Cate (o Crater L a k t I I h . He*l and aaar»»l ruad tn Ih « baautlfut. M a n u wendvr fa thru (» O lt, M i l l . f r y * "aal rim a you to w * « o r way. Sharp Predicts Corn Growing. Government man think» Hogue River eoil it adapted to corn raieing. S l a t . . th a t n o l M » l 5«< prosper»/* ra n h l lo w o p in in g o f O . an d C. L a n d .. T h« E n c h a n te d ’C ity lie ÔMλ B ill Grant Muoia formerly the druggiet In tld» city paaenl l liru here with the Ore­ gon University Hall Teem, eutoing to San Franaiseu. Lawrence Cardwell motored over Iroin Fort Klamath Tuesday lor a law day« viali here. John Foldings and family motored up to Hrownaborough the Brat ol the week on huslneae. Mrs H. L>. Handereon and baby, Iroin Tacoina, Washington, la vlailing Ihla ei-ek with bar parun la J. W. Merrill. Rogue River, O h , Oct 1», 1916. L. L. Sharp, who liar cliargo ol tlx* Mrs James Oormitl ol Central Polnt governiuunl cruisers (hat hare boon »Is- and Mrs Shlpley Rosa ol Grant« Paee tinned Item lor svversl wvvks, stated that epelit Saturdey lii Gold llill the gueate ol lb« work iu thia r»uuly was completed tlic Merrill home. and haa now moved Ida invii to Roae- hurg to begin work in Douglaae Count; E. Il hay ol tlic hay ranch ha« been When aaknl aa to the «'ffect ilia work ol elaatlfyng the lauds lu thia district would having quite a bit ol plumbing dune by have ou itogna River he aald: “ It will he II. 11. Leonard ol Gold HUI. one ol the beet tilings that ever happened Extensive repair«« ara being made al to tide partol the country Whan thia laud ia thrown open, probably before Ilia l,anre Store. Thia work is beiug rush thu laal ol the month, new-comers will *-«l and whan completed w ll be occupied oe altractai here by the splendid oppor­ by the store ol Truax and Company. tunity to olrtain laud that they can work ou. It ia no plai n lor thv man who ea- John Eddington went op In Sams Val­ iwcta to 11n*l a holiHiua, but the man who ley Monday to visit Ilia Grandmother la looking l*>r a place where ho can gel Eddington who is quito ill with pneu­ In and work thv land up P> aometldng la monia. going to 11 ml it. lie ia (lie Ilian w h o will make giOHl. Aa to the land iter'll, It ia .Mr» J It. Mourlock boarded train 14 aonte ol the beat I believe I «»or »aw lor on Tuwadity for Brownsville, Oregon, to corn raising Corn can la* grown not vi«it hir mother, Mr» Eda Waters who only In the valley but on the bill» a* is reported seriously ill. well. Fanners who will hilil'l allot an 1 iron: their corn In that way and use It Mi Ji-a-«* hanks went to Grant« 1‘asa for feeding purpose« will make a great T u esd ey <>n business. deal more (ban the larnwra who raise corn lor grain pnrpeee» only. W Idle (he J. W. Herron returned on Wednesday grain vain* ol the oorn ral***l here will be vary »m ill, (he ensilage value will he morning liom an extended trip thru nor­ large There la one thing about Ihi« sec­ th rn Oregon, Utah, Illinois, Indiana tion that I haw particularly notlc *1 anil and olilo, .»topping in several huge cities that la the lack ol up-to-date farmers. I enroute. don't recall lug a »ingle ailo iu this valley. T ic opening up ol tin» land will bring u p T —late w " In here win» will ehow tin* faruisr» who arc already litre how they make mistakes. They will build slloa and grow corn lor ensilage." AH the Urn, with iesa -teiasi IIWMM» feel ol limb -r to the lorty acres will tie opened lor boOMIb*ading »» ia»l aa the class)lieatiou can be made and sent to Luther Arm entrout from the - h tie* land otiica. Wlieru there ia over that Paee ie thrown from amount ol tinilwr the land will be aold lor timber. There It very little tlmhor the machine land loft in tids country.” Tie* craw working under Mr Sharp are Luther Armentrout of Grams Paas was all able men who have lieen connected thrown Irom his motorcycle on Saturday with largo lumbar concern» end are well evening when the wlteel ol hia side-car known lu lumber elrclee, Sharp