Notice of School Meeting. Notice ie hereby given to the legal voters of School District N o. 57 of Jack- eon C ounty, State o f Oregon, that a School Meeting of eaid Dietriot will be held at Gold Hill High School on the tMh day of October, 1916, at 3 o'clock Ie the afternoon to vote on the prop* oeition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the dietrict during the fia-alyear beginning on June 19th, 1916, and end ing o n June 18th 1917, is estimated in the following budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county eehool fund, elate echool fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the dietrict: BUDGET Teachers’ salaries *5,000.00 Apparatus and supplies, ench ae maps, chalk, erasers, eto- Tee, curtains, etc. 100 00 Library hooks 75.00 Playground equipment 10. Ot i Janitor’, wages 650 00 Janitor's supplies 50.00 Fuel 22M 0 Light 90.00 Water 50.00 Clerk's salary 50.00 Postage and stationery 25.00 For the payment of bonds, warrants, notes and other in­ debtedness, contracted prior to May 92, 1915, and for in­ terest thereon 2357,50 For the payment of bonds, warrants, notes, aud other indebtedness, contracted on or after May 92. 1915, and for ii '.erest thereon 66.48 Total estimated amount of money to be expended lor all purposes during the year »8578 98 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county sc hoc! fund daring the coming school year »126« 00 From state school fund during the coming school year 304.00 Cash now in the bends of the district clerk 1651.60 Cash now in the hands of the county treasurer, belonging to the district 94.98 Estimated amount to be recei­ ved from all other sources during the coming school year 600.00 & =:D G he C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T b- Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard C om m encing Thursday, Oct. 19th and continuing W . F. B L A C K E K T , P r o p r ie to r A Carload of Flour HEADQUARTERS at less than Present C ost. for Hardware, Carpenters tools, Builders Hardware btnves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Tulip Enamelware.Q ueena Ware, Garden Tools, Haying Tools, W. P. Fuller Paints, Cils, \ arnishes. Castor Machine Oil, Engine oils for both Gas and Steam, Guns, Amunition, Miners Supplies, Powder Fuses, Caps, picks, Shovels, Gold Pans, Candle Sticks, and Plumbing Goods. W e are g o in g to offer the people o f this v icin ity a chance to lay in their w inter flour at less than present co st, in order to make room for shipment o f flour due us. until stock o f flour is reduced. P resen t Prices M y stock is com plete and prices lo w er than the low est. T ry me and see for you r self. Five percent off for CASH CO LD H IL L , D. H. Miller, Crown Flour I $2.00 W e offer SPECIAL FLOUR SALE PRICES 20 sack s a t $1.70 10 sacks a t $1.75 5 sack s a t $1.80 H igh F lig h t 2.00 20 sack s a t 1.70 10 sacks at 1.75 5 sack s a t 1.80 Peacock 2.00 20 sack s a t 1.70 10 sacks a t 1.75 5 sacks a t 1.80 W hite Loaf 1.75 20 sack s a t 1.60 10 sacks at 1.65 5 sacks a t 1.70 Bear Brand 1.65 20 sack s a t 1.50 10 sacks a t 1.55 5 sacks a t 1.60 This is fo r cash and if y o u in vestigate y o u will OREGON see that this offer is exceptional. Aluminum Ware Tree to Customers L A N C E & CO GOLD MILL. CZ»e Big' «Store PHONE 8 - I Total estimated receipts, not in­ cluding the money to be rec­ eived from the U x which it ie proposed to vote 3916.58 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the Tear *8578.98 Total estimated receipts not in . eluding the tax to be voted 3916.58 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax 4662.40 We estimate that a levy of 12 mills will be required to produce the amount of special tax money shown above. Dated this 12th day of October, 1916 A ttest: Fletcher C. Stout, D istrict Clerk W. W. Truax, Chairman 24"25 Board o f Directors. We will give eway absolutely free to our customers of this store, a com­ plete set of the World * Best Quality Brand Aluminum Ware Guarantee. Every time you make a cash purchase you willjreceive a Free Alumin­ um Coupon corresponeing to the amount of your sale—you