T H E G O LD H I L L N E W S , JACKSON C O U N TY. OREGON MOTHERHOOD Izw AngeIn. Calii. - "I found Dr, Pierce'* KavKriit Prescription a iplrudai tunic and nervine th ro u g h mother­ hood. I have u«ed it r e p e a t e d l y through eapertaiuy and it be* never ieiled in giving llrength and pro­ ducing rnt lulling i to the nerve* It « a pleasurable duty to recommend it to motlien and ripec- I S M I I I . - , b n * u me recnmmrislation I, l»*ed on a fengihmrd superieo. e in which live ‘Faevrile Pre- erriptS'ii* never tailed to help me through theve trying times"—Mr». 1> I) Itowlia, 1418 Girard St Why not get thii Prescription today at your neighborhood itore, or write D r . Pierce, I'reeident o l the Invalids* Hotel st Buffalo. N. Y . ior Ires advice. Electrical Schematic Diagram o l Toroid RF Simple Three Tube Set. Using Crystal Detector. Bast A - 30 Years As-OR tern pc i- P in k la By LEWIS WINNER. In Radio World. I ginning of this same winding, 1.2, goo* Inf luenAj_ L e v y n q l A very simple three lulu* net using Io the rotary plates of this variable Ç a ls s rh e l Fever. L p ko o lk M crystal uh u detector I n shown I ii condenser. Cl, ami Io one terminal ol ( o u ^ h k o r C o ld » . the lllUNt rut loti. The receiver employs the reaistauee HI. Now with tlie varl H o rs e s . (•lie Nlep of tuned RE with regenera omeier you may have some difficulty M u le s A. D o g s tlon, a crystal detector unit two steps «lien wiring up M imi have binding S pomm N i p ic a l C o . of transformer coupled audio-fre­ |ai«|s, but some, such ns the one R ia l COMPOUND quency amplification. wus employed In thia set, have none Oil most receivers, no mutter how at all. if the latter case prevails, ninny stages of tuned HE you add. the scrutinize the variometer very care Signals of the local stations do not In- lolly. Bee where the beginning of the Green’s crease much. This was found to be si.ubinary winding goes to and also i August Flower true on many tests with such recelv i where llie end of the rotary winding I era. '| he HE steps were so arranged goes to. lu most raocg the stator wind » M Cena tip « ttoa, | that they could tie snapped In ami out Jng terminal goes to one frame and . / ladtgesthM and I of the circuit. A station was tuned In the rotary end to the other frame * Torpid Liver i The HE tubes were put In and then Neither of these frames, of course. la Rrbrvr* that feeling OUI of the circuit. The difference was electrically eoniiev ted. ,>f hsvdrvg eaten unw liely. Kk and After finding so small that only with milllameter In these connections place small tags on *»c honles. AT ALL DRUOGISTS. the output circuit could the effect he them. Tlie rotary winding will ter­ | Uotlced. * minate at the front of the variometer There are only shout a dozen lends «Idle the stationary winding will ter-! KEEP EYES W E L L I . to make. No soldering is necessary nilnate at the hack. The rotary wind- BATHE TIR ED EYES | The «»rl.lt toroid colls were used in Ing tenulnal goes to the I' post on • iia l>, Tbesiyaus* «,.*■■•■ -Utflculty restrained fro m seising I *ir •o,,krt«- socket I. The stationary winding goes IN F L A M E D E Y E S Is for another trip to the Ameri- m.. . , Part* to the beginning of (be prim ary IJt o f , ll*e Is Th..Means • coast for a full cargo of fun, in- , »nn«»«l radio-frequency traits the second ret . Tlie end goes to the RUB YO UR EYES 7 TtM.uipagMi'D My»wai«r. •1 of returning to E n g l.n l U >~' • ! 45 (1) of Rie enhle. The begin ! Cook’s own journals w e r e 1 1-1 In 1784 IT n n .r i f the secondary winding L5, ' BATHE YOUR EYES One crystal detector. CD (ra.hornn ma-le public. And then Hie New Eng •*'* Io the variable plate of the varl t •• 1>r Th tupaufc » *ya«»ipr. lan.l merchants who had set Ledyard ’ dum). a b b - condenser. C2, and to the R + poet SAVE YOUR EYES I Two audiofrequency transformers ' l l ll ie audiofrequency transformer Th*»Mpn«it»'a EYEW ATER down for a liar sat up aud took no­ tice Boston. Salem and New York AKT1. AET2 (Acme). AI ................ T l, The end of this winding .................. ........ - goes HELPFUL EYE WASH One anqiere ballast resistors. 