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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1926)
T U B G O LD H IL L NEW S. JACKSON C O UNTY, OREGON Charles Brady Regains Health Juggins, and I linn a fteilng of relot tam-e at practicing deceit upon thia girl at our first me.-ling. Hot »he saved me from my quandary. “ You w ill not lie whut you seem, 5'nn I H . a o U n tt r m n n h i u n j sir," she «»-Id gravely. "T hat f can I h f f i u l l ' Starin a - « Juli D u e to see, and perhaps you will not think I I I lla a lllt lliim g hl on h i .Severe me Indiscreet If I say an much." 5r<»nia< h ir n u b ln . M u rv .tu u , “ T I k true." I assented eugerly. “ In Tunltte H u lit t ti llim . deed -" “ Irregular work« "Rut you will be meeting my— ’’ she InH boon* and «1 Hol hesitated ever ao IIH le -- ‘'my father ly irregular meals," presently, no doubt, and be will make M yavnarlea Bra<ly, us known to one another. Now I a re s p e c te d Han must go on deck." Ihrgo rmhlaot liv And she walked hy me with a faint ing at 46 JH ( innrgia Ml reel, “ rubtiMl me swish o f skirts that sounded like an e l good health Eat echo o f far off fairy music. ing became a trial, Her fa th e r! Who could he be? And (or I lu f f tm l from then realization smote me. indigeetlun ami gaa Plainly, she could not be De Veulle's t h a t b lo a te d m y daughter— nor Captain Abbot's. She etoniarh. M y liver wae ao sluggish that / A U T H O R of P O R T O ftE L L O G O L D ETC was M urray's.” I waa deprived id normal «Urngih end w h u » ra v ie « Murray's daughter! I rebelled energy. I luat weight, too. eoevniGMT ar b w c n t a m o s “ A lt e r rm u llu g about Tanlae I de •gainst the Idea. It eould not be. Il rided to try it. Immediately I liegan to cabin. But I raised my hand Invol ought not to to*. W hut right had he (eel stronger. M y appetite returned. to a daughter— and aurh a maid aa untarily In a gesture o f appeal. P R E C iD IN Q C H A P T E R « Hy the end of a il weeks I waa feeling “1 am surry," ] went on quickly. “I this? "rwaa absurd! M anifestly ab like an entirely different person and did not mean to be rude. 1— I could surd! H a r r y O rm e ro d , lo n g p ro s c rib e d waa eating and digesting my food lietter Why, I must hate the moo. I had not help IL" t r a i t o r to K in g U s a r g , aa a H tu - than in yean. I got nd of the sluggish, a rt p a r tla a a . r e tu r n in g (reel And he had a Hlie regarded me gravely, evidently no other recourse. (aggrd-»iit feeling, and my a tr r u g lh F r e e s e io te n d o n re s e a ts A ld e r daughter I And above alt, this daugh puzzled by Die Ineongruousness of my and energy r^me bark with vire.’* m an H o b a r t J u g s ln a fro m a band te r! Tina auiaaing tonic, natures <>am voice and my pluwlmy garments. o f aaaaaalna. J u g g ln a proves to When I came on deck the next morn remedy ma<le rrom mote, barks and ba th e g ra n d a u n u f a fo r m e r "You are never Keota, sir?" the an herbs, usually buibla up weak l«xtiee, ing we were driving down-channel be s te w a rd a f O rm ero d 'a fa th e r, to swered Anally. w h o m J u g g ln a feels h im s e lf In drives out rauase of pain and anguiah. fore a smart northwest wind. M u r “No. but I know Scotland." d e b te d O rm a ro d ta ils J u g g ln a Taka Tanlae. Results a n amazing' A light dawned In her eyes with the ray stood by the weather rail with ha haa a b a ndo ned lb s M lu e rt Aak your druggist for a bottle—today. the negro, who I learned afterw ard words cause J u g g ln a In fo n n e O r m - m d was called Tom, at his elbow. As I o f a J a c o b ite p lo t In th e A m e r i “Ah. then you will lie knowing the c a n colo n is e Io w e a k e n E n g la n d emerged from the cntnpanlonwuy Tom 1 song that I sang! *I.orhaber No More' by fo r w a r d in g F re n c h In le re e ts . leaned forward and whispered some tin called, and a hitter lament of ex A t Its head Io A n d re w M u r r a y , a thing to his master. M urray walked B ro la in a n . an d a F re n c h m a n , I»s iles out of their own homeland." straight across the deck to my side, his V a llila , d e a d ly en e m y u t O rm ero d . F s v ir h e a d a c h