excel ly . am i in th is e d itio n , w h ic h calls BUICK SALES AND SERVICE this establishment witnesses contin lent service with promptness anil to m in d o u r o n w a rd progress, w o .•I— ued increase in the number of its dispaici w is h to d ire c t y o u r especial a tte n patrons. The Medford Auto Co. with sales sign remain the same, constantly tio n Io th e ir com m Vndahle a c tiv ity They times .w pit-iwni pleased ui I When you ultimately own a Buick ■ ■■ J are at all »••••< to rooms at 40 No. Riverside ha* been improved each year, making Buick This company is known through- be of practical assistance to the ns one o f the d is tin c t features o f o u r business and in d u s tria l e ffic ie n c y . dealing in Automobiles in the Val value today- the greatest in the you w ill appreciate Its beauty, even more than you do now. ley for several years. Their busin- world. That explains why it is that has been built up on a principal there are more than two million A Buick owner knows that the of fair dealing until they have be Buicks in use today. outward beauty of this famous mo come one of the largest dealers of tor car, pleasing as it is, is only the automobile* in Southern Oregon. AH new models have hvdraulic visible evidence of Inner beauty and shock absorbers, front and rear; ' perfection T h ’ » firm ha* the distribution for centralized chassis lubrication; ad EVERYTHING IN MUSIC the famous Buick motor cars In justable steering wheel, new vibrat The mechanical 4-wheel brakes this section and 1« truly a live wire or horn, gasoline gunge and water stop it firm ly and safely. No car This modern music house of Med Palmers you w ill find just the in concern, whose management is al temperature gunge on instrument built Is more reliable, more staunch is a general satisfaction in doing bus ways on the alert to lee that its panel, lock mounted on steering or more sure of itself. Nor is there ford located at 234 E. Main Street strument you want in this line. incss with this admirable and effi feature high grade pianos and a patrons get the metropolitan ser post, combination tail lamp, stop another that is serviced so carefully .complete line of musical instru Rem em ber th a t P alm ers are glad cient house. vice and Buick motor cars arc lamp and back-up lamp and four or so nationally. ments that have been endorsed by to give you a free d e m on stra tion handled in the efficient manner that wheel brakes. T he m anagement and associa e t | the world’s greutest lenders of inu- their superiority and enviable rep In making this review of our w ith o u t o o lig a tio n on y o u r pa rt a l v e ry courteous and w ill he gl i.l utation merits. Buicks are always popular with I progress, we are glad to refer this i sic included in their stock of pianos so rem e m be r that any o f these’ in are to give you th e ir personal a tte n tiu .i new car buyers, because the depend firm and their excellent cars to the is the well known Gu.bransen and strum en ts can he placed in y o u r and show you th e ir stock w h e th e r The Buick car. which is now on able construction results in a mucli people of this part of the state and other makes. In phonographs they home on easy term s, fu ll p a rtic u la rs display in their salesrooms, carries longer life for (he Buick than is or would suggest that it would be well feature the orthophonie Victrola, ' as to te rm , and d e m on stra tion s g iv you are going to purchase uo w o r at a la te r date. T h e y o iie ra le on in - the finest tone machine on the mar w ith ft, of course, all of the posi dinarily the span of service of a mo to look them over before making n ket. also a complete stock of rec en upon request. I s lilu tin n that adds m uch to the e ffi- tive assurance of sound, enduring tor car. final selection and pick out a good ords. In the radio department they eiency o f the c o in m u iiity as a tra d value, which has always been asso By reason o f the w id e range o f one. We desire to commend this ciated w ith the very name “Buick." Buicks are always popular with firm upon their activities in the au represent the Riidioln ami feature q u a lity and p rice , Jt is ve ry d i f f i ing ce n te r and in th is e d itio n w For when better automobiles are the owner because he knows by past tomobile world, upon the confidence the combined radio and phonograph c u lt f o r the u n in itia te d to select a are pleased to po in t w ith p rid e I • history that Buick w ill make no they inspire among their many the new Orthophonie Radiola also p ia n o o r o th e r in s tru m e n t and gel the great success the fir m is m oki ! built, Buick w ill build them. ,m its chosen fie ld , an il assure < r the Zenith Radio. The'rndio is per radical changes that w ill make his friends and upon their progressive haps the greatest invention that l ia s fu ll value unless one is dealing w ith renders that at th is csto b 'ish in it 4 obsolete. principle* of mechanical de- present Buick and commendable business methods. been made in the last decade und at I someone in w h o m they can place di.'d W " ' w a y* receive a squu; Confidence. F o r th is reason there Porter Lumber Company Medford Auto Company Palmer Music House Inc.