T h e G o ld H i l l N e w s LAWYERS ;A SAVING SERV1CP3 to tix) Im portant it C ity O fficial NxwarATxa, PUBI » H E P “P o ck etb o o k P ro te c tio n ” E VER Y SATURDAY AT UOLD H IL L , JACKSON, COUNTY =OREGON, BY ............... = = = = = ....... to he overlook c l ISN’T IT WONDERFUL TO THINK THAT I O c W ill < i W ill W ill W n .t KT ot the Oregon Stale Pres. Association, A n w rian Prem Aseociation New York W ill W ill ------»t the Gold H ill poatoffica (" r tranamisaioii Uirongh the maila m W ill run an office ventilating fan for 8 hour* operate an electric griddle for 70 minute* operate a luminous radiator for 6<> miiiult * heat a curium iron on e a day for 16 week* operate a «oven inch frying pan for 60 minute« pump SoOO gallon« of water to a heiithi of 28 feet Wiil make you S M IL E while it doe« all these thing« Sears Advertising Service. aecond-ctoas m a tte r Subscription $1.50 per A nnum in Advance. Abstract* examined. Corporation L aw . Financial Axanta. Trust«, Escrows and Aocounta. Estates probated. Collec­ tion«, Daeda, Mortgage*. Ctonaral practice In all court*. Correa pondattoc lolieltcd. P ro m p t a tte n tio n . Bank raferencei. Fourteenth gear. ____ IOANS PLACID ON PORTLAND PROPERTY PH ON E 1 6 6 ONE NORMAL NOT ENOUGH G IV E DK. IL C. KELSEY Twilight Sleep need in innflliviiient cases where uegded Gold Hill, »ASTERN OREGON SQUARE O NLY C O S T S _4_ C E N T S PER o r Watson S u g a r Pine C am p No. TheBoN-ToN gardless of w hat his decision m ay be. If he publishes th e story, th e innocent sufferers and th eir frien d s term him heartless and cruel. If th e m ilk of hum an kindness flows in his veins and he suppresses the story, the scan­ dal lovers are onto him in force because he has n ot em blazoned PEAL W e can recall instances w herein we have c o m m itte l the sin of omission, and th e cu lp rit has sw aggered around and conveyed Train No. 13 0.27 A.M , " " 14, 3.18 P.M . " ” 287 7.30 A M . Local Freigh » 1 ,0 0 0 East Bound California and South. “Our Servite Is Salisfactory” F o r H ir e Dr. R. C. Krkey, G o ld Geld Hill, RIGHT (PaM advertisement) L aw USE. Printed Butter Wrappers CCORDING to th e ruling of the Oregon D airy and Food Commission all dairy b u tte r sold or exposed for sale in this s ta te m ust be w rapped in b u tte r paper upon which is printed th e words “O regon D airy B u tter , 16 (or 32) ounces full w eight,” with th e nam e and address of the m aker. A To enable patrons of this paper to easily com ­ ply w ith th is ru lin g we have p u t in a supply of th e stan d ard sizes of b u tte r paper and will p rin t it in lots of 103 sheets and upw ard and deliver it by parcels post a t the following prices: 100 Sheets, 16 or 34 ounces $1.35 2 5 0 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces $1.85 5 0 0 Sheets, 16 or 32 ounces $2.65 S end.your orders to us by m ail accom panied by th e price o f th e paper and it will be prom ptly forw arded to you by parcel post, prepaid. * RENDEREO, N O T F O R P R O M IS E S B R O K E N . I do no t doubt th a t th e people of th a U n ite d S ta te * w ill wish th a O am ocratio p a rty to con­ tin u e in oontrol o f th o g o vern ­ m ent. T h t y ara not in th a h a b it o f re jao tin g thoeo who hava a c ­ tu a lly served th am fo r those who H o s p ita l, Oregon. Rapraaantatlva Maya, Utah Progres­ siva, Speak« For Wilson. Representative Jutiiea II. Mays of Utah, In a speech delivered in con­ gress Aug. 23, announced his Intention of voting for President Wilson. He left the Republican party because he found It to lie tho servant of special Interest« and became one of the found­ er« of the Progressive party. lie ap­ pealed to Progressive« to lie true to themselves and refuse to be betrayed to the Republican party. "1 want to compare.” be stated, "tba demands of tha Progressives with the actual performance of (he party now In power. I f It can be shown that the essential principles enunciated by that platform have been .crystallized Into legislation and If the Progressives were sincere enough In their profes­ sion of Interest in the supreme needs of the nation Io care more for their country and for Its people than for any party's success, then they will sustain the administration, lest their refusal to do so might cause the beneficial legislation to lie repealed." lie took up the Progressive platform of 1012 and ahowed that the Wilson administration has enacted practically all (he Progressive demands Into leg tslatton. Progressives, he Inslsted.