ia a very struck a culvert. The accident occurred capable mnu and la directly responsible on tlie road about a mils above White for the work he la doing He lias a wide experience and knows what lie says, lie Urot., ranch. Artnenlrout eseaped without any injury la es|>eclally able to comment on thia ter­ except pealing some skin front hia arm. S d Z T n ; i X e - . . T ; n g T ^ | T h . Pn. : ..... J was s.igh t., dam «*« - ritory because ol the exact work that ia Navy Investiga- tion dears bad errors If Mr. Milam will put hia objection» Navy R xcbi ' itimo H tatio «, In concrete form, specifying in what Mxnroan, Oax. manner the Hie is not agreeable I will Ocr, 11, 1910 lay the matter before the proper author­ Editor, Gold HUI Newa, ities for inquiry, and wholly without pre­ hear Sir:— Klndly give the following letter judice to him. Ho sincere ia the Navy Department to to the public thru your paper. 1 am Informed that Varnon Milam, secure the beat of the countrys young • ho is at home on Furlough from the men that a raeent law, which took affect Navy Training Station at Han Franalaco, August 29, 1915, provide« Gist at the e x ­ ia circulating complaints concerning the piration ol one year’s service at sea, an treatment, end the hardship ol the dis­ enlisted man may secure hia discharge cipline prevailing there. 1 am greatly upon request surprised In hearing ol bis complaints a« Let meaaaiire all young men, conterrr the Navy Department It putting in force I plBtinK entering the Navy thru the train­ ai the training stations, all possible | ng schools that there ismo real hardship meant to lessen the burden if such there Bntj t[,Bg the discipline is n<* mors severe ‘ ol the discipline and to make the Ills ! t[lan Bt B,| weil conducted educational in- be ol the recruits pleasant and aspiring, thus »titutions of our land, and that no field securing from them hearty cooperation of endeavor offers such scope for laudable in making the service a pleasant task and and patriotic ambition'. giving their ambition tlw highest possible From the rejiorta that weekly come to scope. tny office from all tlie recruiting stations Especially am I sorprised in receiving In the country. I ha>-e been pleased to tliis Information from the (act that par­ not«' that young reerulta who are on home ents of young men who have gone from I leave speak most highly of the service and Medford, Grants Pass ami Talent, to the give to the recruiting officers moat effici­ Training Station have receive letters ent aid in secoring deaireable man «or (r mi their sons, in which they describe the Navy. the lib* at tli« Station as the moat agree­ J. E Noratrom, able and from which they obtain the Chief Quartermaster, highest degree of enjoyment and benefit. U. 8. Navy. In charge ol Those having experience witli Naval Navy Recruiting Station schools are aware ol the fact that it often Medford, Oregon. occurs that young men, temperemantally opposed to any discipline ami who have Gout H ill , Ontano». not been under tlie experience ol helpful October, 16, 16, homo discipline, m find, nomo and su a school em oin oiacipuue, m , lor ■>*« a » *..... . .....« ....... ............ -«»> s. lite name g te n GOLD M1U by tooriata, f o r ts Boautffwt grao« hills, Pkturaaque Rogue River, the boote o , the Spedded Treat Latest Hate, Coats and Sul's at Moder ate Pricea. Coma In and Investigate —The Ladies Shop. Gold HUI, Ora. -25 David Brown antral Point was a caller it thia city the pant week. Foots Creek's Irrigation Plan Mr and Mrs McClendon are entertain- Petition ie eigned by ; ¡rig their daughter this week. 95 cent o f the votere in the Mr» Bart Carter, of Arizona, eame on voting populace Sunday Io visit with Iter Aunt an«1 Unde j p Ddtrich aDd wile ol this city. Mrs. O r s a n ita tio n ia am an o f nati Carter waa formerly kno* o here as Fanny m ani a n d g ran tor praaparity f a ta r .. Smith. She was accompanied by her two sous and Mr Carter may come, in aboot