Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1926)
TH» GOLD HILL HBW8. JACKBON COUNTT. OBBCON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 4, 1926 PAGE THREE the Gold Hill District should set the pace for better business method* CLASSIFIED ADS and the other district* will fall in line. School ex|ienditures can not l oll SALE— Cheap, all lumber and be rut In uny other way, then by Slock in my 2nd hand and lumber <n for the »lute a* a whole. The By Supt. Chas. 0. Bluett of the Gold Is more than a business, Il is a pleasure, to us. curtailing interest cost then fore bu.slnca*. Stoves wanted. H. F. money hns been »pent conserva Hill Public Schools sight and by combining districts so Satisfied customers are » hat we want and we Swan. tively, us to lower over head expense. have them. Our mechanical work is first class. I lit re is however „ cost that can Getting buck to the plinxe of The record show that current ex FOB SALE—Two Jersey heifers, one three week* ago we find the follow be materially lowered. I he account penditures outside of debt service fresh soon. I. H. PORTEB. In »how* tlmt »8,853 hu» been payed ing to be true. have increased approximately »95« quire at Itosali» ranch. O21n4. Our tolul espendture* for school* old us interest on bonded indebted a year or about »3.50 per pupil per Battery Repairing Used Car» ness nod there is now u bunded In in district 57 In the lu*| five year* year. 'I lie increase for the State BUSINESS DIRECTORY have bern 691,269. Of the amount Intftldedncs* of 629500 accrued to at large has been ahout»4. At the Fred Hickman Prop. Gold Hill, Oregon the district. At 0% the Indebted 50% or 645. 304 has been paid for local rale the cost per pupil would Jewelers -Repairing teachers and principal* «alary ness require »1,770 a year interest. be about »131 per pupil in 1932 or Fuel, light, wnter etc, uccounl* for If the district will tax R»elf for a six years Inter, but by combining would there by he decreased 69 per idents in this city, he having re 15%; trnn*|»ortatlon 13%; Insur few years ahead of lime und put the districts and serving more pupils, pupil . Also the County would pay cently purchased the home of M. S. WRITE US For Price» on DIAMONDS ance 6%, while 21% or 615,988 ha« money In a «inking fund, to be let valuation, the per psipil cost can be us »2020 tuition and Sam* Valley Johnson. and W atehei been expended for debt service and out at 4% the principal and com greatly reduced, because the over would be relieved of her high Mai! us your watch and pounded interest will Ink. cure of new building*. Jewelry repairing. That the Gold Hiil bridge when head expense would be divided n- school expense. The arrangement The |>errentnge given above com future building plans. The district mn.u more |,iipi.«. REDDY and CO. would be to the advantage of all completed next May will be a gold pare* well with the percentage glv- can thereby down interest instcud “House of Quality” concerned. bridge in fact as well a* in name, For instance supposing our cur of paying interest. Medford, - 16 . Oregon Ihink it over .Let’s increase the » ething more than a possi- The past records »how an in rent expense divided among 46 pup enrollment of our sccool so as to bilil , ils now in high school amounts to- menlly 3 pupil* a year. At this rate General Blackamithlng »11« per pupif. Now supposing enable u* to give better faculities For at the present time the pier the present building will easily ue- Sams Valley could be persuaded to with less tax burden and a decreas foundation* arc resting on gold I am prepared Io do all manner of rommndule the pupil, for ten years send their high school pupils to us. ed per pupil cast the prepare for quartz, every hole that is dug shows Wagon and Repair Work, Temper- or more, but rooms should be add Pointing, Shoeing. Suppose there would be about 2« future expenses with a sinking fund color and there is not a man on '"«• Welding, Satisfaction Guaranteed” 14 ed to the building. Then. too. other pupils added to our enrollment. get rid of our funded indebtness the job from head foreman down C. F. CARTER. GOLD HILL, ORB. district» may be added, increasing and slop paying interest. We can Our current expense amount Io »IK, who hasn't at least a few grains of accommodation* needed materially. •168 which divided by 66 the num not stop educating, nor can we al gold in his inside pocket. The news ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 4 H the