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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1926)
T H E G O LD H IL L N EW S. JACKSON C O U N T Y , OREGON HOW THE PILGRIMMOTHER The DOOM TRAIL -B y - Kept H er Family in Good Health Arthur D. Howden Smith * 111 be no Daddys Evening Sure Relief atòiyTaì B i LUAN» longer a fu g lth • from Ju» tic». So be not, dlahesrteuwtl." Hot water A statue to the P ilgrim M other was Au/Aor • / MAKTf GRAHAM BÖNMER. "And how could I he dishearten,*,I," Sure Relief • •• •»»»••• «i recently unveiled a t Plym outh Rock. H a r r y O rm e ro d , lo n g pro a c rth ed I demanded, aa I set tier down, “with P C S r o B ELLO C O L D . Etc. 1 Mass, Through her t r a i t o r to K in a G e o rg e a« a S t u two friends such as I may boast of?" a rt p a r tis a n , r e t u r n in g fro m wo honor every pio <4t> bv l t r . n t . n o ' . ) T H A T LOST H O U R \>.\U Merk ice neer woman who Fran< <* to L o n d o n rc » c u *e A id e r - There was a mist before my eyes, m a n R o b e rt J u g itln » fro m a bund end ur'd privation itu d 1 was not sorry when Juggins o f «»sasaina. J u g g in g p rove« to and hardships that Mahnlla had simply hist nn hour : broke in upon our farewells. be th e f r a n d a o n o f a f o r m e r 25< «nJ 75< PMs.Sold Every wh<r» a nation m ight live. that day. She really had not known i "Aye. John W aterm an w ill be w ait1 a t e u a r d o f O rm e ro d '» fa th e r , to Shoulder to shoul » lis t had happened to It and then, ' w h o m J u s td n s f«*e I n h h n a e lf In ing us at the Tem ple stairs, and we der w ith h er hus d e b te d . O rm e ro d te lle Jut; g in » wonder of womlvrs, a llltla guoiua , have little lim e to spure If we are to band she b u ilt a he has a b a n d o n e d th e S tu a r t laid appeared. get aboard liefore the other pass<'iigt>ra home In the w ilder cause. J u g g in s In fo rm » O rm e ro d Ills name was Someone sml It was J ness and reared her Ibis lie Veulle would recognise you, o f a J a c o b ite p lo t In the A m e r i sturdy sons and hi* who was the creature meant when can c o lo n ie s to w e a k e n E n a la n d I fear, even In this disguise * d a u g h te rs . She by f o r w a r d in g F re n c h In te re s ts . people said that "Someone" must ■ I could not forbear a grimace at III« A t It» head la A n d re w M u r r a y , a cooked and sewed. know or that “Sonioone" could do ' reference to my gel up, a linsey-wool S cotsm an , and a F re n c h m a n , l»e She spun and wove for h er growing thia or that. V e u lle , d e a d ly enem y o f O rm e ro d sey shirt, w ith homespun Jacket and fa m ily and when they were 111, she T h e tw o a re In L o ndo n f u r t h e r Someone wore a green suit w ith gold i brewed potent remedies from roots breeches and ii bobbed errate h in g th e ir schem es A n tic ip a t in g buttons. He droniM'd very handsome- i and herbs— such roots and herbs as the whole designed (o give me u rustic th e p lo tte rs e a r ly re tu rn to ly. a rs now used In L yd ia E. F la k ham s appearance, which there cun be n« A m e r ic a , J u g g in s a rr a n g e s fo r lu one m in u te n ila e rr fro m corn» le Vegetable Compound. Someone had come to call on Ms- O rm e ro d to go th e re w ith le tte r« doubt (but It did. • In « a a« I A Massachusetts woman w rite s: to G o v e rn o r B u r n e t, fr ie n d o f halls and he had tnvlled her Io go ! r « 4 e do e«A»/r b y rem o vin g th e * « « • • — •\\e x e r mind, Mnster H u rry .” ad “ I was all run-down, w ith no ambi J u g g in s , an d w o r k to fo il M u r preaelug or rubbing o f shoe« Y ou risk ne with Idin to visit the Valley of Mem ! monished Juggins hn be clapped un tion. I was tired a ll the time. Some ray . In fe ctio n frW«n am a te u r e u liln g .n o danger orles. tim es I would be In bed two e r three ugly beuw r o f aiicleut m jle uimxi u»y (tu rn "d ru g »” ( e r ld ) . t i n e pads e re th in , There he hail also shown her the I days a t a time, and the doctor would m ed icated , an tlcap B e, p ro te c tiv e , beel« heud. "In New York you w ill rig your log G et e boa et r o u r d ru g g iet'e or rh o e have to give me something to quiet me. mountains Ihut were all around the ! «elf in forest-runner's garb, and for C H A P T E R I I — C on tinu ed d ea ler'» to d ay - JSc. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pink- valley. get that you evur pln.wd the bumpkiti. ter f rvr erMa TY» SckUI Mfg. Ce.. fYlrage ham ’s Vegetable Compound and I have The mountains were made out of | Give grunny a lust kls.< a n d —" “ T ls Juggins," inteqiosed my mas had wonderful results from It. I felt ambitions o f tauqile and there It was , She tb*w at me. light a« a b ird ; her better a fte r takin g the second bottle, ter. “T he lad Is a cousin once re arms cln«|w*d momentarily alntut my , so that even |a*ople who felt they had ! and I am never without It In the house moved. He goes to seek employment failed and not realized their amid- I now. I have told lots of people about in the New world. To tell the truth, neck ; I felt her kiss on my c h eek; mid It. and they say it helps them , too. I tlons had really liel|>ed and had not I then she was gone from the room. I I* m « one m —t h f puin I , gone though strong and willing, he Is uol am w illin g to answer letters from really fa Hod. utky hh well say here that 1 never saw women asking about the Vegetable ovei burdened with wits. But he can Those who had not won prises hut i her again, although many a night its I i Compound."— Mas. J. W. C arrcH vrr, 2 swing an ax as well as anyone, and his who hail tried had all been a part of , lay under the atari» I wax to remem Hammond Street, Cambridge, Mass. muscles should bring him good hire hulhllng up the mountains o f nmhh | ber her quaint way«, her sweet, shrill on some wilderness farm ." lions and success aud o f trying, for i I voice and loving smile. "Aye." agreed Muster Jenkins tone the trying for things was whnl built I T h e R e to rt D isco u rteo u s But I had no op|M>rtunlty for such lessly. the great bed rocks and foundations ' Sbs cried out. r t Is related th a t George Bernard i thought* as Jugging and I hurried In the street Juggins turned uiton of the mountains. Shaw, a few days a fte r his seventieth me indignantly. "So soon! Must It be. Robert? Sure. | through the streets toward the river. Someone had also shown Mnhnlls birthday, was roped Into a draw ing the lad should have some respite from where n wherry nw alilng ux. All "W ould you ruin us. Master H arry?" where all Ihe Jolly thoughts and mem* room party o f a rather highbrow na he demanded. "Zooks, you were like toil and fe a r !” FO R F IR S T A I D I he way he kepi up it rimtihitf fire uf ture, at which the special attraction to plunge yourself into trouble by your I f he Is to go, he must go then,'" last minute utlvlee xml lnxirut-tlon«, Every day on the farm was a violinist. Said the hostess to forw ard m anner^ I'll wager Jenkins "Guard w e ll the h*tterx I have given rejoined Juggins. “ T w a s because 1 brings a new need for M r. Shaw, a fte r the violinist had ren Is wondering now whether you are a elt as you did that I said whut you f you. the one to t'orluer no lexx ihuu “ Vaseltne” J»lly A pure, dered one or two numbers: “ W ell, M r. crim inal or only a half-w it. Why did heard, granny.” (hoxe to Governor Burnet und Manter safe remedy lo r burns, Shaw, w hat do you think o f mv dis you Hare up over tills lie Veulle':" “Aud twas because he had a sound I <'olden, ('«»rhter. though he he only • cuts, rashes and minor covery?” Replied M r. Shaw : “ I find "Because I know hlui and I hate heart In him that lie unawered us he rude, uulettered wiM»d«iiutn, 1» none ■kin troubles. Take inter in him a great resemblance to Pad the lexx o f Iui|H>rtMiice in the wilder* lid," she snapped. " I f he Is to go, he him ." 1 answered doggedly. nally for couglis and colds. erew ski.” A painful pause. Then, nexx country, lie hath the cohftdoiiott I should go, I dare say ; and the greater “’.Thy? W hat halh lie done?" “But, M r. Shaw*. Paderewski is not a Cheaabrough Mfg. Company lie peril, the grealer the reward, of the Indiana of the Six N m i I oiin , n “ He Is one o f the gallants of the violinist.” State St. ""’ r ■"-“ •* Naw York lave you done aught toward securing niightjr tribe, or rnther confederacy of m u i l in Paris. He cunie out of fa n " E x a c t ly s n a p p e d G. B. S.