T H E GOLD H IL L NEWS. JACKSON COUNTY, OREOON Fighting Ranger By f . j . M c C o n n e l l and G EO R G E W . PY PER H a m h u J fo r N oueopapor S e r ia lis a tio n b y H O R A C E EA T O N W N U S w v iw CwrvifllH 1915 UnHeraal PUtwr»* CarportlM* CHAPTER XVII— Continued —17— “Bush her io I'lco for ntstUral aid." "alii Terence. “Then tiring the nherlff amt a pnaae to Sierra Itlublo with all (msslhls speed." “Hut aren't you coining with us?" Mary aakeil. 'Tin going to the cave of the Ya- qula,” Terence answered, “I have aworn to get Burk McLcml alone?* They tried to illaauade him from Ida solitary, dangerous inlKalon, hut their plena were unavailing. He waa de termined Mury made Stella ns ro u t- fortuhle ua possible In Ihe car. taking her place beside her to care for her. the others boarded the machine, anil Terence watched them off on their way. Then he strode off on Ida lone man hunt. After a hike of more than two “Tlie anake—he changed hla natne— “If there's anything left of Taggart an' lila looks. The douhle-rroaser. Ile when you get through with him here, la- sheriff,'' Terence put In, "Uncle Sum Ituck pauaed. Terenee’a hand. wants It I" cleuchlng lila throat, tightened, ineuac- From a battered card case Terence logly. drew a card and- handed It to the "Hpeak quick—who la haY* he de alierlff, who read, aloud: in« mied. "Terence O'Itourke, U. 8. Govern “He'a—Topas Taggart I” ment Hanger—Texas." By this time Mary had Jumped from the car and came to Terence's able. CHAPTER XVII! The sheriff shook hands with him, and said: A Round-Up "Of course Mary's father will be re “Well, Taggart,“ aald the sheriff, leased nt once, hut we'll have to take "here we've spent most of the day this Stella Montrose woman.” around Sierra Dlshlo on the trail you Mary saw a look of anxiety come give ua. and we haven't picked up over Bud Hughes' face. A wave of your man yet.” compassion swept her. "lie'« probably around somewhere "Ktella waa—was playing the game near,” replied Tuggart. "We'll get in our cause —all the time,'- she cried him yet." Bud gave her hand a hearty squeeze | The men of the puaae had become of appreciation, and turned away to ! real leas They had s|>ent too iiiuny wipe a teur from his eye with his i hours on the fruit leas quest. coat sleeve. Taggart himself was becoming In Terence and Mary rode In from ! creasingly Irrltah'e and nervous. On town at sunset. They were both all the one ham) he felt that Buck would smll'ga" as timy” came'in the gate "of get ahead of him and get the treas the Bur M nnd received a cheery ure, and he was beginning to despair greeting from Bud Hughes, as they of his Inai desperate effort to secure dismounted. It for himself hy enlisting the aid of Mary loaned against Terence Joy- !'........... .. ,,",pr "“ fully, and his arm en. Ircled her waist began to feel that perhaps he hud | UM ,„ |(| made a mistake he was beginning to ‘‘Hello, Bud." Mury hailed him. huve a premonition thnt something “Have yon »pen Stella today? How would happen to queer hla game, lie Is she getting along?" was becoming panicky with fear that "Yea. I saw her." Bud answered. his own deeds would be shown up, •'She's getting nlong tine. She wasn't and he wanted to break away from nearly as badly hurt sa It seemed at tjie sheriff's party, nnd flee. He was first, nnd they say at the hospital she even ready to forsake all hope of the can come out In another week. An’ treasure, nnd would have been coil- then we re going to forget all the past. lent to simply escape, If he could only I and begin things over again. She's think of a reasonable excuse for quit- I ri<ht Tfl|, Unow_ down ”ei * * * Cr i . I bottom, only she got mixed tip with Ihe men at the head of the posse w r„nK k,n<, w ,lp„ „hp is Winter Time Your Backache Time? Does Your Back Foretell Every Change of the W eather? Do You Feel Old and Stiff and Suffer Sharp, Rheumatic Fains? Then Look to Your Kidneys! D‘ kOES every cold, chill or attack of grip leave you lame, stiff and achy? Are you nervous and depressed; feel tired, worn