e o r g r ip p e d “No, I never heard II before—but I T h e tw o a re In Lo ndo n f u r t h e r eyes fastened upon my face. have a brother burled on a hillside fa r in g th e ir schem es A n tic ip a tin g "How. now, M aster Juggins." he Colds Inak in a day far the Bullions who th e p lo tte rs ' e n rly r e tu r n to north of Ixx-hnber, In the Clan Donald ow lldl a 11,, and faver atop. La said heartily, his hand outstretched, A m e ric a . J u g g ln a a rra n g e s fo r country.” < 11i 1 e 1» c heiled. AH in a wry ao ituabla “and did you leave your good uncle— O rm e ro d to go th e re w ith le tte rs The Morrow that came Into her face or Is It cousin?— well?" t in t Jiuggols guarantee result a Colda an Io G o v e r n o r l l u r n . l , f r ie n d o f too la q u u n t to M a t in leaser «rays, waa beautiful to see None but a per- J u s s in a . and w o rk Io f o il M u r I perceived that he took me for the ra y . U le g u la e d aa J u s g ln s ' s e r v P r ic e » lout I was dressed to represent, and b e S u re a n t. O rm a ro d a rr a n g e s to ta k a strove to play up to the disguise. passage to A m e ric a “W ell enough, sir." I answered sul lenly. shifting clownishly from foot to foot. CHAPTER III—Continued Cel Red baa w ith portrait " 'TIs good!" he exclaimed. “Faith I am vastly relieved. I have a warm "W hy, a wur fur Ihe right Io grow W o n d e rfu l G ow n regard for honest Robert Juggins. He and lo flourish. u w ar fur trade. At A w o iiih ii (over the phone)— My has spoken of me. perhaps?" other times, mark you. nations clash dear, do m in e over and are my new The question, designed to catch my gown. Every one says I look aw fully over questions of honor or territory. simple m entality unawares, gave ma Ko tlie lr statesmen say. Actually well In It. considerable amusement. H e r lleat F rlenil— I ’ll come at once, there Is a queatlou o f trade or mer- “Oli, aye,” I muttered. clmntry at the bottom o f every war dear. It must be a wonderful gown “ We have been rivals In our ven that Inis been fought alnce the world lures, hs you doubtless know,” con hegau Today wo are nghtlng with tinued M urray. Shavs W ith Cutlcura Soap "But he doesn't take It seriously, And double your razor efficiency aa France for control of the trade of the Atlantic and cuutqpl of the Atlantic sir," I assured him gravely. well aa promote akin purity, akin com trade meana control of the Weatern "Eh? W hat's that?" fo rt and akin health. No mug, no rian lallo ns, America. We are lighting. "H e laughs about It, sir." slimy soap, no germa, no waste, no Ir r i M aster H arry, w ith laws and tariffs And I giggled at him stupidly. A fter tation even when shaved twice dally. and manufacturing skill and shipping a moment's Inspection o f my counte Oqe aonp for all uses— «having, bath Instead of w illi men and deadly nance he seemed constrained to ac ing and shampooing.— Advertisement. weapoua. cept the rem ark as witless innocence, for a grim light of humor api>enreri In “The country which wins the fur n p ixirtu n ity knocked on the door, his eyes. but the inuu Inside wua so busy knock i trude w ill win control over the great "Laughs, does he? Zooks, I might est number of savages. And lUc coun ing be did m il henr have known It. lie Is a merry soul. 1 try which Is so placed, es|>ectally if It Robert Juggins, anil I should like to ho Kngland, w ill win the m ilitary see him footing a morris to a right Build Up Your Health With struggle which some day will have to merry tune. Mayhap we shall see It he fought for dominion in America, D R . PIER C E'S i So 1 would have you feel yourself a son who had Gaelic blood could have som eday. W h o ’knows?" “Who knows, sir?" I refieuteff va soldier, a general of trude, sent out sympathized so instantly and so gen cantly. upon u venturv of great danger und erously w ith a stranger's grief. "And yo« are to cast your fortune« ' Importance. It tnuy he. Master H arry, “T h a t w ill have been the great sad that you carry on your shoulders the ness upon you." she cried In the odd In America, lad? You may count upon future of Kugluiid und of nations yet ivaf that the Highland Keota have of my good offices In