e (Solò »ill Advertising i* (hr yeast of Bus! nr**. Il raise* the dough. I J VOLUME Na. » . "It* Our Resource*”—' more could you ask. COLI) HIL L. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 4, 1926 NUMRBER CITY ELECTION CAUSES A TIE FOR C O U N C IL ♦ ♦ ____________ __________ ♦ AT TIIE THEATRE | Friday afternoon and riight| | "The Birth of a Nation" | Saturday (loot Gibson, in "The | Man In the .Saddle." Comedy, | Playing the Swell, - | | Sunday—"The Street of Forgot- | | ten Men" with an all star cast. | | "Hot Shirks.” 1 | Tuesday Nov. "The Road to I Mandalay.” featuring Lon Chan- j I ey. Andy Gump comedy. Thursday Nov. 11—“The Dark Angel" with Vilma llankey A Ronald Colman, Comedy Pace maker. Brief Items o f Nations News I be Parent-Teacher* organiza was killed and another seriously tions of the state held their se*, wounded at Detroit in an attempted slons at Salem last week. La bank hold up. (■ramie will be the next meeting place. A policeman, who was placed on The son of the Sultan of Morroco guard at the Roumanian legation a! was married last week to the daugh W'ashinton on an evening that the Queen of that country was being ter of the notables of that part of feted, was given a drink of wine the world and it is said that the wedding was surrounded with all which knocked .him out entirely and very near cost him his job. the old time pomp and splendor. CHRISTMAS CARDS HERE We have a beautiful assort- ment of Christmas cards for our customers to choose from this year and they are quite re- sonable too. iiome in or ar- range for an appointment. Printed Christmas cards are gaining in popularity all over country and this year’s samp- les are quite exquisite. M | ELECTION IS | | | J | VITORY FOR STATE G.O.P. Tuesday was election day and about 250 of our citizen* took ad The entire Republican ticket ap | vantage of their franchise and vot | pears to be elected in the state of ed. The day passed with no partic | Oregon and Jackson county. Stei ular excitement outside of the at wer, candidate for U. S. Senator has tempt to defeat a couple member* a lead of nearly 7000 over his near of the city ticket by writing in the est opponent, Stanfield running name* of other people. Win Fergus neck and neck with Haney the Dem on was placed in the race to defeat ocratic aspirant. Tony Itos* and llarry Chillier* was O. A. C. Itarely defeated the Uni 'I hose nt Portland! having in Governor Pierce seems to be out put forward Io defeat Pankey. The charge, the ilinery of Queen Murie versity of Idaho team Saturday by of the race, Patterson having piled first candidate fell short but Child of Roumnnin expect to take her over a scoreof 3 to 0. The O. A. C. was up a very substantial majority ers and Pankey tied. the Columbia Highway *0 that she slated to win by a much larger mar which the few remaining precincts It has not been decided how the might get a view of that scenic part gin. cannot overcome. Pierce ran tie will be settled but the probabil of the state. stronger in the rural communities ity is that both men will lie scuted The McCormick steamer Everett than he did in the cities. due to the failure of Ray Reasoner An auto thief was shot by police a freight steamer burned nt sea off The three Republican candidates lo qualify. Mr. Rcasoner, tho elec ollicer nt Grants Pass last week. He the California coast, Friday. The for congress were elected by good ted, has sincehis nomination sold was Inter sentenced to six months crew of the Everett was saved while majorities. his property intcrnits in the city in jnil at Seattle. A 19 year old lad Hie Elaines were leaping high above Among the amendments the fol and has moved away. The best died on the gallows for murdering u the hull of the ship. The disaster lowing carried: method to settle the tie, according policeman in Chicago and a robber happened near the Eureka port. Klamath bonding, Repeal of Ne Io popular sentiment will to be gro Section, Eastern Oregon Nor allow both men to art. mal, Recail amendment, Curry The bond Issue carried by a large bonding. Vacancies amendment, majority, the vote being 132 and 48 Klamath, Clackamas Bonding, East against. ern Oregon Tuberculosis Hospital It. E. Cook was elected mayor and the Fish Wheel and Seine Bill. Idaho shows a substantial Repub all of whom must step aside for without opposition as was also John SEN. ROBERT N. STANFIELD 'The others, including the Six per llanunersly for recorder and Walter lican Majority for all state officers. Bourbon successors. cent Limitation, Dennis Resolution, Zimmerman for treasurer. The vote Two insurgents were elected to Who was administered a second de In Washington, Senator Jones Seaside Normal, Cgarette and To for couneilmen