Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1926)
9-7-19 pl»rce, i. 0. r=- TUB TBULY WISB HAN IS NEVEU BKLFI81L - VOLUME No. 2». Rogue River, Scene of Consider able Mining Activ- ty Looks Like Boom c Êofô Bill FNEPCY 1° THE 8OÜL OF EVERY GREAT ACHIEVE MENT. TIIE GOLD HILL NEWS, JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. APRIL 13, 1926. fulr success. This attempt set an example to others and in 1894 Chas. M. Warren entile to the creek and operated hydraulic mining for a short time. Shortly after, John Hagley and Tony Olson undertook placer mining with pipe anil ’giant’ and ‘piped-out* old Ned Darbin’s "hurried treasure," a pot contain ing two thousund and five hundred dollars worth of course gold nuggeta When the course gold began to show up in their ‘riffle-boxes’ con siderable excitment wns created as the news of a very rich strike was spread over the country, but when the pot was found, the excitment died, and after spnsmodis ‘ground- sluicing* the location was Anally abandoned. Made Desperate Fight To Save Condemned Man NUMBER 1. Northern Savings and Loan As sociation is organized and operated under existing Blue Sky Laws, and is an Oregon Association, paying 7% compounded semi-annually on all monies deposited with us. Open j your savings account now and re- . ceive FREE cn Eastman Hawkeye I Caniera and nickel platted Savings S e t t l e T Bank. See C. D. Thompson at the Bowers Pharmacy, Saturday. Pd Ad Bill Hays Dead Quiet End Marks Passage of Pioneer O n d M u iC r . - • - In the early day», when Gold wai _ . _ . , „ I One of the outstanding characters first discovered on Ward’s creek, Sam L. Sandry, of Rogue River L f o has d lliere was a ferry across Hogue Mas a business visitor in Gold Hill we„ deserved rest Bi„ Hays river about one fourth mile down Wednesday. has been in poor health for many stream from the mouth of the creek. years, but possessed a wonderful Near the northern ferry landing u Let ma figure on your trucking or determination to live. He has trading jiost was established and teaming, grading J J .Hitter pd ad—37 arisen from what was confidently flourished by the name of “Tail supposed to be his death bed sever Holt”. At this landing many his YUM! YUM! YUM! al tiroes and his absolute determin toric events took place anil muny of For many years very little has Pies and PIES of every kind, to ation to live down his ills carried the ’tourists' (gold seekers) of the been done in the way of placer op- suit every Uste. The kind Mother him through nil his sicknesses. The ’fifties* imbibed the hospitality of eralion on the creek. The compar Used To Make. You will find ’em end for him came Tuesday morning the camp together with nutive brew ison between the old ‘Sunshine all at the PIE SOCIAL given by the when, after getting up and dressing, and berry wine as well as home Miner’ of the early days and the LADIES’ AID SOCIETY at the M. he walked about his home and to made whiskey and wines. The later o|>erntors with pipe and im E. CHURCH, Thursday evening, all appearances was in splendid ramp becume famous for its fertile proved equipment was great. The April 22nd. at 7:30 A good prog spirits. Shortly after seven o’clock surrounding country us well as its ground passed up by the first was ram with plenty of Sandwiches. he was called to breakfast and re spirit of friendliness toward the worked by the second with marked Coffee, Pie, Cake and Ice Cream. plied that he did not fell like eating passing stranger who was bid linger success. The comparison between Admission ICe. Everyone Welcome just then and he sat down in his. and no questions asked. However the second stage of activity and the easy chair. From which he never such conditions in so fertile and re available modern scientific equip Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Vincent, arriv again arose. It is thought he died sourceful a country were short liv ment Is far more distinct nnd where ed here Thursday of last week for about two minutes after being spok ed. and progress pushed out the ground sluicing and ‘piping-out* a visit with friends and acquaint en to about his morning meal. He trading post and the town of Wood practices were non productive, the ances in this part of the valley. died without apparent pain and in ville, taking its name from the then newer practices make good profits. the environment of his home and principle land owner, M. Woods, Although the surface of the valley OWNER having good ranch for family in about as good health as he and later, really in 1912, when the along Ward’s creek has been pretty sale, state cash price. M. Hitch has enjoyed for some time. railroad had brought civilisation to well covered for nine miles, the cock, 253 Seventh Ave., San Mateo, the Hogue valley and a newspaper