Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1927)
r« Advertising li (he yaast of Business. Il dough. raises the ®he «otó Mill VOLUME Ne. » . "Ila Our Hesonrces"—What more could you ask. GOLD HILU JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY MARCH 31, 1»27 DK AUTREMONT EXPECTED TO FIVE MILLION ANSWER PLEAD NOT GUILTY CALL TO OPEN ROAD I Fidelity State Bank Is Consolidated With Jackson County Bank I Rich Gold Strike A t Kubli Mine Near Gold Hill Fans Mining Interest Here We lire ull convinced that Hugh Ho lor the joy of the open road! i» Innocent, und at his preliminary I his is the xong which more than | hearing in a week or ten daya, he 5,000,000 auto enthusiasts start sing will plead not guilty, »aid Elmer ing at the first approach of spring, itobinaon, San Frnnciaco attorney, as then the motor gypsies get ready who liu» been retained by .Mr». Belle to sully forth wih their outfits. DeAudrcniont of Lukewood, N. M. (damping via und in the automobile I for the denfenae of her »on. After today the Fidelity State bunk I - is the newest and fastest growi _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Mr». DeAureniont after three con outdoor sport, and because it is a ! w illie no more. Such waa the new» 1 MANY OFFERS OP SUMMER What purports to be another of the rich gold strikes for which this which cunic to the depositors of thia WHITE HOUSES FOR PRESIDENT ference» v ’h her »on.” »aid Itobih- heap of fun to ploy gypsy with a SOLI HERN OREGON DUE on, "feel* n*< _ i.ew woman.” She motor car, thousands of families are FOR HEALTHY GROWTH country was one time famous comes city by the mornings mail in the wuy of un announcement from the Jack- ~ '» absolutely convinced her »on had joining the ranks of the road vaga to our ears this week with the re »on County Ituiik of Medford thut Since the president made bi» no part in till» cold blodded crime, bonds evey year. And motor cam|>- That southern Oregon is rapidly port that a rich vein has been dis institution having assumed the liubll- bo,,,<’ “w,*y from Washington last When »lie eiinie «he was doubtful. ing is fun with a capita) "I”, if you being sold to outsiders is evidenced covered at the Kubli Mine just ac- Itle» of the local Institution ^tar bc received many oppor- she bud heard so much from the oth like the outdoors und if you have by the growing number of applica cross the river from Gold Hill on The consolidation wa» the result | luni,ir* ,o basque in the pleasures er aide. In fact thut was all she assembled an uulfit thut makes for tions for sample copies of the pap Galls Creek. of many weeks consultation between “,n‘o*t every beauty »pot In the heard. Hugh has talked to no one comfort. ers published in this part of the The discovery was made Monday the directors of the local bunk und coun*ry- *' might not be out of keep- |)Ut ,lu, and Ids mother about these If you are about to take a plunge . state and by demands being made when a chance shift of operations the Medford institution. The reason J ''8. •ho"ltl <"’1'1 HUI inv“e hhn *° cbur ies und he will talk to no one into the ranks of the motorcatn|>crs. npon realators for literature upon threw open what Kubli believes to given for the action by the directors hU »»>’ing on the Bogue else.” here are a few tips on an outfit and 'unds and resources which we have be a valuable vein, and brought the of the Fidelity State bunk is the lack **'*' »uuiincr or rump ul Diamond "If he were guilty of this crime how to use it. to offer here. mine owner hurrying from Portland of support by Gold Hill people. The ^»’ might even be able Io he would have broken down before First, be sure the car is in good , Locally this condition is evidenc- where he is engaged in business. following letter over the signature of s ‘‘cr,‘,ury Hoovers endorsement, this.” continued his attorney. “Grill- condition and carry a shovel, with <-d by the daily demand upon the This is the second find at this Cashier Zimmerman is self expluna- ^t 'be White House It is said thut ed by federal und urmy officials will prove invaluable around camp -''■rws for sample copies. The mine in the past six months. The last Ury, ' since the udjourment of Congress . allowed to see no one but those for leveling a piece of ground of for bank. Mr. Zimmerman tells us, also find last fall led to the installation Due Io the fuel that the amount