was as follows: the senate in the persons of Smith feat by Frederick Steiwer in defeated his Democratic opponent, bacco Tax Bus and Truck License Fred Hickman, 102 W. Brookhart of Iowa; and John H. Tuesday's Election Bullitt, by a substantial majority. bill. Income Tax Grange Bill, and P. II. Myers, 175 Blaine of Wisconsin. Anti-llae.ley agitators succeeded in the housewives Bill, failed in pass A. Punkey, 99 Governor Al Smith won hands electing quite a few members to the age. R. Rcasoner, 134 CHRISTIAN ULRICH down in New York for governor. state legislature. Tony Itoss, IM HON. I. L. PATTERSON The Democrats are assured of a Nellie Ross, Governor of Wyom W. I,. Van Ilouten, 192. Christian Ulrich, a pioneer of this LOCAL REAL ESTATE FIRM gain of six in the lower house of Who will surreed Walter M. Pierce ing was defeated by her Republican OPENS SPLENDID ADDITION Harry Childers. 99 Congress and a possibility of a few county died at his home in Jackson as Chief Executive of the opponent. Thus passes the first and more. Win Ferguson, 72; ville, October 28, after a lingering The local realty firm of Reed A Inst of the nation’s lady governors. State of Oregon W. E. Itoss, 3 . New Jersey shows a Republican iilness,at the age of 73 years, 10 Guy have opened a new addition for Nellie Ross was the first woman M. S. Johnson, 37 months and 22 days. He was born victory. . The Democratic candi homeseekers on the highway in the governor being appointed to fill out It. A. Robinson, II. dates In that state all ran on an anti- at Burlington, Iowa, December 6, HOFFMAN—ADAMS western part of town. They have the term started by her husband On the stale ticket Cold Hill gave 1852. His parents were part of a pnshibition platform. taken the acreage belonging to MY. who died in office and reelected Stanfield the heaviest vote he re A woman was elected to a seat caravan of 47 wagons with ox teams Monday evening nt 7.30 a quiet ceiving 82; Haney. 72; Stciwer,77; wedding was solemnized nt the two years ago. She had a very har in the House. She is Mrs. John W. which crossed the plains in 1860 Pankey just west of the E. H. Radt and Adams 4. For Governor Pierce home of the bride's uncle. Mr. and monious administration, unlike her Langley and she takes the seat va and which took six months time in ke home and cut it up into build ing lots. There will be an alley va led with 127 votes; Patterson, 92; Mrs. II. B. Lewis, ut 515 South Cen sister executive in Texas. cated by her husband who was re crossing the plains. Many of these Three Democrats successfully cently incarcerated- in the Atlanta families were the founders and cated in the rear of the lots and Slallard 22; The following received tral Ave. Medford, when Florence the larger voles in Gold HllltNcw- Edith lloffguin became the bride of contested Republican Senatorships prison for violation of the national buildi rs of this part of the state. streets disecting the addition so that ton W. Rorden for Congress, Robert E. Adams of Gold Hill. Only over the country. They were But prohibition law. Mr. Ulrich has been a resident of a driveway will be had completely around the entire acreage. This ler of Massncheusetts, the only man Charles Howard for Supt. of Public the immediate relatives of the eon- Atlee B. Pomerene of Ohio was Jacksonville for sixty seven years instruction; C. IL Gram, Commis racting parties were present. The for whom the president made a cam defeated for Senator. and bears a very enviable reputa site will furnish homes for several who desire to build in Gold HUl- sioner Public Service Commisson; ring ceremony was used ut which paign for, Senator Wadsworth of Republican governors won in tion as an honest and upright man. George W. Dunn, State senator; Win Rev. Howe of the Christian church New York Hnd Harrell of Oklahoma both Illinois and Pennsylvania. Mr. Ulrich is survived by his wife Several of the lots have been sold M. liriggs and John II. Carkin, Stale officiated. Bernice Cook acted as and five children one of his daught all ready and more will no doubt representatives; Geo. Alford, Com Bridesmaid anil Ritchard C. Adams ers being Mrs. G. H. Chapman of be taken soon owing to the splendid TO ORGANIZE TOWN MEDFORD CHOSEN FOR missioner; Paul Rynning, surveyor; brother of the bride groom attend this city who was at his bedside. terms which Messrs Reed and Guy are offering. BASKET BALL TEAM E. It. Harker, Justice of the Peace 1 ed his brother. Funeral services were held at the FUTURE COUNTY SEAT These are choice lots abutting up and Charles Itarge, Constable of the Perl funeral parlors i:i Medford and According to the vote of the peo The bride was beautifully gowned There will be a meeting at the ple of the