FAG B FOUR TTTB COLD R ILL NBW3. JACKSON COtTNTT. ORBO ON The Gold Hill News Ic y Pavement Causes Wreck HOWARD E. WHARTON, Editor and Manager OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF GOLD HILL. OREGON Published every Thursday evening In Gold Hill. Jackson County. Oregon Robert R. Mbrrls, uncle of the Entered at the Postoffice at Gold HUI, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class matter. late Benjamin Haymond came down from Grants Pass today to attend Advertising Rates: Display. 35c per inch: I egals. Ilk- per line first Inser- the funeral tomorrow. ’i?n- I* f ” ne each subsequent insertion: Readers. 10c per line- Classified, lc per word: Special Rates, depend on length of time advg’ Miss Josephine Chisholm and schedule is contracted for or : mount of space used. Rule, all foreign' advertising must be paid in advance or be certified by reliable Press Miss Ressie Me Kray attended the Association before being published. Millioninre Mine trial at Jackson­ ville this week. ” Subscription Rates: »200 per year; »1 00 for fi months. All in advance. T H R IF T ♦ ♦ ♦ THURSDAY. JANUARY 14. IMA. L. H. VanHorn, who for several days has been under the weather, to employ popular stnngology, is inf- proving. An auto wreck Tuesday, attrihut cd to the fog and an icy puvement near Jacksonville, caused the de­ lay of tin- court for almost two hours when Judge Evans, who was following the ill fated ear. slopped and picked up the injured imrlies and returned with them to their home in Medford. Dun nnd Grace Pierce, brother amt sister, were the unfortunate ones, and suffered minor lacerations and contusions when their Maxwell touring car was wrecked after striking a pile of dirt a short distance from the edge of the highway. The ear is said to have turned over. A diamond ring and a watch lost bv the two were later found by utturhrs of the sheriff’s office. The ring wus un­ der a wheel of the ear and the watch near a wheel of the trailer, also wrecked. With one song writer installed as Mayor of the City of New York and another installed as husband of a possible heiress to the Mackay millions, we may look fo r a quick revival in Tin Pan Alley. "Yes We May not Get the Ban­ anas” might be an appropriate title for a new Berlin effort. ♦ ♦ ♦ The Paris Credit Municipal is now the world’s largest pawnshop. Thirty three miles of counters and shelves hold goods "hocked” for i.otKoio.ooo francs during the last year. Perhaps the city may now have time to lay up a few- treasures where moths willnot eat. + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ H A U L IN G ♦ Motor Trucking, Teaming, Grading, Moving ♦ Anywhere Any Time. ♦ Pn- rolls form the foundation of community growth, ♦ Mrs. Muriel Relts and children, and industries are established and pay rolls created bv the are spending the week end at Cen­ ♦ ♦ in\'»*v‘p nt of money—funds saved by people of a com­ tral Point. int. ‘v s -ho have appreciated the value of thrift. The pr.-n tv " f thrift is the foundation stone of success of the Help ua help you. Roost the Gold individual, the family, the corporation or the community. H ill booster. Subscribe to the News W ebster’s dictionary tells us that thrift means “a $2.00 per yoar. thriving- condition; prosperity: success; g-ood fortune.” It J. Creed Haymond, who has made also means “good husbandry: economical management: his residence in Portland the last Ralph Haymond of Central Point frugalitv." Instantly one can see that those qualities are few years not having lived here for who is on a trip in California found five years, wus at the old home at capable of application to the individual, business or com­ it was impossible to return here to Rock Point this week in attendance munity problems. The individuals, let us say for example, of his brother's funeral. Creed is attend the funeral of his brother, practice individual economy and frugality, saving a portion at present Chevrolet salesmnn in Benjamin, which is to be Friday. of their funds and depositing them in savings banks. These Portland. Buy your wood of John J. Ritter small sums, when accumulated into a considerable and be sutisfled. pd ad—37 Mrs. Emma Ingling is reported on total, are then lent, in part, to a business enterprise or are withdrawn by the depositor and invested in stocks or bonds the sick list here this week. It is reported that there will be of an industrial enterprise which furnishes a pay roll to Hard and Soft wood any time nt quite an exodus of Vernonia, Ore­ the community. This pay roll does several things—first, Ritter’s. pd ad—37 gon people to Gold Hill tin- coming week, which will consist of four employs men at a