of **“’ 'nv*,u"on* •*’ Mr. Coolidge for against him, human nature, guilty digging a hole to bury rubbish.And have many inquiries. Reed and Guy of new machinery and equipment business was not lurge enough In '»is uppeurunce und speeelimnklng in human naure would not stand up by all means take along thirty feet , receive many letters daily, from and if the present find is a vein of volume to make any money for our vnriou' c,,le* of thc f,«»<,'tr.v have again* a thing like that. No. Hugh ,,f new heavy rope for tow-’ng pur- People who have heard of the much sire the mining fever of early stockholders the directors of the FI- |,,,ur*'<l 1,1 ■ Kr ,“h r 'ban ever killed noont, lie isn't the killer kind pose. There are so many good tents. | splcnd.d climate here, of the fer days wil| again be revived at fever dellty S lid e Hank with the consent of . 1 ” J»« h“ “«•‘ ‘ l»*' «« lhï time comes we will so many stoves and cam i g. .des so ,■'"e soil and of the natural resourc- heat. the State Hanking Department have " *T of rbe Whi!c "»use , prove it. 1 many excellent cooking (.u'fits, c :p |ics which can be taken advantage of. From a seven-eighths inch drill mude this pungent e x -, , . Federal operatives here rfaMcuIr other things, that it is Fu ;z!i-z mt The Pacifc highway, which tra- hole 30 inches deep at least $20 in voted to discontinue and have dis- I spokesman , . , _ posed of certain of the assets to the I P*«n«»ory comment at this week’s what they cull ’DeAutreinont alibi.” (he the big idea to keep in mind is this: erses the state of Oregon and passes «t>W ore was gleaned in a few min Jackson county Hunk of Medford ,,rel“ '""brance. “It would seem This talk about moonshining and The outfit should be campact and through our city will in a course utes yesterday. Over (1000 in free who are taking over our deposit liu ln vl*'w ,,f ,he 'n i"«rs l,H k of funds, they declare is the contain a few things that are not °f a short period of years become ore was extracted during the day. bility in full quiring the attention of the Pres- same old story advanced at least necessities. The tendecy of most a veritable boulevard bounded upon The discovery occurred when the This move’ is made in the exercise •,,cnl ,he Present time, he can three times before by the defense, motor campers is to carry more either side by fine homes and high- bottom of the shaft on which miners of prudence and for the benefit of h,'"*'r bv »»«>"•« 1""i thcre <’ nothing in it, they say. rquipment than they need. •>' cultivated aceragcs. The present were working was filled with water ull the people concerned. 1 ln " “»binglon and attending to the -------- - -------- Let’s start with the cooking out- ' status of the highway between Ash- making further operations impos When the t'.old Hill Hunk was clos business rather than going NOVEL SCHEME T ° ________ _________ fit. Don’t select your utensils from 'and and Grants Pass proves this sible. A platform, built above the ADVERTIZE REDWOODS the home kitchen because, as a gen- prediction to be possible, where shaft, threw the operation against ed over three years ago it served to about the country furnishing enter- eral rule, they won’t pack well. The *‘nch year new settlers lake advant- what Kubli’s workers thought to be shake the confidence of our little taininent or offering public instruc In what probably will be the long- ,nos' practice outfit is a single, com- ■'«<' of the opportunity to locate the hanging wall, the recognized eommnuily to such extent thut it has tion of public questions." I he grist of letters proffering sum- ' ,.st marathon foot-race e /e r run in- pact nesting kit, which includes ev homes along this popular thorough source of the mines wealth. Instead never recovered und much of our business is being done ut other mer White Houses' is also lurge dian runner- from vitually every ery utensil with each fitting into fare. Near this city, several new of that, it was one of the overhang loints which lessens the amount and growing larger daily. Among tribal community on the Pacific the other. They come for two, four homes have sprung up even during ing ledges, said to be literally reek that comes here und this with the the latest is an invitation to spend roast will compete in a 480-mile en and six |>ersons. Also don’t forget the winter months and there are ing with gold. There are several