district, are added however ber of pupils that would then be low our pupils to get along with has spread to Gold Hill and yester extra property valuation* will oc- enrolled plus 115 grade pupils out the proper facilities but we can ♦ Phone 145-J 142 N Front St. ♦ O ar »lock of Fountain Pen* day several Gold Hill boys were out ♦ u |f F. F. BURK * cur and the tax burden will be light which must be counted in or 161 lighten the fax burden by distribut w ill be a aurprk a to yoa. We with pans prospecting the pier holes ♦ Medford le n t 4 Awning Wk* • er instead of heavier, hut even so ing it over the maximum number have Ike very lataat in both »101 per pupil. Our per pupil cost on both sides of the river. ♦ Canvas Goods our Specialty ♦ possible and loaning instead of bor the Parker and Waterman ill Auto 3 op» and Glass inclosures ♦ But the big gold yield isexpected rowing money. ♦ Medford, Oregon. 42 4 brand*, and in the very latent w-hen concrete pouring begins. For + + + + + + + + + + + + + finlahtb. Both theae pen* pre the gravel and crushed rock will highly advertised nationally come from the river bed just below and aro In a rlaaa by them- Assayers, Chemists the bridge and ail the old timers selvän. maintain this part of the river bed G OLD H IL L T E C H N IC A L is nothing shortof a gold mine. Priced from — LABO RATO RY— Therefore not only will gold be Chemist and Assayer 1« found, but the bridge will have gold $2.75 to $10.00 E. DERWENT concrete for its construction. Hard and Soft Wood any time at Analytist, Chemical Engineer. We also have the combination It seems like a long time before Christmas. No JJ.Bitter*. p j adv 37 Yesterday it was reported work seta of pen and pencils and on the bridge had stopped because doubt but it w<uit be long. You will want to re Attorney», Abstractors Mr and .Mrs. Greenleaf of Medford of striking water in pier excava th ew rilin g desk sota. number many friends. Figure out how much were vistors in the city Saturday. tions. Water has been struck, but Theae are go"d for general . work has not slopped, and as long ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 -ou will need and then start in right by placing « licensed Truck and Driver. We as the present good weather contin- ♦ u tility and also make lovely a savings account in this bank to cover the costs ♦ C. F. P R U E S 8j_ Attorney ♦ b.ut anything. JJ Kin.r. Pd a d -3 7 ues it will not stop. Chrlatmaa present*. Branch Office 4 of your Christinas shopping. Then you will have i he water, however, is delaying ♦ Post Office Bldg, Gold Hill, Or 4 .Mrs. Dan Richards spent last week ♦ GENERAL _____ _________ »», LAW .w PRACTICE no regrets when that time comes. eml in Sams Valley as the guest of progress anil may become a serious ♦ Main "Grants Pass**Or ♦ problem. There are fissures in the ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Office Mrs. John Cook. ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 , rock foundation on both sides of the Bertha Coy has been absent a few river. Over 50 holes have been N . W. Borden W. R. G aylerd days from her usual place in the Fi drilled in one rock for example and BORDEN & GAYLORD out of each hole the water spurted delity bank on account of illness. Attorney* at Law and continues to spurt. Gasoline _ , . » Gener*1 Practice I pumps are at work but it looks like The ladies aid of the Gold Hill Suite 412, Medford Center Building, W alter Zimmerman, Cashier a matter of pumping Rogue River will give their annual bazaar in the dry. Merrit building Saturday Nov. 13. — IN S U R A N C E — The engineer in charge however, ,, r„h>Je »“cc«eded to the agency at expects no serious difficulty of a Mr. and Mrs. George Heincr of I . H. Bell in part of the conmaniaa \\ illiams, Ore., were visitors in this permanent nature. Holes will be rePresen»*d by him to city over the week end at the home sunk deeper and it is expected that Gold Hill. I have the Home, Aetna. Mrs. Alice Vose, mother of Mrs. solid rock will be struck and the Royal, Fireman’s Fund. London. & of cV etoca'briou0^ ” HIIL fieiner. School Problems Auto w rin g T h e N u gget G arage Fountain Pens H ave Y ou Y o u r C h r is t m a s L is t Gold Hill Pharmacy Fidelity State Bank I ASSOCIATED A f WINTER GASOLINE X - Huge trusses are now being con DOCTORS structed to use in pouring the new bridge. These trusses will span the * * * * * * * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 river and allow the work to go on W P. C H I S H O L M M .D. 4 regardless of high water in the ♦ 4 Rogue. Everything points to the ♦ m. General Practitioner ° fflce 10’ Re>’ *-L ♦ completion of the bridge by next Go,d «Ul. J« Oregon. A dance and Halloween party was April or May.