—î The E n chanted C ity it the name given GOlf> M ill by tourist». fo r Ms Beautiful ( re «a biUs, Picturesque Rogue River, the home of »he SpetUed I rout Elec’n Returns G H Precinct. PRESIDENT W ILSON (LA TEAT PH O TO G R A PH ) Irrigation schem e p u t forth by E n terprise G range to Are cur price to many u>ho had worked hard and lost the county. For President Tllugbve......................... 402 TWIleon ......... ltt* H e n l e y ............................... Benton ................... cover la rg e area A large irrigation project 1» under consideration by the Enterprise Grange at Wimer which If put through will prove one of the beat undertaking» ever attem pted in Roxue River. The Grange member* are anxious for the formation o f a district but in order to do thia a survey must be made and valuations taken. T h e people of Rogue River can help by cooperation with the farm ers The plana are to build a dam well up on Evans Creek eo that all the land can be supplied with water. Nothing has deen done yet as the project ia »till up in the air hut h as been endorsed by the Community Club and with the proper support will come down to a reality. 8 t> Repr. to Con. •H a w le y ................................ R ichard»................. •.......... Wo* the» lord ........... v ......... ' ‘ Sec. of State Cannon ............................... *** •Olcott.......................... 2,1 Justice Supr. Court * i«h‘ ................................. •BtirneU .............................. **" ................................................ * ................................... JoH n L e w ta s Food Commis. McKinnon............................ J* Hem pel................................. Sheriff H arriott............................... J •J e n n in g s............................. ’ W ll*oi» ................................... 107 Clerit Caebolt................................. •G a rd n e r.............................. M iller................................... (iM 197 G R E E T IN G S A G A IN Recorder •F loret ..................................... G.rkm g ................................. Preecott .................................. 182 >»J 27 Pub. Serv. Comm. •B uchtel4................................ Van fireear............................. U7 “ • Mr and Mrs Geo. Heminershy have Donald Avery left Wednesday on train 10 for Marahfleld where hi» brotlier Devid moved liere from Blackwell and lieve oc cupied the former home of Hon. Johp I* employed in the depot. Hammc relay. Mr and Mr» P- LangdoB and Edna «at- Mrs Fred Witt and children went to ton motored to Medford In com pen V of Sisson» Tuesday to spend several week» Ralph Darling. with frivmls and relatives. Jus. O r. Court •Galkina..................................... 177 Repr. 8th Dial. •R liellon ......................................°® •Thome* ............................... 44* Dv Arinond ...................... 28 T o w n e ..................................... 723 Mrs Wm Gardener went toGrent* Paee on hnaineaa last Thursday. Treasurer • B la k e ly ............................... Rigg . . .................................. Smith ................................. 188 38 29 Assessor •Coleman .............................. 113 Gallatin ................................. 132 Sch. Supt. Yon don’t need »1,000; about half will buy 100 x 11« feet, nlca shade tree», 3- roota honee, »11 kind* of berriee, at New- burg Or. Address 151» Olin at., Porta- mouth, Or. a A. Cirkpatrlck, owner. 20-31 Mr and Mr» le e Vincent of Table Rock waa in our town Tuesday the guest of Mr and Mrs Norte Eddinge. Surveyor •B ro w n ................................. Fred Dodge went to Orant* Paw last Mr J. W. Marrltt wont to Portland Tuesday on butine««. Wedneeday night on burina*» 204 Repr. 9th Dist. Mr and Mr» Al Petereon motored to Medford Wedneedey afternoon. ................................................ ♦H ow ard............................... M ohr......................................... " Dist. Atty. ............................................. ¡2 W. E. Thompeon shipped a car wheat to Portland on Wednesday. Christian Science Services G old H i u ., Oaauon. YO i’NG WOMAN, going to school, will take care of children evenings and Satur day. Can also do plain sewing. Charg ee reasonable. Apply at New» Office. Regular Christian Srience se< vice» are held every Sunday morning at 11 00 Mr and Mrs John Long and mother, o’clock in the I. O. O. F. hall Everyone in vited . The subject for Sunday Nov. Mrs. Henery Boner, wen* to Ashland on Bunday to visit friends and xelativea. 