expense which Is higher thut u few tile summe rut Hohywood, (.ulifor- durance contest sometime in May. A the long pronged cooking fork, a many more to follow. The land sale similar ledges surrounding it. “Ail this time, the mine has been years ago makes this move the pru niu, Pichfair, the Beverly Hills es- definite date for the start of the race pair of rooking s|>oons and last but between this city and Hogue River tne of Mary Pickfords and Douglus | has not yet been set. not least a pancake turner, con op last fall fully demonstrated the the a dream to me,” said Kubli in an in dent thing to do. ory that this land is in demand. The terview “but I entered business in "The marathon, which will be ov- ener .so a p dish and dish towels. While we regret to tuke away an Fairbanks was tendered the Prcsi- local real estate firm, have also sold Portland and neglected ¡L -A year institution from the community if dent witli the assurances from M»ry[cr the Redwood highway from Sun several homesites and small acerag- ago last October I bought ap all the It is not making any money it is and Doug that it was n nice house Francisco to Grants Puss, Ore., will PARENT TEACHERS TO wise to not continue hence our ac mid that he would he sure Io like it. ' he sponsored by the Redwood High- PRESENT COMIC DRAMA es fronting on the Pacific highway interests and decided to start ex clusive operations." and at good prices. Ihe message was brought to the wav association. Prizes totaling $2,- tion. There are tw0 tunnels in the mine \Y ith the fact that these lands can White House by Congressman Fair- o(H > are expected to lure other than Al| our customers will have their We have here-to-fore said nothing and will, if so planted, raise very now, one 250 feet long with the deposits in the Jaikson County Bank child of California. Close oi. h is 1 | n<jjan entrants. .«p|ans for , he race annOunced to of the proposed presentation of the heavy yields of truck garden pro shaft sunk to 50 feet, and another beginning April 1, and the outstand heels followed Congressman Lam- iler! of Wisconsin with the tender I day by Harry Lutgens, chairman of play “Leave It to Judkins”, a Comic duce and small fruits, proven, it 400 feet long, on a different level. ing checks and Time Deposits will Drama to be sponsored by the Par will not be long until canneries will It was in the back of the 250 foot be paid by them in the regular S?*.* finc n‘‘,,r "»hkosh In the committee in charge, call for a CIU. ent-Teachers of the city. This neg- be estabished and thus create a tunnel that the rich strike was dis course and 'r you cun mail them the Is , ° I V u s t “rr,v*'' ,iour ,!l,er suWe,tw* j revival of the old Indian method of [ I j |ect lect fll.i \ a . . A' . . l l . Is . SW KS on our part was principally due deposits very readily und we ran Í his state. Senator Nye O| North Du- communication, smoke signuls. As to the fact that “yours truly” the ed- greater demand for such produce. covered. the Minnesota lakes. The Kubli mine, which has been the race progresses the positions of tor wns cast among the players. But The chicken und dairy business has vouch for the honesty, integrity and -------- -» the various contestants will be an- ut the present writing we have been received materia] impetus during the incorporated and re-named the slunding of the Jackson County Bunk , . past year with the result that many “Golden Standard Mining Co." is nouneed by signal fires strung out mid their excellent corps of officers GENERAL MOTORS CO. excused and any theatrical asp.r- baby chicks are arriving daily to be about five miles from the Southern LARGEST INDUSTRIAL FAMILY’ along Hie entire route of the race. to whom we commend you. _____ I “Included in the atheletes who at.ons which we might have had the basis of the future flocks of our Pacific tracts at Gold Hill. They are the Pioneer Bunk of have been shattered. Now that we poultryment. Naturally the reven Jackson County mid while they are The distinction of having the huve signified their intention of en- are not actively engaged in the cast ue froin thesc industries w i| conservative you will find them gen world’s largest industrial family be tering the race are runners of the $30,000,000 IN CO-OP. EGGS no,th.,nR whic.h wou,d i somewhat curtailed at first for tlemanly and courteous and we trust longs to (ieneral Motors. This