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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1926)
PACK FOI’« the c m n m i t vw « s . J ackson county , orrgon T hursday N ovember 4. im # fe rio rs by m illio n s of milt's, but 1 w h y »«hull it so blatant) ? The fools may say, " It is the cux- I tom o f Rumania to kiss the Queen's An Independent Newspaper dedicat-1 hand; therefore xvi should kiss her ed to the betterment o f Gold H ill hand fo r politeness." and Jackson County. W hy? Suppose it were the cus- _ I 77 . I tom to kiss the Queen's foot? W ould among others the fo llo w in g : lio n dee I ire this lease void, anil II I the firs t part of its Intention In ex A ll Ihe provisions hi rein con ta i Adjudicated w ater rig h t of dl I'e ie rp o n he absolved from e re ise said option of purchase and tained shall apply Io and Include Oregon W ale r A I ’ w e r Com; n Hie pavmcnl o f any fu rth e r rentals; to pay Ihe purchase price aforesaid, Ib r successors III h ile n d and as Io tw o h n n d ie il a id lix i.l> i ' ! ? i i 'a i l in th ill event all improvements ( then if Ihe party o f the firs t part signs i f curb of the ( lil ies herein, cu b ic feet |n r second o f the w aters mad ■ upon o r in connection w ith shall so elect the p a rty of Ihe sec i ’ C i I shut,h| Hie |>'ir|y , | tin- seeond o f Rogue R ive r fo r the d i v e lo p m rn t s --d pow er pl.'int, and all additions ond part shall, in lieu o f the puy- pari mal e ili-fu iilt in Ihe (terform* of seven hundred m id f if t y (750) or h rtte rire n ts Io o r of the same, ! menls of cash aforesaid, pay an anee of any covenant, condition or th e o re tic a l horse p o w e r b ) d iv e - . u; ui I. I. a-ther w ith the land here amount o f money sufficient In com. other provision eoutuined herein, I our pro ud A m ericans s tra in th e ir ,ii a point In the * , y bused. r -vert u n til the parly of plele Hie payment o f Hie p rin cip a l on Its part Io he perform ed, Hirn ( M *,N W ' - > Published every Thursday evening 1 hacks to kiss t i n t fo . o t? t I n In some of northwest q a -rle e fi-s t pa t free and clear of all amount o f the bonds outstanding such default shall he ground fo r for« in Gold H ill, Jackson County, t ir e . 1 1 Irie n ta l countries, f use that ap of section fifteen (IS ), tow nship encumbrance eren‘ «d hv pa rty of heretofore issued by (iiirty o f Hie fa ilu re of all rights o f Hi • p a rly of ........ " ■■ - - ■■■■ --------| proach the king, get d o w n on th e ir th irty six (36) south rang.’ three (8) the seeol d part, ai I free from me- firs t part fo r the purchase price of Hit- seeond pari hereunder, and up Entered at the Post O ffice at Gold hand» and knees and lie’ the Boor West W illam ette A L rld h i . w i t h - h ai -s' and other sla 'u to ry liens. j Hie property aforesaid and pay all on notice o f default und the fa ilu re ........ p rio rity of 2899. Interest that n a y thereafter mature o f the party of the seeond part to i mm li as Hie p a rty o f the firs t . • w e feel bound to do that i f some (h) W ater rig h t o'oleinc.l hv per Advertising Rata»—Display. 25c per j O rie n ta l im m a r.-li came to v is it us? mit from the Stale engineer o f the I ae. m il) li axes hereh) such In on said bonds, but il l either event remove such default w ith in sixty terest as it has in said land, and ill m o n o s paid ns rental under the . (6(11 days from the dale of notice column in ch ; Legal advertising a t ; --------- 0— - , S la te < f t I n No id ip| Healin'; o ilie r proper \ , Hie p a rly of the sec provisions o f the foregoing lease mailed and uddrossrd to II al Gold legal rate. Readers 10c per lin e .' No. 5411), I ’etiru . ,y ..). 