PAGE FOUR THE GOLD HILL NBW S, JACKSON FOUNTT. OREGON THURSDAY. JANUARY 7, ,91«. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A len. The scare is readily recognis­ Is used wjlh the mash. If It Is pos­ ♦ ed by the formation of honey-dew sible to obtain buttermilk through­ ♦ ROGUE RIVER, ORBG. ♦ ♦ FARM POINTERS ♦ on the branches which c a u x x ■nuitt out the growing period, then 5 per HOWARD E. WHARTON, Editor and Manager ♦ BRIEF NEWS ♦ ♦ It Is also advis­ FROM O. A. G. ♦ ing of the fruit unit foliage. The cent Is »ulllejent. ♦ By Mr». R. M. Scott, ♦ able to mill an equal part of a good female adults are reddjsh brown, ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF GOLD HILL, OREGON ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦ very convex, longer than wide, and grade of ground oais with the other In combating the Hre blight of ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ A « about one-eighth inch long. The Ingredients. Published every Thursday evening in Gold Hill, Jackson County, Oregon pears in Oregon resistant root and winter is passed in the half grown Entered nt the Postoffice at Gold Hill, Oregon, for transmission through New Years «ve was observed by the mails as second class matter. GATEWAY THEATRE PROGRAM n Jolly watch meeting held at the body stock has proven to be the stage. Tuesday, Vaudeville and Pictures most satisfactory and is recommend­ I. O. 0 . F. Hall Thursday nigh, by Advertising Rates: Display, 25c per Inch: Legals, 10c per line first inser­ It is ngood plan In Oregon to use Wednesday, Picture» tion, 5c per line each subsequent insertion: Readers, 10c per line; the Odd Fellows, Rebekahs nnd ed by the experiment station. Bul­ Classified, lc per ward; Special Rates, depend on length of time advg., friends. Gaols and dancing were letin 214 will be sent on request nnd a chick starting mash up to about Thursday. Picture» schedule is contracted for or amount of spare used. Rule, all foreign enjoytxl by those present. At the experi­ Friday. DANCE The contains detailed tnfortnution re­ the fourth week. advertising must be paid in advance or be certified by reliable Press ment slat,'on this starting mash Is Saturday, Pictures music for the dancers bring given garding this disease. Association la-fore being published. Music by the Gateway Orchestra. mixed equal parts of bran, shorts by the members of the Rogue River Paid Advg Subscripting Rates: #2.00 per year; #1.00 for fi months. All In advance. Orchestra. Those who played were Grain Is often sowed in Oregon and cornmeal. After the chirks are Central Point, Oreg. Court Purkeypilr, Reed Garter, during favarnble weather throught ten weeks of age. the mash, which Stewart Hutch and Mrs. Logan the entire winter. There is less may then he called a developing THE OREGON GRANITE CO.— SHORT OR LONG THAT’S THE QUESTION M o n u m e n ts . B. A. Hleks, General Julian. At eleven o'clock an oys­ chance of loss with wheat that has mash, is ntixed just the same as the Manager, F. M. Kershaw, Salsa ♦ ♦ ♦ ter supper was served by the Re­ been treated with copper carbonate starting mash with the exception Maaagar, 1M B. Stath St.. Med- bekahs. At one o'clock the tired than with the old treatment, but that instead of eggs from 5 to 10 per M Mrs John B. Henderson, Washington society leader but happy crowd returned ,0 their there is always the chance that the cent of a good grade of ineatsrrap lard. who va- <:s war against short skirts and cigarettes for Am­ homes all expressing themselves as grain will start and be caught be­ Reserve District No. 12. erica >’ -cents to have been incited to the fray by secret having one of the b e s t times ever. fore well established when there Is Charter No. 280. Mrs. M v'lia Seiuium was a Grants 1 period of surface freeses and worry . c vvhat happened to Rente. . REPORT OF CONDITION OF Pass shopper one itay las, week. thaws. Vnless there is too much THE FID ELITY STATE BANK “rvn.t riea is going the same way that Rome went to Orville Diugler, who is working land to handle In the spring it is at Gold Hill, spent New Years with probably best to wait till spring AT GOLD HILL. IN THE STATE OF OREGON, AT CLOSE OK her ruin,’ says Mrs. Henderson. “Remember it wrs luxury home folks. opens up and sow the standard BUSINESS DECEMBER 31st, 1925. and recklessness, too much thought of pleasure, that caused Friday evening. Jan. 1st, the spring varieties. RESOURCES the fall f Rome,” she adds, all of which may be alarming “Every Ready Class of the Newman Loans and discounts, including rediscounts, acceptances or but net <-.j< lated tccan? ?h'gh blood pressure in 1926. The M. F. C'.urch" of Grants Pass of Bacterial blight of filbert is the I. hills of exchange, sold with endorsement of the hank (in- Washington girls rising coyly in defense of modernism which Mrs. Harold Nourse is a most destructive filbert disease lu eluding items shown in 29, 30 ami 32, If any) ..................... ....... #47,423.60 U. S. government securities owned, including those shown point out that Mrs. Henderson has had her fling, while they member, gave her a shower at her Oregon. Because of its germ char­ 3. in items 30 and 35, if any .......................................................... .......... 