Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1916)
Result - Getting Classified ------ C°lumns -— TtlC ONE-ATTEMPT MAN OR M. ¡L. K O R T R IG H T *1 li« I'arber who tr ala everybody rig h t We d< ■tir w ork In flra t d as« shape to please yon. T ry ran . f vire. WOMAN Muin Htreet Claaaili il Rates: O iw cent |» r w o rt, Aral In ortlon, H cent par word lor each Inarrtlon thereafter; No advertlsim-nt Inserted lor less than 25 cents, cash with order. ) MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE .I8TKN!— We have a line creek bottom I ranch lor sal«,"or trail«, one of tb eliest1 in Morrow County. Have you alarm to awap lu ruiuniT Thia la a »12000 deal and you can awing it easy II yon are ready to make a liargain. Nawa office 1 Hold Hill, Oregon. M ahhv (or aure auuoeee and liappinaaa. thouaaml ntembers, botti s e i, wlalilng early marrlagn. Huiidrvd« waallhy. (Vinlhlentlal deaeri ptlot)« (ree Eatabll-hed t e li yrars, The Rellable A by bother with your renters when we have had th« i x|>orleiice in renting or Club, Mra. Wrulwl. 732 Madison, Oak buying ami aelling property any» her« land ('adlornla. 20 28 anil dur legal advisers are capable of collecting any rental we accept. Wrl'.e W»iv P a » Usar, wlien thè aamemouthly Heal Estate Department, care ol the «aprii«, wlll buy yon a homo? Prima Gold Hill News Office. are golng tip all Ilio Urne. Inveet your r e n i and lai I mubi - kniibnt . Inqulrv at News Olite« or write boa 220, G o lii 11III WHY not let tie sell your 'arm pmpeity Wo beve.aeveral fine Eastern Oregon Oregon. M any H om e Gold H ill, Oregon •b o , for example, publishes • "'ant ad 0*0«, * ii .. .. R .!■«•» m t bring tli« result- leal re, dunidua that "ativwrtlaing dnea not pay," almuld study the practical results, In all llu » of endeavor, «•» penaiveranee. Tim law nf "try again" la aa potent In ' want advertising aa in any otlmr effort or enterprise. Wood by tier or cord at low est mar- ket price, delivered. Fir, plno, laurel and oak. John J. Hitter, Phone 2 F 2 I. HOME COOKED MEALS OUR SPECIALTY, You Will Enjoy Your Meals a t the American Restaurant D in in g H a ll. Mrs P. Langdel!, Proprietor. 1 Sunday Mea’» 6 to 8 P.M. Gold Hill, Ore. L o a n s— L oans Grants Pas«, Oregon A Feast of Good Things For But 25 Cents M oney for b u ild in g h o m es and r e fu n d in g m ortgages; R anch, C a ttle, and sh eep lo a n s a sp ecia lty . N o lim it to th e a m o u n t, ch a rg es and in terest rates very low . A ddress or see — American H elo—Hom«-llke Cookiog— Cleanliness Large Dining ItooM , Well Lighted and Ventilat'd NG SMOKING ALLOWED Reference: Anv person wh , baa eaten at this Restaurant Sixth Street, tw o blocks south o f Look lor Coffee i tip Electric Sign “ Good E ats" A . E , K e llo g g , G o ld H i l l, O re . Rooming House Now friend, Have 22 rooms w iih clean, comfortable beds for 25 and 50 cents Rest room with convenience« frre fry patrons Wheat ranches that can lw liought on Now la thè lini« to get your liabke pletore taken before the extreme bot weather start«. Palmer Situilo AGENTS easy terms. News office, Gold Hill, Is th e tim e to h a v e the Oregon. I saw cord wood to atove lengths with power saw, promptly on order. Phone John J. Ritter. 3F21. ’Vented—reliable man or woman to so licit aulwrlptlona lor thia paper. Ula-ral o I* h - to right parly, now. Grants Pass-Medford EOR SALE Leaves Gold Hill Leaves Tolo Butter paper, printed In accordance w ith the law, for sate on order at J. J , R itter, the ready wood-man. Is I-eave Central Point The N ew s office. prepared to fill all orders for the Arrive Medford best hard and soft wood, chunk lu-avea Medford Hard or soft wood, order from John or kitchen stove site. Prices low leave» Ci ntrai Point and quality high. J. R itter. Phone 2 F21. Le aves Tolo Leaves Gold HUI (.eaves Hogue Hiver Arrive Grants Pass Eoa H a i . k - 1. wallon notices, blank leuda morti l£Hgc« etc, at the New» office. 11:00 a. m. 11:20 a. in. 11:45 a. m. 12:00 m. Medford Gran tsPas« Hotel Grants Pass S h ow in g a fu ll lin e of fin e c lo th s. T he lin e is as co m p lete as can be fou nd anyw here FARE Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing. Orders taken for Mark Tailoring Co, Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon $ 1 .0 0 UNKINDNE83. Aa "unkiudness has no remedy nt law." let its avoidance be with you a |>olat o f honor.—n o sun Ballou. OUR PUBLIC FORUM V II.