New York. Faith, using English. “Oh, sir, your woe will I shall he glad to do a favor if I can. unborn." for Robert Juggins' nephew— or did “All that I can, I w ill do!" I ex have been deep! So fa r from his own you say cousin?” home I" claimed. " I aui— " "Yes," I assented; "and he an exile, “Good. I cannot ask more." Rut he saved me from the lie. H e clasped my hand In u wringing too." "Ah, here Is collie one of our fel COUGHS, “An ex ile!" grip. “Good tuck to you, lud, and low passengers,” he Interrupted. She lenued toward me, her eyes like w rite hs occasion aeries." COLDS, I turned to see De Veulle approach He went o ie r the aide with his lips stars. GRIPPE- “You w ill bo one of the Good ing us. pursed us I f to whistle und a look of " 'TIs a French gentleman." pursued I doleful pleasure on Ills face. Him. People!" M urray, bent upon winning my confl- 1 did not answer her, too confused A Tonic wMcfc Dr. Plerte prescribed when loo, as It happened. I was never lo see denee with his easy manners und glib in v tire pfartKf SO year« again In fact, I wonder whether 1 In my wits to know whut to say; und tongue, “on his way to t'unada. H a, suddenly my confusion spread to her. , . / n U f « M « r r « ila t a » • < v » u r should not liuve leaped over the ves a young countryman f a i l 10c. Io D r . P icH ^a Invalid«* Hotel, "It Is wild 1 urn talking, s ir! she , , , ___ sel's able at that moment had I real lluflaUo, K Y „ (or UU1 pit« Tablet*. of mine. M aster Juggins— the Cheva “ Never heed my words. ized how complete was to be the sever exclaimed. lier de Yeulle." ance o f my life from all that 1 had Sure, who would be trusting Ids All nnnsupeeting, I»e Veulle made heart's Idood to the stranger that me a slight bow’ a look o f Indifferent E ducational known before. stepped In Ills path?*' “ It I« a fuel,” «ays I ’uw Hoptoad, disdnln on Ills face nt sight of my ple By tlie cabin entrance under the “I think I would trust mine to you,” beian figure. The disguise was good, "th at I nm having my daughter In- poop I found the seaman who had col- I answered* boldly. etnicled In many old-fashioned things. I lecled my scanty baggage. . "W here do and I hoped I might cozen him for a She smiled faintly. F o r Instance, the art o f conversation ! you berth?" he asked me, , musing at tim e nt least. But no man forgets "From your manner you wouln he over the telephone."— la u la v ille Cour . the foot of the ladder-stillra. another who has toyed w ith Ids life, no Englishman, sir, saying such pretty nnd his Indifference was dissipated the ier-Journal. "W ith the second mate." things without consideration." Instant his eye met mine. H e opened the door on the right- " I have been long out of England."' Lois o f people make a apeclalty it | hnnd, or starboard, aide, revealing a "Juggins?” he exclaimed In bew il “Then your sorrow will not be go pouring Ice w ater on enthusiasm. | apace so tiny that I marveled how two great for purlin g, with all you have derment. “Parbleu! 'T is flu rry Or- merod, the Jacobite refugee!” men could force themselves Into It nt held dear. Lucky is your lot." M urray snapped his fingers to Toni, once. Tw o short, shallow tiuuks oc "You have never been to America?" the negro, who had lieen n silent w it cupied two-thirds of Its area. I asked. ness to our conversation. In an In "Do all the passengers lodge a ft " t had never been out of Scotland stant he stood beside us. here?" I naked him carelessly ns he until I came south to take ship today. "Is this the man who came with disposed of my trappings. Ah, sir, there Is a great sorrow at M aster Juggins to the hearing before Should fte Corrected—Good Elimination “ All save the negro; he Is to sleep my heart for the country I love." the lords of trade?" snapped M urray. , h E u t n t ia l to Good Health. In the galley behind the companion- We said nothing while you might "H e de man, tiinssa." K yo u w o u ld be w e ll, M B to i w ay.” have counted ten, and In the silence “You are sure?” y o u r e lim in a tio n . F a u lty k id When he had cone I curled up In the she looked away from ine. “Yes, mnssa.” ney action pe rm its toxic m ate ria l I lower hunk, which the