1(1 merchants put In 8SO.OOO and Septem­ " Ib e s liit in iin r y p is te s o f th e sum e U » *l»ev. T*oy. M V « o u tu i Three sockets (air-gap). ber kl. 1737. two vessels sailed from - ir lu b le condenser c o n d e n s e r and a n d also a ls o to io one o n e ter i-, D r- ' • • • « T h e m e s M 's g y e a s te r variable By J O H N D IC K IN S O N S H E R M A N I wo .(MSG nifd. vernier variable con minai of ibe crystal detector (high po I Boston: the ship Columbia. <’npt. John AWAII Is making tentative deusers, with dials. CICI» ( f . S. T. m i I) Kendrick ; the sloop Lady Washington, tentisi marked A on the carlairundum ). ! plans for an elaborate cele­ '»lie single circuit Jack or two phone The other crystal goes to Rie I* post j (a p t. Robert Gray. In August of 17», *tpa, .11. bration in 1928 of the one lbe Columbia sailed hack Into Boston. "f the audio frequency transformer. hundred and fiftieth an­ Is S o o t h in g She « a s under Captain Gray. Captain ' «»lie Stt-ineb dial (for variometer), A1 n . The E— post on socket 1. niversary of the discovery of «»lie A battery switch. Kendrick hud chosen to trade ships, goes to the other terminal of the covered an Island of the Hawaiian re- the islands by Capt. Janies « a s making Canton trips and was try­ I (»lie 7 hy 21-Inch panel. «•stance. Id. The G post on AET1 Look. It is to be hoped that group. Then he surveyed the Ameri ing to buy up all tlie Northwest from ( »lie (-able cord. can const until stopped by ice In Ber­ gis-s to (he G poet on socket 2. The such an observance of this <»ne hustdioiird. d by 19 by »4. the natives. E— |sist on the transformer goes to discovery Is rnade-and on a ing strait. Tlie winter of 1779 found Accessories; Rus bur. mounting for the same terminal that the beginning him back In the Islands, where he dis­ “Hall to the Chief!*' scale befitting the impor- •rysial detector, batteries phone« an­ of 1.2 went to. or to one terminal of covered Hawaii anil Maul. He named (■ray was received like a conqueror. Los Anfelei'Nswsst • • • o f the voyaging In the PacRlc f ' u T I the archipelago archlPe*“ * ° »andwie Sandwich Islands. | He was marched up State street in a tenna. ground and lead-in wire etc the resistance. Id. The E - |H,«t ,,n I The shaft of tire variable condenser this socket goes to the E— post on I procession. side by side with Prince c i . Hint shunts the aecondary of the Importance is large. Captain Cook set ' w trh°k 7 “" k*’ *** " ’ “ aI1 H,'ra,r Attol In helmet and cloak of scarlet socket 1. and also 3. This common antenna coupler, U*. passes iliroitgl, lead goes to one terminal of the re­ In motion forces which had u much - h. '**? 0,1 Ha"'s l> " W the theft ir r a o . A nad in , J M a I l much iu c r ,,f a hoat. Cook |ande(J Fpbn,Hry „ ,n and yellow feathers— the firs, Ha­ a hole 3-ltl Inch In diameter, which Is sistance. This means Hint the resist­ H U M a in Street I waiian ever seen In the United Stales 5*4 Inches from the left-hand edge of greater influence on the early develop F bet. 6 th & • ment o f America than a casual read Kealakeua bay with a lieutenant and Gov. John Hancock gave a dinner te the panel, and 314 Inches from H,e lo p ance is In the negative lend of the fila­ 7th nine marines to seize the king, take sixty, to whom Gray related his ad ment. The I* post on the socket 2 goes Ing of our history reveals. and the bottom. Lay tile ten,plate 7 0 0 ROOMS The R+ 1 Here Is a brief chronology of the him aboard and hold him hostage for ventures. Yea, things were as Led over lids hole Hnd then drill the hold to Hie 1* post on AhTJ. 3 °0 $1» „ o78 lsl**n,ls useful ln connection the return o f the stolen boat. The yard laid said. And the Columbia had Ing holes according to those laid out post on this SOI ket goes to the it p «7H volt cable lead (2). The G |s>st obelisk which murks the spot • of his been the first American ship at the uith this story: upon the template. The same policy 200 £ £ $ 2 « on AET2, ....... Io Ib e G p„st on socket The islands were probably known to death was erected In 1874. Hawaiian Islands and the first Ameri Now we Jump from Captain Cook can ship to saU around the world. Is followed with file other variable •1. I ne plate post on the same socket Europeans as early as 1527, but were condenser The hole