— H O N . E L IH U R O O T O n W o m a n ’« S ph ere We are n ot b u sy —Why n ot start an a cco u n t and Keep Us Busy. This Bank has room for a host of New Depositors. When you consider the benefit of having a checking ac count from which to draw and the safety in having the canceled checks as permanent records you will deposit here T h e G o ld Hill B ank. Free Photograph o f Y o u r s e lf . We mean what wu say whentwe «tale that you will be given an order for one free photgruph upon payment of i> sub-ei ip- tbm to thia paper. Thejpaper is »1.60 per year ami the offer holds good for the balance of October. Now la the lime to get a picture ol die baby or Rome other mcnilier ol the family. The photograph will he. taken nt the office,of the John IL Pal mer Studio at Gold Hili mid will be> credlt.'to any parlor. II you ever naw the work put out by thia studiojyou will not need to be told that thia offer la one dint you will do well to accept. Mr. Palmer baa promised us Hint every effort will be mado by Iflm to please everybody will) lakes advantage of this offer. The Gold Hill News. Gold RIP Phone 17 X Or.gnn, Lei PALMER Do it! Fits-U Eyeglasses STANDS: Nash Hotel, T a i lo r taken by a man that has had long practical experience and in a perfectly equipped and up to the minute st 11 D id you ever hear o f E ye g lasses m ad e to m easure? T h a t is exactly w h a t you g et w hen you buy 2:00 p. rn. ! 2:15 p. ni. j 2:80 p. in. 3:00 p. m. 3:30 p. m. N ot 1:00 p. m . 1 New Sample Book Received P. B O U C H E T FAMILY GROUP AUTO STAG E INK half « ■ e tim i fin« wheat land In Morrow county for sale. $1000 cash W. E. McCRACKEN, Prop. & Chauffeur balance long time. Tills lami is ini- 10:00 a. m. proved and ready for occupation. News Leaves Grants Pass offio», Golii Hill, Oregon. leaves Rogne Rivsr 10:80 a. m. The question of Woman Suffrage la an Issue before the American peo ple. Twelve states have adopted R, four more states vote upon It this fall and It Is strongly u r g e d that It become a platform demand of the national political parties. It Is therefore the privilege and the duty of every voter to Btudy carefully thia subject. Hon. Elthu Root, In dis cussing this question before the Con stitutional Convention of New York, recently said In part: * "I am opposed to the granting of suffrage to women, because I believe that It would be a loss to women, to all women and to every wom an; and because I believe It would be an In jury to the State, and to every man and every woman in the State. It would be useless to argue this If the right of suffrage were a natural rig h t If It were a natural right, then women should have It though the heavens fall. But If there be any one thing settled In the long discussion of this subject, It Is that suffrage Is not a natural right, but Is simply a means of gov ernment, and the sole question to be discussed Is whether government by the suffrage of men and women will be better government than by the suf frage of men alone. Into my Jpudgment, sir, there en ters no elem ent of the Inferiority of woman. It is not that woman Is In ferior to man, but It Is that woman Is different from man; that In the dis tribution of powers, of capacities, of qualities, our Maker has created man adapted to the performance of certain functions In the economy of nature and society, and woman adapted to the performance of other functions. Woman rules today by the sweet and noble influences of her character. Put woman Into the arena of conflict and she abandons these great weap ons which control the world, and she takes Into her hands, feebly and nerve less for strife, weapons with which she Is unfamiliar and which she Is un able to wield. Woman In strife be comes hard, harsh, unlovable, repul sive; as far removed from that gentle creature to whom we all owe alleg iance and to whom we confess sub mission, as the heaven Is removed from the earth. f h e whole science o f to ve n u m m t la sim p ly m ore becom ing th a n o th ers, b u t m ore com fortab le, as w ell. T h ey are m ad e so th a t we can ad ju st th em perfectly to your nose. C om e in and le t us show you how w e do it. Gold Hill, Ore. Pamler Studio, ♦ ♦ ♦ '*,* * * ' * ,* * * * * * * * * * * » " " " " " " ' * " * - x " * t t t t t t t t » « » t t »40 4 0 0 0 0 0 » Let Us Show You How You Can Make Your Work Easy. ii Dr.R. C. Kelsey Cold Hill Ore. AND SAVE MONEY AND LABOR the science of protecting life and lib erty and the pursuit of happiness. In the divine distribution of powers, the duty and the right of protection rests ♦ T with the male. It Is sc throughout na “ ture. It is so with men, and I, for one, will never consent to part with the divine right of protecting my wife, my daughter, the women whom 1 love, and the women whom I respect, exer cising the birthright