Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1916)
Result - Getting Classified ------ Columns ----- Th« barber who treat. everybody right. W« d. , « r worb io (Irrt elee» shape to pi«««* you. Try out ,-rv ire . ■Mnweaaaa», • THt ONt-ATTfMPT MAN OR WOMAN C l« « -l ’ " P r e c is io n . ih.. ceni I« r w r.l, Hr' t ''ìwrtlon, N w*nt l * r W° M ,w ,, J i i i . il. n. 71 m • -..'li'»M. I I I» r t lo ll H ick M a rry - I l •inraiiU» irtU b rtlo o or your J M EN !— We hare a Uno creek bottom ‘ u io .ry r. luu.lrd. GWert, U r i r * , m o rt, ranch for «ale, or trade, uno of the bent ««(ill Over io .UOU tiviitU-rs «»I, in Morrow County. Hare you a fan» V' »wap In return? ThU ta • »12000 dea! lit.. It •» ' ’la»»i many wraith) l»t«r- e U iig j’-'r'lrularn free. ltellahl*CI<ib; i and you can »wing it ea»y If yon are Mr«. Wrutul. 75W Madlaoii Ht.. O ak-, ready to make a bargain. Naw» office Gold HUI, Oregon I« —I C a l i f o r n i a . _______ ' Hard or »oft wood, ord«r from John Aliy hotlier with your renter» when we J. H itter. Phon« 3 P*21- ______ _ , have had tl'e experience in renting or buying and *• llbig property anywliere W hy I* av Itx x r, «lie» Ute »•'“* monthly , and our legal advisers »re capable . f rap»»»» »HI •« » >'•“ “ ? ,'ric’* ! collecting any rental we accept W if. are going up all it»' time. In*«-«rt y«ur | Ih-al Estate Department, cere o( 0» rent and be Iknxw nfi'««- *'iqu»re •» Gold H ill New« Office. Naw» Olfloe or writ* bo« 220, Gold Hill Oregon. W H Y tin» let na «ell your farm projerty N„w ” lb. time to get balde« pi< lore We have several line Eaatern Oregon Wheal rancli.- »bat can »«■ tw'tight n taken before the extreme hut weather , ,.y . . . . . . . N O 'd-Ftld) ,„ ,i. aimer Rodio ___ Oregon. AGtNlS U wined—reliable man or woiuaB to * > licit »ula« for litta paper. Uberai • ,- to right intrty. now EOR SALE K »ry druggGt of - !■ tr«ct«r and «Unding i» e fact •- the (act that lh»t mirtekea inl«tak»H in »1» hi» ime line are ere .»» fatal. We never pernnl a camlee. preseriptlonlrt to fill eve» the .imp,eat ' ’T /l ^ '^ l . u m J . i 'r u . k - . i c . ano »kill can pr -lect > -u, yoo »re pro- ‘‘ m n g ^ r l p i V u , « h o u r life work. offi,», Gold H ili. Oregon. Eog R a « » - ° ‘ie of iaait propertlea in tlie city. »12.60 per month. Varnished Bath, go.i.1 range, sis room., hot and Th« N»w» offle«. cold water, prettiest b<>u«e in neighbor Wood by tier or cord at low«»t m a r-, hood. electrically eqoljwd. N«w« Office or write bol 2 » . Gold H ill, Oregon. ket price. delivered. F ir, pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter. H A V E YOU e bouse tor Bate? U r t it at Phone 3F21 tlie New. office and we will »ell It for poa S a i .«— Improved and unimproved you. Gold HUI. Oregon. farm» In R<«ue Valley, Sam» Valley, and loAsliland Ore. Ik -t » « ri j' J. R itter, the ready wood-man 1» ill Jackeon County. Inquire. »l S ,w * . prepared to fill *H o rd er, for the Office or write bo« 220, Gold HIII.Gru • J beet hard and »oft wood, chunk ; „ . „ . a ....... ” ” P ric e, low and quality high. .»