Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1927)
VOLLME No. SO. GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1027 NUMBER 3C January 1st Last Day To Apply For Compensation —January I, 1928, is the last day on which veterans may apply for SECRETARY JARDINE URGES th d r Adjusted Coni|M*nsntion, and FARMERS TO COOPERATE (Ms message will he carried through IN FIN A L CROP REPORTS the American Legion to loot) veteran in the slate who liuve not yet obtain ed their bonus insurance, June W. The cooperation of farmers in Valiant. Stale Service Officer of the furnishing information to be used American Legion has announced. in preparing the final crop reports Unofficial reports from Washing* for the year is urged by Secretary ton, D. C. indicate that u large numb Jardine of the United States depart er Oregon veterans have nut tuken ment of Agriculture. The depart the trouble to make application for ment is mailing questtonaires to 560, ' the Adjustment Compensation, either 000 farmers over the United States | through tile Veterans Bureau or the for this purpose. The reports to be Legion. Every post in the Slide w ill issued include those relating to the be ca led on to carry the message to i crcuge of wilder wheat and rye for the veteran who has ignored this op next years harvest, prices paid to portunity for insurance for him farmers for farm products, wages of self, and un effort w ill be made to farm labor, ami the unnuul summary impress on these veterans the im of acreage production, and farm portance of iiiunrdinte action. value of cotton, corn, wheat, and Adustcd Compensation is based on o,bcr crops, the service i ndcrcd to the Govern' Secretary Jardine says farmers ment 'during the wur. For those •'•«»peraling In this work render whose service was entirely domestic indispensable -service in making re a maximum of $566 is provided us ports which the law requires him the base on which Io determine the to issue, and provide themselfs with amount of insurance possible. For information necessary to the proper those who obtained the maximum condui t of their business. Farmers \ . - foreign service $625 is the limit of now, more than ever before, he saiil the base, the home service being appreciate and understand the forces I lie (. h ris ttn a s season is here again. figured at $1 u day ami foreign ser that determine values. This has brought an increased demand for vice at $1.25 a day. The number of I'lic celebration of Christm as brings memories to the days of demestic service and the authentic information which will young folks of the St. Nickolas or Santa Claus of foke lore i liable farmers t() exercise intel L , number of foreign service arc taken into' omit nod that sum, plus I ligent foresight in their firm lame, with his suit o f red and his long flowing beard. per l| compounded annualy for business, and place them on equal S o enveloped do the people become in the buying orgie and 20 ; a, determines the ammount of footing with buyers so far as a the .presentation of g ifts th at they forget the original ins ,ice that can be bought for knowledge of the whole supply C hristm as storyTis told in the Bible. The wise men the in the ,/l n by the government and ! situation is concerned. fant Jesus anil the M other M ary give wav to the more pre. ruled to him. --------- » .......... modern ideas. u. If the veteran does not apply for ROGUE RIVER BASKETEERS the insurance before January 1st, VICTORS IN DOUBLE HEADER I lie holiday at the C hristm as season is one of the old his dependents can get not more _____ est festivals in all history. 1 he ancient pagans and sun than the $566 if he saw demestic ser- .,,, , , , , ......... Fire Chief Kell Warns Against Christmas Fires SAMS VALLEY FARMERS MAKE HEAVY TURKEY SHIPM EN T TO FRISCO Santa Claus has asked Fire Chief Chas. Kell who is also ex officio Deputy State Marshal, to a t as his assistant in Gobi H ill and to see that all of the children help to make this a very merry Christmas indeed. Cheif Chas Kell told Santa Claus that he would be glad to help if Sent» would help to make Christmas a SAFE Christmas for himself and the “Kiddies” by cutting off his wishkers. 