out and miserable? Does your back throb and ache until it seems you just can’t keep going? Then look to your kidneys! Colds and chills throw a heavy strain on the kidneys. They overload the blood with impurities that the kidneys have to filter off. The kidneys are apt to weaken under this rush of new work, become congested and inflamed. It’s little wonder, then, that every cold finds so many folks suffering with torturing back* ache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness and annoying kidney irregularities. If this is the case with you, don’t risk neg lect! Help your weakened kidneys with a stim ulant diuretic. Begin using Doan's Pills. Doan's have helped thousands. Local users testify to their worth. Ask your neighbor! “ Use Doan’s ,” Say These Good People: Sierra IMahlo. H e to o k out hlx map. horsemen They started In purmilt. w>rrv , h| „ G. W. FITCH, retired farmer, Atlantic St., MRS. M. E. SPANGER, 701 Oak St., Rose studied It. Taggart hung behind, then turned , Olllur ,1HVp |t „ Roseville, Calif., say»: “When I took cold, it ville, Calif., says: "The flu left my kidneys in At the letter I* he muttered. I tall, and lied hack In the other dlrec- They were walking toward the He followed Ihe trull Indicated b.v ; tlon. •ettlcd on my kidneys and canned backache. I bad shape. I had a weak feeling in my back and the liitip, a m i tin .llv - t u n . 1.1.-,I H, ,,-„r,.,.|, start.-,I when t i l s ranch house. could hardly atoop, I had such pains in my back. when I tried to atoop I had catches in my kid We'll be awfully sorry to lose you. the narrow winding passage between wnJr bl(„.kw| by n racing auto- I had to pasa the kidney secretions frequently neys and waa hardly able to get around. My Bud, hut of course we want you to the rocka, leading to the cave. On he mobile It was the ranger s cur with he happy." at night, and they «ere highly colored and kidneys acted too often. My bead ached and I strode. Into the cave. > Mary, Bud and Jack. Taggart turned burned like hot coals. I also had dizzy spells. was so nervous, I nearly flew to pieces. After As they entne up to the porch of He found Buck, lifting nnd dropping using Doan’s Pills, I was cured." Doan's Pills soon cured me of the attack.” the ranch house, Mary asked: handfuls of the treasure, still gloating "Oh. say. Bud. is Daddy In?" with miserly Joy over the piles of "Yea, he'a In there," Bud replied. marvelous gems and glistening gold. "Well, listen.” Mary whispered In Aa Terence appeared, he gave a cry to Ills ear. Bud's eyes grew big, and like a trapped nntmal, then whipped his lips broadened In ii huge smile. out his gun. Terence mude a leap “W hat!" he cried. "Do you mean for hint a ml knocked It out of Ills itr • hand. The men rolled about In the Terence stood sinll'ng. emharnas- treasure In a mail rough nnd tumble. edlv und nodded his head, and Mury “I've licked you before, nnd I'm go «aid: "Yes, really!" and sank buck In Ing to get you again with my bare A t all dealers, 6 0 c a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, N . Y. to T e r e n c e 's »lilting arilis. hands." Terence threatened, ns they "Well, I'l h e Mowed.” said Bud, the lay. temporarily separated, after a great benevolent smile on Ilia face whirlwind of wild hlowa. growing wider. “Sure, I’ll tell him— The two men Jutn|M-.l nt each other, Blue S k y A v e r a g e D e sp o t’s H airless D ecree be glad to tell him." I HOMELIKE I nnd the combat was on In earnest. I Charles W. Butro of Sutro A Co. j Sir Harti Singh Bahadur, new ma- j As he stnlked Into the house. Ter Buck, realizing he was no match for cun Francisco financial house, tells a | h am Jah of Kashmir, began his rule ! ence rocked Mary In his arms, and Terence, nnd In lear, was maneuver I REASONABLE! bent hla head over toward her face ” or-v nb,”,t President Mortimer Flelsli- with an order that all his male sub- ■ Ing for a break to the entrance and Jects shave forthwith—beards, mus Our expert doctors and «uryeons, tlll the magnetism of her lipa became backer of the Anglo-California Trust eerape. But Terence blocked the way. tuches und the hair on their heads, excellent food, and quiet surroundings Irresistible, and his own were drawn company. At each attempt Buck made to run for bring you real health, It seems that Mr. Flelshhacker This curious command was made as against them. It he was met by a row of hard 1 asked a Pullman porter the ainonnt of a mark of honor to his uncle, the late 1055 PINE ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF, "Terence, Hint's the elghtyseventh knuckles which sent him flying buck | lime today," she protested, hut her his average tip. The negro replied ruler, so that the whole country might ■ Into Ihe cave. that the average amount was ope dal assume a sort of hairless mourning in eyes sparkled with happiness. Buck gave up that alley of escape Boschee’s Syrup “And not Ihe last either." said Ter lar. Mr. Flelshhacker handed him a his memory. Dispatches from Kash finally, and retreated bark Into the dollar. The porter caressed the silver in** do not tell how well the people HAS BEEN cave. Terence followed. He was “Hold T h a t Man Taggert, Sheriff— ence with an enchanted smile. Inside the house old Marshall wns 1 eoin "ffectlonutely a ml said: "Yus- obey the edict, but every dispatch dazed and startled by the untold Ha's tha Man You W an t Abova A ll.” points out the well-known fact that the Relieving Coughs slttlng nt his desk, working over the [ 8uh' b,,K8' hut -vou ls de fust P»hson heaps of glittering treasure thnt lay new maharajah is known to the west about him. so far surpassing even his white with rage and fear ns he con ranch accounts, straightening them ^bat bn8 con,p UP to the average.”— ern world by another name, "Mister fo r 5 9 Years i,mii absence ,,n.i out utter after hi« his long and ♦ the i | Ihe t. oast Banker. wildest expectations, but he kept his fronted them, Bud nnd Jack drew not A.’* • Carry a bottle in mind nevertheless to the business at their guns on him, forced him to halt, manipulations of Taggart. He hail Cuticura Comfort« Baby's Skin your car and always keep it in the been a free mnn—back ns boss of his turn nliotit and go on with them. hand—to get Buck J T w o D isco veries When red, rough and Itching, by hot house. 30c and 90c at all druggists. The horsemen the sheriffs posse own outfit, for two weeks now. Finally, ns Buck fell farther nnd “A naturalist has found that there Mr. Marshal," said Bud. entering, na<bs o t Cntlcura Soap and touches of farther back In the cave, he noticed hud gone in pursuit of proved lo he I Cntlcura Ointment. Also make use are about 93,000 ants In an ant hill a hitherto unseen crevice through Buck's gang of ruatlers, belatedly on "Mrs. O'Rourke wants to see you." P a in fu l S u rprise "Who?" asked Marshall, looking up now lind ,hen of ,hat exquisitely scent- two feet high,” solemnly stated Pro which the daylight streamed, leading tlielr way' to Join their leader. As fessor Pate. Doro surprised Mrs. Abramovltz at ed dusting powder, Cuticnra Talcum, from Ills hooks the ertr came up, the men of the posse up and out of the cave, lie darted "And I have found.” snarled J. Ful her home. 2485 East Fifty-seventB one of the Indispensable Cuticura “Mrs. O'Rourke, sir " for It and started to cllmh through, hail them nil covered with guus, and ler Gloom, the human hyena, "what street, and fired a shot at her aihrdl "And who Is Mrs. O'Rourke?" Mar Toilet Trio.—Advertisement but Terence, close behind, seized him secured their lassoes. the average naturalist Is good fqr— pal uinfwyoau.—From a crime report Further down the mud two men shnll nsked, puzzled. “I don’t know j and pulled him back. Seeing he must to count ants."—Kansas City Star. in the Cleveland News. any such person." • | An In ju stice were coming toward them on foot. One fight his way out. Buck started for “Oh. yes, you do. pardon me. air,' j "America is now called In Europe Terence, lie wns knocked down by trudged before the other, who had TkoeuooJt o f people ! the World Shylock,” said Oscar Wells. h crashing blow to the Jaw. Coining him covered with a revolver. The Bud contradicted. ako ore io ,e re ei froot A smile of sudden comprehension the new president of the ' American eoojtlpoteoo Jo to Ills feet, he picked up a handful of posse, with their prisoners, were wait too,/ o k ore of i crossed Marshall's face. Bankers' association, during the con- the gold und Jewels and flung them at ing the Hrrlvul of these two. Spy leek oot Ike of ikeir fee, oro I "Oh, perhaps I do," he said. ! ventlon at Atlantic City. "Europe is Terence. "Sheriff, make these people let me o tin . He strode out onto Ihe porch nnd as unjust to America as Nagg was uu- •'Can't use your hands, eh?” mut go," Taggart cried, almost hysterical, found Mury still In Terence's arms. 1 Just to matrimony." tered Terence. cowering at hay under the revolvers “ 'George,' said Mrs. Nngg, 'have you He made a fl.vlng leap for Buck, bat of Bud nnd Jack. *'Whnt right have the two of them gazing rapturously rend this book, "How to Be Happy tering him mercilessly as they went they to bold me up—what's the Idea Into each other's faces. "Mary," Marshall called. In a stern Though Married”?' down together, Terence on top. here?" " 'Nope.' said Nagg. ‘I don't need Both men were torn, .bleeding, di The two flfiin* on foot, now run voice, nnd frowning upon her ns she to. I know how already.’ sheveled. Buck struggled, managed to ning, cattle up. The one behind with responded. "Am 1 lo understand thnt, without '"Well, how, then?’ said— shake Terence off, nnd both staggered the revolver, hearing Tuggart's mis even asking my consent or advice, " ‘Get a divorce,’ said he.” to theirs fdet again. Then they met erable whine, shouted: bend on. Terence delivered ii terrible "Hold thnt min Taggart, sheriff— you have run off and married this ! young fellow?" DEM AND “BAYER” ASPIRIN thrashing, anil after several minutes he's the mnn yon want above nil.” “Well, Daddy, dear, I wns sure you ' of tierce lighting. Buck went down It was Terence, marching his pris would approve of Terence," Mary ; again nnd lay still—licked—beaten— oner, Buck, before him. Take Tablets W ithout Fear If You broken -cowed. Finally he scrambled Taggart shivered In fenr, hut dared pleaded. See the Safety “ Bayer Cross.” "Then you HAVE married him, ; to his knees, raised Ills hands supplb not move upder the menacing pistol have you?" catlngly. Terence seized him hy the muzzles pointed at him. Two of the Warning! Unless you see the nntne "Yes.” throat. Ills face set sternly, and with deputies now- finnked him. “Bayer” on package or on tablets you Marshall's frown chnnged to a grim menace gasped: Terence pointed accusingly at Tag are not getting the genuine Buyer smile, and he stepped forward with Aspirin proved snfe hy millions nnd "Buck Mcl.eod—If you want to "re gnrt and shouted: “ I know how agonizing they are. For years I was a chronic —answer me—one thing QUICK!” "There's your arch-criminal, sheriff outstretched arms to both of them, prescribed b.v physicians for 25 years. "I'm glad you knew I would—” sufferer. Buck, hedging for mercy, nodded — rustler — robber — forger — MUR Say “Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. But the last words of Ids sentence Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. and stammered that he would answer DERER -Spade Sinclair, who calls “And the headaches were not the worst part of it. The strong were smothered by Mary, drawing anything. himself Topaz Taggart.” drugs I used to take to relieve the pain upset my stomach “Who killed Michael O'Rourke, my All listened In amazement, na Ter both father and husband to her In one S ta r t A lik e , A n y w a y and slowly but surely undermined my general health. loving embrace. father?" ence went o n : A teacher In the Junior high school [THE END ] “ Finally I found out that my headaches were due to con "He drove ’John Marshnll from the Buck, breathing hard, gasped: of Anderson wns giving a lesson re stipation. My doctor advised Nujol. After taking it regularly “Spade