12th, “ Mortal* and Immortals” . Harold Burnett ot Med fold spent the John Eddington and family moved Tuesday up to Brownsbor jugh where weeks end with Mr and MreGeo Patrick. John will take care of an orchard. Bring us your old hot water bottl.- and Marion Ixtnce wm transacting busines» Mr J, hn lx»ng and wife came out from we will give you 26c credit on a new one. Io our town Tuesday. Bowers Pharmacy Mis-our I Sunday night to visit with Mr. Long's mother, Mrs. Barns and family. Robt. Moore came down from Central Mr» Dey Schrump and daughter Betty, Point on business. Mr* J. B. R. Moorlock returned home returned home from Portland Saturday from Brownsville Sunday night bringing night after spending the summer there with her mother, Mr». Wm. Schrump. J. E. Blackington returned Sunday her mother Mrs waters home with lier. night front Frisco where lie lilts been for aererai weeks iu a hospital. Mr» Daisy Wilson and child came down Mrs Norte EdtHnge spent last week vta- ilit'g Mr and Mrs Luo Vincent of ¡able from Talent Friday night. Her husband bought an Interest in the Lucky Bart Homer Wyatt visited friends iu Central Rock. short time ago from Joe Beeman. Point on Tueeday. Lynn Smith and daughter Dorothy, spent part of last week with E B. Day of Hams Valley. Mr. John Lewtas of Tacoma, Washing ton, a well known traveler and lecturer, will speak Sunday both morning and ev ening in the Gold Hill Methodist Church. Mr, Lewtas has traveled extensively In Europe, Asia, and Africa, visiting such famous countrlesasGreece,Turkey,Syria, the Holy Land and Egypt. l^«t year be visited the European battle field and saw the war as an eye witness. He ha» the en dorsement of (iovenor Wivhyeombe and scores of leading tducators of the North Weet. Everyone should bear him without Curtice Miller and wife of Same Valley Mr and Mre 8. Vroman, formerly of fail. He will also speak each evening at wm transacting business in our city on tills place but now a resident of Ashland, 7.30 during the week. All Welcome. Tuesday. 1 passed thru liere on their way to Yoneola where they expect to more. Geo Had' returned home Tuesday after spending several weeks at W ado. Until farther notice, we will give free Local Mention Geo. Larder and sister, Mrs. .d.iry with each package of Hygienic Tooth Harry Breeding was here from Rock Leach camo down irom Ashland on Fri PMte or Powder, a serviceable celluloid toothbrush holder. Also, we will sell Point Sunday to vlalt his father. day and spent the day with Mr and Mr*. standard 60c perfumes at -6c per ounce Wm. Lewie. until our stock is reduced Bower» Phar Vivian Horton of Pocatello, Idaho macy, Gold Hill.Ore. arrived here Saturday to visit at the Mr» Maude Miller went to Medford home of C. W- Horton. on business, Friday afternoon of last aeek R ogue River. J. Marling came down Irom the Zana ranch at Aahland on 8unuay to attend Coroner Quite a number of people ware lu town to hie voting. on election day and every: one seemed •P erl......................................... 18‘ quite happy over the fact that their Mr» A. E. Kellogg went to Medford on Morrll, J. ............................. 12 choice for President meant peace and proa bueiuese Monday after. perity and wm a enre winner and eo far Co. Conm ’r. a* this valley 1» couoerned it m»ttere » • • m a n ................................ 278 Mr» J. W. Merrit went to Central Point little for with our resources prosperity D u n n ................................... Monday on business. I t eaeured and ae to peace-well, our wall • O w e n ................................ 47 remembered Lincoln worshiped p «ace Constable A. K. Earhart aiid family drove to Mre Wm Kinney went to Central Point and many others and when foreign insult For Sale, Yellow Newtown apples, 30o •Darling R. L........................ 47 per large lug box full. Free delivery in last week to vieit lier parents, Mr and Mrs Mr. end Mr». Neathamer made a -hop- Medford Saturday. became too unbearable the people took Sear», F. ......... 87 6 box lots. Fine kitchen range in good Little. 