'fh e past week there have been some heavy turkey shipments leave the local, express office bound for San Fransico. These turkeys were already dressed for the market and were good fat birds and should bring verv good prices on the markets in Santa Claus promised Chas Kell the California city. Sams Valley that he would shave clean for this farmers felt as though the market at Christmas (or make them fireproof Medford was to low for them to by the prosess given herewith), be- realize the proper value for their cause wisUers are of birds so they poo ed their shipments how and > and sent them into a bigger market. ta|ch O[) fjrt. an(, Sams valley is fast becoming re-1 him terribly. Now Chief Chas Kell 'ognized for its adaptability to the and Santa Claus love the little child poultry business turkey raising ren of Gold H ill and their dads and seems to thrive there. mothers, too, and they do not want The Sams Valley residents par them to he burned and crippled for ticipating in the pool were, C. W. life and their happy homes destroy Hutchinson, O. T. Wilson, Glenn Gar ed, so Chief Chas Kell wants the kid reft and George McDonough. Ed dies of Gold H ill to help him prevent Dimniiek of Bogue River contributed fires, save precious lives and happy a half a ton to the shippment. homes, by asking daddy and mamma to promise to “DO” these things on T IM E LY SUGGESTIONS FOR this Christmas: YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER 1. Avoid the use of candles and open flames for Christmas tree de Appropriate colors carried out in corations. Look out for short cir one or two courses of the Christmas cuits in electric wiring and connec- dinner odd interest and variety to tions. the meal. 2. In case candles are used, be White fruit such as apples, pears, sure that the flame can not possibly grapefruit and cherries may lie come in contact with the dry needles tinted red or green for a cocktail. of the tree or any other flammable Cherries or a sprig of mint may be decorations, curtains or drapes. used as a garnish. Cream of to 3. Use nonflammable materials to mato soup, generously sprinkled represent snow and frost on and with chopped parsley, carries out around the Christmas tree or where the color idea. they may catch a fire. vice alone o r $625 if he had m a x '. , ’ ' • " ',l 11,11 H,,<h M' h" " 1 w orshippers celebrated with joy about this time of the Many variations ore made by gar 4. Be careful that the “kiddies” do mum fo re ig n service, whereas the »offered » «1» f* ut a' year. nishing the meat planter. Cinna not get near the candles or open Adjustment Compcnsrtion Ccrtifi ,H' h,,n,ls of rivals- Ho«"e cate he would be entitled to. other- Biver> ‘-veiling by a score rile sun worshipper was tau g h t to wtorship the sun. mon drops added to the syrup in fireplace with their flimsy clothing which apple rings arc cooked make or “nighties.” of 38 to 23. 16623267 wise might be twice those amounts. ... it. He noticed that about this time of the a pleasing garnish. 5. Place celluloid and other flam The two teams seemed evenly If application is made, the full am year the daylight began to lengthen and in his uneducated Tomato jeily highly seasoned and ount of the policy is payable to the malchc I up until the fourth quarter mind he thot the God of light or goodness was conquering moulded in fancy shapes may be mable and explosive decorations away from danger of catching fire. when Hermy Wakeman, star of the bcnrficiuriex. used instead of the usual cranberry the god of darkness and he celebrated. 6. If motion pictures are shown in Mr. Valient pointed out that the Bogue River quintet went wild and jelly. the home, be sure to buy the ‘acetate longer the veteran wails to apply started slushing the net with some L ater as the C hristian era spread—the beautiful story Geletine salad with shredded cab safety film and avoid the “nitral” the less insurance he will be able spectacular long shots. of the Christ child was ushered into tlx- lives of all C hris bage and apples tint«! green and or or highly flammable film. The home boys seem Io hold to gel, because of the fact that his garnish with pimento and celery tianity and it so happened that the date was about the 7. In case of fire: Call the fire de nge w ill work against the amount of their own until near the close of curls is an interesting combination same as the old sun w orshippers festival. partment first. Then try to put it out the game when they appear to weak insurance that may be obtained for for Christmas dinner. by fire extinguisher, water, or him. Detailed information on the en and their opponents then score Boxed fruit salad