THB GOLD HTLL NEWS. JACKSON COUNTY. OREGON FOUR The Gold Kill News HOWARD E. WHARTON. Editor and Manager O' ’ JAI. NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF GOLD HILL. OREGON Pi ’ 'ied everv Thursdnv evening in Gold Hill, Jackson County, Oregon (1 nt the Povtoffice nt Gold Jill. Oregon, for transmission through F if mails as second class matter. _____________ ___ '•tising Rates: Display. 25c per inch: Legal». 10c per line first inser- A-!' ■ ,n 5c i r line each subsequent insertion: Renders. 10c per line; ‘ 'nsslfie.l. 1c per won!: Special Rates, depend on length of time ndyg., hedule is contract«! for or amount of space used. Rule, all foreign ivertising m ust be paid In advance or be certified by reliable Press \ sociation before being published. __________________ __ Sub riplion Rates: *2.00 per year: $1.00 for 0 months. All in advance. 'ìold Hill Water Question For barber shot» not having more than one bath tub, the sum of $3.00 per month. Paragraph • — , For Restaurants, lunch houses or lunch rooms booths and stands, con­ fectioneries, soft drink bars or stands butcher shqps. tlsh markets, or other market " stands, bakeries, tailor shops, pressing and cleaning establishments, printing plunts or offices, blacksmith shops, carpenter shops, repair shops, sub stations of electric plants, warehouses and oil storage plants, and all similar establishments as shown in this par­ agraph, the sum of $3.00 per month'. Paragraph 7— For «II public buildings, such as rooms, hillani rooms or pillard and pool rooms, can! rooms, bowling alless, shouting galleries or other public buildings or amusement stand the sum of $2.00 per month. Paragraph $— T ill RSDAY. JANUARY t l , 1R2Ä. has paid the extra rental fee for Ing to the City unless they lie acting such excess sei vice in advance for as the result of an accident in pre­ venting a waste of wateit in which one (1) month. evenl tliey shull inun«.tial> Is notify Paragraph 6— Water used for irrigation shall the Recorder or Ihe Aider Master, be confined entirely to the land men- either or both so that proper ic tinned in the user's application and pairs can be made without demy, must not be pciniitted to run off the , Paragraph 3— applicants property or wasted. The j Each and every violation of any hours for irrigation shall be only be-! provision of tile foregoing ordinance tween tile hour' of 6 and 3 A.M., and ! shall lie and hereby is dee I red to 0 and 3 P.M. of each day and in ease tie an unlawful act and any person of » wnter shortage or siinilnr enter found guilty of any violation in the grncy, other rules governina this Recorder's Court of the City of Gold clause may he ramie bv the Water Hill, either by a idea of guilty or Committee ami notice sent each ap­ by conviction, shall be sentenced to plicant in writing or printing. liny a Hue of not less than $.i,04l or more than $25.131 and in case of re- Paragraph 7— Any person who shall allow others fault of such line, the offender shall to use water or supply others with be imprisoned in the City Jail for water or shall willfully mis-state a period of not io exceed ten days any facts in their application for or lioth such tine und linprisoniuenl. water or who shall use water in ex­ Paragraph 7— lie it understood that whenever a cess of the amounts or purposes set forth In their application nl at any person is convicted or pleads guilty time without first notifying the | to unlawfully breaking any of the Recorder and having same show on provisions of tills ordinance no fine their application, shall he deemed guilty of nn unlawful net and he punished by a fine of not less than «3.00 nor g re a te r than $25.00 or Im­ prisonment in the City Juil for not to exceed (10) ten .lays Manv years ago, shortly after Gold Hill went dry, it For pulille garages, and public oil ne annarent that tc handle the demand for water in I stations, the sum of $4.«» and if cars Hi : he then Cltv Connell, with |. 1». K. • lorelOCK " 's u c h garage as a pari of the enter- nr a> Mayor a: , :i d ; comniFtee t three, namely, prise, or for car washing establish men!*, the sum of $5.00 per month. . Smith. F.. T. Simmons and W alter Stickle» to make For ear or vehicle paint shops, cars are washed, the sum of Paragraph 8— r ordinance to govern the use and sale of the popular where $5.00 per month. No tap on any main or lateral age. That was the birth cf Ordinance No. 92 in the For busines establishments op­ shall he greater than for *» of one erating oil pumps stations on the affairs of the town. This committee came to the streets in connection with the busi­ inch pipe for domestic service. All ta|>s for greater than \ Inch office and asked for the assistance of the editor, H. E: ness, other than public oil stations other pipe will depend on the orders of and garnges already provided for ton. (the present recorder of the city.) and the rules the Water Committee. pay an additional sum of $1.50 Paragraph 