■> •• t " D in in g ' H a ll, Afre P. Langdell, Proprietor. We allow nothing to interfere BOWER'S PHARM ACY O rogon. Gold Hill, Ore. Sunday Mea!» 6 to 8 P M. Gold Hill. — ;---------------------------- 1 ------------------------------ : : L oan s--L o a n s L / C O I i c i F c l C/,e P l o î ï k ¡L æ ï’ M oney io i b u ild in g h o m o s an d r efu n d in g m o rtg a g es; R anch, C a ttle, and sh eep lo a n s a sp ecia lty . No lim it to th e a m o u n t, ch a rg es and in ter e st ra tes very low . A ddress or see— *nough sdid G o ld H ill, O re . A . E . K e llo g g , P ilo t A c e t y le n e C ig H t» , a n d P lu m b in g . B u tter p m «r, printed in accordance with the law. for aal« on ord«r at | or kitchen .tove »l»e. H om e with tlieac.-nr»«-v o '« n r work. IF» utenl to fill your PRESCRIPTIONS. _ _ _ _ _ lia I «ectl.»O tine wheal I«“ ' 1 ••• Morrow county for «ale. »KXW <ael. balance lime. T i l l » land 1» Un proved and ready forocctipation. Hews HOME COOKEDM EALS OUR SPECIALTY, impressed with IN K I »aw cordwood to stove length« with power .aw , promptly on order. Phone John J. R itter, 3 F 2 t. W . F. B L A C K E R T , P r o p r ie to r ¡n Compounding P re?'' iptions. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Freeh and Salt Meat« :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard Gold H ill, Oregon Main Htrevt i . ..uialuMi * Want on«*. •» « •• 1» n”t bring 111« remiR« i l l . ' ¿ X - Ui«i ** •Uo"M * " ,,T u ‘* .......................... * " “ * ”• * ta” *• - « * - ’* ln « X . 1 ' Hl- hut « 1» •"> <*»*' r t t * 1 ' * , SZrc CITY M EAT MARKET M. L . K O R T R I G H T Our .crvice i . given to pie.«, yon. H. H. LEONARD, Gola HUI. Oropoit. Wit It-Gold HUI Im pi* m*nt Co.. We hone re w r ... Trr 0«. TShe Crystal B arber S h o p * C. M. Shaver, Proprietor Oor bath tub» are kept clean and »anitary, try them . HEADQUARTERS for Hardware, Carpenters tools, Builders Har*™ re Stoves Tinware, Granite Ware, Tulip Enamelware, Queens X g X too U. Haying T o .,, W. P. Fuller P « » m Cito, VamUhw, Castor Machine Oil, Engine o. a for both Gaa and Steam, Guns, «munition, Miners Supplies, Powder Fuses, Cape, picks, Shovels. Gold Pana, Candle Sucks, and ” • The V ariety and Furniture Store Plumbing Goods. « •_____L D...neff Frank Burnett, Aroo. Prop. Gold Hill, Oregwi Main Street BEST GRADE OF FLOUR Call and loc k over our stock. My stock is complete and prices low er than the low est. T ry me and see for your self. Now friend, Hay, Grain* Seed Poultry supplies and Groceries. E o o ry tK in tu to o r.o .U in ti.o fg o o ra n t.m l p ^ i o t , mod t A . p n e e - r ig Egg» 35 D. H. Ml er, Is tlie tim e to Have the GOLD HILL, FAMILY GROUP t«ken bv a man that has had long practical experience and in a perfectly equipped and up to the minute stu io. « Let PALMER Do it! Cold Hill, Ore. Pamler Stadio, Draiao and strong in favor, always in the lead. U you J baking of the ftour and find it not ae good as .onr bSve i S d w better, bring it beck and we w,U mooev Caah paid for Chicken», H,d«a »»d a <■ - „_.- S g rin X g . Have a full line of Feed, Floor and Ceiwrte, We arc not busy—W hy not start an account and Keep Us Busy. Out e t the 17 Ranking Officer. In Cherge ot Neval Affaire 12 Are From 8outh. To Joeepbue Daniel», who ha» £eP’* ' wnted the Admlnlrtratlon'e Policy with regard to the first line defense, la credited reeponribUlty for cramping I ind thwarting progress «nd efficiency I in the n»vy. Many new men have been brought nto the Washington end of the n»vy brganlsatlon. O f the seventeen high I racking officer» who are charged with Jte responsible duties of administering ihe affairs of the navy twelve are from :he Southern states. In year» gone by IseceMity did not arise to <meatlon from what section come the officer» I-hosen to head the bureaus of the I Navy Department. Comparislona be tween the army and navy In this re- ipect w ill show that no such conditions •xl»t in the w ar Department I t 1» true, a« Vice President Marshall remarked, that the Hughe« speech of icceptance "had all the length and tone >f a dissenting opinion." But he omit ted to add that the dissenting opinion I thus expressed 1» that of the American When you consider the benefit of having a checking ac count from which to draw and the safety ™ havi“J.^ ® canceled Checks as permanent records you will deposit he T h e G o ld HUI BanR. W E W A N T T H E AM ERICAN FLAG U N S U L L IE D . "Now, my friends, we want not only American efficiency In business, in efficiency In the or ganisation of business. In the protection of the factors of hu man industry and commerce, we want the American flag unsul lied and the American name honored throughout the world." -F ro m Mr. Hughes’ Speech at ♦ Chicago. * President Wilson Is now anxious to have It thought that there was no withdrawal of troops from Mexico ot the request of Carranza. W hy not go one better and declare that we never had eny troop« in Mexico to withdraw? I t Was stated that the president would work on his acceptance speech during his week end trip on the M ay flower. Among the salt billows there should be some Inspiration for ringing sentiments on naval preparedness Now that Mr. Hughes knows he has been nominated for president, we may wait patiently a few days longer to hear what Mr. Wilson has to say about I t GOLD HILL O .E. OREGON. Women are for Mr. Hughes because the great human values In this country »re still to be welded politically into Its national lif e — France« A. Kellor. p e o p l e . _________ _______ This Bank has room for a host of New Depositors.______ Simmons & PHONE 1 7 -L . Headed In Every Dlreetlon. Mr. Wilson says his mind is progrea slve, but those who try to follow Its progress can never tell the direction It Is taking. I t Is Just ss likely to be progressing backward as forward — Hartford Courant I ct» per dozen. _____________ The psychologist who said that any body can ho hypnotized offers the most encouragement that Carranza has yet found for his hopes of borrowing xtoney. A SAVING SERVICE " P S & Protection” to he overlooked IIIPT IT WONDERFUL TO THINK THAT I O © W ill run an office veniila- ing fan foJ 8 hour9 Wih " ¿ r a t e an electric griddl* for 7« rntno • W ill operate » luminous rodiat r or fr me. .c. w W ill heat a curlin K 'n b W ill operate a seven n.cli tryn>u !..»■■ ? . 1 l i . - CALIFORNIA-OREGON ROWER CO. -91R W.»t Main Stm t _ _______ *‘,w"‘M^ s,MEDrORD OREÖCN PHONE 1 6 8 New Sample Book Received Showln» a fu ll line of fin e cloths. The Une complete as can be found anywhere U u P. BOUCHET T a ilo r Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing. Orders taken for H Mark Tailoring Co. Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ MR. H U Q H E 8 OPPOSED TO FOOLISH G O VER NM ENT. " I have no respect for the Idea that because democratic govern ment is a government of the peo ple, by the people and for the people It is a government of the foolish, for the foolish end by the foollsh.”- F r o m M r. Hughes' Speech at Chicago. The People With Aatot. We do Auto Repairing that suits YOU. We Also carry a fine line of Tres, Tubes, and accessories for Autos. .. AIR SERVICE - You will find our work and prices right on Blacksmithing. CAas. Kell, uta