through which 2 o o ;:2 & s 2 » put on the map by Cook In 1778. Ho the officer o f the English navy, to John And, quite as important to the New- the shaft of the variometer 1.3 passes goes to either Ibe top terminal of tlie Ledyard an American soldier of for­ single circuit Jack or to one terminal '•as killed there by natives the next England merchants, the voyage had Is 1014 Inches from* both the right tune. Of the phone tips. The E + of this paid I year. The natives were a semi-civi­ and the left-hand edges. R Is also 3U Soldier of Fortune. lized people of llalayo-Polynesian So, us John Ledyard lay dying In Inches from the top and the ho,tom of socket goes to one terminal of (he |||M. Hi» Qualification John Ledyard (1751-88) was born In Africa, Ids Pacific Northwest dream ter­ ment control awl,di. s. T l....... stock under a feudal system of gov- I he panel. The hole for the abaft of *'l hear your hired man has gone eminent, with a king on each of the Groton, Conn., studied law, went to had come true. For the Columbia was Ibe lust variable condenser Is 5U minal of this switch goes to Hie A-J-R_ Into the movies.'* *?We .... . A|l 'be r + leads from »artmouth for missionary training, sent right buck. And thus begun this eight habitable Islands. In 1790 King Inches from the right-hand edge and "Yep. got n good offer." Eamehamebu of Hawaii subdued his passed several months with the Iro­ triangular trade tliat was to enrich 1*/4 III. lie s from the top and the bot­ Hie so. kels are i-omnion. All the grid • Wlta, on earth kin he do In th« re,urns are placed |n | | IP negative lead quois and in 1773 went to Gibraltar as rivals and founded a kingdom that the seaboard o f the new nation. movies J" tom of the panel. The hole for Hie N.i (' battery Is lasted until 1894. Christianity was In­ a common sailor, enlisted in a British Consider now some of the results of filament control awiteb. S, Is R ig of the A battery “He's h star nt sloW fiWtiWy.** troduced from America in 1820 by mis­ reglmpnt, was discharged and as a Captain Cook's last voyage and let Inches from the right and the left- employed, although Ihe same may he used. If you desire io use a C bat­ corisiral of marines accompanied Cook sionaries. in 1840 Kamehameha III your imagination run free. hand edges of tile panel. R Is \ Inch tery, break the ............. that come In.H.n Va»..«“ ui»m . w '»«h»'s promulgated a constitution establish­ on his last voyage. In 1782 he de­ On the second voyage of the Coluin from the bottom of the punel This from Hie E post of (he two AFT nnd raster. d l,..u ,.« . P „J serted from a man o' war at Long ing civil rights. In 1852 came suf­ bla Captain Gray discovered the Co­ necessitate« cutting away ,, small bit bring the ........ i„ , tlP c _ |P11(| (lf the frage and a legislature. In 1894 there Island. Thereupon he published from lumbia river. Figure tlie effect of tliat of tlie baseboard. The holes for (be C battery. The C+ lead goes lo ,|,e ^>(1 S eem Sutpiciou» was a successful revolution against memory his Journal of the Cook expe­ on the "Oregon" question of half a screws, which hold tlie baseboard, are A— lead. "Your celebrated prisoner Queen Lilliiokalanl and a republic was dition, tlie British having confiscated century later. best located hy the builder, i». these got a way 7*' He tried in vain to in Simple to Operate. proclaimed. In 1895 the queen abdi­ the original The Americans had a practical depend upon the thickness of the b,.se- “Yes,” said the rnrnl Jailer. “When Thia receiver is very simple to op- cated. August 12, 1898, Hawaii was terest American officials and mer­ monopoly of this triangular traffic. hoani. etc. j used a comparative'? annexed to the United States. June chants In a trading expedition to the The Rusalans were barred by Chinese thin Icard and therefore bail to place erale. Tlie only trouble R ia l you may he borrowed my keys and told ma northwest coast of North America. ........... somebody wauled to see me In the 14, 1900, It became a territory. law. The English were kept out by " tic n r |ii U U l I) J ' the "«7 r screw« o ir n very near the bo,tom of come UP again», Is the difficult con- They did not believe In Ids Journal__ tlie conflicting