9— and r.ites in the old ordinance were tested out and present­ shall per month over and above their All water rentals, fees and reven­ ed tc the council who passed the ordinance. This piece of business rate. ues shall be paid to the authorized of the City and receipted l e g f tinn was diligently carried out until a year or twto by Public School collector for by the City Treasurer and all past when Mayor Miller with recorder Kellogg made an Dislri<.t No. 57 the SUm of $20.00 such receipts must he turned over ami ndment to old No. 92 raising the domestic rates to per month. to the Recorder. All water col­ shall be on a mouth I v basis $1.;? per month and another amendment under Mayor F. p,^ rVou,;k^piM room», where lections except for School District No. 57 Chikl rs. with Merriman as recorder, drawn up and pre- toilet and bath charges are other- who shall pay for service semi-an­ nually.. sent,d by E. H. Radtke, raising the domestic rate to $2.00 Paragraph 10— It is hereby made the duty of per month. Then conies another change of administration Paragraph i t — Collector for the Water Service „ h o found the city in a financial 'jaek-pof and also that in | r . , „ « £ the to deliver to the Chief of Police on order to govern the use and sale of water emciently all tn t fore service is commenced by the the (15) fifteenth day of every month a list of ull persons delin­ amendments, rules and alterations of old No. 92 must be Water Conunitte or City Council quent water rentals, when the Paragraph 12— compiled under one head to avoid conflict and ordinance No. AH water rent is hereby made pay Chief of on Police will cause the water to be cut off from the prop­ 113 is the result. Baseifally 113 is old 92 except for the ableon or before the (15) fifteenth service of every month, in advance, and erty against which it is charged. raises in rates applied by previous administrations. The day if any person shall fail to so pay Paragraph II— one change charged against the new Mayor, recorder and the same by thl» date, in the proper Where in the judgement of the amount, service to their premises Water Committee or the City Coun­ Council is an attempt to put the water department on a shall immediately be shut off and a cil, it is deemed advisable, or where firm business like basis similar to the C.O.P.Co., and such fee of $2.50 shall be collected from private renters desire, water meters person before service is com­ may be attached to the service line utilities bv demanding a deposit of all renters to insure the such supplying any property, a minimum menced. charge of $1.50 per month shall be department against similar losses that cost previous admin­ Paragraph IS— collected for the first ten thousand Persons coming under the busi­ istrations hundreds of dollars in uncollected bills. gallons of wnter used and ness and office rates are permitted (10,000) The present council is composed of Mayor Robt. E. Cook, to use water for washing sidewalks (.05) five cents for each additional thousand (t,000) gallons or por­ Recorder, H. E. W harton; Councilmen, J. M. Lively, of the and sprinkling streets, provided said one tion thereof per month, provided the or sprinkleing is confined applicant has made the deposit re-j Sunset Smelter and a business man of long standing in in­ washing to the premises or to the street dir­ quired herein. The meter shall he dustries of considerable magnitude. Tony Ross» operator ectly in front of the premises for read on the first day of every month which payment in full has been by the Recorder or his authorized of the State Lime Plant and a level headed conservative. made. agent. Possession of a meter does ' Fred Hickman, owner of the Nuggett Garage, with a rep­ Paragraph 14— not alter the delinquency clause in utation for sensible business dealing. P. H. Myers, who For use in any public toilet, urinal this Act ARTICLE 4. bath tub, Jet, or for any use not is considered as without an equal here for business account­ herein provided for, the base mini­ Paragraph 1— All pipes, in the streets and alleys ancy and with a long business training. Mrs. Laura Pan- mum rate of $2.00 per month. of the City of Gold Hill are to he 15— kev, well known as a wise business woman of impartial Paragraph For an unoccupied building for property of the City up to and in­ principals, and last but not least, Dick Rcbinson, an elec­ Fire protection, the sum of $1.00 cluding the stop-cock at the prop­ month, and where the owner erty line of the individual water trical engineer of ability and capable mathamatician. Now, per of the building is a nonresident and user. on top of this line up, there is a combined fact in this body inaccessible, and inasmuch as the Paragraph 2— Any applicant desiring to change off” clause herein is not effec­ of men for the best interests in that if anyone in the city "shut tive, the water service charges again the classification or rates on the ap­ can show that they can do the work cf any officer and they st the property, if not paid, shall he plication signed when service start­ against the priMuxty on the ed must make new application be­ are acceptable to the public any of these officers will resign charged regular tax rolls of the of Gold fore the Recorder when applicants new classification wall go into effect in favor of the aspirant. Hill, Oregon. 