Sinclair—Ills partner—shot Bar M nnd persecuted Ills daughter cently In the study , of the Constltu- S cotlan d F orever a few weeks the trouble disappeared. him down In cold blood—for the to tc the hope of possessing the Yaqul llon nnd Declaration of Independence. paz—" treasure found on It. Jean entered a butcher'« shop In n In the course of the lesson she called “Since then I have never had another headache. There is no "Years ago, with the snme Inst for little town in Scotland und demanded for an explanation of the statement "Tell me the whole story.” reason why I should, for the cause has been corrected.” to see a sheep’s head. “They were hunting the Yaqnl gold this gold, he—he killed my father, thnt all men nre created equal. A "And It wns Taggart—Spade Sin "Is it English?” she asked when one sninll lad, overflowing with the ginger from an old map," Buck went on. Nujol Corrects Constipation in Nature's W ay "Yer dad found how to rend the signs. clair—who murdered Black Benwell was shown her. of youth, answered: “No, lass, It's Scotch,” replied the We wrote the secret down—nnd sealed This girl's father, John Marshnll, Is In “Well, they all weigh about the Constipation is dangerous for fects. T o insure in tern al ’ It up In the topaz with wax. Sinclair nocent I” butcher. snme when they are born."—Indianap anybody. Nujol is safe for cleanliness, it should be "Then It’ll no do.” said Jean. "Mis olis News. “It's a lie—It’s a lie!” Taggart was knew the stone had something to do tress Is English and she said I was to everybody. Nujol simplysoft- taken regularly. Unlike laxa with the loot—but didn't suvvy what shrieking. wus In It. "No It ain't— I saw you do both the be sure nnd bring English meat.” ens the waste matter and thus O r n n n lst.a «yeUd». ■tlea. Infl.nird ayes “Here, Jock I" said the butcher, toss relieved overnlxht by Rom en Eye Haleem “An' It was this Sinclair—the same killings,” yelled Buck McLeod. “An' permits regular and thorough tives, it does not form a habit One trial oonvlneee. 171 Pearl 8»., N. T. Adv. man as killed Black Benwell. But If you think I'm not goln' to turn Ing the sheep’s head ovqr to his as elimination without overtax and can be discontinued at old Marshall was driven from his state’s evidence now and try to save slstnnt, "take the brains out of that, ing the intestinal muscles. any time. W o m a n H as “ M a d e G o o d ” ranch, hunted for years, and finally some of my own hide—you douhle- will you?"—Vancouver Province. Medical authorities approve Ask your druggist for Nujol Among women who have made good convicted fer It. Sinclair fired the crosaln' enr, after the way you figured Nujol because it is gentle, today and begin to enjoy the In local politics may he mentioned shot from hiding while Marshnll and to trim me—well, ye got another think . T w o O p tim ists safe and natural in perfect health that Miss Grace Schlskn of Eugene, Ore. Benwell grappled—Jes' when Mar cornin'.” Two hikers passing h motorist Miss Schlskn made her political dehut hs action. ’’ p o ssib le only "Lies, lies, lies," Taggnrt continued on the road: “How far Is It to Roeh shall's gun harked by accident. Sin as a candidate for city recorder and clair wanted MiirRhall'a ranch—fer to wall. You can take Nujol -------------- when elimination ester?" wns elected. Later she became a po the treasure he knew wns on It." "Come on, Slnclalr-TaggHrt," shout "Seventy miles," he replied. for any length of tm «iNT«i«HAULu»mc*>w i s n o rm a l a n d lice Judge and now she has been ap “Who Is this Sinclair?" Terence ed the sheriff, "you'll have a chance to “Not so had." laughed the optimists, pointed to the office of county treas time without ill ef- For Constipation regular. demanded. Where Is he?" prove what's lies nnd what's truth be "only Hhout thirty-five miles apiece." urer. fore a Judge and Jury," Buck snarled, with hate- —Transportation News. Doan’s Pills Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys MORTON HOSPITAL u Those bilious headaches can be prevented” N tliO l