Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1926)
* iU ( . TUB GOLD HILI. NEWS. J tCKSON COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 4. 192« NATIONAL FARM WEEKLY | this week. The p aper is a w eekly IS IMPOSING PUBLICATION publication ami has just nm dial out — — | its first year of life. It seems to be T he anniversary num ber of the .1 real live new siutpcr amt is con- N ational F arm News, published at dueled in the interest of the ru ra l W ashington D. C. came to our desk population. Most Popular Car on the Road No Shoe Worries To Bother You Now 5 We have placed a stock of Hi-cut shoes for men on our shelves. They are the well known Thoro- good brand and are real bargains at from « « We are also prepared to fit your boys feet with this popular brand of shoes at a very reasonable price. Gold Hill people have long wanted to buy their foot wear at heme and now that deseire can W e want you to come in and look over these good shoes and see what you think of them. Shop here before you buy. We know that you will be pleasantly sur prised at both quality and price. Mashed potatoes, or o th er vege- tables, are inaile light anil fluffy by The 1*1 iinil 2nd grudr* gave th eir adding Mi teaspoon of baking |>ove H allowe'en program in the 3rd, 4th der to throe cup* of mushed vege and 5th grade room s and hod good table*. /■M___«/> Il rs . - Chas. Kell, Proprietor. Agents for Chevrolet and Chrysler Cars ■ ■■■nan r i COUNTY LIBRARIAN VISITS LOCAL I'UBI IC SCHOOLS T he county L ib rarian w as here ! last week, taking reco rd of the ! books belonging to the grades and i Ihe high scool library. “It costs no more to get the best” Gold Hill Supply Co. W e Deliver yke Tuesday anil T hursday, from 3.15 Io 4.(Ml, of every week is girls gym nasium day. Attho practice has not started yet. If is hoped that u good HALLOWE-EN EN IERTAINMENT basketball team w ill Jie produced. F rid ay afternoon th e first ami second grades m ade Halloween caps and had a parade. and later played games. One of these games was making a black cal's tail w hite. This game is played w ith a black cat d raw n on the board. The pupils are blind folded, turned a ro u n d , ami then they are supposed to color (he tail of the eat w hite. T hree of the Daphne M atthews ch ild ren succeeded in this. T hey w ere. M arjorie Cam eron, Eileen O ur school is grow ing every day; Shorh anti Craig Swan. i-.-tlier Spiers from H arrisburg The th ird and fourth grades makes the enrollm ent of tw enly- d ru m an ti/cd sketches in th e ir read tlirie in Ihe Freshm an Class. ers. A fter the en tertainm ent a lu n ch eon w as served w hich was prepared 'I he H allow een p arty 'g iv en at Ihe by tlie children themselves. school (let. 31 to initiate the fresh RETURNED AFTER OPERATION Amelia Tepovae retu rn ed to school Tuesday Nov. 2. She lias been out since Erida.v O ctober 22. on account of having her tonsils re moved. Studying Post Civil W ar Period The eight grade w ho is studing : the reco n stru ctio n period after the civil w ar, is looking fo rw ard Io tlie movie. “The B irth of the n atio n ” at the Beaver T heatre tonight and to m orrow . We have just received a shipment of fresh Sauer Kraut which will appeal to the most delicate taste. We can also furnish you with nice fresh ham hocks. Our meats are always fresh and rich in savory flavor. “It Costs no more for better meat.” We w ent to buy eay good Beef, Pork, Veal anim als. If yoa have any fo r sale call us and let us look them over Gold Hill Meat Market WET WEATHER Wl LL SOON BE HERE Are you prepared to meet it ? Have you suitable foot wear to protect your feet from the chill and disagreeableness of the storms?" We carry a very good line of Weynberg shoes fcr men. They arc just the kind that you need.’ There are many other wet weather neces sities in our store which might interest you. Come in and look over our stocks—you Kyill be surprised at the prices and qual ity of the goods. Gold Hill Hardware and Implement Co. General Merchandise Gold Hill, Oregon Phone 8-L-2 t r» a s a a f« « / Trwos^ derided to lay the m atter on tlie table until a later date. T h < U » 4 - . » 7 0 * l i . o . b . M in i. M U b .1 Chevrolet Closed Bodies if Fisher Ihe World Provides no Finer! C h e v ro le t la the o n ly lo w -p rice d car ottering vloeed bodies by F U h e r— ackno w led ged every w h e re to represent the highest o rd e r o f b e au ty, lu x u ry , »afe- ty an d value. O n th e leading care In everv price class the E ith e r em b le m la accepted aa a h a llm a rk o f d is tin c tio