Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1916)
CZ>® C I T Y M E A T M A R K E T M3VAL SALE! Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Fare Leaf Lard F. B L A C K E R .T , P r o p r ie t o r W h ile th e y la s t, G. W. Ager, HEADQUARTERS Republican Nominee For County School Superintendent It elected I pledge myself to an honest impartial, economic administration. I •hall consider it my primary duty to get Into the held at every opportunity, and will set aside certain days ol each week to devote to the personal supervision of our schools. Routine office work will be delegated to a competent clerk. Yoor support will he appreciated. (Paid advertisement) Grants Pass-Medford for Hardware, Carpenters tools, Builders Hardware Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Tulip Enamel ware,Queena Ware, Garden Tools, Haying Tools, W. P. Fuller Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Castor Machine Oil, Engine oils for both Gas and Steam, Guns, Amunition, Miners Supplies, Powder Fuses, Caps, picks, Shovels, Gold Pans, Candle Sticks, and Plumbing Goods. Salt, Bran, Flour, Shorts, Middlings, Alfalfa Meal, r M y stock is com plete and prices lo w e r than the low est. T ry me and see for you r self. w e are g o in g to make the prices on the a b o v e articles so lo w y o u will H A V E to P«y if y o u need an yth in g in this line F iv e p e r c e n t o f f fo r C A S H T h e la r g e r th e b u y , th e c h e a p e r th e p r i c e The BIG STORE CAN’T BE BEAT ON PRICES W. e. McCRACKEN, Prop. & Chauffe 10:00 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 11:20 a m. 11:<5 a m. 12:00 m. Leaves Medford Leaves Central Point Leaves Tolo Leaves Gold Hill Leaves Rogue River Arrive Grants Pass 1 To clear out our warehouse AUTO STAG E Leaves Grants Pass Leaves Rogue River Leaves Gold Hill Leaves Tolo Leave Central Point Arrive Med lord J GOLD HILL, D. H. Miller, C A L L A N D SE E FO R Y O U R SELF OREGON Special Prices! On D R Y G O O D S, GROCERIES and SHOES Follow th is SALE. . L A N C E & CO Vote for 6 2 X GOLD HILL. S7)e Big' »Store fo r STANDS: Nash Hotel. Grants Pass Hotel FARE G. A. G a r d e n e r J. K. Howard, Pendleton Normal School Proven Necessity (Present Clerk) C an d id ate for fo r (Copied from Portland Oregonian) Joint Representative COUNTY CLERK 800 being crowded Into auditorium wlt'i aeatlna ea-' paclty of 560. G .llerle. rilled w?k es r . chid?, te Democratic Ticket. E. W. Wilson. R«.d whal Ihoa, , „ a have , | ecW “ Taxes Must Be Lowered. f t He achieves efficiency for economy, stands for busi ness principles in county affairs, gives prompt attention and due courtesy to everyone alike. h>Bd|< (||e ‘"S rea .r d in i’ acho.l ’ "J “ •" " •« M ad r ragarding condition, in Oregon t a , n l.form to .n X i u M t “ * m ' “ “ re 3 0 8 ° ° “ “ “ ,h « “ " t a * republican nominee F o r S h e r if f No. (Paid Advertisement) (P aid Adv.) Governor of Oregon: 6 0 on the ballot t. I have been Deputy in Charge of the Sheriff « Office lor the past four years, and am fully qualified, by experience and ability, to give a good efficient and economical administration of the office I pledge a rigid enforcment of the laws and will maintain the office in its present efficient condition, and to makesnch fur ther improvements as conditions may jus lily. «hoot of , h„ rla„ ^U tern’oii^Ml’*'” 1 ,or * yinJ.«rOcti:o n :rCh"'' 8 ‘*,e • “M rlnteadeut of Pub.le Mrs T. J. Halstead went to tie I Saturday M a r ia n B. T o w n e DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE FOR KZ-BLSCTIOM M on raising the'■i»ndarg*Sf*oLr*,arho«u‘t 1* wl11 Hlule Normal Kchool <’ P° n .ljm “ * by ••••bllelllag a J. P. Storm ard wife, father find n„u in .tie r<u Kilgore arrived here Saturday night from Jazelle, California. S. J. Blakely went to Jacksonville Monday on btnintM. * “ «<•"» •» n ..d ‘d lf,7ure«n«n ••,’,,'‘'On• , Norm*' M" » ~ ‘ *s u r,.