save these coupons, when you have the necessary amount of coupons to entitle you to the one or more pieces of Aluminum Ware you desire, bring the cou­ pons to us and take away the Aluminum Ware they entitle you to, Free. In this way we share onr profits with our customers. We know our regular trade will appreciate this, and continue to trade with us, and un­ doubtedly favor us with greater patronage because it will pay you to buy everything here. Then too. many who have not traded with us will be glad to secure a set of this beautiful Ware free also, and thia will increase our trade considerably, ao in that way we both benefit, the store and the customer. Edison Week N o coupons given on sales of farm im p le m e n ts B ills paid in fu ll by 5th o f fo llo w in g m o n th act sa m e as cash . C all a t e u r ito r e a t one». See th u b ea u tifu l w a r t a n d g e t e ta r te d f o r a e e t . G o ld H ill Implement Co., West Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon t Albert Mattis hauled several loads of F. M ill more and family, accampani Cedar fence posts from the Fitzgibhon |ed by Mrs Hattie Williams, took a load place last week. of beans to Grants Pass one day last week Mrs Bert Jones and s >n, and Mrs Carle Robert Mahlon and family, returned J called upon the Short family a few days la ‘t week from the coaat. »«o. Mrs Fitzgibbon aud baby Jean were Mr Hobbs, wife and family, havamov- j callers on this creek Monday evening ed onto ths.Jssse Cotton Place. She Intends to leave for Medford next Ben. C. Sheldon. | Miss Jean Fisher was recently called to her home in Seattle, Washington by the sudden death of her mother. Johnnie Short worked a few days this week lor Charley Champlain. Ed Boling and Fred Koester spent a tew days hunting cattle Ibis week. Grant Wertz of Rogue River brought a mining man here Monday. Chas Chapman called at the Shoit home Sunday afternoon. Jake Rowe and Mr Wetherbee were on the ereek, Saturday. Ed Dimmick, Chas and Carl Magerle B >b Cook and family of Gold Hill were Were on the head of Evans Creek a few visitors on Foots Creek, Sunday days, killing three deer. Frank Gillmore, 8hertnan Estel and There will be a dance at the Cotton Reuben Koester, ail of Rogns River, left borne Saturday the 21st. on Friday for a hunting trip. Are your ears keener than the ears of the music critics of more than two hundred of America’s principal news­ papers? These music cri.ics cannot tell the human voice from Edison s Re-Creation o< it by his new invention. Zella Coverdals, has had the fun of | of having a boil on her heel. There Is a t least one candidate before the people o f Jackson County, Charley Kinkle, killed a big buck sev­ who should receive the vote of every eral days ago. citizen w ithout regard to party lines. T hat man is BenJ. C. Sheldon, candi­ Jesse Cotton intends to build a new J date for the State Legislature. house on his place this fall. H is record during several years past, of hard, u nselfish work for Robt. Malone will spend several months advancing the Interests of thiB sec cutting wood lor the sugar factory. tion, proves his devotion and ability to g et results. Ha is a rancher and Mr and Mrs Ham have moved onto b u sin ess man. He is pledged to Geo. Lance made several trips to Gold Hill, last week. strictest econom y, and best efforts for the old Mathsu’s place. — th e in terests of Jackson County and Mrs Foyer and daughter Gussie, w< re th e state. A vote for Sheldon is i There is a new mine starting up on callers on Foots Creek, Monday. Bear Gulch. vote on b eh alf o f our own interests. Grandma Colburn, of Rogue River, is ■till in a very serious condition, Can You Be Deceived? Messrs ThashM and Claude Burkhart of Rogue River recently finished a new bridge on Foots Creek. Amy Koester called upon Mrs. Whit­ ney, Monday. Deila Carpenter of Savage Creek is now working for Mre Champlain. Tfe NEW EDISON This is Edison Week. Every day of this week we are giving special demonstrations o f this marvelous instru­ ment. We want you to come to o u r store and test your ears. Come at any hour M. D. B o w e r s G o ld H U I. O regon.