wage sufficient to sustain their families. families, whose heads are stock Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap of The necessities of these families furnish opportunity for Vernonia. Oregon were in Gold holders in the local Kelmar Mining stores, which purchase merchandise from other industries, Hill the first of the week, visiting Company, having sold out their and also furnish an outlet for farm ers’ products. So we’ local friends. They are newly weds business interests at Vernonia, nnd have it—all the way around the circle. and are on their way to LosAnglea will take up some new business in Hill, excepting A. W. Peterson But these are the material aspects of Thrift-. Another and other points on an extended Gold who is president of the mining important and, shall we sav greater, phase is the spiritual wedding tour. Mr. Dunlap is one company and recently sold his mer of the heavv stockholders in the side. \ \ hat will we have in the end? Probably we shall local Krlinar Mining Company nnd cantile business at Vernonia, is have a home cf ourown, a happy and educated family, the couple visited the mine of the coming to Gold Hill to give bis en­ sound friends, good standing in the eyes of friends and the company at Gold Hill during their tire time to the general manage­ ment of the company’s business. community, a good name, happiness while we live, good short stay in town. Mr. Noble re­ Among the others who are coming food, good clothes, the necessities, as well as some of the ports a shortage of rain and weath­ is Paul Robinson, late publisher of er conditions about the same in the luxuries of life, and an estate left for posterity. Can the Nehalem valley as here. the Vernonia Engle; Chas. D. White grain broker; nnd Ray Reasoner, mind picture anything much finer? It is all within the reach of the average man.—if he will pay the price of H. D. Reed whs a business visitor general construction contractor. in Medford Thursday of this week. thrift—economy and frugality, plus wise spending. The local Odd Fellow l.odge will E. C. SAMMONS give a dance here in their hall Fri­ Report has come to the Recorder, ♦ ♦ ♦ n* ♦ ♦ that some of the local boys drank day night, January 15th. Herb’s or­ WHAT IS THE COST OF TOLLERANCE a little too much soda-pops (??) chestra will furnish the music and and seriously molested a basket bail the Rebekah’s will serve a supper. ♦ ♦ ♦ game at the school gymnasium re­ Everyone one invited. Tickets 31 10 The cost of tollerance of crime is death, or at best, cently. A signed complaint is ex­ much trouble all around. pected from the faculty or school They have invented artificial arms that can work, artificial teeth that Stanford White was killed long ago, his problems quickly board in the immediate future when can chew, artificial wigs that look official action will be taken and solved bv a young man from Pittsburgh. the lovers of strong beverages a- natural and artificial legs that cun Now Thaw’s wife, for whom W hite was killed, mong the juveniles sx-ill be made an walk but no one has invented an drinks eight ounces of a poisonous mixture to kill herself.’ example of. The new administra­ artificial eye that enn see. Clergymen will find in this a good text for a sermon that tion does not like to take action againsl their neighbor’s children^ will not put the congregation to sleep. Nourishing D rink Some “radical” clergyman might engage Evelyn but if it is forced upon them, the Council will see to it that the Re­ tor C h ild re n ^ ^ Thaw to appear in his church as a living text or “sad ex corder is merciless in prosecution ample” if she survives. of the offenders. Henry W ard Beecher, in the Brooklyn pulpit, sold a mulatto girl at auction in old slavery days to emphasize a Licensed Truck and Driver. We haul anything. J.J.Ritter pd ad—37 , sermon against slavery. ♦ + + + +*■ & INDIANS IN PURITAN DAYS AND NOW ♦ ♦ ♦ Four white men are accused of forming a murder ring’ L J A K IE .S and children, the same ns adult«, grow w eary of being fed that already has to its credit the deaths of twenty Osage the same food In the auine way each Indians. Oil had made them rich, and in 1925, as in old — - — — , day. It Is true that moat children take Puritan 'davs, it seemed to Christian white men wrong for n atu rally to m ilk, but that doee not mean that they must be fed tt ad I? ,n .V O, have nrosperitv. Thev killed them THEN, and nauseam. On the contrary, th a t la the thev kill them NOW. But it is illegal, and the Grand Jury very thing to be avoided. will see about them. • ■ Pediatricians advise consumption by children o f a quart of m ilk a day In -i Wiser,white men don’t