„u y 8 C ^ . : K*rr' P re,ld' " ‘ o' ‘he Oregon Agricultural Mra F. C. Esanian went to Grant« Pt on Tuewifty. By. i M ^ u - t T - - - - - -K o « .e h .e l, R e p r e s e n ta tiv e J. L. Heer. an old resident of Pogue River but now living at Ashland, spent a BETTER AND few days vacation here this week Mr. LARGER THAN EVER P a id A do. Heer is employed by the Ashland Btor- Is my stock of Sterling Silverware, every age Company. piece of Standard Make and Newest De Mr. and .Mrs John Sacra, of Terre A l l o f th e s e T a x C o lle c tio n s sign. We feature the exclusive Etr scan Haute, Indiana, and their two little Clairmont, Chantilly and Fairfax patterns have been promptly deposited in th e ch.ldern arrived here Mpnday for a in Sterling. Local Mention Treasury. The Sheriff is observing law s' ort visit at the Gorham h m •. They We also carry twoGorham Plated silver requiring all delinqusnts to be brought 8- A. Childers, wife and little daughter have been at the San Diego Exposition patterns in knives, forks and spoons, forward on the current rolls and entered of Ashland arrived here Tuesday night and are making a tour of the west. which have more silver on than any silver upon tho Tax Receipts. This is a huge for a short visit with Ed. Richman, on ■attem made, task, and they are doing the work as dil I. W Jacobs, wife and two son* were Evans Creek. Mr Childers may hunt. igently as possible daring the stress of a in town Saturday from Medford. They F. D teaper and wife of Ean Claire, have been living at Thedd but sre now heavy tax collection. It is praissworthy In the Sheriff to find his office administ Wisconsin, who have been visiting rel locating in Medford. The Jeweler. ered with no bustle or confusion. Only atives here for a few days, left Toe-day Bill Kelley left Wednesday night for for Los Angeles where they will sj end House of Quality. expert men are employed In the office, in Lis home in Cottage Grove. the winter. Visitors Always Welcome. the tax collections and other departments Nick Heller of Evans Creek was in Correct time. Phone 10. of the office. And ft is a great pleasure to 1 T. J. Fee, father of Frank Fee, retnrn- find Jackson County coming forward as •d to his home in Woodruff, Kamas, town Sunday and left for Waldo where Send Us Your Mail Orders. He will be for a few day«. one ol the beet officered and equipped ueeaay. Mr. Fee has been with his son Mrs. Garfield Laws and her two little counties in the state. Undoubtedly it is for nearly a month. D. Wright of Chippewa Falls, Wiscon , daughters went to the Pass Wednesday economy to employ only efficient men in Dr and Mrs Whitaker went to Medford sin arrived Tuesday to make liis home to have little Mattie's tooth filled. the office of tax collector. I have scan Tuesday to spend tha day here. Dr. J. C. W hiteaker and wife left on ned every tax collection and every foe Miss Ercell Carrol spent Shnday in Tlmrsday morning for Srattle, where coming into the office and I find nothing the Paas visitltlng. Mrs. F. N. Smith was in Rogue River they are intending to make their future Wednesday from Pleasant Creek. ont of place nor entered wrongly. This Hob Frost drove in truia beluia T les- home. Dr. Whiteaker has practiced here is an unusual good iecord. The High School will soon reach the day, returning Wednesday. eorae time aed leaves many friends. forty mark. The following exerpt from Certified Public Accountant's report to Couaty Court filed March, 4th., 1916, with the County Clerk, Indicates the conditions of the office. U n lv.r.lty ef R o g u e R iv e r . s;aM ^ c h X * ' h c.N:rn,*‘ Federation of WornVn’g’ ciubi*'**"* Schoo?“ ' , . S X F N t : . oX o co, *- te u " :1 Martin J. R eddy **" Or#» on f * 1''« « t k . location of said Norm al wou-i'i' s .* .: 8 8choMo?!k e y ’ ER P r M , ‘ ’ " ‘ • « “ » - « . O rego n N o r m ., N orm ai'“glehooPPa|r 'p i! i3 |,l,o'ii!!n"/ ot “ «astern Oregen d e c l a r e , ' t o ? • ° ,h el l ^ " , l i ’vr ” Porllnnd c P •'l>l».re“'J " m»l «l.o o l in , S r „ no™ 3 0 8 X YES t p . , , W“ ' N° rn" ,‘ for N° r’ IS A VOTE FOR r o u t CHILDREN i ■ « ™ “ 1 c— winn. H .e y , Fandletan. Ore.