TUR GOLD H IL L XK US. lA C K liÜ N C ü lN T Y . OUKÜON T I l t ’ U n A Y K D K ia B ia a a a B s a a a a D K iio a a FARMERS GAIN A COOL B ILLIO N OVER LAST YEAR The farm income in the United States w ill be a cool b illio n tlollors greater than in 1926, an,I the d is tri­ b utor o f merchandise has a fa r bet­ te r market aw aiting h im than he d id a year ago. the Chicago 1 rih - une fin d s as the result o f a busin­ ess survey it has just concluded. “ Throughout the summer o f 1926 production and trade were on an unseasonably high plane,” the re ­ p o rt says. A cdllapse last Autumn was inevitable. “ Autumn in 1927 finds condition | d ia m e trica lly reversed. The sum- | n ie r production and d is trib u tio n 'vo lu m e s have been moderate. Some have even said that commerce was I exceptionally quiet. Certain it is that there has been no overproduc- | tio n , no excessive out-of-season | d riv e fo r business, no saturation of ■ the consuming public. Wc have not used up the supply o f fuel by over- I d riv in g the m otor du rin g the sum- I mer, and we therefore have enough | in the tanks to run the machine at | a natural rate o f speed throughout | the fa ll. There is ce rta in ly sounds basis fo r believing that the dis­ trib u to r o f merchandise in the eon- I eluding quarter og 1927 has a fa r I better m arket aw aiting h im than I he had a year ago. I There is a strong belief prevailing in automobile circles that the pub­ lic w ill not be kept w a itin g much longer fo r the long-looked-for an­ nouncement from Dearborn, w hich w ill give in detail a complete de­ scrip tio n o f the new Ford car. That the big plants are now ir. production o f parts is a w e ll estab­ lished fact. These parts, to a cer­ ta in extent are now being shipped to various assembly plants, but not the assembled cars, and everything possible is being done to get into q u a n tity production of the com plet­ ed car at the earliest possible mom­ ent. *“ Mr. Ford, however, refuses to be rushed. He is aware o f the fact, better than anyone else, that a false start me*ns considerable trouble, i f not disaster. He is personally lo oking after every detail. He is d a ily w o rk in g in overalls, w ith his small arm y o f autom obile engineers, Slogan Contest OF Palm er Music House Z ms subject to roosiani use, age in collages o r (old lim e ) rooms. undine or ib u rqui'rtlr. A t this season o f the year, it is an American custom to devote a day to the giving o f thanks to the A l­ mighty fo r llis bounties; to com -, menior.de the firs t season o f pros­ p e rity and identitude. / Cam e On this day it is fittin g and proper that we review the m ani­ fo ld blessings of the year just pest; that we o ffe r true expressions of gratitude fo r peace and prosperity. keeps right on delivering enjoyment That this nation has been pre­ served through wars anil strife , that it has ileveloped in a'll the arts and sciences as w e ll as in husband­ ry and commerce, that it Jias know n no year o r universal pesti­ lence o r famine, should he constant sources of jo y to our people; we should be ever cognizant of o u r good fortune and pay homage to those firs t comers w ho so soundly founded and c a re fu lly builded the structure of o u r national life . That we today stand a leader among na­ tions, supreme in the ways of modern c iv iliz a tio n , is a trib u te to those P ilg rim Fathers, whose firs t T hanksgiving give us in sp ira tio n Camel holds the leader­ ship because it delivers complete smoking plea­ su r e —th a t’s C am el’s platform. I f a ll cigarettes were as good as C u n u l you w ouldn't hear anything about special treat­ ments to make cigarettes good for the throat. N othing takes the place of choice tobaccos. O U H » . I. R . n a U . T o t e m C o .u p to ,. N t. ‘‘Electric Power!— A Consumer-Owned industry” I Says Haley Fisks President o f the M etropolitan Life Insurance C om pany IN TESTIM ONY W HEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal o f the state o f Ore­ gon to he hereto affixed this 9ih day of November, A. D. 1927. Medford, Oregon 5S _ " T h e r e can be n o d o u b t th a t lig h t a n d p o w e r d is tr ib u tio n is a m o s t im p o r ­ t a n t e le m e n t in o u r life , in th e c o m ­ m u n it y ,,in th e n e ig h b o rh o o d , in th e h o u s e h o ld . T h e o w n e rs h ip o f th e e le c tric lig h t a n d p o w e r co m p an ie s is n o w in th e h a n d s o f m o re th a n 2,000,- 000 d ire c t investors in p u b lic u t i l i t y stocks, a n d in d ir e c tly , in th e h a n d s o f m illio n s m o re o f b a n k depositors a n d holders o f life in s u ra n c e policies th ro u g h th e ir o w n e rs h ip o f p u b lic u t i l i t y bonds. T h is is people's o w n e r­ s h ip u n d e r p u b lic r e g u la tio n .’’ * I. L. PATTERSON, Governor. f ■ ■. I g g — — a z H ' Ion only. Net has locked th it'iiil* both wavs, middng it stronger Ihun I »“ •Im. voile. coMnn elamtae. Ut BROCL 4M \T IO N T o help preserve the ideals of American s im p lic ity and virtu e and C h ris tia n ity , the President of these United Stales has proclaim ed that a day be set aside fo r the observance o f Thanksgiving, and in c o n fo rm ity thereto, and by the a u th o rity in me, vestid, I. I. I.. Patterson, govern­ o r o f he state o f Oregon, do hereby p ro cla im and designate Thursday, November 24, 1927 as Thanksgiving Day, and do hereby set it aside as a p u b lic holiday. I earnestly ask the citizens of th is great state to jo in together to observe in pro p e r man­ ner the season o f Harvest, of Peace and Good w ill, that we tu rn our thoughts to the A lm ighty Father w ho in His grr.ciousness has given us am ply of His Bounties, and that we display the American flag as ev­ idence of our p a trio tic devotion to the founders o f our nation. FOR i Ir (»renudlne and m a rv u 'e lte hgve threads one way and the t,irvw,|M can lie pulled in one d lie e l. today. Entry Blank f In rooms having plain rugs and ugs bavii ,: cmvdt’iia b le , though h ngi' es monotony is avoid,,I by out contrast ng p a tte r*, are best hnvii i upholstery w ith a pattern ■ ¡used as tin > do not show fo o tp rin ts i > weave, Bugs w ith very large to r wear ns are med In .'mils, c o rrld - . , i .• Inrg ’ office i. Braid rugs, rag carpets and bund woven rugs are used to bset advunt- Governor Issues Proclamation HENRY FORD DONS OVERALLS DAILY X O V E 'lilK R I f . i M f and i f his new model is not all he7 says it w ill be, he alone w ill shoulder the responsibility. No o ffic ia l statement has as yet seeped through the w a lls o f the ex­ ecutive o ffice that w ould indicate w hen the announcement w ill be forthcom ing, and, considering thé I mammoth task o f designing and i b u ilding a complete line o f new cars, the secret has been w e ll kept. It is a case of m aking speed slow ly. Mr. F ord announced several months I ago that when the car is offered io the public fo r either approval or disapproval it w ill be the best he knows how to build in the low price field. Before the public w ill have an o p p o rtu n ity to buy, every dealer in the co u n try must be sup­ plied w ith a “ copy.” T h is in i t ­ self is a big order, not yet begun. The factories are ready and w a it­ ing fo r the w histle that w ill start production in quantity. You can always upon splendid oa with Crescent the Double Ac By R ail or Highway to Portland —fa s t trains augmented b y n e w s ilv e r - g r a y motor coaches. 'iN C E M r. Fiske’s state ­ m ent was made, the number of investors in electric power com­ panies h is grov/n to over three million. It is estimated th a t during 1926, nearly four hundred thousand customers bought -over three million shares in the electric power companies serving them. All told, over thirteen and.a half million shares of sto c'. have been purchased by the customers of these companies. These owners are found in every walk of life. Two companies clone r: wrt nearly four teen thousand cus­ tom er stockholders, representing 2G9 sepai ate occupations. The movement toward customer ownership i f industry find', its largest expression in the electric power companies because of the New convenience for travel­ ers to and from Porrland and intermediate stations. Luxuri­ ous motor-coach service of Southern Pacific Motor Trans­ port Co., in addition to im­ proved schedules of Southern Pacific trains. Get your copy of the new time folders. Note the faster time of the "Shasta" and "Oregonian." These trains southbound pro­ vide comfortable, convenient service to California points. Silver-gray motor coaches from Ashland daily; additional service from Roseburg and Eu­ gene north. Southern Pacific ra il tickets good on motor coaches 'of Southern Pacific Motor Transport Co. high sense of responsibility de­ veloped by these companies in their dealings with the public. Operated under the American principle of individual initiative, and directed by a personnel of tested integrity and pufc’ic- mindedne8S, these companies have so definitely identified themselves i the interest of thopublic, 11:. the structure of America’s prosperity and prog­ ress rests to a large degree upon their service. America’s unequalled level of comfort and prosperity, made j ossiLli through cheap, abun­ dant power, developed under the American principle of individual initiative, is the best of reasons w hy th a t principle should be pieserved and perpetuated. *The com plete text < [ Mr. Fiske’s statem ent w ill he fu rn ish e d Southern upon request. T h e C tL :* o r U iiA O r ¿ c o m P ow er C o m p a n y Pacific 1*M» o f \ , fi. H. RADTKE Agei», I J / CrrICES. Medford, Ci.-nts Pass, Roseburg.Klam ath Falls-Oregon Yreka, Dunsmuir-California Z1ÜÍ ¡W -