The petition lor the establishing of ea a month. Later they expect to visit in irrigation district in ilia F o ils Creek see- Portland. tion has been circulated and signed by nintyfive per-cent ol the votere end wee There will be a “ Shadow Social’ on filed with the County Court who have Tuesday, October 24th., at th< H F ordered the publication ol notices. Church in Gold Hill, lor the It The F.tota Creek district will be heard tlie "Church Piano,” under tin by the County Court November 9th. The ol tlie Bible Class After a cart-u project enibrao« 1200 acres on the south pared program refreshments will b side of Foote creek, and according to its ad. Admission, 10 cente. Everyone ■ promoters, bat two landowners in the ex [stele. 1 to be ou hand and have the district are opposed to irrigation. Attorn­ time of your life. ey C. M. Thomas of Medford is attend­ ing to the legal end ol the matter. C. W. McDonald, president of the M e th o d is t C hurch .Jackson County bank is chairman of the S e r v ic e « organization, and assisted by a committee G old H i , l , O kbuos . composed of G. B. Alden, Charles P. 10 A. M. Champlin, D. H. Head and Fritz Iseman Sunday School 11 A. M. from the Farmers’ club ol Gold HilL Regular preaching services The p-opoeal of an irrigation district 7:30 P. M. Evening services in the Foots creek district Is a good 2:30 P. M. Junior League 6:30 P. M. omen of the incroage of sentiment thru Senior League 7:30 P. M. the valley for artificial watering. Rain Prayer Meeting Thursday The Sunday School Social in the M. E. is badly needed at this time. Church on last Tuesday evening was a Jno Hammersley. collector forth eU .8. splendid success and very encouraging. Refreshment« were set ved to over, sev­ Biological Department, visited In Gold enty people. All the committees work Hill Thursday and reported that he has this season sent eleven Cougar pelts and was very satisfactory. a family of Fox to the department. He Frank Burnet the enterprising Furni­ has beer, asked by the government to ture man ol Gold Hill likes the News look over the Umpqua country for timber anil paid up for two years the other day. wolves and he will leave for those parte shortly alter election, Who is next? «indoli« som ewhat IrkeooH, hut thin fe3l With regard to what the District Com­ mander has published in the News; I C o n lrU o t.J t r have not meant to say one word against M t .. J . B . H U B .. the Navy. I am sorry If I have »aid an, thing tbs' would lead anyone to think Miss Alice Chandler, a pupil of the .such. M i l l n w g fcw i H ri I > a i h i m -vte- I was never illtreated In the Navy and ltlng her parents during Inuitnta week, had the best ol care. left lor Medford Sunday. Southern Oregon Minietere are Vernon R. Milam. Married, at Jackaonville by tlie Rev. Apprentice Seaman, U.9. N. Hutchinson, pastor of the M. E. Church Here to hold Confer­ 35 iss Etta Xeathamer and Howard Laa. Mr Lee, of Imperial Valley, California, ence a t Rogue River. Herold Burnett of M»diord spent the Curtis E. Miller ol Sams Valley was in has rented a larm on Pleasant CreeX o l weeks end with Geo. Patrick and wile. town on Wednesday with a load ol Bald­ The Presbytery of Southern Oregon, Wm. Hillis, where the newly-weds will He exhibited a Robert Turner returned to his home in win apples and cider. held their semi-annual meeting in Rogue make their future home. Their many Klamath Falls on Monday after spending small sack of Paper-eitell Almonds that River on Tuesday and Wednesday with friends extend congratulations. a week in Gold Hill with his uncle, Geo. cannot be equalled. Miss Vert Rigsby iaft Wednesday to a record attendance. In the absence of Tin iter. Mrs Walter Scott ol Sams Valley was Rev. J. M. Spencer, Rev. Bandy ol Cen attend Normal 8 thool a» HaeSor, H u n - Toots Duseoberry, ol Sardine Creek, shopping in Gold Hill, Saturday. tral Point acted aa temporary chairman. bolt County, California. made a bastneea trip to Montague