1917. foe o Classified, tc per w o rd tier inset ond n t ii i) piosevuh and de- .hall apply as payments on Hie pur- I H ill, Oregon, then Hie p a rly o f tile hu nd red f o r t ) seven 11471 c u b ic ' tlon. No more than one agency - - m l in Hi name o f parly of the eha e price o f said premises anil firs t part may declare a fo rfe itu re commission allowed on any for-1 feet per s w o rd of Ihe w iters of I rst (-art a. > action, suit o r pro property, pro vid in g -aid option is o f all Hie rights o f Ihe p a rly of Hie eign advertising. Rogue R iv e r (• r the d w e li-i incut of i e <li. j ; l ei essury to protect, re i exercised, and Ihe balance o f the second p u rl hereunder, and five hundred (5r t) I’. -e i-c ieal lio r such rights together w ith am. i.r aeoi: re title to any tto rtio ii purchase price paid hi either o f the all Subscription $2:00 a year power at a point i f diversion in t .e said p ro p e rly, and nil bet- o f said property, o r rights, o r Io methods afore- aid. in Advance northwest quarter (N W *-,) o f see and ad As fu rth e r consider. I n i fo r said ti : lenls, Improvements protect the* same against the claims t --------- If you $ave a cent a day fo r a lion eleven, tow nship tliirtx six (36) i f a iv other person whomsoever, lease ami option add so long ns ditions thereto shall revert to nml GOLD HILL year you w ill have enough money south range three (3) West W iliam id noon any term ination o f this said lease shall lie in fu ll force, nu-l hernme the (irii|ie riy o f the party o f LI.ME in the old sock to buy a years sub ette Meridian. lea-e Hie p a ri) o f the firs t part | al all limes thereafter, should Hi • the firs t part free from any rln im o f “ Gold H ill Lime— None Better". scrip tio n to the home tow n news (c) W ater rig h t obtained or to he in no wise he liable unto the part) party of the seroml part acquire rig h t o f interest or demand o f Hie The above sentence attracted our paper and enough gas to run the obtained under application No. 9738 of Hie seeond pari fo r Hie repuy. title to said premises and p ro p e rly I parts o f the second p url. Its sueres- attention in the advertising columns old benzine buggy Io Crater Lake filed August ti 192-1, fo r the appro inent o f any rental the seeond par mid all Ihe c ity ’s Interest and rig h t sors in interest o r assigns, Il being o f one o f our exchanges. and hack. Not so expensive after p ria tio n o f one hundred and n in e ti ly may have paid nor fo r any ' in said p ro p e rly under said option, exprrsaly understood nnd agreed That sentence i f more widely all is it? Better start saving that (I9()> cubic feet per second o f the dam ige, loss o r lia b ility by reason the seeond pa rty shall and w ill between the purlles hereto, that read w ould mean great things to penn> a day. waters o f Rogue River, at a point <>f mi) defect in Ihe title Io any of supply, pump and d eliver Into the should default continue fo r ten (10) Gold H ill. It w o u ld mean the ad south seven degrees (7) w is t th e s a id p ro p e rty, and a ll expense mains of the p a rly o f the firs t pari ilays after notice Is given us above vertising o f o u r c ity and one of its I f you don’t th in k advertizing twelve hundred fifty (1250) fre t iiieid i ilta l to the prosecution o r de al the pumping plant, free of provided. Hie p a rly o f the firs t part potent resources. pays just watch the highways and from the quarter section corner be fense o f any legal proceeding con charge, all the w itte r w hich may be may, w ith o u t fu rth e r notice and Lime is but one o f the im portant see how many Chevrolet* arc speed tween sections ten (10) and fifte n nected w ith any o f the matters required fo r domestic and m unlci w ith o u t any legal proceeding, lake products w h ic h we can boast of. ing over them. The Chevrolet Mot (15), tow nship th irty -s ix (36) south herein contained shall he home by pal uses w ith in said city, and p ro |«is i-s-.ion of said power plant and We are blessed w ith many natural o r car is about the most universally range three (3) west W illam ette j Hie part) of the seeond part w ith vided fu rth e r that the second pa rty opi-rale (lie same. resources w h ic h are not fu lly de- advertized car on the market today. Meridian, w ith enlargement ap pli out recourse against the party of w ill proreed