of man, and place that high duty in the weak and nerve less hands of those designed by God to oe protected ratner than to engage In the atern warfare of government. In my Judgment, this whole movement arises from a false conception of the duty and of the right of both men and women. The tim e will never come when the line of demarcation between the fan» tlons of the two sexes will be broken down. I believe It to be false phil osophy; I believe that It Is an attempt to torn backward upon the line of so cial development, and that If the step ever be taken, we go centuries back ward on the march towards a higher, a nobler and a purer civilization, which must be found not In the confusion, but In the higher differentiation of the seres." An Electric Motor will Work HARDER nnd more 8teadily and an.I pive you LESS TROUBLE than anv horse or engine yon can bnv. We . an furnish von, for ‘png th»n one-third t h « cost of a good horse, a MOTOR which will last a life time ai d give you not a moments trouble. Yon won't hsve to feed it, and it. costs noth- lo g at all when it isn ’t working. It will rio the work of six men a t L-gsCuST for C U R R E N T ilia i the W AG ES o f one. I t w ill run d a r and nip ht and turn out e ip h r lim es the work of a hnr.«, and it is more reliable than oi l D nhl,in, tn o .-it doesn't get tire d , stop to eat, and never gets sick. A r e y o u t a k i n g a d v a n t a g e o f oar e e r v ic e . it Costs Nothing To investigate CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER CO. 2 1 5 W est M ain S tr e e t PHONE i 6 6 M E D foR .D oR .E 6cN To The People With Autos. We do Auto Repairing that suits YOU. We Also carry a fine line of T’res, Tubs ., an 1 accessories for Autos. - AIR SERVICE - You will find our work and prices right on Blacksmithing. Chas. Kell, Phone tl-M G o ld H U I. O r e g o n . Our service is given to plea re you. We hone razors.. Try us. Crystal B arber S h o p C. M. Shaver, Proprietor BLUE LAW VAIIi Our bath tuba are kept clean and sanitary, try them . Portland.—The old Sunday blue lav of Oregon is valid and not In con travention either of the state or the federal constitutions. Three United States judges so agre> In a sweeping opinion handed dowr. __ State» District Judge Wol by _____ United Iverton, w hich upholds the law In ev ery particular wherein attack ha: been made on it In the federal court The opinion denies the prayer of the Brunswick-Balko-Collender com pany, manufacturers of billiard anil pool tables and bowling alleys, for p permanent Injunction restraining dis trict attorneys and sheriffs of 25 Ore gon counties, Multnomah county being one, from enforcing the law. LAWYERS Abstracts examined. Corporation Law. Financial Agents. Trusts, Escrows and Accounts. Estates probated. Collec tions, Deeds, Mortgages. Oensral practice in all courts. Correspondence solicited. Prompt attention. Bank references. Fourteenth gear. LOANS PLACED ON PORTLAND PROPERTY Mosessohn & Mosessohn 714-714-714 C ham ber o f C om m eree Bldg. POR TLAN D , O R IS O N Main Street Gold H ill, Oregon On Relations of Railroads and People The Industrial leaders of this nation are talking to the public face to face through the columns of this paper. The time was when If a corporation had anything to say to the people they sent a hired hand, w h is p e r e d It through a lawyer or employed a lobbyist to ex« plain It to the legislature, but the men who know and the men who do are now talking over the fence to the man who plows. When the lending business men of this nation get "back to the soil" with their problems, strife and dissension will disappear, for when men look In to each other’s faces and sm ile there Is a better day coming. Mr. E. P. Ripley, president of the Santa Fe Railroad, when asked to give his views In reference to relations ex isting between the railroad and the public said In part: RALPH WALDO EMERSON American essayist poet nnd lec turer; leader of the great New England transcenden tal tn o v e- ment. Born Boston. May 25, 1803; died C oncord, Mass., April 27,1882. Was gradua te d from Harvard In 1821. Unita rian clergyman In Boston 1820- 32, quitting pulpit because of ad vancing llbernlistic view s on re ligion. Begau career as lecturer In 1833 and continued nearly for ty years. Settled at Concord In 1834. Became kuowu az ‘the ; Sage of Concord." Ills essays, - In two volumes, first and second i series, mads him world fumous ■ aud remain to this day his chief i claim to Immortal renown. Em- 1 ersoti also wrote a limited num- < ber of poems, many of which nre ] of high class as poetry < — Famous x a * i •