Galil. L. C. ApplegaV left on Saturday night Tuesday night addresses were given by E. E. Richman of the Sunny Bide farm on Wednesday. for Miami Arizona to work in the mines Dr A. J. Montgomery of Portland, super­ motored to Grants Paas on Thursday and Mrs Fred Witt and child wenttoUrants Al Engle came up from Rosebnrg on intendent ol home missions in Oregon ; remaint^i several days, attending the Pass on business Wednesday morning. Sunday to visit his old time friend, 0. C. and W. O. Forbes, of Seattle, synodical lectors« given the International Bible As­ Bing none, t / ¡„need the high culvert threw It from the road superintendent of Sunday school borne sociation . Henry Brett came down Irom Crater Me Olendon. rew.‘ ‘ About' two »ninths has bee., spent into a telephone pole, twisting the Iront missions in Washington. At a special Office seekers are interviewing our Born in Go’d Hill, October 9th to Mr. la k e Saturday intending to spend the ere and to the south ol here by this [ .“ j,,"“ , " ,‘a p p lied about and Mrs. Herbert Darling, a seven and meeting Wednesday morning Rev. J. K. fanners three days. Strange how they winter in the vicinity ol Gold Hill. •row. They have a lew days work in one hall pound son. Mother and cliih! Howard read his report and resolutions love the honest sons of the soil just before H. E. Thomas, ol the Freight Depart­ were passed in appreciation of the hos­ •lection, isn’t it. .iraute Pass and then their work will lie seven o’lock in the evening while he was traveling at lather high speed without ment o! the O. R. and N. at Portland, are doing splendidly. pitality ol the city. Dinner was served it Roseburg. Wm. Williams’ Ed Dirnick and W . A. Mrs Janies Fltxgibbon and child came Itia lights turned on. with his wile visited in Gold H ill while by the ladies of the local church after —Rogue River Argus. Van Goethan have purchased a six hone down from Foote Creek and visited in Arranging lor the sale ol property In tbv tlie special meeting. The next meeting power bean thresher which is doing good 1 tecum addition lelt him by bis mother, Gold Hill a few hours Saturday' on her will be held et Roeebnrg in April. Creek Win. Steers ol North Evans work and is a big boost for the country. way to Medford. Mrs. A. C. Thompson, deceased. ■pent Wednesday In 0« id Hi.I. Kanck Carter was business visitor to W. M. Cheshire came up Irom Grants Mrs Ftank Wllmarth of Grants Pass Rogue River this week. Pass Sunday, the guest of Mrs Bowman. spent Sunday in our city the guest ol Geo. Beers of Wimer passed through Mrs. Henry Payne snd son Harry, are Bird Johnson of Debenger Gap was Tom West and wife. Rogue River on Ills way to Gold Hill by Amy Koester visiting at tlie home of her parents O. W . Tits teachors Institute, held at Grants transacting business in Gold Hill, Satur­ Mrs Ella Caine and children went to Tnewlay to trade Pass was a great success in attendance Medford Saturday on business. d ey . Millers. Tbe honor roll for September in our and in having excellent instructors. Wallace Galbreath and Howard May Work is going ahead rapiply »1 both school is as follows: Tlie teachers ol Gold Hill attended the field were driving cattle to the Pattillo the Oxley nnd the Bouden mines. 1st Grade | lull session whereby this district will re ranch last week. | Retha Cotton, Charlie Hobbs, | eelvo five dollars for each teacher. II the heirs ol Andrew J. Taylor will Dan Neathamer killed two fine bucks 3rd Grade While in session the Jackson County write to b ,x 234, Gold Hill, they will con­ on Sixes Creek last Sunday. Ward McOuat, Roee Hobbs, | teachers presented toSupt. J. Percy Wells fer a favor on tills office. Mesdames Howland and Dirnick were 4tli Grade [ a beautilul gold watch in token ol his Earnest Woodcock, visiting relatives in Rogue River last good an«t faithful work done In Jackson V(. A. Hattren of the Co. | County. 5th Grade . 