county the seat of the burial was in the Jacksonville cem on the Pacific highway and there Gold Hill precinct. in yellow; silk trimmed with pearls The local precinct vote,! against and carried a bridal bouquet of High School gymnasium Tuesday county government will J»e moved etery. The I. O. O. F. of which he fore free from dust. They would the Dennis resolution, the Grange white and yellow chrysanthemums. night for the purpose of organizing to Medford, soon. The landslide in was a member for many years bad be a very favorable investment for Income tax measure, the Cigarette The bridesmaid wore a dove silk a town basket ball team. It is hoped the city of Medford was greatly re ¿barge of the service at the grave. anyone whether they intend to build or not, they being on the south side that everyone interested in basket and tobacco tax masure the House -------- o gown trimmed in gold lace and car ball will be present. It is under sponsible for the removal. Ashland of the highway and shaded from the wives bill, the Motor Truck Rill and ried a beautiful bouquet of white stood that several of the other com also gave the removal a slight ma THURSDAY CLUB AT WILLOW afternoon sun. the Fish wheel bill and favored the jority. The City of Medford will SPRINGS IB ENTERTAINED and lavendar chrysanthemums. The munities will have town teams and Eastern Oregon Tuberculosis hos house w;as beautifully decorated will furnish comiietition for a local now build a new city hall for the CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. pital and Eastern Oregon Normal A very successful party was held with rose, and chrysanthemums nnd quintet when erganized. The or use of the county until such time GIVE INSTRUCTION ON DUCO measures. as the county sees fit to build a at Willow Springs by the Thursday autumn colors. ganization of a town team might also county building. club and the teachers in tiie Willow The bride is the daughter of Mr. help Coach Orr to round a winning A course of instruction on the CITY LIBRARY TO HR GIVEN o Springs schools. The affair was in application of Duco is to be given and Mrs. N. R. Hoffman of Medford, high school team by giving them an ANOTHER ROOM IN BUILDING the nature of a Halloween party and in the service school conducted by and is a teacher of the grade school opportunity to work out against the HALLOWEEN PARTY AT HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY many unique and appropriate cos The bridegroom is the oldest son of older men. the Chevrolet Motor Company at At a meeting of the city council There was a Halloween party tume! were in evidence. Mr. nnd Mrs. It. E. Adams of Gold its factory in Oakland, California. last week it was deckled to fix up held at the local high school Friday A clever skit was staged, entitled Hill and is employed nt the new FIFTEEN-YEAR OLD Dealers from all sections of the and equipped the rear room on the evening at -which time the advanced Blue Beard and his wives, ancient Owen-Oregon Lumber mills as mill Pacific Coast are sending their Du REGISTERED AS FRESHMAN lower floor of the eity hall for the students entertained the Freshmen and modern version which furnish wright. co men to the big plant for in use of the city library. This action The youngest freshman in the and initiations seemed to be in or ed much hearty amusement. Wil A delicately appointed luncheon struction on the application of this was deemed advisable due to the der. A good time was enjoyed and University is Jennins Mather, of liam Tucker played several piano se was served at 8:30 at which covers latest innovation in automoble Ha inconvenience to both the city lections which were deserving of shes. were layed for: Messrs and Mes- Vancouver, B. C„ who is 15 years, dainty refreshments were served. council and the Librarian. In the eight months nnd seven day* old, complimentary mention. Other daines Robert E. Adams, N. B. Hoff- past the two department* have oc amusements furnished were Com RESOLUTION ADOPTED AT mnn, B. E. Adams, Win Fisk, H. B. according to an announcement to LOGGING OPERATIONS IN cupied the spine room and as a re PROGRESS ON KANES CREEK munity singing, old fashioned danc Lewis, Misses Irene Hoffman, Mar day by Carlton E. Silencer, regis HOMEMAKER'S INSTITUTS sult the council was disturbed by Logging operations are progres ing and refreshments. The entire garet Lewis, Bernice Cook,. Mrs. trar. applicants for books coming in and Be it resolved that whereas, we Mather, who is majoring in pre- sing satisfactorally on Kanes creek social was much enjoyed by all. Jnne Cook, Grandma Lewis, Ritch out and the opportunity for study who have been present at the ses- ard Adams and Philip Hoffman, of medic«, attributed