4 the Heat day of the month nearest These new officers of the city were faced with the fact Paragraph 16— the dnte of such new application. irrigation season in Gold Hill that Cold Hill was in a desperate situation in that instead is The ARTICLE 5. hereby set to commence on the • % of the town being cnly $1500. in debt as provided by the first day of May and continue until Paragraph 1— It shall be the duty of the Record­ the last day of August of each year, charter, there Was about $8600. cash indebtedness beside unless climatic conditions warrant er to issue Plumber’s permit before the bonds authorized and sold in the past several years, an ealier or later date when the any work can be attempted on any Committee shall send printed tap or pipe line supplying water to the new budget drawn and not taking into estimate more Water notice to all water users regarding any applicant. Nothing in this sec­ than the ordinary $1500 debts as provided by charter. The the change in the season. tion will prevent the property own­ er employing whoever they desire 17— unpaid warrants' of about $7000 drawing interest; water Paragraph Buildings occupied by more than to do their private work on their department not cn a paying basis; and, well a serious one fumily or where apartments or own pipe lines, but none hut Plumb­ rooms are rented, not otherwise ers with City permit will be allow­ emergency existing. The new officers knew all this when covered in this ordinance, shall pay to work on the City’s mains, or they took their oath and pledged themselves to try to put the minimum rate of $2.00 per ed to oi>en or close any stop-cock. No for each family or appartment permit will be given to any Plumber the town back onto its feet, if the people of Gold Hill were month fees will be charged for check-up or punishment prescribed shall at any time be ramified, but must bo paid or served io the full extent ami the Judgement entered upon the the Records o f the City Recorder lit the City of Gold Hill. Upon a sec­ ond conviction or plea of guilty to violation hereof a fine or imprison­ ment sentence will bv admlnlsteml In the limit of paragraph six (6). Paragraph 8— Tills ordinance shall go into effect and reinuln In force until repealed on and after January I, 192». This ordinance was passed ami adopled by Hie City Council and ordered put In effect and operation without partiality or exception. ATTEST: H. K. WHARTON, Recorder. I hereby approve the forgoing ordinance this 31st day of December 11125. ROBT. K. COOK. Mayor of the City of Gold Hill, Oregon Qhildren scream when they p la y in the dark T hat’s something for parents to think about— and think seriously. Dark rooms are peopled with fearsome ghosts. Real ghosts I Dark corners are hiding place« for shadowy apparitions. They’re real— to any normal child. Switch on the lights! Banish these spectres of the dark. Electricity is plentiful, and so reasonable, here in our town, that no one need count the cost of a cheery, well- lighted home where children love to play. Electricity is the cheapest service you can buy. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Medford, Oregon Roseburg, Oregon Grants Pass, Oregon Klamath Falls, Oregon Yreka, Calif. YWJRPA1UNKR3 IN PROGRESS Dunsmuir, Calif. who has not complied with the laws ARTICLE 3. of the State of Oregon. 1— Paragraph 2— The money from the water bonds must be spent fcr the Paragraph Any person desiring the use of shall be the duty of all plumb­ rnnnnnnniinniiriM nmiiiniiiCTiBiuuunuuBiminiutinfliHii newt water mains only and has about all been so spent. No water from the City of Gold Hill ers It doing any work by which water first apply to the City Hecorder may be drawn from or shut off the allowance was made for several hundred feet of small pipe shall exactly for what purpose City supply pipes to moke in writing to connect up the private individuals nor to cover the cost describing service is needed and will sign a a true and nccurate report of the with the City of Gold Hill work done and deliver same to Ihe of such connection. It has been estimated that it will cost contract and pay the application deposit of Master or City Recorder with­ $2.50 to connect up with an average of 8 feet of pipe, each $2.50 or a proportionate deposit to Water in twenty-four hour-» after such water user. Where is the money to ccme from? W hat cover one month service and the cost work has been completed. turning on the water. Under no can be done when people fail to pay their water and the of ARTICLE 6 circumstance will service commence 