second mate "And you go w ith us lo New York?" to rem a in in th e blood a nd upset | obviously had surrendered to me. At I asked fatuously. th e w h o le ayatom . T h e n , one is lust 1 must have dozed, for I was H er eyes danced with a glint of Ormerod la to be brought to a a p t to h a v e a tire d , la n g u id fe el ' awakened suddenly by Ihe strangest humor. realization of the treachery of in g a nd aom etim ee, a toxic back I of sounds— a woinnn’s voice singing. "Pray, sir. w ill there he any other ache or headache, an d often some which a man of "honor," led by irre g u la rity o f secretions, in c h ! It was a song 1 had never heard be shlpplng-pluee in the ocean?" overweening ambition, can be fore, w llh a Scots accent to the words as sca n ty or b u rn in g passages. I laughed. capable. M o ra a nd m o re people are ac ' and n wonderful lilting melody that "M y name," I began—und then 1 c la im in g th e v a lu e o f D o a n ' i wns somehow very sad and nil the stopped abruptly. P i I la, a s tim u la n t d iu retic, in thia While It wns pretending to merriment. My name at present was W illiam (T O B B C O N T IN U E D . 1 c ond itio n. F o r m ore th a n fo rty I rose from my hunk, anil, stealing years, D o an 'a h a v e been w in lo the door, set It open, so that I might ■:.XvX-:x:x:x:x;x:x:x:x.x:x*:x:x-:x:-x:x-:x;x:x-:-x-:x:-x-:-x-:x->x-> n in g fa v o r th e c o u n t r y over. hear tile better. I wns so Interested Aak y o u r n e ig h b o r! In the song and Ihe singer's voice that PILLS I forgot even to wnteli the door of the 6O c cabin next to mine where she wns sing tastes like some sort of chemical so i ing. And Judge to my surprise when J a in coffee Is renowned the world Stimulant D iu r.tic to t h . K id n .y . the singer's door swung open and she over— In the benn. In the cup, as lutlon used for cleaning rugs. That Footer M l,barn Co., M,«. Chemlate, Buffalo, N. Y. Stepped Into the passage, almost at my served In the Dutch tropical posses Is a detail. There Isn’t a good cupful side. sions, It Is a frightful travesty on cof of coffee, or a cupful of good coffee, H e r surprise, aa was hut natural, fee, writes Samuel <1. Blythe In the to be had outside uf the United Ktutes wns greater limn mine. So we stood Kalurday Evening Post. anywhere In this world, so why Im there a moment within n long yard They roast the bean until It Is al peach the Dutchman’s Idea of the of each other, gazing mutely Into each most hurried, and grind It. Then they brew ? other's eyes. H e r face, flower-white let wuler drip throuxh It or employ In the dim light thut came down the some other occult process, nnd pro W rite Your O w n Telegram » compiinlonway, had a sweetness o f ex duce a black, thick, acrid mixture The telautograph service is now be pression that helled the proud enrrlnge they call coffee essence. This Is ing added to the state telegraph sys of her head and an a ir of hauteur such served cold In a little pitcher, with a tern of France und one can now trans is I had seen about Ihe great ladles larger pitcher of hot w ater The plot mit a telegram In Illg own hiindwrlt- of King Louis’ court. H e r hair wns la to pour some of the essence Into Ing to all the leading French towns. blnck mid all blown In little wisps your cup, fill the cup with the hot The service Is not only useful fo* that curled at her forehead and neck. w ater und revel In the murky com sentimental hut practical purposes, as H e r eyes were dark, too. bination. '.he courts w ill probably accept a slg " I licnrd you singing," I said. It doesn’t taste like coffee. It uature sent by wire na legal. Sno turned and nmde to re-enter her »DOOM TRAIL it, ARTHUR ». HOWDEN SMITH No Cold OSCAR* ' UININE GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY If You Would Avoid Faulty Elimination I Seek Change» in O ld Englith Law» I t a traveler led a horse up lo the Savoy or Clurldge bolela, Ihe maii.i ger, under English law. would be I obliged to furnish shelter for "man and ta-uat.” I l la no dead letter either, for the manager, although he has no longer uny stable on the premises, would I send the horse around to a livery stable for the guest und act as though nothing had happened. A bill has been drafted to remove some o f the many anomalies lu an act which baa stood pretty well un changed, for 300 years. At present a landlord Is responsi ble to a guest, up to the value of »130, for any property stolen on h it prem ises unless he can prove gross negli gence on the part of the guest. It does not m atter bow many notices he posts up repudiating responsibil ity. the courts under the present law w ill hold him liable. This Is a point which the British hotelkeepers are anxloua to see changed.