pay dirt has by no means been ex James Willis Hay, as his name is California. Paid Advg. 1. was n substantial fact of the com hausted and time will show many correctly spelled, came across the munity, the town was incorporated thousands, of dollars more taken plains about the year 1850 by ox- and through the progressive activity out of this little valley in nuggets The Barber Shop in the Smoke team when he was about thirteen of Frits Hnnimersley, was named and gold dust. House, started by Bob Keneston a years of age. He settled at what is Hogue River. Iluimnersley was the short time past, and taken over by well remembered at Fort Hays, While thousands of dollars have founder of the flrst and only news Hayes Brothers, owners of the down Rogue River where We now paper published in Hogue Hiver by been removed from the gravel in Smoke House, has received a new find Takilma. His stories of the this valley the attempts to locate the title of the ARGUS. tonsorial artist, who arrived Mon .early days in this country are well the source of supply has not been Barney W. Cody, of Jacksonville, Oregon and Mrs. Grace Wick Merritt day. A new barber employed i known to his multitude of friends The little city of Hogue Hiver is equal to the supply. The rich finds both well known in this end of the valley, who have made a hard fight short time past, started his practice and he was connected with many of to save the life of Arch Cody, Barne y Cody’s son, who was sentenced to the trading center for the valley of of nuggets indicate that mother in Gold Hill by cutting the hair off the historic events of the Rogue val hang for the slaying of Sheriff Aust in Goodman of Harney County. loads of considerable extent have Ward's Creek. Photo supplied by the Portland Telegram, Portland, Oregon. the roof of the City Marshall, and ley. He was a blacksmith by tradq been opened by erosion and the at the last barber started his opera and followed that occupation until We owe uuich to Chas. M. Warren tempts to locate these rich veins tions here by mowing the thatch only a few years past when he clos o f Hogue Hiver in compilation of the nnd ledges is all told in a short the Bagley estate is a Mr. Hartly, on the bellfry of the City Recorder. an up-to-date farmer. The late ed his last shop and sold out his facts and dates herein and find that paragraph. last business right here in Gold Hill ‘Doc’ Ray purchased 440 acres of he is enthusiastic in his belief in Numerous prospects in quartz bid I School Land on W’ard's creek a, A butcher from Grants Pass by the During his residence in Oregon lift the value of the resources of the fair to develop into mines of value. 82.50 per acre nnd still holds the name of Jones purchased a bunch had experiences in almost all parts community. No large producing mine has ns title. of extra nice ‘feed cattle* from the of the state. His principle efforts The State of Oregon owns At one time about 640 acres of land in the val Saturday, While a strong wind Day ranch in Sams Valley and on were spent in Southwestern Oregon Nonh Rowers and Ned Dnrbin, yet been developed. came to Ward’s creek in 1867. They a rich quartz mine caused great ex- ley taken over on a School Loan was blowing from the west, bearing Monday, drove same to the cattle however, and he is known to havft were not the flrst mining men to | eitment when the Davidson Bro note, some of which is valuable as straight down the street from the yards here and shipped them to the served as a volunteer in the Indian visit the community, but the flrst to thers discovered the Gold Chloride agricultural land, but most of i, is Shaver Barber Shop over the Fidel packing house at Albany. War in Jackson and Josephine coun • - do any permanent work and make mine about 1900, but the excitment grazing and mineral land and can ity State Bank and the Gold Hill ties. Mining was also an occupa Billy (Harris) Dodelle, of Eugene, tion in which he took much delight the vicinity their home. They wns of short duration nnd the prop be bought outright for the taxes. Hotel, sparks from the chimney of mined exclusively with a ’rocker’ erty was finally sold nnd patented. Like all other parts of Southern the barber shop ignited a growth of who has been active in boosting the and he was the promoter of the old wrestling matches and gymnasium and stayed at their operations for The only quartz mine in the valley Oregon, Ward’s creek is a beautiful moss on the barber shop roof and business of Ralph Hand, was a vis Hays Diggings at Savage Rapids. 