privileges of two great 1 the trolling of H „ . oscillatory flow of the alley on Important business, confound panel. Cook'a 8ev«ral Voyages. or In him. In 1784 Ledyard wus in monopolies; Tlie East India company Idin, I know he wuz up to somethin’." Capt. James Cook (1728-79) was the We have now automatically placed R E lu b e . T i lls Is due lo tl*«* fact that England and France, vainly endeuvor- held the exclusive right to trade with many variometers will not oscillate ~~ sta son of a Yorkshire farm laborer. He Ihg to organize a similar trailing ex- China hut could not send Its ships to the variable condensers, variometer over Ihe complete broadcast hand A volunteered In the Royal navy in. 1755 imilltlon. In 1T80, with the assistance the American Northwest for furs ami board and switch. Angle Irons are small 2tkturn coll placed In aeries with mid four years later was in command of sir Joseph Banks, he set out on would not allow the South Sea com­ used Io mount the colls onto the con­ Ihe plale circuit of ,h |M HHII1P h)|,p w ||| o f the Mercury at Halifax. The Royal foot from Stockholm, ostensibly f„r pany to do any trade with China. So densers. These condensers have spe­ cure I Ilia ill. The tw o condenser dials society selected him to command an Arctic exploration. He- arrived In St the Americans combined with the Rus cial provisions for mounting the colls should tune In slep. Don't forget to expedition to the Pacific to observe the Petersburg early In 1787. hirt ,,t which are placed at right angles reverse the leads of the crystal detec­ slans nnd the Russians worked south transit of Venus. G e t the right r.m rd y — the heat m m know. Irkutsk was arrested and deported, along the const until the Monroe Doc­ each other. The set of plates of one tor. In case the algmils are not loud 8o quick, to mire that nuiliont now employ It. This first voyage to the Pacific was reaching London with difficulty. He variable condenser runs In (he oppo­ The utmoat in a laxative. Bromide-tjuinine In 1708-71. On Ids second, 1872-75, he died under mysterious circumstances trine o f 1823 was necessary to stop site direction Io the other aet ,,f enough. Also reverae the A battery in ideal form, (joklt stop in 24 hour*, La Plates. That Is, one condenser Is leads. A I'M, fm.t antenna should be sailed miles and encircled the about 1790 nt the head of an exploring them. Grippe in j d«ye. The ay.tem i t cleaned and John Jacob Astor, n financial and mounted upside down. This was done used, 'ibe ground should be made to Antarctic region from New Zealand to ex|>edltlon of the African association toned. Nothing compares with Hill-«. |f y„u commercial genius, attempted to found so that llie colls could conveniently he the old faithful water pipe. Cape Horn. The truth was that Ledyard had a Be Sure Price 3Oc find H in t H ie R E tube la difficult to On Cook's first voyage he had a big thing; triangular trade— New Eng­ a city at Astoria In 1810 to cut out of mounted. If the condensers '„re control, the Insertion of a 10-olim rheo­ this triangular trade the long and dan mortality of 40 per cent. On his sec­ land to the Pacific Northwest with mounted In the regular fashion It will stat may help. I »ay may, because with ond he had made such excellent and trinkets nnd notions; to China with gerous voyage around the Horn. Fig­ he difficult to mount Ihe colls. ure the inliuence. of this advance The transformers are mounted at some tubes it helps and with others radical arrangements for health that furs; back home with silk and tea guard on the march of the American right angles to each other. The crys­ It Is of no use. That Is, you bring the Get Red Box he lost only one mnn out of 118. For with portrait For Cook's last expedition had this this service he was made captain and experience: The sailors bought furs people across the continent; on the ) tal detector, which Is of (lie fixed type filament temperature up to a certain point and llie tube slarla to oscillate Mexican war nnd the occupation of Ole Ho.val society gave him the Copely has II special type of mounting. Von to keep them warm from the natives P A R K E R ’S medal "for service to humanity and of the northwest coast. They traded C alifornia: on the building of the cannot.fit It Into a grid leak holder In Hie same manner. If you turn it H A IR B A L S A M transcontinental railroad; on the dig­ ns it Is loo small. Therefore take J down. It stops all together, turn It up the maritime world.” ,Urn‘,v7 j» « nrui*Bi«ta. I i s Hi— 00 •< te , passage from the Pacific Cook volun­ Chinese having no healing in their sion of ('apt. Janies Cook's “Sandwich ibe crystal fits Into the holder». You Ihe regeneration. By Increasing and decreasing the voltage, better ,,r worse Islands" means to (I ip United States «.