is clever. Split Today the idea of g ift giving seems to be the most smother with a rug, blanket or what matter w ill be forwarded to all the nt w ill. In the Tuesday classic the are made three-sided box. Perhaps this is the saltincs ever is handy. Posts in the State, with a rail for an locals seemed unable to bit the im portant part of the entire festival. tied with red and green ribbon and 8. Christmas decorations and cloth intensive drive among those veterans basket often throwing their passes outgrow th of the trip of the wise men to the m anger where filled with salad. who have ’not yet obtained their away. They seem to have inherited ' Christ lav, for we are told that they carried g ifts to the Mint leaves added to a moulded ing used for public festivities, where the jinx that the Bogue River squad new king. compensation. or frozen salad give an unusual open flames are usçd for illumina has always held over them. flavor. Small leaves of mint arc tion, can be made fire resistant by dipping in a solution of ammonium ------ Regardless of w hat the conception of C hristm as used as garnishes. ASHLAND FIRST NATIONAL The Bogue River girls basketball be, there are more souls made happy on this day Raspberry and lemon jello cut in phosphate (commercial ammonium BUYS T A L E N T HANK phosphate, 1 pound; water, 1 gallon* team defeated ihe Gold H ili girls lo a n upon any other day celebrated in C hristian nations half-inch cubes on a bed of lettuce make a particularly good salad with WringTmd dry; w ilt not injure mat 38-18. i Bogue River gained an early lead , Regardless of the belief which any one has about a heavy dinner. Mayonaise or erials and w ill rilake colors fast. The first national bank of Ashland 9. An effective way to quench fire has purchased (he entire assets of and by ihe end of the half had PU| j Ciirist mas', we all m ust admit that regardless of motive, whipped cream may he used as in a persons clothing is to wrap a the state bank of Talent. The deal the game on ice. However in the it is a great day—a day filled with kind, tender feelings, dressing. Christmas candle salad is attrac blanket, rug or woolen cloth tightly has been pending for some weeks second half the local females hit big, benevolent deeds and a general spirit of brotherly love tive. A banana cut in half cross around the body and roll upon the and was concluded on Thursday of iheir stride and it was nip and | which tends to establish a feeling of peace on earth and wise is placed in a slice of pine floor or ground. this week This is the largest transfei Hick, each team playing its bardesl. 10. The first application to a burn good will tow ard all mankind. apple. A spoonful of mayonaise In banking circles in Jackson The local girls have steadily ini- placed on Ihe banana resembles the should be sweet oil, olive oil or County for several years. All of the nroved their playing and they hope wax melting down the candle. A sweet cream and then dust with bak business of the tab nl bank w ill bt o soon mark up some victories. TO HAVE CHRISTMAS GOLD H IL L BOY HAS small piece of brazil nut stuck in ing soda or flour to exclude the air. Iransfcred to the Ashland iustutinr Both the boys nnd girls teams will CELEBRATION SATURDAY CHANCE WEST POINT the end of the banana may be Call a doctor. Cashier E. B. Adamson of the Tal •licet the Jacksonville quintettes. Now Eire Chief Chas. Kell and all lighted. The oil in Ihe nut w ill ent bank is now assisting in tin Friday, December 23 nt Gold Hill, Tlic Odd Fellows Lodge arc spon of the“fire laddies”have little kiddie« burn for several minutes while the Ashland bank while Mr. IL W. Frail; -------- o--------- A wire from Congressman W. C. of Iheir own and would like to soring a community Christmas cele salad is served. Talent assistant cashier, w ill devolt I’O FURNISH CEMENT bration this year at their hall on Hawley staled that he has reported spend Christmas eve at home with Colorful gum drops in red and his intire time to his orchard. FOR PORTLAND SEA WALL Christmas eve, Saturday evening. the name of H. I.ogan Kenaston of them, just like your dear daddy and green take the place of the usual The public is invited nnd it is ex Gold H ill to take the competative ex mints that arc served with coffee. mamma. If they have to leave their TRAP TWO LARGE HAWKS amination for entry to the West nice warm homes to put out a fire --------- o--------- Hight after the first of the year pected the largest growd ever essem- Point military academy. bled in the Odd Fellows hall w ill be n your house (caused by somebody!" Ihe Beaver Portland Cement com 4th U S ENGINEERS The youth w ill take the civil ser carelessness), and, perhaps, save Noal Kellogg nnd Meritt Davis pany w ill start shipping three cars present that night. The children w ill TO MEET AT PORTLAND your lives, their Christinas and their were surprised the other day wlic.i of cement a day to Portland where be given special attention we un vice examination in the federal building in Medford January 7th. derstand. 