n . Of R ogue River fa ll meals Mr*. G albraith the 3rd and 4th grade teacher is glad to know that Ktlsel W hile anti Leon Cummings w ho have been out of school w ith scarlet fever are com ing back n est week. HIGH SCHOOL • NOTES be satisfied. Phone 8L The high school Is busy p re p a r ing for the pageant to he given on November II. It consists of «bout th irty character* in full cotlum e show ing ihe history of th e United States. The chief ch aracter, Colum bia I* Mi** Pori* Sundry, Mr Oliv er. our prin cip al, spent the w eek end at N orth Rend Daily the number of Chevrolet« are becoming greater on our roads. They ore most popular because they have all the b ding features of the best four cylinder cars and at a very low price, comparatively. W e would like to demonstrate this car to you for your approval. Payments are reasonable. : Gold Hill Garage $7.00 to $8.65 A. A. WALKER w ith the ordeal, they w ere served surer** in arousing the enthusiasm of Ute oiihT grade*. eitler unit doughnuts. Spelling Content T he seventh and eighth grade* are conducting a spelling contest. Thus far the seventh grad e is w inning. The contest will continue foi the rest of the semester. A student body m eeting was held Monday m orning, in the auditorium . D uring this assem bly, a moving pic tu re w as show n, and also a few slides. T he p icture showed the m ethod of m aking gold chains. T he slides w ere about d ifferen t in d u s tries. Olny E ddington, Sophomore, w as elected hoy’s athletic manager. School Party A reception was given Ihe F resh men F rid ay night O ctober 29, 7:30 p. m. by the Sophom ores. This p a r ly w as held in the school auditorium w hich w as nicely decorated w ith autum n leaves and different colored crepe paper. It w as a m asquerade , as it w as n ear H alloween. Im ■ p m arty ediately upon arriv al, Ihe F re sh ■ men w ere locked up in a room. ■ H ow ever tiie lights w ere lift on in ■ th is room so the Freshm en would ■ not be afraid. T he Sophom ores B brougiit them out blind folded, one one and proceeded to put them B by th ru various perform ances. F o r in ■ stance, eating angle w orm s, singing ■3 songs, staging boxing m atches and i à | eating candy and cake deliciously j à flavored w ith pepper, so the Fresh- j « ! men say. N evertheless the Freslimen ‘ a proved good sports and are now full Hedged high school students. After » i the stunts; refreshm ents, consisting of sandw iches, pie and cider w ere served. Meeting of G irls League A meeting of the Lassies O’ Life will he held W ednesday, Novemlter 3, for Hie purpose of electing new ollicers and to consider tlie co n sti tution w hich lias been d raw n up by a com m ittee composed o t Alice Sm ith, C hairm an, V ernice Radtke, and Ruth Cameron. Di«cu«.s School Paper At a student body m eeting held Friday, O ctober 29, Mr. Rluett w i* elected student body advisor, T here I h ere was also a discussion for against a high school paper. Il was men was a success. W ith the ex ception of a few accidents such ns breaking window*, the freshm en w ire show n the w onders of the a t tic and m any spooks w alked about. After the freshm en had gone thru I Lustrous DlftCO In b e a u tifu l, m o d ish color» aMuree the p erm an ence o f th e ir e x te rn a l beauty. U p h o l stery, tr im , cu sh io n in g , h a rd w a re an d ap p o in t m ents— a ll c o n trib u te to th e ir u n ch allen ged value —a value th a t 1» m a k in g th e tmiM>ihe>t C h e v ro le t In Che. vro le t history the m oat p o p u la r ever ottered. T o u rin g o r R os J i i m I t 10, Coop« o r C« mk h t M L Sodan >7 IS . AU p ric e s f. o. b. F ltM , M n h. Small Ji>un fstvowM un.l . umrnivtU !<•»»*«. Ask sshussl vur 6 * l * u r i U * « C erujtruM 1‘Uso Pierce Harrison Motor C. Inc. MEDFORD, OREGON UtUSUñUSU&’M K Á M M M J & S a w a a i M S M a i Copco Preferred Stock in Price November 16 Effective November IG, 1920, the price of G per cent cum ulative p referred shares of the C alifornia Oregon P o w e r Com pany will be advanced to $ 9 6 a Sh are O rders received up lo and including Monday, N ovem ber 15, w ill he filled al ihe present price of $95 a sure. Inform ation about o u r investm ent offering In custom ers will he cheerfully furn ished by iiqy m em ber of our o rg an isatio n . Share* may he purchased for cash o r on our convenient m o nthly investm ent plan. The California Oregon Power Company O FFIC ES: MEDFORD, OREGON KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON IIOSERURG, OREGON GRANTS PASS, OREGON YREKA, CALIFORNIA DUNSMUIR, CALIFORNIA