the fact that he near this city. The work is under in the reading room was lessened sion* of the Jackson County Home- Seattle, Washington, brother of the finished public school in six years ,the supervision of Fred Fick of HALLOWEEN PASSES OFF by the confusion relative to the bride. WITHOUT MUCH DAMAGE maker’s Institute held in Medford, nnd high school in three to the Jacksonville. The beautiful weath frequent meetings of the city hall. October 20th to 23rd inclusive, do The happy young couple were the greater amount of studying demand er that has prevailed here this fall The change wil no doubt be a Gold Hill was very fortunate this hereby express onr appreciation of ed of student* in Cnnndian schools. has aided wonderfully in the work. recipients of many useful and beau welcome one. -------- o--------- year to get over the Halloween sea the benefits and pleasures derived The United States. Mather believes, tiful presents. GOLD HILL IS DUE FOR son without experiencing any harm from the lectures, and the many has the best universities however, After a short wedding trip the COUNCIL MEETS TO CANVASS BUILDING BOOM SHORTLY ful depredations. Naturally enough helps given by each Extension voung coutile will be nt home at which is the reason he came to Eu RETURNS OF CITY ELECTION 375‘/j S. Central Ave. Medford, Ore. gene. Judging from the requests for da some few pranks were played and Worker from the Oregon Agricul < Wednesday night the city coun ta pertaining to the country in and jokes perpetrated but the usual 111a- tural College, especially Mrs. Jesse cil met in special session and can SARDINE CREEK ROAD around this city furnishes material licidUs vandalism which character McComb, Home Demonstration A W. P. WETHERALL vassed the election returns. They for the prophesy that we are going ized Haloween night in most com gent Leader for the Extcntion Ser RECEIVING NEEDED WORK Word was received by George found the count accurute ns given The road up Sardine crek is re Scott of Rogue River that his broth to enjoy a healthy growth soon. Al munities was' conspcuous by ts ab vice, and we earnestly desire that ready the local firm of Reed and sence. by the election officials and it was ceiving some much neded work this the Home Economics Work in the er-in-law, W. P. Wethernll hnd died so entered on the minutes. Mrs. I)an Shearer left Sunday for County may be long continued, also. fall and when finished will be a quite suddenly Wednesday, Nov. 3rd Guy reports the sale of several acre age tracts and buiuiing lots in and her home in Washington'after sev An objection was voiced about very nicely improved highway. The Be it resolved that best thanks be the winter condition in the river. It Sardine creek road is one of the nt Roseburg. The cause of his death near the city. Several are interest eral weeks spent in tiie eity as the tendered to Dr. Warner for her was reported that the water was national market road projects nnd was heart failure. Mr. Wethernll ed in the chicken business and will guest of her mother Mrs. Pankey. splendid "Health” lectures, to the caused to rise and fall, spnsmodic- s being straightened out and the was a former Gold Hill resident, start operations in the spring with a She will visit for a few days in Port Episcopal people for the use of aly nnd as a result was placing the teeper pitches being cut down nnd having been depot agent in this city bunch of baby chicks. Others are land, enroute. their Guild Hall for our meetings, city's pumping machinery in dang lie grade widened. The road on for several years nnd was a mem attracted by the high fertility of our to the musicians, to Miss Sncdicor, ber of the Odd Fellows lodge at this soil for truck gardening nnd the er. The matter was referred to the '■ vans Creek has nlso received some Cakes that stick to the pan and and to all others who have contri Funeral services will be raising of small fruits. We have all clerk with instructions to lake the dtention and that highway has been place. threaten to break to pieces when buted in any way to the success of held in Rogue Itiv^r Snturdny after the natural resources needed to taken out, are easily removed by the Institute. grievinnee to the water masters and well graded nnd a 1st class base see if the condition could not be mill hut no shale has been applied noon at 2:00 nod burial will lie in make a real town and to say that a turning the pan upside down and HOME ECONOMICS ADVISORY the Rogue River cemetnry under the boob is near is not altogether un eliminated. , •dying a damp cloth on the bottom ns yet. COMMITTEE auspices of the Odd Fellow Lodge. founded. of it for five minutes. Signed Alice Hanley, Chairman 9— High Spots in Tuesday Election US