'phe affair is going to lie babies, Christmas w ill be spoiled. out on their trap line Io find tint I w ill lie used In the construction The 4lh U S engineers w ill hold If everybody in your house do they had crptured two large hawks. f a huge sea wall being built there. one of importance to the community, Mr. Kenaston commonly known as The hoys had noticed Dial for sev Thia order alone w ill inslire an ear and every one is assured of a good j Bob was a last years graduate of the their Annual Business Meeting and what you tell them to do, and be pre eral days their g a llic had been tak ly opening of the plant for (he ship time. local school and quit an atheletr. Banquet the latter part of January. pared for any emergency, everybody Bobs many friends here are pleased 1928. All members in Oregon anil w ill have a Merry Christmas and en away from them and could not ment of three cars daily w ill insure I _ find the nioiiruudrr. They decided 900 b a rrels a «lay of the product of « » ('IK V E R SHIPPMENT Io hear of his opportunity and hope Washington should w rite tto the cause to look forward to a Happy that he w ill be able to take advan committee in charge, C. H. Andcrsor. and Prosperous New Year; and to plnce another trap ne r by and tlic local firm. As the maximum OF NURSERY STOCK 1718 Fast Burnside Street Portland, Santa w ill be happy too. attempt to catch the intruder, which o u tp u t of the p’ant is 1600 barrels n tage of the opportunity offered. A shippment of 3700 pear trees Oregon. W on’t you Help? Of course you 1'iey did. They done overly well in day Ihe sea wall order alone will were recievcd in the city today from The 4th Engineers, made up largly w ill, and so w ill daddy and mamma, so far as each of their tr ips had more Ilia i n c hn’f the output. UNDERGOES OPERATION Ihe Shcncnilonh Nursery ot Shener- of Oregon nnd Washington volun so they can have a little angel climb snared a large hawk. They brought I here is still consiernblr cliiiker .doah, Iowa and were consigned to H teers, participated in the 2nd battle upon their laps and whisper “I Love Hieir quarry Into the city and show on the damp hut with the increase j Van Hocvcnhcrg. The young trees Asil, the son of M r and Mrs. A. A. of The Marne, The St. Mehlel, The you." ed them to their friends -m l later mi business anticipated after the arrived in good condition nnd were Tell daddy nnd mama that it is Vbernted them. Both birds were first o f the year w ill yoon make the inspected nnd delivered Io the or- Walker of this city underwent an Argonne and othe battles, also was operation, Sunday morning at a Med stationed on the Rhine in occupied Better to be Safe than Sorry. fine specimens of Ihe hawk family. opcniiig imperative. Workmen nr? chard at once. ford hospital. Asil has been bothered Germany, after the Armistic. They busy at the present doing repair | Mr. Van Hocvcnhcrg has one of Mr. and Mrs. (). B. Clark of work nnd getting everything in rend- the largest orchnr.-i in this vicinity for sonic time with n lame shoulder have been heard of very little, due TO HAVE CHRISTMAS PROGRAM — .i . . - , . . - .................- ......* . nnd upon an examination an infecl- to the fact that they have not been Pleasant H ill ranch Is spending the I— esa so that there w ill be no delay nnd is setting out these young trees ion of the bone was found. The op- The Ex A Christmas program hns been holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. when time comes for the wheels to with the expectation of enlarging erntlon was performed to remove properly press-ogented. members are now endeavering to arranged for and w ill be held at the Wing, of this city. s,»r| urn ng. his crops, the cause of the trouble. form a permanent organization. school house, Friday afternoon. ,v