—Mail Tribune. *♦♦♦444*4444444* given at the Savage Rapids hail Sat NOTICE urday night at which a representa tive crowd was in attendance and In compliance with Section 730«, * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ many Halloween costumes were in Chapter 14 of the Irrigation District * Medford Veterinary Hospital 4 Dr. D. M. STONE. 4 evidence. Laws of Oregon, for 1925, an elec 'r Graduate V eterin arian 4 tion will be held at W. P. Bolduc’s * D o t and Cattle Dfeeanea . Specialty Service Station, at the intersection The Gold Hill Supply Co. have of the Foot’s Creek road and the Pa * Phon« 369, 5th A Grape 8u J ndded a slock of boys shoes to their cific Highway. * Dr. D. M. 8TONB, 48 4 ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ + stock, in all sizes. This ought to This election will be held on the welcome news far parents who have ninth day of November, 1926. said being the second Tuesday in been compelled to go to our neigh date November as is required by law. LODGES boring towns to fit juniors with This election is held for the pur shoes. pose of electing one (1) director to T H E L A D Y M U S C O V IT E S serve on the board for three (3) „ I- O. O. F . years. Jack Pickard is back behind the Meets the first Saturday of sack , The polls will be open at eight block at the Gold Hill Meat market o clock a. m. and remain open until month at 2:00 P. M. Ic* ' V*lkeO President, 1« again. He is not able to attend to five o clock p. m. Bertha E. Adams, Sec-Trena. Dated and signed at Gold Hill, Ore- all the duties there yet but is able ALL MUSCOVITES WELCOME Io help out quite a bit. Jack has i yjo. on »his fourth day of October been suffering with a case of blood AMETHYST REBEKAH LODGI 6T. w . W. HITTLE, Meets every Wednesday Night ai thè poisoning. President. n ’iP ’P ’ Hall, Gold Hill, Oregon FRED G. GUY, Belle Smith, Noble Grand, gg Forest Pickett a student at the Pearl Ferguson, Vice Grand, Gold Hill Irrigation District Jackson Oregon Agricultural college from Katherine Kellogg. Secretori County, Oregon. O7-28-N4 Lncy Meo, T reesuw . near this city, was conferred the honor of being chosen Beaver Knight at that institution. This is ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 < < > ' # a much coveted appointment and M H A U L IN G » the young man is to be congratulat * ed. Motor Trucking, Teaming, Grading, Moving * Jack Morell left Wednesday morn ing for San Francisco. Mr. Morell has been visiting in this city the past month as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Reed. Mr. Morell is in terested in real estate near this city. Sustained Q uality , is refined to give satis factory service in the coldest temperatures Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reasoner and fam ily who have made this city their home for the past year have moved to Centeral Point. Mr. Reasoner was elected to the city council of Gold Hill but due to his removal to our neighboring city he will not be able to serve. .< < r F - Avnilahle st all Company service stations and at the best independent dealer* A S S O C IA T E D O IL C O M PA N Y City Reeorder John Hainmersly, rereived word Iasi week to the ef fect that the mother-in-law of his brother Riley had passed away. The woman was the sister of Dick and Lee Hayes who live near this city and an aunt of Jack Hayes, local business man. i TRUCK & transfer 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 co 4 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 An Edison Phonograph Will Improve the Attractiveness of the Home Machine and Ten 4-Minute Records Regular $48.50 Value for 4 $ ä 4. Sold On Easy Payments THE MUSIC and PHOTO HOUSE 212 So 6th Street. Grants Pass, Ore C. W. Doty of (his city received word during the past week that his 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 aged mother, living in Nebraska lost her life as a result of an ac ♦ WE DON’T COBBL e M u Ì es WE BERCILO^í f e cident. Details of the accident ♦ REBUILDING SHOES IS OUR BUSINE88. were not given in the message. Mr. I A ‘r,' k Z T lV T £ ^ ‘L <)rd,7 Prompt ettontl.. Doty and his family are new res- 4 14 4 B BCK’ °" lhc h'Shw«y. Gold Hill, Ore 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4