„.„.e. c ™ . o«,. then have a perfect holder. This Is teered to take command nnd sailed homes and no woolen cloth. A vermin With the Resolution and Discovery In Infested sea otter skin was worth a ill the Pacific, as a naval base nnd pro­ then screwed down to the hnsehoard results will he obtained. Try changing f.«t, ms»., saliin* . ” ? ' rte*iri71m,“r‘ V* "»• «Ute. U lm s« Cb.u.1,1.1 ^ « Ä , R * 5 !te Ä ,^ the tubes around for louder signals 1770 by way of Africa. In 1778 he dls- hundred dollars. The sailors were tection to the const of the mainland. and the crystal Is fitted Into the clips This receiver Is selective, and If one With It—nnd a fleet—we are safe. There was no Jack used when Ibis finds Ihe results vice versa, they should homelike set was constructed, although one Is reverse the secondaries of the radio- than during summer, has more near­ dome-shaped and as much ns two feet shown In the diagram. A pair of phone frequency transformers |REASONAB1E| ly all It can contain. Its relative hu­ In height. Lest their heniitlful homes Clips, mounted at the extreme right of Hie set, were used. No large binding midity, as It Is called, or ratio of Our expert doctors and Burgeons, The weather bureau says that the moisture present to all that would be he destroyed by enemies, the ants take post Strip Is used. A battery cable was S im p le T u b e R e p a ir excellent food, and quiet nurroundl Inge amount of water vapor that can exist necessary to produce saturation, is stringent precautions when retiring used Instead and attached to the prop, bring you real health. A tube with a loose base cun be re­ ns on Invisible gas In a given space large, although Its absolnte humidity for tlie night. Kentlncls are posted er points. paired by wrapping a strip of adhe­ lo s s PINE ST., SAN I RANCI SCO, CALIF. nil around the dome, ready to 'g iv e Increases with temperature up to the —actual amount o f watpr vapor per Wiring the Set. sive tn,ie around the Joint three or the alarm nt the approach of an liolling point. Hence warm air can unit volume—Is small. The beginning of the primary wlnd- four limes, carefully stretching the enemy. The entrances are blocked •n« LI. goes to the antenna post on contain more moisture than can cold with great pipes of twigs, so that the the small terminal strip. The end of tniw nt each turn so ns to fit tightly nlr. As a role, therefore, there Is Wood Ant» Active ■ ■ quickly improved and usually occupants cannot he surprised. The the same winding, LI, goes to the Gnd over the top of ,he metal base and the more moisture In the air In the sum­ The British wood ants build such cleared entirely if properly treated with glass. After wrapping hold the tube Job o f cleaning awnv the twigs In the mer time than during any other sea­ large houses that their homes s ee m tr, binding post. The end of the second morning Is a strenuous one. one, hut but the ary 1.2 winding goes to the (I post on In the closed hand, pressing lightly on he n l m n s i I,I„ ' m o v . n n « is son. During the winter, however, be almost ns big as some apartments , ants do not mind It as they ¿ ¿ 1 .2 - llie tape for a few moments, lo heat •Ko air thonsh having less moisture , In A m erican cities. T h e dw elling U , R, safety flraL 6 * socket 1, and to the stationary plates the tape, and make the support solid ut the vurluble condenser. Cl. The be- Tills w ill suve the tube for fu tu re use How His Voyages Influenced American H b to H I* CuticuraTalcum For Baby’s Skin Colds Fever _________ Grippe Be Q u ic k -B e S u r e/ cascaiw Q uinine BBSrL in*' Moisture in Space MORTON r I hospital MUDDY OILY SKIN Resinol