great ! Oregon Cavemen of Josephine coun hinder it from being a real success. many of the new recruits in the in that you will use them as your fin- commercial house hold is composed ' ty." Therefore we place ourselves on re dustries are but novices and have ' Thirty million dollars’ worth of uncial agent in the future. cord as being highly enthused over considerable to learn, but if they are eggs were marketed co-operatively of more than 275,1X10 persons off of I We feel that they have done a ser whom are directly connected with ^Ny_PLANE FLIES FORTY the possible outcome. not discouraged at the outset they in this country in 1925; there was a vice to our ronununity in agreeing General Motors as employees, deal MILES ON GALLON OF GASOLINE The play is being directed by Prof. will reap a rich reward in the fu great increase in these figures in to take the bunk over ns they have. ers and their employees, or stock Rluett and from his capable manage ture. 1826 and the volume is expected to WALTER ZIMMERMAN holders. Safety nnd economy are claimed ment we would suggest that should further increase in 1927. The poul Cashier Furthermore, if all the workers for a small monoplnne which has he change his name to Bluctivitsh or try industry is increasing in near Any one in business in the city WILDERNESS AREAS CAN STILL been devised for the purpose of some such he could easily find a can easily appreciate the position of who go home were organized into bringing flying within the reach of berth in Hollywood. Among the cast BE FOUNND IN FORESTS ly every state as is also the con an automobile club, it would num sumption of eggs. Canada eats more Mr. Zimmerman for fully three four the man of moderate means. The are Miss Nellie Jacobs, Mesdames eggs per capita than any other coun ths of the business is at present ber more than 4,000,000 members. Moore, Paul Thompson, 1 he day of the “great wide open try in the world, 230 eggs per per A sriking example of the interde craft is sturdily constructed, thp Earl trnnsneted on out of town banks. fuselage being of the steel-tube type Lloyd Miller, and A. E. Kellogg, spaces" is not yet past, nor is it in son per year. During the past six Just what arrangements will be pendence of industries is furnishej the wing sprend is twrnly-three Paul Thompson, Alan Cameron L. any immediate danger of passing. by General Motors. wears the Canadian consumption made to care for the Cement pay Consternation on the part of many has increased about ten dozen for In 54 cities in this country, Can feet .total weight 300 pounds, and I.. Smith nnd Bud Force. roll has not been stated but some nr- the motorcycle engine nffords a The characters are rapidly getting nature lovers and outdoor enthus rnngment will undoubtedly be made. ada, and overseas. General Motors speed of seventy-five miles an hour their parts memorized and are re iasts over the invasion of forest ar each person, while in this country has manufacturing operations, nnd the increase has been only about In an interview with Mr. Zim in flight and a landing speed of but hearsing three nights a week and eas by highways and summer resorts i merman this morning he stated some of these communities depend Ihirty-two miles, to insure greater from the attitude which each mem led the Forest Service to undertake a one-five this amount. -------- o-------- almost entirely upon General Motors that he was sorry to discontinue the safety. From thirty-five to forty- ber of the cast is showing there is study to determine just how much WHEAT PROSPECTS FOR service of the bnnk nt this place but for livlihood and progress. In the United Sates alone Genernl miles on a gallon of gasoline is the no doubt that the play wil] be a of the areas of the National Forests OREGON ARE ENCOURAGING that he must take some action to usual performance. It sells for on big success from a dramatical could still be classed ns wilderness. save the institution. He said that few Motors buys material from 476," ly $575, complete nnd ready to fly. standpoint, a least. I he results showed that approxi Reports from county agents and of the wealthy individuals of the rompanies in 571 cities, towns, und The play will be presented on mately one-third of the gross acreage villages. others from the wheat raising coun city were patrons of the bnnk nnd Monday, April 11 and should draw of the