— London WRIGLEY5 •till quenchea thirst, cools th e parched throat and by its de- lightful flavor and refreshment restores the joy of life. N oth in g else can give you so much en« joyment for so little. CIO T im e s , “ DANDELION BUTTER COLOR” A harmless vegetable b atter color used by millions for SO years. Drug stores and general stores sell bottles o f "Dandelion" fo r 33 cents.— Adv. Rem em ber W rigley’e N o te d O u t A fte r E v e ry M eal When Max Cohen, artist, got his last raise, an Insurance agent was the logical re s u lt For an hour he talked, and finally asked: "You own your own home, don't you?” “ No," said Max. “we have company must of the time.” W HY SVFFER F R O M IN G R O W N T O R N .1 IL M T A quick efficient C a re B e lie f la te* atantaneoua, laatin e fc*c poet paid. W . V in cent. P. O Box 11. B anta M onica. C a lif. Earn $25-$50 Per Week N o c a p ita l req u ire d G et te bualneea fo r ¿o u ra elf aellln « C A R H A R T T O V E R A L L S . Rhoea, «love«, ah trta and tro «era. th e w o rld 's moat fam ous « a n n a n ta , d ire c t to w e a re r— nt odd tim es or fu ll tim e . O ver tw e n ty th o u sand aceaelea. W r it e to d ay for p a rtic u la r« . W ill teach you how to aell by m all. H A M I L TO N C A R H A R T T . M A N U F A C T U R E R . M a r k e t A Han P edro Streets. Loa A nyelee, C a lif. DEMAND “BAYER” ASPIRIN Aspirin M arked W ith “ Bayer Cross” Has Been Proved 8afe by Millions. W arn in g ! Unless you see the name “Bayer" on package o r on tablets yon are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fo r 26 years. Say "B ayer” when yon buy Aspirin. Im itations may prove dangerous.— Adv. Succeatful N e w P arach u te Fashioned so it can be worn as a coat instead of being strapped on aa a separate garment, a parachute re cently devised has withstood actual tests successfully. A Good Lead S lo p th e P a lo . K itty — And you let him kiss you? T h e h u r t o f a b u rn o r a c u t stops Betty— Let him? Great heavens, I w h e n C o le ’s C a r b o lla a lv e la a p p lie d . I t beats q u ic k ly w it h o u t scars. 10c an d had to help him I I 50c by a ll d ru K g ta ta , o r send 30c to T h e J. W . C ole Co.. 1J7 S. E u c lid A n , ! O a k P a r k , 111.— A d v e rtis e m e n t. A to rp id liv e r prsvents proper food • » - •Im lla tlo n W r ls h t'e In d ia n V e c e ta b le P l lie lone np th e liv e r. T h e y act g e n tly but ; ■urely. 17J P e a rl St.. N e w T o r k . A d v. G e ttin g P erfect “W ell." sighed the fellow whose A winch that holds several hundred horse hadn't shown, "at least I am feet of w ire rope has been Invented a good loser." that can be attached to tractors and "You ought to be," snarled his wlfis, 1 “You have had plenty o f practice.” operated by their engines. A standard purchase plan The standard price of a General Motors car purchased out of in come is the cash delivered price, plus only the low GMAC fi nancing charge. The GMAC Purchase Plan is offered by General Motors dealers exclusively. It is a sound and eco nomical credit service in which the best interests of the car buyer are of first consideration. General Motors makes a car for every purse and purpose and under the GMAC Plan purchase may be arranged according to the individual circumstances and as sured income of the buyer. Ask your nearest General Motors dealer to explain the ad vantages of the GMAC Plan. ' T ravesty on C offee S erved by J a v a n ese GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION ofw rabn g the GMAC P io n for the purchate of CHEVROLET ’ PONTIAC » OLDSMOB1LB OAKLAND ’ BUICK » CADILLAC FRIGIDAIRE » DELCO-LIGHT