— New trihex, Mttxter H arry. I have w rit a» Master Harry's equipmeut?” ada some three years ago. and made Yorker. a reputation for gangling, fickleness He went to the cupboard, from xtrongly ax a man may to Governor I Burnet, hut I would have you «ay to : and daredevlltry of all kinds, but once which he procured a bundle of rolled D E M A N D “ B A Y E R ” A S P IR IN In the Tolson d'O r I heard him slur ■ ■ a . V • FAY o » ^ loths. Layer a fter layer wus un him all that you can think of to urga r&IBOUUM dUXJt T it no : wound, and finally he drew from the him to u vlgorouN courxe. the |MKir young man I then served." T ak e Tablets W itho ut F ear I f You “James?” wrappings a gun such as 1 hud never hour for h alf way uieaxurex. W e uiuxt : • rush M urray once und for a l l * See the Safety “ Bayer Cross.” “ I called him King Janies In those seen before. It was long In the bar We came prexently to Greenwich days," I answered. "Yes. Pe Veulle rel. well-stocked, yet very light and reach, and xteered a pnsMiKe through Someon« Bxde Hgr g Polite Farew ell W a rn in g ! Unless you see the name was mocking the petty motley of our handy. “Bayer” on package o r on tablets you exiled court. 'W hat Is this king but a "You may exclaim over It, M aster Ihe river Iralllc tu Ihe side tif the New orles stuyetl m i people could slw srs are not getting the genuine Bayer puppet figure for us to dandle In Eng H a rry ,” remarked Juggins ms he sur Venture. M a tte r Abbot, her cuptalu, summon th e n to their minds when met us ut the rail. A spirin proved safe by millions and land’s face?' he said. 'And what are rendered it iuto my adm iring hands; ! they wished. N C tU L T I 0 U À M N T IC D "'131» young mua Is not sure of him prescribed by physicians fo r 26 years. Ills courtiers but other puppets to "but you can Irnve no idea o f its value C O N T A I N t » u r n e IK MT And then Someone look Mahnlla Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin. dress the show?’ FOB I M O N T H « T B C A t M C N f until you have seen It tested In »he self afloat, and would seek Ills lierth,” ! hack home. Im itatio ns may prove dangerous.— Adv. “ H is toadies all laughed. great forests, where a man's life de said Muster Jugglas, a fte r Ihe prelim- There was something about the Val- ! tonico . “ 'And the most comical thing of pends upon the swiftness and accuracy luuriea hud heeu passed. I ley of Memories that made her want I • II.' ended De Veulle, is to think of with which he cun shoot. I learned "As he pleases," agreed Cuptalu Ab A u to C a u s e d E x c ite m e n t to send only memories she enred shout j "Y 'are the first that in my own youth, and so when I bot Indifferently. T he arriv al o f the first automobile this puppet king, w ith a pupiiet court there, for sulky memories and selfish H O P K IN S returned to London I had this gun uhuard, lad, and may choose your quar recently in a village in the high ruling over a puppet England while L A B O R A T O R IE S memories and horrid memories bail , lands of Donegal county, Ireland, was , I rance pulls the strings— us will sure- made fo r me by the king's own gun ters. You may hunk w ith the second 94 C lass it i« s rm s c u c o such a dreadful tim e when they a r celebrated as a public event. A holl- ' * happen some day. smith, a fte r plans I drew for him. mate or one o f the other passengers. C A L ir O S N IA rived. It was then I knocked him out of But no.” lie corrected him self; " I There Is none other like It.” day was declared and the streets dec They had to fuss and change and orated w ith flags and bunting, ac! his chair.” "And It Is for me?" I asked, de should have said w ith one of two of A p p r o p r ia t e ly N a m e d rearrange themselves Instead of l>e- M uster Juggins gripped me by the lighted as a child w ith a new toy. the other passengers. The lady hath cording to the Dearborn Independ “Gosh I— that old .dog la a sight 1“ Ing able to enjoy the place at once. ent band w ith a w arm th that surprised me “ W hat better use could It have?" a cabin to herself." A Inst hour wus a pity aa It wus •aid a hypercritical acquaintance, from “Good la d !” he exclaimed. “I would he replied. “Oh, yes; und these go "The la d y !” I exclaimed. not an hour which had lost Itself over beyond Presbyterian H ill. “He's have done it m yself!” Master Juggins pursed his lips In a with It.” •DANDELION BUTTER COLOR'* "W hat? You are no Jacobite!” hut only through her, though some lame, aklnny, blind In one eye, and soundless whistle. He brought from the same cupboard times lost hours were bait hy her •penra to have ticks all over him. He “ I am no Jacobite,” he replied In “So you carry a lady," he com looks us If he had been scalded, loo.” A harmless vegetable butter color a shot-pouch of headed deerskin and when they passed so quickly w ith Some confusion, "but no more were mented. used by millions fo r 50 years. D rug "E h -y a h !” replied Gap Johnson o f fun. a powder-horn, ornamented w ith dull “Aye," replied Abbot. stores and general stores sell hotties you a Jacobite when you struck him. silver that would not catch the light. Rumpus Itldge. "He's got the mange, T h a t was quite all right. Blit she “ Who Is she?" , 'Tw as for England, M aster H a r r y ; o f “Dandelion" for 35 cents.— Adv. also the biggest Npprflte you ever Also a belt o f hide from which there didn't Want any ugly, dragging hours. and a man's country means more than “ I know not." SM-n He's covered w ith flens, and hung Ir. sheaths a delicately balanced They had such shuffling feet, and H e turned to tne. any king that ever ruled. But what N o U se f o r Those howl« all night, lie lailn't good for a hatchet and a long, broad bladed knife. seemed so ashamed of themselves “ And now, young sir, what do you Farm er's W ife— H iram , the tramps ' came after? ” living thing on earth, and I'd take him "These you w ill discover no less use when they came arrivin g In the Valley "W e fought in the upper room o f the say? W ill It he the se<-ond mate or a have robbed our clothes line again. out and shoot him I f It wnsn't too ful than tlie gun." he explained, draw of MnnorleN. Tolson d'O r— De Veulle and I and a passenger for companion?” H ira m — How do you know Its much trouble to hnrry a gun.” ing the weapons from their coverings. But because the hours belonged tramps? • friend o f his and my friend. My friend ‘ T he second m ale,” 1 said. "W hut do you call the v n r m ln tr "This which you call a hatchet Is the to everyone there was always some W ife— Because they have taken was badly wounded.” H e nodded his head, called a sea “T h e only name thnt w ill fit him— tomahawk of the Indians, used for good about every one o f them. everything hut-the towels. "And you?" man to carry my luggage below und •aon-ln-luw .'"— Kansan City Star. lighting at close quarters and for That was such a comforting thought. “I disarmed my opponent. I dis point the way, anil walked off. throwing. This other Is the scalping “Good-by Someone." Mahnlla said, W right'S In d ian V e g e ta b le P u le e r e no« armed him several times. When we Muster Juggins drew me buck Io ths A Lady of Distinction o n ly a p u rg a tiv e. T h ey ex e rt a to n ic a ctio n knife, and a deadly blade It is, loo. as Someone hade her a polite fa re began to fence I found be knew little on th e d ig estio n . T est th e m y o u rself now. rail. Is recognised hy the delicate, fnsclnnt- You will feel them strange at first, hut well. 97J P e a rl St.. N. T. A dv. of the small sword —remember, he had “ 'T ls best I should not w ait," he among my friends In New York there “ You've certainly taken tne on a Ing Infiuenco o f the perfume she uses. been brought up In Canada— and A bath w llh fhitlcura Ronp and hot is a Dutchman named t'orluer who said. “ Stay below till you be safe out most rem arkable trip and I'm ever A f th e C lo th ie r ’s 'twould not have been pretty to slay o f Thames mouth, M aster H arry. You w nter to thoroughly clennae the pores so grateful to yon. C lerk— A suit? Yes, sir— w hat cut do a man so at my mercy. Also, to »reat w ill Instruct you In the ways of the should he safe enough now, hut care Is followed by a dusting w ith Outlcura wilderness.” "I'll never forget It as long as I you want? him as I did was more hum iliating to a sure precaution." Talcum powder usually means • clear, "You shall have letters to Governor live." Dad— Cut price. bis pride than death." ” 1 w ill not forget,” I promised. Burnet himself, whom 1 met before he “rhen It was a good trip .” said sweet, healthy skin.