29 years, taking out considerable pi operation nt this time is owned stream from one end to the other. had eated a hole in the dry shingles He was a life member of the Odd gold. Archie Goldsmith was an by Burke r I,cnch, nnd looks very The timber is spotted, or rather in before the fire was noticed. The itor in Gold Hili Monday. Fellows lodge at Gold Hill. Twicft other old-timer,, but was less for promising. The “Shamrock” ledge clumps nnd no, extensive enough Are had a dandy start and consider Eastman Hawkeye Camera, and married, he was the father of a tunate in his search for gold nnd found by Warren A Kissinger, in to tempt large logging operators. ing the wind that was blowing at Anally died at the County Hospital March 1925, shows good pay ore, A county road extends up the val the time it wns very doubtful for a Savings Bank, will be given to every large family. His ten children, all person opening a savings account well renumbered here are named as In 1895. The entire length of the but owing to illness of both owners ley for five miles with a logging while whether the whole block with the Northern Savings and Loan follows: creek Is about nine miles, and has would go up in flames. road extending still farther up. A has not been developed to nny great Association from Saturday, April 17 been prospected fron one end to the extent. A man by the name of Sam well defined ‘Fire Trail* runs from Mrs. Hulin, of Berkley, Calif., Mrs, Passers bye on the walk in front to 24, at the BOWERS1 PHAR other in search for nugget deposits, Morris discovered a rich ‘pocket- the County and Logging road clear of the barber shop happened to MACY. See Mr. C. D. Thompson. Elizabeth Flippin of Gold Hill who by the early settlers. N. R. Par Paid Advg. died about nineteen years past. Mrs. chute.” three miles up the valley up the valley and brings the climber see burning shingles flying in the Gold Hill. sons, belter known as “Doc” came from Rogue River several years past into the Sardine valley. The lands J. R. McKay, of Gold Hill, Mrs. Win. wind and turned in a fire alarm. to the creek in the early 80’s and Hugo Johnson, well remembered Puhi, of Gold Hill, Mrs. Hattie Bee but no extensive attempt was mnde near the mouth of the creek are ir Fifteen seconds after the alarm was also wns a ‘rocker’ miner, paying to sink very far on it. The land is rigated from a large, well organiz sounded by the fire whistle, the quarry man here in the days of the man, of Portland, Mrs. B. M. Dufui\ no attention to the source of the now patented and the mine dormant ed irrigation system. auto-chemical truck was on its way Zacher Quarry, who has for some deceased, Mrs F. R. Schmidt, of supply. He also died at the County By Bert Kissinger to the fire and within a very few time been occupied in the building Portland, Jim Hays of Snohomish. Hospital. Alexander Wilson, ar One of the old time mining men minutes the hose was on the roof of business in San Francisco, visited Washn., John and Ben Hays of this rival of 1888, was one of the pic who still has the faith of the valley Ber, Kissinger, who just returned the building and the chemical was here Monday on his way to visit city and twenty nine grand children turesque mlfier characters who at heart and the ambition to contin from his forty acre ranch two miles Marble Mountain where he is in and nine great-grand children. cleaned up several thousand dollars ue the search for gold is Alexander due south of Rogue River, located doing its work. One squirt of the terested In a contract with Gus Lar chemical and all the wind in the All of his living children were at In nuggetts with a rocker. He died Kyle A Captain in the Union in wha, is known as Schefflin gulch son to supply the Beaver Portland on sykes creek in 1924 and ne es Army during the Civil War, now nn named thus after the famous pros heavens could not have kept the Cement plant with rock. the family home Thursday evening fire going. except Mrs. Hulin and Jim Hays. timated that he had taken from the Old mnn, but hail nnd hearty and a pector nnd discoverer of the Tomb This was indeed a close shave. gravel of Ward’s creek at least 85000 very ‘well met’ citizen is still boost stone Mine in Arizona, reports the Another new home is being added Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Martin enter He died at the age of about 90 years ing for recognition by the mining in following mining activies in the I, may be the custom of the Shaver to already long list of modern res tained the visiting relatives includ barber shop to give the town a close and his career wns illustrated with dustry. Rogue River community: shave, bu, we much prefer the other idence properties built here during ing some of the grand children many interesting nnd historic even ts The fertility of the land in the and more tonsorial shave. Especi the past few months. Mr. and Mrs. Among whom were Horton Beeman Schef Gulch, as it is familiarly among which numbered many in Hogue River country was the one ally when it comes to the moss