1 ping trip to Rogue River Wedneeday. care of the problem. Pankey, H. .. ...................... condition. Cheap. Inquire at Nrw» of Sam Sundry and fam ily and Wm. -------- Hutenn, J. .......................... fice, Gold Hill. Deacon Walker made a vieit to Cen Tom Oden and wife were in Rogue W etherell wont to Medford Sunday in Frank Avery h.ia purchased CalDnsni- Darling, Bert .................... 1 Sundry's oar. Mrs. W ethereli, who River on Wednesday. No tral Point and Medford to eoneult the bury's Ford to run on the mail route. Amendment sy »» went down on the train Saturday, rode Mr» Frcida Ohelgren and child came Dentists on Tuesday. 42 Single Item Veto Amend. 144 dawn from Medford Saturday to vieit her 72 Fred Smith ot Pleasant Creek was a back with them. Mrs Wm. Wybnrk li ft for her home in Ship Tax Exemption . . . . M Chas Dowlng and wife of Medford tur- cousin, Mrs Emma Paulson. 121 Lovelock, Nevada Sunday night after Rogue River visitor Wtdneeday. Negro Amendment ............ 87 B. G. Harding w ent io Grants Paaa 122 tn this town a few hour» Wedneedny on spending two weeks with iter parents, Full Rental Value............... W Mr» Minnie Byrley went to Hogue 126 their way to the Hereford! ranch in Same Mr. Chandler drove to Jacksonville Saturday on business. Normal School......................88 0 . C. McClendon. River on business, Saturday. «4 Valley. ____________ Wednesday with the ballot boxes. His Anti-Comp. Vacinatiou .. 10« 87 T. J. Halstead and wife w en t Io the wife went with him to Medford where Bon. Glueing L a w ...............121 Chas Reed came down from Tolo Sat Geo. Pankey came down from Central Harry Tibbills returned from Reeds 118 Pass Sund iy returning Monday in »ru 4 percent Reor......................82 she will visit her daughter. nrday night and stayed over Sunday with 102 Point Wednesday morning after visiting port Saturday and expect« to remain hero Prohibition..........................I 10 in g . hie parents, H . D. Reed and wife. 07 with relative». as agent at the depot. Rural Credit........................ 104 C. O. McCorkle has gone to Salem 6« Tax L im itation.................. I08 Mrs. R. M. P iesley, a former resi to lie a guard iu the penitentiary. Mesdames Sarah Ray, Ella B ck and Mr* Mollie Harrison returned.to Gold Maude Sutton spent Saturday and Sun Election Board dent of E vans Creek but now living In Geo Half motored out to the Nellie Right Hill on Tuesday after several week stay day in Central Point and Medford. Mrs. Scidniore and Mrs. Loaper were W ashington, left Monday for Ashland day force mines Friday of last woek. In Roseburg. where »he m ight locate. Mr». Pr -aley in Rogue River Wedneeday to trad? Mr» Geo Dayton went to Medford on has been visiting friends on Evana I Hunter Stickel.................Chairman Mrs Joe Beeman and daughter Virgie Í Mr« Frank Parent who Is toaching Monday to vieit her grandanghter, Ethel C reek. wife were In Rogue Wm. Haye»...................... ,n d «° John Hi lie end school at Rogue River, voted in Qold Lawrence who te quite ill. spent the week end In Medford. Fred Turner.......... ...........Clerk River Wednesday. Hill Tuesday. E. D . Woodcock opened a meat Ed Bolt............................... 2nd C1,rk Mr» 8. Green of Sams Valley, »topped Prof Mlism visited in Medford and Ash Mrs. H. B eem an ,........... 3rd Clark Mr. Leeper who has been carpontering market across the street from the Mr» Maud Stiokle came down from a few honrs In Oold Hill on her way to land on Saturday. at Wildorville on the Advent orphanage Rogue River Pharmacy on Monday. Medford Tueeday to visit Mr. and Mre. Portland Saturday to visit friends. NICHT FORCE lias returned home. Walter 8tickle. Robert Tweed of Corvallis arrived Japanese Curio Store, 30 North Cettral W ..W . Truax.................. Chairman Mr and MrsOecIl Oorlew and two child Avenue, half block from Main. Toy» .Judge here Sunday to visit J. B. Hair. Mr. A. J .T . Sudili, . BIU Carter of Pleasant Creek visited John Hammereley came In from Willow and oriental novelties. Tea room open ren came down Irom Portland Saturday .. 1st Clerk A. F, Kellogg,.. Tweed is a graduate of O. A. C. F ist Tuesday morning to do his duly lo Rogue River Wedneeday. .. 2nd Clerk afternoons. to visit with Mr Oorlews parents. H. 1). Reed____ hie fellow met» at the poll«. . .Srd Clerk L. O. Walker, •R o b erta ................................... w Evans Creek.