— A dvertisem ent “You did well, M aster H arry. But "And one thing more, lad. Do not went overseas, and to M aster Cudwul- Someone delightedly. “ We who be See through a thing, then see the granny w ill be aw aiting us. We must stint your wants for money. Governor f f e re , T o o ader Golden, the governor's surveyor long to the Valley of Memories can thing through. 1 hasten.” Burnet w ill aid you to draw whatever For the tropics, Special golf hnlls general and a member of Ids council, have no grenler compliment paid ua H e walked In silence until we had you may desire through the hunkers ere used to stand the heut. Evan In a fine, loyal gentleman with whom I than to hear thnt something was so A Nervous B re a k d o w n | reached the house In Holborn. In New York. Kememher, you spend this country we have seen a golfer fan have had some correspondence. wonderful or so beautiful or so th rill , “How comes De Veulle In London?" on my behalf, I would w illingly use Ills ball a long tim e before aturtlng Bakersfield. Calif.— " I had a nervous ing that It enn never, never be for he asked suddenly as we climbed the all I liuve to thw art M urray. When to play.—-London Dplnlon. breakdown, unabl« to leave my bed. I I Stairs. gotten. C H A PTE R III all Is said und done, we are at war was under the cars “T hank yon, little M ahnlla.” "H e was in some trouble In Paris— w llh France. 'Tls no w ar o f generals It Is easier to poso n« nn optimist o f a doctor, but Someone was gone. But he had left i what, I know not. The rumor was that Htid armies aud adm irals and fleets, I T h e F if 'h Passenger than It Is to be one w a s not getting a diamond right on the windowsill. he wus ordered Into exile. Blit If lie along as well as I Granny Juggins drew my fHce down grant you. But w ar it Is." But was It a diamond? thought I should, ! sails for Canada, as Muster Jenkins to a level w llh her puckered old lips. He sindte the rull with his hand by Mahnlla looked and looked again. so I started taking i says— ” "God preserve you. M aster Harry. way of emphasis. No. how funny! It was a sunbeam D r. Pierce’s Favor "And on the same ship with M ur- "W hat kind o f war?" I asked. No, I am not weeping. 'T ls — No mat ite Prescription and I ray," Interposed Juggins excitedly, and It was coming, dancing through ter. Kememher always that so long as it is the tonic and the window. "after appearing In M u rray’s behalf H urry, W o rry a n d O verwork m.v heart heats there Is room In It for nervine that re- r this afternoon—” And now Mnhnlln remembered. Rh* Fats has arranged a meeting ' ’ jP stored me to health. you— and forget not that your mother B ring H eavy Strain. had been wondering about that lost "— then there may he more to his for Ormerod which, though hs I have never had a would he hungry for pride In you If hour a fter she had gone Io lied, and O D E R N Ilf» throws a heavy physical or a nerv i enterprise than the mere punishment she were hut with us.” does not at ones recognize It, Is now It was morning. ous breakdown singe, which proves th« burden on our bodily mu* of exile from the court," I concluded. to be of momentous importance She kissed me tenderly. thoroughness of D r Pierce’s Favorit» But certainly somenae had been chlnery. The eliminative organa, " 'T V so!” exclaimed Juggins. "B e in his life. " I am aa old woman, M aster H a rry ,” Prescription in reaching the source of especially the kidneys, aré apt to Io see her and had talkhd to her and yond doubt 'tls so. And mayhap De she said, "und I may not live to see the trouble and then overcoming the become sluggish. Retention of had taken her on a trip. Veulle wi I recognize you." condition.”