6,000.00 home in Rogue River. Rev. and acter it Is easily spread in _young have theirs before them and ought to be permitted to en­ Mrs. Fields and about twenty others plantings by pruning, disbudding 4. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign state, municipal, corporation, etc., including joy it. Nor does Mrs. Henderson’s latest effort to gather were present and presented the nnd suckering if no attention is paid government, those shown in Items 30 and 35 if any ........................ ......... „„ 22,891 99 the country girls around her banner of super morality seem bride and groom with many beau­ to disinfecting hands, tools, or cut 8. Banking house, # ; furniture and fixtures, #1900.00 ............... 1,900.00 (ah) Cash on hand in vault nnd due from banks, bankers Reimer’s disinfecting 9. ■and to have caught on. Replying to her critics in the National tiful and useful gifts. It was also surfaces. trust companies designated and approved reserve agents the 25th wedding anniversary of solution ls*mlvlsed by the experi­ capitoj, Mrs. Henderson, says: “that sort of talk ccmes of this bank ................................................................................. 6,864.2« of the members of the class, ment station. The formula is 1 II. Cheeks on bnnks outside city or town of reporting hank from women of the so-called smart set. The women of the one and other cash it e m s .......................................... ................................. 352.91 Mrs. Geo. FlinL The re-marriage part mercuric chloride, 1 part mer­ smaller cities and the country villages have higher moral ceremony was preformed by Rev. curic cyanide, and 500 parts water Total #82.849.1# ideals than the average Washington debutante. The wom­ Fields in poetry written for the oc­ by weight. Thisis prepared by the LIABILITIES en of the se-called smart set are the worst offenders in re­ casion. They were presented with druggist. 16. Capital stock paid In ........................................................ ........ ..... #15,000.00 gard to immoral styles and smoking habits.” This thought a beautiful silver tray from the 17. Surplus fund ....................................................... ................. 1,500.00 class. A dainty lunch was served Bacterial gummosis of cherry in 18. (a) Undivided profits #833.71 .................. .......... 833.71 is in direct accord with that of the proprietor of a New during the evening. After wishing western Oregon is capable of wreck 21. Net amounts due to other hunks, hankers und trust companies ...145.10 York beanery who last week stopped a woman smoking in both couples many years of happy ing a fine healthy cherry orchard DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than bunks, subject to reserve: his food emporium, soberly remarking “Cut it out girlie: married life all returned to their in the first few years of its life 23. Individual deposits subject to cheek. Including deposits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds ... 60,111.94 where do you think you are, in the Ritz?” homes. Orchardists who use maszard seed­ 25. Cashier's checks of this honk outstanding payable on unuand ... 141.42 iIMB AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and payable Mr. and Mr». Henry Laws are ling trunk and frame work for all Fact is however, that most cf the Washington debutari spending on demand or subject to notice; a couple of weeks visiting varieties of sweet cherries find that outstanding .....z_______________ 7,116.92 tes are girls from the country. Indeed if it were not for in Grants Pass. the bodies of such trees nearly al­ 27. Time certificates of deposit • _________________ ways escape this destructive disease W ashington’s shifting population and the heavy influx of E. W. Scott was a business visitor Total ................................................. ....... ........... ................... #82,849.18 the rural flapper it is hard te conceive hovA life would be at Jacksonville last Wed. The European fruit scale, Uran­ STATE OF OREGON, County of Jackson, ss. bearable in the great city of statesmen. And the short skirt Henry Law’s and wife enjoyed a ium, I, Walter Zimmerman, Cashier of the nbove named bank, do which attacks prune trees in visit last week from Mrs. Listen- solemnly swear that the ubove stutenwnt is true to the best of my know­ helps not a little. Oregon, is controlled by spraying ledge and belief. , burger of Wolf Creek and Mrs. Hilt- Walter Zimmerman, Cashier. vMrs. Henderson need have no fear for the moral of the sback from Wash., cousin and sister with miscible oils when the trees are dormant. This spray consists CORRECT—Attest: American girl. They are inherent and not to be gauged by in-law of Mr. Laws. I Subscribed and sworn to before me 1 of 5 gallons of oil to 1(M) gallons of BERT ALBERT, the fluctuating use of the tape measure. We all loved Vic­ Earl Scott and Mrs. M. R. Bliss water placed on the trees early as this fith day of January, 192(1. D. Heed, Notary Public. p. H. Myers toria in her day. We admired out Nancy Hanks. But tim­ were Medford visitors Sat. Mrs. possible after the leaves have fal- Henry My commission expires July 2, 1928. J. M. Lively, Directors. Bliss remained in Medford and will es have changed, and so have skirts and sanitation and visit a couple of weeks with. Mrs. human minds. Limbs have become legs thank God, and Delia Dodge and Mr. and Mrs. Eu­ hypocricy is on the decline. gene Dow Lindsey Hartley and w ife were Medford visitors on Wednesday and Two lady visitors at the Recorder’s office in Gold Hill: while crossing the Tolo over-head First lady: “My, my! the City water is so awful now that their car skidded into the railing my family is almost sick; they put so much of that horrid causing the loss of one fender to poison in the water. It has been terrible for a month. the car. are sorry ,0 report that T. H. Second lady: “I don’t mind the chlorine in the water, but B. We Taylor is confined to his bed and the awful taste of the new pipes the town just put in is does not seem to improve as his going to breed an epidemic; we don’t know what them pipes friends all wish he should. He and have been used for before the city bought 'em.” City Re­ wife have been proprietors of the corder, choaking desperately to keep from laughing, wants Waldorf Hotel here for years. to answer the ladies in print for his mirth at the time of Prof Oliver and wife returned on Sunday from Portland where they conversation wouldhave been embarasing to say the least. spent the Holidays. Miss Anderson For almost a month the city chlorination plant has not also, returned from Newberg. Miss from her visit at McCloud been in daily operation because it was not connected to the Carstens and George Fabricious from Spo­ new pumping equipment at the pump house therefore the kane. All were ready to resume taste of chlorine in the water was imaginary and if the their duties as teachers in the school w ater did not taste good it was because of a lack of chlorine Miss Bessie Burkhart, Betty Jean In the case of the lady ‘tasting the new pipes’ her imagina­ and Mrs. Martha Seaman were visit­ tion also was at fault because the new pipes were not even ors Sunday with Mrs. C. Mathis, But there is a big house next door to , connected to her property and have not yet been put into and'family at Talant. Smith’s that no one ever stops to admire. Those who were In attendance at service. the show ‘“The Rainbow Trail” at Its windows are always dark. The ■r.s )W nN gB > K «li«^ Grants Pass New Years day were, Mr. A. K. Earhart and daughter, Ar­ porch light seldom shows a welcome. lene. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mcllvain, T he windows along the side give back Mr. and Mrs. Linzy Hartley, Mr. and spooky refledtions from the street light Mrs. Earl Scott and son Richard and Mrs. M. R. Bliss. on the corner. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bell of Grants Pass were visitors at the Me Ilvaln B -r-r-h ! home over New Years and also at­ i tended the party at the I. O. 0 . F. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shepherd en­ tertained at dinner Christmas the W ith electricity so plentiful, so conven­ following guests. Mr. and Mrs .Earl ient and so reasonable, why shouldn t Dunkin and son Frank of Talent and Mrs. Shepherd’s father and anyone enjoy plenty of light? mother, Mr. and Mrs. Bodkin of Bogue Biver. Electricity is the cheapest service you Mr. Freed, who used to reside can buy. here, was shaking hands with old friends here during the holidays. Mr. Bodkin, who recently leased his ranch to Joe Woodcock is mov­ ing with his family into the Fowler house recently vacated by Rev. Fen­ tons who have moved back to Grants Pass to live. : Clinton Wiley motored over from I McCloud Saturday night hut left his Medford, Oregon car here and returned by train as the roads are getting bad over the Roseburg, Oregon mountains with ice and snow. Cash Paid for Hides. Grants Pass, Oregon After basket ball practice Monday / Klamath Falls, Oregon night n crowd of the school boys and girls went to the home of Mr. Yreka, Calif. n mu partners IN PROGRESS Tnd Mrs. Older and eharivaried Dunsmuir, Calif. them. Mr. and Mrs. Older were married at Christmas time. Mrs. Older was Miss Taylor before her John Pickard, Prop............ Gold Hill, Oregon ■ marriage and is the 7th and 8th M«1 i . n (trade teacher here. The Gold Hill News ♦ ♦ ♦ home always looks so cheerful Switch on the lights! Veal, Beef, Pork a t Regular Prices Special Priceon Bacon 35c a pound Pickard’s Market THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY