Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1916)
Mr». Fll* Beck e»mc u p from San Diego Thursday W visit h»r sister. Mrs. Sstrsb H»J. The Community Club held a meeting Charles Cbainplin came up from lilt in the city hall Monday night and made F o o t s Creek ranch Thursday morning plans for the coming winter months. on business Previously the Club has n e t on the first and third Monday« of each month, Benton Boners, father of o«r genial but a motion was passed doing away with druggist. Martin Bowers, was in town on the third Monday, thus having only one meeting each month. The tnvmliers dis Tuesday. cussed the financial conditions of I lie T. C. Tomlinson returned on Tuesdsy Club and made arrangements for enter Here morning from s stay of a couple months taining at the meetings. in Washington, for a short visit at tbs after all the meetings will lie held in the home of B. E. Adants, at Rock Point. city hall. He left Friday morning for Loa Auieltw Several of the old member» were not pre and later on to Indixnspoli», his former sent but are expected to lie ou hand for tlie next meetingon November tlth. Two home. new members were added at this meeting. Jim Davis, of the Blackwell Hill dis trie», was in Gold Hill Tuesday. Statement ol the ownership, manage ment, circulation,'etc., required by the act of Congress of August 2-1. lO lï.of the Gold Hill News, published weekly at Gold H ill, Oregon, for October 1st 191«. State of Oregon, County of Jackson, as Before me a Notary Public in and for the state and county aforesaid, personally appeared F. Wallace Sears, who having been duly sworn according to law, depos es and says that he is the Editor and Pub lisher of the Gold Hill News and that tlie following is, to the best of his know ledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership and management of the afore- xaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by tlie act of A ugust 24, 1912, embodied in section 443 Pi «tai Laws and Regulations, to wit : 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business manager are : ( Publisher. ) F. Wallace Sears, Gold Hill, Oregon; (Editor, ).same ; ( Managing editor, ) same ; (Business manager, ) same. 2. That the owners are: F. Wallace Sears, under title of Sears Advertising 8ervice of Gold Hill, Oregon. —Signed, F. Wallace Sears, Owner. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2nd day of October, 1916. —A. E. Kellogg. My commission expires June 18, 1919. Lloyd Miller is on the sick list this week Mrs Richard Robinson leit Wednotday for Gold Hill where she will spend a few days with her hudiaiid. Howard Robin* and wife went to Cen tral Point Wednesday to visit over tlie week end. Mr» F. G. liana returned Wednesday (rom tiranta l'nas. Ed Thompson of Evans Creek was a Rogue River visitor Wednesday. Rogue River shippers are being stiech-d by the Southern Pacific car shortage. 8. H. McIlroy has taken over ths Kings The Local agent reports that at present bury property. Dave Duncan who lias lie has order» in for nine cars, four of been in charge of tbe place has moved which are for lumlier, three for wood opto a ranch near Central Point. and two for hay. There are now three oars being loaded in the yards, two with C. G. Seaman went lo Medford last wood and one with lumber. Monday. Rev J. M Spencer had a sudden call Robert Bean, who has been employed last Friday to the bed side of his father at Gouvern.-ur, New York. He left in in the government camp here, returned the evening with his wife to lie away for from Eugene where he hat been visiting friend» since Friday. several weeks. Robert Bern and Jacob Caba, both of Rev J. K, Howard will occupy the tlie Government eamp, took a spill on pulpit during Rev Spencers absence. Itean's motorcycle Tuesday afternoon. Beaus neck and shoulder were wronclied Mrs Lixxie Scheiffelin-Gerado, of Pastt- in the turn over, but the Injuries were leua, California, »idled Rogue River ► ght and both men are able to I k up this week for the first time in 33 year . ta d around. She came to Rogue River at an early j age and lived here for some time. She left here for Los Angeles about 37 years ' Jacob Cabe of Portland arrived Tues- ago and made her homethere. At present iiay to begin work in ihe government her home is in Pasadena. While in this camp as a timber cruiser. efty she was tlie guest of Mrs C. G. Sea man and others who remembered her ns A. N. Hildebrand of Medford stopped one of the old pioneers of this district. over Tuesday while on his way from the From here she went to visit her brother ' l it »a to Medford. Chaa Schcitfehn in Medford. 3. That the known bondholders, mort Earhart and McCortle have sold their gagees, and other security holders own mining property on Sixes Creek to M ing or holding 1 per cent or more of total L. J ones of Salem. amount bonds, mortgage1, or other secur ities are: No liens on Paper, plant mort gaged to Gold HUI, Bank of Gold Hill, Several students are leaving tliis week. Oregon. Donald Young from High Sell .. 1; Mar 4. That the two paragraphs next above garet Young from the Eighth grade; and giving the names of the owners, stock Mollie Clay from the Seventh. However holders, and other security holders, if any several new students are expected e- n contain not only the list of stockholders to make tip the deficiency. and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company hot also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appear upon the books of tbe company as trustee or in any other fidu ciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is act ing, is given ; also that the said two par agraphs contain statements embracing affiant s fall knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holder who do not appear upon the booki of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner ; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person association, or corporation has any inter est direct or indirect in thé stock, bonds, or other securities than As so stated by himself. Jean Khtiock, who i.- working at the ( \ niciil Plain is under the wcatlier witli a Inn! bruise on Ins foot. All persons having any interest ... said estate and legally entitled thereto are hereby notified to file objections, if any they have, to the final account ol the said A. C. Walker, as executor, in writing, on or before Monday, the 9th day of October, 1916. Dated this 9th day of September 191 g A. C. Walker, E xecutor of the Estate of Jacob Gray Fry, otherwise known as J. G. Fry, de ceased, 19-23 Sam L. fiandry returned last week from a bunting trip on the Little Shasta Costa River in Curry County. He was accom panied by T. E. Daniels and Leon Has kings of Medford, Chas Monaghan of Santa Anna, California and Fred Merrill of Grants Pass. Tbe party killed a liear and five deer. Stock Reducing Sale Prices the lowest that the market will afford. Come and see our line. Big Supply of Highest Grade Flour. If you want low pried flour, ask for it. f Starting about Oct. 20th. Cloak and suit starts soon. This sale will be continued un til our warehouse stock is reduced. Save your money and buy your goods at home I f you are figuring on sending away for goods bring your list to us, and let us give you our prices. We make special rates on large or wholesale lots o f merchandise Harold Norris arrived home Tuesday evening from Northern California. LA N C E & CO tiene Holton went to Grants P*ss last Wvdiiesday on business. Mrs J. J. MeMali n returned from Ash land Wednesday morning, where she has been fur ten days, having her l>aby under the doctors care. B ig b S to re / / ^ Mr»C. P. Champlain was a visitor in Medford Tuesday. T. J. Fee. father of Frank Fee, arrived in Rogue River Sun,lay from Kansas. Mr Messrs Owens and Caldwell attended the Fee will investigate rates on fence pouts circus at Medford last week. while here. Frank McCavel of Evans Creek return- Tuesday. Mrs Dr Briscoe has been ill for the past i ed from Grants ^ PHONE 8 - L \ \ = “ Edison Has No Records 99 few days with La Grippe. Mrs Joe Bristoe made a visit to Grants Miss Gertrude Young, who recently Pass returning Tuts« lay. gave up her portion in Grants Pass, was greatly surprised by a shower of many Dade Terrett, cashier of the First State useful articles Wednesday afternoon at Bank, was a caller to Medford Monday ; her home. Miss Young evidently intends on account of the illness of bis wife' to begin housekeeping for hereelf soon. mother. The Louds who are making their home There will be a “ chicken mulligan at Fort Jones, California were in Rogne on the sand bank of the river near H all's' River Wednesday to move some of their ranch, Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.All j household goods to their new hotne. Christian Endeavorcrs are invited. Aiuminum Ware Free to Customers C e r t a in t a l k i n g m a c h in e d e a l i r . . a y t h a t “ E d is o n h a s n o r e c o r d s .“ T h e ir s t a t e m e n t i s t r u e ____ Notice o f Hearing of Final Account. • • • Notice Is hereby given that A. C. Walker, as executor of the estate of Jacob Gray Fry, otherwise known as J. G. Fry, deceased, has filed his final ac count as such executor with the county conrt of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson, and the court has, by an order made, rendered and enter ed of record therein, appointed Monday, tbe 9th day of October, 1916, at the hour of 10:30 A. M. of said day, at the office of the county judge of Jackson County, Oregon, In the courthouse at Jacksonville, Oregon, as the time ana place for bearing the said final account of the said executor and objtctions the reto. Watch for Lance & Company’s but Edison Has Over 1000 Different Re-Creations hae a trade-mark on the word Re-Creation « applied tn - ¡ a We will give away absolutely Free to our customers of this store, a com plete »et o l the World's Best Quality Brand Aluminum Ware Guarantee. Every time you make a ca»h purchase you willjreccive a Free Alumin um Coupon corresponeing to tlie amount of your sal»—you save, these coupons, when you have the nc -sssary amount of coupons to entitle you to tiie one or more pieces of Aluminum Ware you <1 wire, bring the cou pons to us and take sway the Aluminum Ware they entitle you Pi, Free. In this way we share our profit, with our customer1. We know our regular trade will appreciate this, and continue to trade with us, and un doubtedly favor us with greater patronage becadse it will pay you to buy everything here. Then too. many w ho h a v e not traded with ns will lie glad to secure a sot 'if this her.utifnl Ware free also, and this will increase our trade considerably, so in i bat way we both benefit, tlie store and the customer. No coupons given on sales of farm implements Bills paid in full by 5th of following month act same as cash. <57>e N E W E D IS O N attachment. S o " : ‘" ‘a S The New Edieon was „ X d s " ^ * £ ^ and be convinced. Already he h r e new selections are being produced every week. * V IS IT a OUR , T re creat‘onii on aa*e and STO R E C a ll a t o u r »tore a t on e». See f h it b e a u tifu l w a re a n d g e t t t a r t e d f o r a r e t. G o l d H i l l I m p l e m e n t C o ., West Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon M. D .Bowers Gold Hill, Ore.