w ith o u t unreasonable IN W ITNESS W HEREOF, Ihe • veloped. In fact we have many- cation under same number filed Hie firs t part. delay, al its own expense ami w ith parties hereto have caused th e ir re dorm ant resources, the w ealth of January 14, 1926 fo r seven hundred m il eosl Io the city, to put the said spective coriiorate names Io be sign When you stop to realize that the Pursuant to the vole o f the elect w h ich even the most o p tim istic do und ninety (790) cubic feet per see (tower plant Into operation, and ed and th e ir corporate seals to be hen has cackled her product on to ! not realize. I f these were all devel ond additional, m aking an aggre o r s o f suid C ity o f Gold H ill, the p a rty o f the seeond part agrees that oped to th e ir capcity Gold H ill the breakfast table o f every home in gate appropriation applied fo r of 1 arts o f the firs t part herein, and du rin g the time the present plant Is affixed herein in duplicate, this the w ould be a ve ry flo u ris h in g settle the land y ou m ight also realize that j nine hundred and eighty (980) cu f o r a valuable consideration to the in operation II w ill fu rn ish frre Io day and year firs t above w ritte n . i f we cackle loud enough about the | TH E CITY OF GOLD IIII.L p a rly o f the firs t part in hand paid the party o f the firs t part fo r mu ment and one to be proud of. bic feet per second. Rv R. K. Cook, Mayor. l>) the pa rty o f the second part, re , nicipal lighting such amount of There are vast m ineral resources merits o f our ow n tow n we w ill he ' (il) W ater rig h t, o r the interest In the presence of: ceipt w hereof Is hereby acknow l buried beneath our h ills w hich tw ice o u r present size in a year. i o f pa rty o f Hie firs t part in Hie w a t | iwiwer as Is now consumed by the P H. MYERS. edged. Hie pa rty o f the firs t p u r l1 have o n ly been scratched. We have er rig h t, adjudicated to Neilson ami covenant« w ith the party of the see-| ' city, and upon the installation o f a HARRY CHILDERS. If everybody in Gold H ill thought tim b e r lands in close p ro x im ity I larger power plant than that now McClure fo r seventy-five (75) cu that Gold H ill was the best tow n in A ttest: JOHN IIAMMERSLY. ond part that it w ill at any time w h ic h could be developed. Our ■ upon Ibe premises. Hie party o f the hie feet per second w ith a p rio rity A uditor. great vacational surroundings are Oregon it w o u ld n 't he long before as o f 1879, the point ,,f diversion be j d u rin g the five (5) year period second part w ill fu rn ish electric REAVER PORTLAND CEMENT CO. a fi. re s . iid . sell, assign, transfer, and not advertised to th e ir fu ll extent. it yvould be. pow er to Ihe c ity to an amount of ing indicated as in lot three (3). By W. II MUIRHRAD, c o n v e ) u n to Ihe |i.n t ) o f the see O ur v irg in scenery is a big asset. Just because a person makes a 'section eleven ( I I ) , tow nship t h ir mid part all its rig h t, title , and in tw enty kilow atts, fo r nw nieipnl Vice Presidenl, The fe r tility o f our soil and its ad- use only, and free o f charge; and ty-six (36) south range three (31,j R. E. Cook, terest in and to all o f the premises should any a dditional power anil a p ta b ilty to the raising o f m any and mistake once is no reason w h y they West W illam ette M eridian, Fred Hickman, and p roperty hereinbefore deserib- and varied fru its and vegetable arc always w rong. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the eil and referred Io fo r the sum o f lig h t be required fo r m unicipal I ------ I Attest: BUELL C. NELSON. could receive greater p u b lic ity . lig h tin g and (low er by p a rly o f the Lots o f people voted fo r the said p ro p e rly and rights therein and tw e n ty-tw o thousand, six hundred O ur possibilities as a p o u ltry ami firs t part, the same w ill be supplied Let me figure on ’ « w Tmektna, d a iry co u n try are u n lim ite d . w rong man Tuesday hut then that thereto fo r the term o f five (5) : dollars ($22,000.00), th is agreement by Hie party o f the seeond part nt ! Teaming, Grading. J j.g ftte r. ad* iff years from the date hereof, fo r Hie is intruded ns being an exclusive is nothing to he ashamed of. The Thousands o f cows and chickens sum o f one hundred dollars ($100,- option unto the pa rty o f the seeond one cent per k ilo w a tt hour, and the A new broom lasts much longer could be cared fo r and made to p ro fe llo w that was elected w ill gel 00) per month, payable m onthly on part, hut if the party o f the seeond same shall not be subject Io any In when soaked in strong hot salt cussed more than the one that was duce large p ro fits to o u r settlers. Ihe tenth day o f each month, w hich i part shall, w ith in the period afore crease o f rale by any superior, stale w ater before using. I f all o f these resources were de defeated. said rental the pa rty o f the second said, give notice unto the party of o r other a u th o rity. veloped and the produce from them It is agreed and provided, how ev part agrees to pay as aforesaid, time In than tw o more years I less m anufactured at this place there er, that should p a rly o f the firs t GOLDIE SAYS:— being in all things the essence of we w ill all he picking w inners w ould be a population here w hich I part elect to have the purchase again. I ! this agreement; w ould riv a l any in the west. I’m still hittin’ ’cr up price o f said premises paid in cash, PROVIDED, HOW EVER, that | I W e cannot be over enthusiastic. just the same as usual. then and in that event Ihe money so should legal com plications develop N ow that the election is over We should make our greatness ' received by the firs t party shall hr know n and in tim e Gold H ill w ould w hat are you going to get the w ife w hereby the party o f Hie seeond Busy every minute — i kept in a special fund and used only part is unable to develop o r operate be the center o f in d u stry that it fo r Christmas. fo r Ihe purpose o f re tirin g the painting things up and the pow er properties fo r the p u r rig h tfu lly should be. I bonds issued fo r Ihe purchase price making them brighter. Santa Claus w ill soon be setting pose fo r w h ich th is lease is made, o f said (tower plnnl, w hich nt this W hy Pay as much fo r n Hard up headquarters all over the coun or should there lie a fa ilu re of any The following, from the pen of try . Never too busy to talk Hme, aggregate approxim ately Car as you can buy one from o f the above described water rights Arthur Brisbane, receives space for us that in thoroughly over tw e n ty-tw o thousand dollars ($22,- business, however. whereby p a rty o f the second part ------- -o---------- It expresses very forciby the senti hauled and guaranteed for J 000.00) p rin cip a l. Il being under- shall fa il Io obtain Ihe use o f at CONTRCT days. me figure on your stood, that pa rty o f the firs t part ment of many true American citi least 1347 second feet o f w ater, i w ill convey, transfer and assign zens and lovers of democracy.—Ed paint jobs. aj TH IS AGREEMENT, made this then the p a rty o f the seeond part i s ; itor. good and clear title , and free from 19th day o f October A. I). 1926, be unable to develop o r operate Hie All encumbrances, to all p ro p e rly It is well to be polite to a visiting tween the C ity o f Gold H ill, Ore a power properties fo r the purpose fo r j lady, wether she be —through ac m unicipal corporation, party of the w hich this lease is made, o r should | eoverrd hereby should (lie option be exercised cident of birth— a queen, or, by firs t part, and the Beaver-Portland there be a fa ilu re o f any o f Ihe j Painting and Kai »mining gift of genius a Madame Curie. Cement Company, a corporation, above described w ater rights where- I But, when Philadelphia, where the p a rty o f the second part, by party o f the seeond part shall fa il Medford, Oregon Declaration of Independence wax to obtain the use o f at least 1347 W ITN ESSETH : signed, erects a throne, puts a for WHEREAS, pursuant to a vote o f second feel o f water, then the party OPEN E V E N IN G S ’T IL L 8.00 BUN eign-born queen upon it, and fools DAYS T IL L NOON the electors o f said c ity o f Gold H ill o f the second pari may, at its op- pass before her, kissing her hand, at .a special election held J u ly 6, that becomes a little too asinine. 