-should sup­ port the party that hns been tried and found true. The representatives of "the Interests,” he said, ruled the Re­ publican party In 1010 and 1012 and “rule It now with even more assurance and arrogance.” Representative Mays said ho had de­ termined to Join the Democratic party "because the obituary of (he Progres­ sive party seemed only postponed for trading purposes nnd beenuse not a solitary ray of hope nppeared of reme dial legislation from the Republican pnrty In the Interests of tho people and because the Democratic party, un­ der P.a lender, the president, had been offering a convincing proof of Its sin­ cere interest in the general good by putting on the statute books a program of wise and wholesome legislation." By J. H . G w in n , Secy., P u n dteton , O re. S E R V IC E S H ill Greet C. Srtrs, A F ftLolliiw DIRECTOR CMBALMER MOOSE REVOLT IN CONGRESS FUNERAL Eastern Oregon M ate Normal School FO R Train No. U 8.67 A M. " ” in M B P .M . ” " 268 2.3# P .M . I n v a lid Chairs By v o fjn g Y E S fo r No. 30« you w ill h elp to f iv e to th e achool C hildren of Oregon th e earns ad v a n ta g e s e njo yed by th e achool c h ild ren o f our n e ig h b o rin g atataa. V o te V E S fo r N o. 30«. “SO H A V E WE.” — I V> J , K .l t t e r West Bound Portlaud and North. ENDO RSEM ENTS VOTE drag g ed down w ith them in th e ir degradation. B u t th e m ost pitiful object on e a rth is th e CU33 who g e ts c a u g h t in his d ev iltry and th en begs the e d ito r “ fo r th e sake of F ire! Fir«!! S. P. Schedule for Gold Mill. All the above educator« insist that a Standard Normal School must be located In a town of 6000 or more population and having enough grade pupils for teaching practice. th e im pression th a t we were afraid to tell th e tru th , w hen as a m a tte r of fact we consider only those who would be u n ju stly A Gold H ill - - Oregon Meets Every Saturday Evening. J. B. Palmer —■ Cminetil Alvali fc. Kellogg—Clerk Yards Rlvrekto Ave. phone 3F21 •■Oregon's g re a te s t need fo r It * r u ra l school* le th e te a c h e r w ho hee had fu ll p re p a ra tio n to do h « r w o rk . Such p re p a ra tio n can beat com e th ro u g h N o rm a l School , r ?.|n«ru9.« th a t th e voters of th e a ta te w ill aaalat In rais in g th e s tan d a rd of ou r schools by e ata b lla h ln g a S ta te N o r. m al School a t Pendleto n. T h e location le c e n tra l, «ho In . tecegt of th e people of Pendleto n In education m oat exeat* le n t, and th e large nu m b er of pupils In th e public schools w ill give am ple o p p o rtu n ity to stud e n ts to get th e am o u n t of te ac h in g p ra ctic e req uired In a s ta n d a rd no rm a l school." a choice m orsel of gossip to an exp ectan t world. W 10078 Wood of every description a t lowest prices. Wood saw fo r custom work. Among those who strongly endorse the establish­ ment of the proposed Eaatern Oregon Normal School xre Governor Wlthycombe. J. H. Ackerman, Presi­ dent of the Monmouth State Normal; W. J. Kerr. President of the Oregon Agricultural College; P. L. Campbell, President of the State University; Robert C. French, former President of the Weston Normal, and practically all of the leading educators of the State. J. A. Churchill, Superintendent of Public In­ struction. voices the aenttments of those who are most fam iliar with the need of more adequate Normal facilttiaa when he says; him self th e ta rg e t of criticism from one side or th e other, r e ­ A Kellogg, W ill practice In Federal and StateOoerls. uou> MILA, (IBS oow T h e a nnu al m a in te n a n c e coat of th a propoeed S ta te N o rm a l School In E a s te rn O regon am eun te to b u t one 25th of a m ill or 4 canta on a tho usan d do llars of ta a a b la p ro p e rty . Is n ’t it w o rth th ia to have your c h ild ren tra in e d to become useful and p ro d u c tiv e c ltlx a n a f STRO NG A. K. Kellogg. ¿The Law O ffice Owing to the crowded condition of our one Normal at Monmouth and also the distance and expense of attending, students from Eastern Oregon are com­ pelled to go to neighboring states to secure their training aa teacher*. F o r in sta n c e — E v ery ed ito r com m its like sins of omission, b u t he does so a fte r calm and m atu re