—Mrs. Gertrude Higley, 1224 excess uric acid and other poison It ; but the day w ill come whet, you )TO „ c o n t i n u e ., Why of course someone had. He "Do yot think 'my father's son' w ill Truxton Ave. ous waste often gives rise to a even said his name was SO M EO N E I 1 draw hat k on such excuse at this dull, languid feeling and, some A ll dealers. Tablet or fluid form. hour?" I said. W rite Dr. Pierce, Bufiplu, N. Y., for times, toxic backaches and head free medical advice. aches. That the kidneys ars not lie laughed ruefuily, and raised his A N ew One S t a t e s ’ L in e s M a r k e d b y M a s o n a n d D ix o n fun ctio ning perfectly Is often hail for granny. "W hy are von Inte for breakfast shown by burning or scanty pas “Ho, G oody! Here are two hungry sir?" asked Bobby's father, as the hoy sage of secretions. More and foiest-runners w ill eat your kitchen slid quietly Into his chair. . Mason and Dixon’s line Is the others. The wlude route was marked more people are le a rn in g to bare.” "W ell, you see," explained Ilobhy, boundary between the stutes of Penn hy milestones, every fifth one hear assist their kidneys by the occa 1« P u r e a n d S w e e t Granny tripped I t , to the hull, a mug sylvania and Maryland, from Ihe Del ing on one side the arms of Lord Bal “when you railed me, I was having a sional use of D o an *9 P ills — a * f b itter ale In either hand. stimulant diuretic. Ask y o u r aware border to that of West V ir tim ore and on the other those o f W il mighty funny dream, and I Just slept t\9 i¿ h b o rt " I heard what -ou said, and Master ginia. A fte r years of dispute between liam Penn. The exact latitude of the a few minutes longer to finish It.” Sampl« Soap. O lotm ant, Talcum fraa. Ad H arry's answer."- she rebuked him. the proprietors of Ihe Pennsylvania line Is 39 degrees 43 minutes 20.3 sec ’“Think atuuae on yourself. Robert, to and M aryland colonies, a iioundary onds north. ^ to le F ro m N o a h hint that he would hesitate before compromise was arrived at In 17H0 T e n ih e r—Are yon sure thnt thia Is In the days of the slavery question, p eril—Mid you sending him Into It, and two English surveyors, Charles Stim ulant Diuretic to the Kidneyt Mason and Dixon'a line wau often pop a perfectly original theme? P s M .r -M llb u r n Co., M l, . C h . m l . t . , Buffalo. N T . too,” she added somewhat llloglcally, Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, were ap u larly projected westward, the name Sturient— Not exactly; you may find ha j been relieving coughs due to colds < thought. “Now do both of you drain pointed to run the line. T ills they fo r s ixty years. these. 'T w ill wash the taste of the begun In 1703, working westward for being given to the houndury betweea o m ” < two words In the dictionary. free aud feave territory. streets and taverns from your mouths.” four years, by which time they .car T h e P ro m is e o f th e Song < ^ Y o u won’t have to w ilt — relief W e obeyed her. ried their survey over the mountains loosens ths phlegm, promotes expecto Sunday School Tenclier Now, of “And w hat luck did you have?” she to a point 244 miles from the Del follows the first comforting touch of O ld R e c k o n in g o f T im e ■ ration, gives • good night's rest frss demanded next. from coughing. SOc and 900 bottles, a t a ll aware river. Indian hostility made Fortnight la a contraction o f 14 whnl promise does the rnlnbow re druggists. I f you esnnot get It, w rits “lie leaves us Saturday,” said Jug further work Impossible at Ihe time, nights. Tim e wus once reckoned by mind us? to G. a . Green, Inc., Woodbury, N. J. Boy— I t aln’l gonna rain no mote. gins simply. sad the Hue was completed later by nights and winters. P R E C E D IN G C H A P T E R S EL LANS FOR INDIGESTION Cbtick. s « /e D i S ch olls 2 in o -o a d s Vaseline AMiracle Hair grower/ O v e r d o in g ? r M C u tic u r a S o a p Ideal for Children B o schee’s Syrup Soothes the Throat PILLS eoe STOP THAT ITCHING Resinol