1— town trusts them and they move away without paying? without the deposit of the fees men­ Paragraph It shnll be the duty of every person herein, Taxes at present are inadequate. No money to work with. tioned whose premises nre supplied with Paragraph 2— or tenant living in any prem­ Can you, any of you, solve that? The council believes it The full water rate will be charg­ water ises where water is used for any ed against the property described in can survive the problem if they can raise an emergency tiie application at the rate of its purpose whatsoever, to turn all the off immediately on the sound­ fund at once, hense the Deposit rule wherein every property particular classification until the water ing of any Fire Alarm. Any failure applicant notifies the Recorder in oulner in Gold Hill will pay a month’s rent in advance with to comply with this section shall be or until the full amount of deemed a violation hereon and pun­ a 50c connect charge added as a deposit to be held to their writing, the cash deposit is reached. ishable as herein further provided Written notice must be given the credit for five years. Ordinance 113 follows. Recorder at least two (2) days prior Paragraph 2— The Chief of Police, or Water to termination of service. Master or Fire Chief or any person monthly rates to he charged users Paragraph 3— NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION All water rates Will be charged authorized by the City Council of water in the City of Gold Hill, Oregon, from and after the first day against the property on which it is shall at nil reasonable times have Ordinance No. 113 furnished and against the owner free access to all premises being of January, 1926. thrreof and no account shall be kept served with City Water or where by AN ORDINANCE repealing water Paragraph 1— For general Domestic use includ in the name of any tenant and if application water is to be delivered, ordinances 92-101-112 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances ing irrigation on the tract occupied from any cause any sums owing for inspection of any pipes or flxtur in conflict herewith and regulating by dwelling house of family, said therefrom become delinquent, notice es using or to use City water. Any the use and sale of w’ater in the tract of land not to exceed 5090 shall be given and the water shut refusal or obstruction of this in City of Gold Hill, Oregon, and pre­ square feet in area, the sum of $2.00 off on the (15) fiftei nth day of the spcction shnll be deemed a violation month following date of delinquency of this section and punishable as •J scribing the rates for the use there- per month. and in no case will water be turned hereinafter stated.. of and providing penalties for non- Paragraph 2 -- For ' ¿•payment of water service and for Knr irrigating irrioniim lawns and domestic on until all such delinquent fees Paragraph 3— Changes rtólafidn of ánV rules or regulations gardens, on adjoining or vacant lots hive been paid in full. It shall lie unlawful for any per­ of 5000 square feet or less in area, of ownership shall require the mak­ son or persons supplied with water thereof. , „ ,. ing of a new application. the sum of .75 per lot during the lr- The people of the City of Gold Hill, by the Cily of Gold Hill, lo allow Paragraph 5— Cash Paid for Hides. irgation season. Oregon do ordain as follow s: Any person desir'ug water for any leakage or unnecessary waste of Para raph 3— Water on their premises; to allow F or stores and offices the sum of irrigation shall make application b aking faucets, toilets, or any pipe ARTICLE No. 1 on forms provided by l ie City sett That ordinances Nos. 92, 101, and $2.00 per month. ing forth exactly the location and or fixture after the fuct is known to 112 recorded in Volume 1, Ordinance | Paragraph 4— of land to b" irrigated, to them Records of ti e City of Gold Hill l or ilo'j Is, boarding houses, lodg- • • 'oi"d Citv who shall order Paragraph 4— and all otlv r Ordinances covering ing houses or lodging rooms, the t ' c Pnl’ee Recorder, It shall he unlawful for any person department to check up f! e use and side of water in the Cih ; sum of -J.C.'I per month. or persons, not acting In the capacity the »pi ticn»ion and if found right of Gold Hill, be and the same are ror hotels, boarding houses, and •o commence . •rv,c • No extra of a iirensed plumber authorized to John Pickard, Prop............ Gold Hitl, hareby repealed, | lodging houses with over 10 rooms fees w ill he charg ed fo r such excess work with the water pipes to in any 3 ARTICLE No. 2 end not i :i ceding 25 rooms, the service but In ro disc way or manner turn on nr off or 'he anpli- Tpv ■ ,n • • ••-:» hereby sum of $5 00 • ' ’icnnt in'erfere with any water pipe belong iaiHKiU ;w3iami:4C!;urj2ii:^uiUiu:;m'.willUiii«i!iMlUiU3lijHliUl|Uibiuu:isaMnilH!UiiMm willing. Veal, Beef, Pork ab Regular Prices Special Price on Bacon 35c a pound Pickard’s Market Oregon