murder Indians. Thev wait un­ one form or another. This does not til the Indians get the money, then go to them with boot­ mean skim m ilk, but whole m ilk, for leg whiskey, leave the whiskey behind and come back with the skimmed product Is lacking both the money. In butter fat and the essential food By George Barr McCutcheon Contract« Solicited. Prices Right London has founded the serve the equine species. problem in the production of rust out. Institute of the Horse to pre­ Washington has solved the the Iron steed which can only ’ J London has now added beauty shops and rest rooms for dogs Milady s “Peke” can he washed, curled and per fumed while mistress shops. Next? Suggestions are in order from the coal heavers. Now* we are to have an investigation of the Aluminum Tru t J Tor- heao'-'-e« in sight. Why not begin an in- vc_. o _..ou 01 the investigators? New and exciting story by the famous author of “Graustark,” “Brew­ ster’s Millions,** “Viola Gwyn,” etc. Combines thrills with a delightful romance. The plot is clever, the story is full of humor, action and mystery. It is quite the most original of this author’s many unique tales and fully as agree­ able and fascinating as any one of them. GOLD HILL TRUCK & TRANSFER CO ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . M e re < do you keep your stumbling-block? Evcry home has one. Sometimes it’s the chair by the telephone; sometimes a kitchen stool, or an unsuspected plaything the youngsters have left in the hall. Whatever it is, it’s lurking somewhere about the house— in the dark. Switch on the lights! Light rooms—light halls—light stairways never harbor these dangers to careful grownups and running children. Keep enough lights going throughout the house to make every part of it quick of access—and safe! Electricity is the cheapest service you can buy. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY CALIFORNIA OREGON] I POWER C O M P A N Y / Medford, Oregon Roseburg, Oregon G ra n ts Pass, O re g o n Klamath Falls, Oregon Yreka, Calif. Y1XJP.PAP.1NEXS IN PROGRESS Dunsmuir, Calif. W ill B e Printed Serially in THE GOLD HILL NEWS r*. wcue element known as vitam in A. which is found in butter fat. M any mother« do not appreciate that removal of cream from the top o f a bottle of m ilk results In skim m ilk. In evaporated m ilk, a product rec­ ommended by many leading doctors fo r the use o f Infants and children and which Is simply pure cow's m ilk Rterlllzed In cans and w ith sixty per cent of the w nter removed, there la no cream line. T he m ilk In the top o f a can Is the same as It Is In the bottom o f the container. This re­ sults from a process called homogenis­ ation, In which the fa t globules in the m ilk are broken up into such microscopic bits that they remain In homogeneous suspension. Every drop of homogenized m ilk has a battery taste because It contains butter fat. F o r this reason, In evaporated milk, there Is none o f the flat taste one finds I t drinking from the bottom o f a bottle of m arket m ilk. In order to avoid feeding the baby or child plain m ilk three or four times a day, many authorities recommend the use o f a m ixture o f fru it Juice nnd m ilk, a highly palatable and refresh­ ing drink. Follow ing Is a recipe worked out by experts for an orange-milk d rin k : M ix In a fru it Jnr % o f a cupful of orange Juice. ’A o f a cupful of evnp orated m ilk, three teaspoon fuls of sugar, % teaspoonful of lemon Juice and a few grains o f salt. Shake well before aervlng. * ♦ H ard and Sufi Wood For Sale— W e deliver anyw hera. October FOLLOWING THE COURSE OF LEAST RESISTANCE ♦ + ♦ Gold will flow- to the point where it is most needed just as naturally as water will flow down hill. The econ­ omic law is inexorable. The call of high interests always has and always must arrest attention so long as money is the symbol of labor. The closer nations come to financial chaos the safer do they become, their prosperity resting on unfailing operation of the law of self preservation. Amer- 1C/ / or exarnple could not afford to see France reach a state of financial collapse. We must protect our loans and our investments across the seas. Possibly recognition of this fact is the underlying cause of French delay in the pay­ ment of her war debts. * V eal, Beef, Pork at» R egular Prices Special Price on Bacon 35c a pound Cash Paid for Hides. Pickard’s Market John Pickard, Prop............ Gold Hill, Oregon ■ ,!iHHT:;niiiN!inwiiiiiiuuMiiumuiiiii;uiHii^t;uimiHiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniainuiii!i!iniiiikuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiui;iiiiiiiiiiuiihuiiiiiiiini,i,.inll... ....... *