8 u n«iay. _______________________ was in this city the past wistk. Jane McOuat, Elliot Butter, Johnny Duffer, Muriel Matheus, Wm Knotts returned from Carvill«, Prol. Milam delivered an address on 6th Grade California, on Wednesday, after spending C. D. Wolverton ol tlie colony wa" 1“ I the “ New Education” ; he was alsoelect- i ieice McOuat, the summer there. Gold Hill thia week with hay and potatoes od »* cretary »1 the Principal Athletic As- 7tli Grade We mean what we aay when we state that yon will be given He report» extensive operations on vari- I «elation of Jackson County. Games ol Maude Carr, Victor Birdseye, M. 8. Johnson and Martin Bowers, left an order forons free photgraph upon payment of a subscrip­ Hili Grade ou iinprovuntcnta near his ranch, for upper Evans Creek, on Sunday after­ basket ball have been scheduled with the Emma Woodcock. tion to thio paper. The paper is $1.50 pt r year mid the offer | following places: Phienix, Jacksonville, noon on a hunting expedition. Those getting 100 in deportment are bolds good for the balance of October. Now is th,- time to get Ben Sheldon ol Medl rdwnsn politico’ Talent, Rogue River, anil Central Point. W. W. Truax anu wite, Mesdames Goo .lane McOuat, Emma Woodcock and a picture of the bsby or some other member of the family. Iverson, Walter Stickle and Lucy Mae, caller hero this week. The photograph will I m * taken at the oflice of tb© John B. Pal­ Murriel Matheus. J. Durkee, brother-in-law ol Geo. Ring motored to Medford on Sunday afternoon mer Studio at Gold Hill and will b© a credit to any parlor. If Mr an«i Mrs Jamison and Mrs Clippen to see the Golden Special (Hughes cam- banco and Co., gave a true show to the Ilia» mined witli iiis family to Rogue you ever saw the work put out by this studio you will not need o( Galls Creek were caliers on Foots Creek poign train). school child re n and ladies on Monday River from Hartline Creek. to lx) told that this otter is one that you will do well to accept. Saturday. afternoon of tliis week. It was Intended Mr. Palmer has promised u® that every effort will be made by Bring ns your old hot water bottle and Tlie Misses May Maitbe and Ida Hou- Harry Slavin who lias been working in we will give you 25c credit on a new one. that ihe latest, stylet would be shown but him to please everybody who takes advantage of this offer. El.m ath County, visited friends here last | ton of Trail Creek visited in Golii Hill tlie reel did not arrive on linn Bowera Pharmacy. week before leaving for Waldo. | with Mrs Hodges a lew moments Satur­ Christian Science Servicee The Big p inrs Lumber Co., are remov­ day on their way home (runt Grants Murial Matheus called upon Mrs Ham G old H ill . Oaxoon. ing tlie res: ol the lumber from the sited» Puss witsre tliey attended tlie Institute. Sunday. so that L m ce.k Co., can use tlie pine Goo Lance and wife were callers at tbe Regular Christian Scienoe services ns M warohouae. Tito building will lie re Gold Hill, Box No. 2 3 4 Phone17X Oregon. Fitxgibltons place Monday morning. are held every Sunday morning e t l l 00 Miss lteiali Eaton returned to Her school modlled at once. | in Talent on Sunday alter spending the Jane and Barbara McOuat spent tba o’clock in the I. O. O. F. hall Everyone invited. The subject for Sunday Oct., 112th with Muriel Matheus. ¡wicks etui witli relatives in the vicinity ' tContinu'd on last page) Chas Y oung came down from Medford 22nd., Probation after Death. ol G o l i i Hill. Wednesday on business. Motorcycle Hit High Culvert. log soon passed away and when it does inch men become enlhusia-tically lond ol (tie service and make most efficient ,te lly officers and officers. Vernon Milam is not homo on sick ___ bat is .u» eatelidvd lutloiisb uuak tits end ol hia term ol enlistment and hs ia subject to call and is responsible for his actions in civil life the same as if he waa still in the service. Activities o f The Gold Hill Schools. PresbyteryHas Many Present. Fools Creek Free Photograph o f Y ourself. The Gold Hill News, Evans Creek.