National Forests is still suf ties of central and eastern Oregon MONEY IN WALNUTS There are General Motors plants even of the stockholder» had affil a very good crowd for we assure ficiently “untamed” to come under state that the prospects for large iations else where. nnd warehouses in 17 countries, nnd the public they will receive more that class, and that there are large crops were never better at this time more than 33,000 General Motors According to the figures credited real entertainment than they will areas which are in no immediate of year. In Umatilla county wheat dealer nnd service organizations are to the Oregon experiment gross ex expect. RABIES LESS THAN YEAR danger of the encroachment of gas is reported as standing a foot OLD SHOW TASTE FOR MUSIC distributed among more than 100 penses of bearing orchards run from oline fumes, bathtubs and other high and and conditions are countries hroughout the world. $5(1 to $75 an acre, the statements Dairymen should provide spray marks of civilization. are more favorable than for several A group insurance policy is excess say; the returns from an average or ers and traps to keep the flies in Some Infants may show a prefer -------- o-------- years. However, wheat i» never a ence for different kinds of music of $125,000.000 was recently taken chard are 1000 pounds to the acre; control. If you will write to the U. The immediate and permanent re sure crop until it is in the sacks the even before they are a year old, In out for General Motors employees. the average price has been 25 cents S. Department of Agriculture they In 1926 General Mortors paid the per pound; giving a gross income will send you a bulletin on fly traps medy for the unfavorable Oregon growers state, and they are wishing the opinion of n mother who has prune situation seems to be increas that the copious spring rains found that the time to teach child- railroads »$74,000,000 freight charges of nbout $250 per acre, and a net in and their operation. ing consumption for the domestic might be held back until more need ren appreciation of good music Is and used 515,000 full freight ears. come of $150 to $200 per acre. Cul market, says C. J. Hurd, market spe ed. Few people regard General Mor- tivated crops between the trees when they arc very young, instead cialist of the college extension ser of singing her babies to sleep,she ors ns an extensive buyer of food, while they arc maturing is recom vice. Then the export trade would Trees that are set out when small plays to them nnd has discovered yet purchases include supplies for mended. AT THE THEATRE no have influence it now on the do best in Oregon when staked, say that pieces of different rhvthni nnd 60 employees* restaurants. Other domestic market. Intelligent and en the landscape gardening department tempo seem to hnve different ef purchases include. Peonies may be planted now or SATURDAY—“ The Gay Deceiv- ergetic advertising that wilF influ of the state college. Any kind of fects. One child apparently prefer Enough cork to float n greater during the early fall. They want a era”. Also Fox News. ence the actual comsumer can in stake that is nearly as tall as the red music of rapid movement, while tonnage than the displneement of rich soil. Some authorities claim SUNDAY—“Sally”. With Colleen crease home consumption. tree and strong enough to hold It another evidenced n liking for slow-! the stenmshlps Olympic or Aquitnn- that manure should not be placed Moore” erect will do. A piece of old rub melodies. Five or ten m’ntt’es o’ 'la (25,000,000 board feet); in direct contact with their roots, THURSDAY—“Bern to Battle” The total value or fruits and vege ber garden hose is good to hold the soft playing usually sufficed to lull Sufficient upholstery to cover but that the ground should be heav With Tom Tyler. tables used annually by the 3,006 tree to the stake. A strop of hla the children to skep and often their completely 2200 football fields, or ily manured In advance of planting COMING—“The Flaming Front canneries of the country exceeds around the tree and then fastened to crying could be stopped by playing (100,000,000 square feet, them, nnd the manure mixed with ier”. 616 million dollars says the United the stake prevents any rubbing of for them. | p the soil very thoroughly, States Department of Agriculture. the bark or other similar injury, a A'