on Dick Robins are building a new of San Francisco and his sister called, is in the midst of the only teresting brushed with Indinns in redeeming feature of all. The top. A, that the moss on the roof home on the highway across from Blossom of Portland. producing mine group in this end the Indian Wars in this part of the the Radtke bungalow. Work was miner come and went. The food of the county. •west. The Wedge Mine, was pretty well removed and the started this week. Funeral services will be in charge! supply of the mining population of recently taken over and at present consequent repairs to the building of the Odd Fellows lodge at their The early day mining on the creek the district opened the door of a operated by Seattle people. The are an improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Merriman, hall in Gold Hil, and the service is -was nil “grass-root” method or by means of permanent profit after the Burn, Pine Mine is being worked ’rocker’ nnd wns slow and Inboreous nugget hunter had passed. Farm by a Mr. Borg of Grants Pass, who tance of one mile of town and the who recently returned from a trip to be read by Rev. Howe of Med no great yardage was possible and ing gained a foothold nnd flourished has spen , eleven thousand dollars min ing boom, though restricted to in Southern California, are remodel ford. Interment will be made in the only rich ground could be worked Among the early homesteaders on in developing n large body of low- tha, particular district, is the great ing their home down the highway. Hays cemetery on Galls creek Fri with any degree of success. The Ward’s creek we find the name of grade ore in the property during est in the history of the community. During the tear-up in their house, day. -------- 0-------- they have been living in rooms over •rocker ground’ soon became a thing John II. Breeding nnd his son Henry the pas, two years. The Morning While operating one of the power the Delta Confectionery. of the past. Tunnels to follow up Who took up 160 acres each. Fred side Mine, being worked, and some Many new arrivals are examining switches at the cement plant here, the pay streaks soon became unec Smithline followed Breedings ex old works being *eaught-up’ by the various properties and many Pete Myers, Storeroom man at the Fred Eddings, electrician, suffered onomical nnd were abandoned nnd ample nnd this group of farms wns Al Love nnd Chas. M. W’arren, both more will follow. This stir means cement plant, is taking a vacation very painful burns on his right hand a great opportunity, for the mines the characteristic Sunshine Miner purchased by Elmer Bagley in 1900 of Hogue River. The Love A became a memory. The acreage of during the firs, Hogue Valley Fruit Thompson quartz lead is attracting and mine owners which have waited this spring and has gone to Holcomb and neck when he was caught in a gold bearing soil on the creek was Boom. One of th-e early day min considi rable attention; owned by so long for recognition by the out Springs, in Sams Valley for a change flash-back. A fuse that burned out of air and water. caused temporary delay to part of considerable, nnd even the ground ing men to turn to agriculture for Central Point men. Beside several side world. the plant. Eddings was attended skimmed over by the rocker operat profit was a Mr. Hale, well remem recent discoveries made by Perry Ed Schflin, the famous “pocket by Dr. W. P. Chisholm and will be The Fidelity State Bank this week ors wns far from barren, if methods bered Grave Creek mining man Ringgold which bid fair to develop of mining thnt would handle Inrge who took up a homestead on the into paying propositions, no new hunter" and prospector, was born paid a dividend on the fifteen per unable to return to work for somft and raised on the old Schefflin cent of the deposits held out when time. quantities of gravel were employed. excitment is recorder. The North In the early 90’s the flrst pipe and creek, owned now by Henry Diess, Pole Mine, only one mile distant, is donation claim of 320 acres and his the affairs of the defunct Gold Hill FOR SALE— Orborn Improved hydraulic mining was conducted on owner of an exclusive wnter right being prospected under a lease by prophecies always indicated tha, bank, accounts were taken over. the creek by Wimer A Wilson and to the waters of Ward’s creek for experienced California mining men. “someday this would be one of the This divident is expected to be the Kitchen Range, for 850*00 Inquire greatest minln g districts in the last that will be received from the of Mrs. S. L. Tupper, Crabtree Bldg, their efforts were crowned with irrigation. The present owner of All this activity is within a dis- state. , old bank. on the highway, Gold Hill. Pd ad- Barber Shop Fire Proves Efficiency