1926, it was determined to accept There should be some limit even to that certain proposition o f the par Adds Much to the meal of most any family. American todyism and snobbish ty o f the second part fo r the lease ness. We have just what you want in this line. Let us and option o f purchase o f the h y Every American ignoramus with dro-electric pow er site, plant and furnish you with your meat needs. money onght to know that kissing equipment o f p a rty of the firs t part the hand means admission of infer Roasts 14c per pound. Boiling Meat 10c per lb. iority. Those that kissed the and a ll its interest in and to the real propery therein referred to, and Queen’s band probably were her in- Lard 95c per pail. 10c paid for return of pail specified, upon the terms c o n d ition ed in said offer,— a copy o f said o f fe r being hereto attached, and made a p a rt o f th is agreement, fo r the purpose o f construing the same: Gold Hill, Oregon NOW, THEREFORE, the p a rty of the firs t part, in consideration of the rent to be paid, and the p e r formance o f the covenants and con ditions herein agreed to by p a rty of the second part, does hereby let, We are prepared to serve you lease, and demise unto said p a rty of with hot milk shakes. A love the second part all the fo llo w in g de Let u . fum ith your W indow,, Door., Fremo,. ly drink for this cooler weath scribed real and personal property, Screens, Interior Finigh, Cabinet*, etc. and rights and interests therein, to- er. Milk is heated and whipped w it: We are manufacturers and can give you lowest at one operation and you will 1. Lots one (1), tw o (2), three, possible prices consistant with quality. Esti find it delicious. (3), fo u r (4), and nine (9), W ater mates cheerfully furnished. C o l° r f u l scenes ric h in h is to ric a l a n d ro m a n tic sig Park A ddition to the C ity o f Gold n ificance. Fantastic A p a ch e T ra il o f A riz o n a . G re a t H ill, Jackson County, Oregon. (Be HOT CHOCOLATE cities o r th e west and so u th . T h e lu x u rio u s c o m fo rt ing the p ro p e rty o f the o f fam ous tra n s c o n tin e n ta l tra in s. READY TO SERVE MEDFORD. OREGON firs t p a rty ly in g on the west T ra v e l east th ro u g h C a lifo rn ia a n d th e so u th la n d , bank o f Rogue R iver between the AT ALL T IM E S . ca n rra n cisco , Los A ngeles, E l Paso w it h Ju a re z P acific H ighw ay Bridge and tin ju s t across th e b o rd e r, o n th ro u g h Texas and Lo u is* C ity Boundary and between tín . lana to gla m o ro u s N e w O rle a n s. T h e n east o r n o rth Stop in after the dance or R iver and Sams Valley H ighw ay.) • b y tra in o r S o u th e rn Pacific steam ship to N e w Y o rk . 2. Pow er site plant and equip show. Bring the family and ment of p a rly o f the firs t part lo A wondrous journey. Go now. Stopovers at many all have a treat cated in lo t nine (9) in W ater Park points en route. A ddition to the c ity of Gold H ill, Four train« daily southbound, including the "S hasta” over- Jackson County, Oregon, together night to San F ran cisco, a n j “Southern California Express" direct to Los Angeles. From C a lifo rn ia th e w orld fam ous w ith the power d is trib u tio n system "Sunset Limited” through the sotiliiland. Office of County Coroner now owned by pa rty o f the firs t Q tt furthtr detailt today. Gold Hill’s leading Confec part. RELIABLE REASONABLE tio n e ry 3. A ll w ater rights owned by the C ity. Said Water rights to include Gold Hill News ^ñp-iien & • The Best In Used Fords C. E. Gates Goldie Walker Auto Company A Tender Steak j Something New! East Through Summer-land F. & M. MarRet HOME BUILDERS Trowbridge Cabinet Works Cong; r Funeral Parlors DELTA Southern Pacific