reflection. A story comes to him in all its sordidness and m ultiplicity of filthy and disg u stin g details. He m u st decide w hether to send it fo rth to th e world, to “speak as he s e e s , ” /or to enshroud it w ith th e m antle of hum an chairity fo r th e sake of th e innocent ones who would be u n ju st­ ly wounded and hum iliated th ro u g h its publication. He w eighs both sides, acts as his h e a rt and his conscience dictates, and is Oregon U. B. Watsoa. ■ ig h t coun ties In th a W illa m e tte V a lle y h ave em ployed d u rin g the past fiv e years. iOS taachara who ha v e g ra d u . atod from th e M o n m o u th N o rm a l aa ag a ln a t 3(1 M on m o uth N o rm a l School g ra d u a te s fo r th a e ig h t leading ceu n tie e of C it t e r n Oregon. D u rin g th e p>st fiv e years the atten d a n c e of etud e n te from nine W illa m e tte V a lle y countiae w ae if ? etud a n ta aa a g a m a t *1 a tu d a n ta fro m nine of th a leading coun tiae of E a a te rn O regon. to o th ” we should publish as we see. Oregon. Or»»o» W. P. CHISHOLM , M. D. M It 1* a well eatabllahed fact that our one Normal School cannot supply the needs of the entire state. That 1* why we ask for your work and vote for the proposed Eaatern Oregon Slate Normal School at Pendleton. Oregon. on th e “om ission.” R ight now you are preparing to read th in g s "A s th e E ditor Sees T hem .” B ut you won’t And th ere comes our sin of om ­ ission, fo r by th e rule of “an eye fo r an eye and a tooth for a The Gold Hill N ew s, W DOBI G old II il i « O regon . O f m ere th a n *.000 achool ta ac h a ra In th « puO II* «chool* a* O regon, b u t IS par cant have baan tra in e d fo r th e ir profaaaion of te ac h in g In N o rm a l Schoola. " T h e r e com es a tim e in the life of every ed ito r w hen it is a gen u in e relief to be able to confess his sins of omission heavy W e use th e best b u tte r paper obtainable, and our w orkm anship is of the best. L et us have y o u r o rd e r ahd you will not re g re t i t A GENERAL PRACTITIONER T acR le o f all H in d s at SX Oregon haa but one Normal School. Thia achool la located at Monmouth Excellent aa la the work ot thia achool tt la utterly unable to «apply but a amall part of the need tor trained teacher* for tba State. As The Editor Sees It. ___ 1 ■ llo«u« Hirer, n a-n a-n c Chamber of Cammaroa SM *. FONTVAMO. ORgOOM M EDFORD OREGON 308 X YES IS A VOTE FOR YOUR CHILDREN th e richest m ining sections in Oregon. rtN D lUtOIMO* «• Oto s Gold Hill H ospital Say friends have you noticed th e num ber of s tra n g e rs who are in tow n these days? There are a few g e ttin g off of th e tra in every d a y - t h e y stay a few hours and are gone. Prospectors m eet some of them in the hills daily. Looks as if som e one on th e outside was g e ttin g interested in th is section. One of these days th ere is going to be a Real BIG M iner come in here w ith a little money and R e c o g n iz e t h e s ig n s o f a BIG TH IN G and rig h t then you are going to realize th a t th is section is one of C o m p l y W ith t h e PHYSICIAN ANDSURGEON CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER CO. And Let Me Sleep. his innocent fam ily” not to p rin t his story. A nd perhaps th e sin of omission is not such a sin a fte r all. D r . JOHN C. WHITKAKER Mosessohn & Mosessohn S I8 W e s t M a m S tra a l Please Go ‘ Way P rofession al Cards „ u —Rochester Herald, are m ailin g d o u b tfu l and oonje«- tu ra l prom ises of aarvioo. Least of a ll are th e y lik a ly to s u b s ti­ tu te those w ho prom ised to re n ­ d e r th em p a rtio u la r aarvieaa and proved falao to th a t prom isa fo r those w ho h ava a c tu a lly rendered those vary aarvieaa.— From Pre»- Ulent Wilton'» Speech of Accept­ ance. AND Fourth Avnu, North, Gold HIM ■ - Oregon Well equipped morgue and chapel, complete line of caskets, robes, etc. Black and Grey Hearse Day tri,p h o n . No 2 I .; Night No. 2 K Did you ever hear of E ye­ g la sses m ad e to m easure? T h a t is exactly w h a t you g et w h en you buy Fits-U E yeglasses N ot sim p ly m ore b eco m in g th a n o th ers, b u t m ore co m fortab le, as w ell. T hey are m ad e so th a t we can a d ­ ju st th e m p erfectly to you r nose. C om e In and le t us show you how w e do it. Dr.R. C. Kelsey Gold H ill Ore. Grants Pass-Medford AUTO ST A G E A Chauffeur W. t . McCRACKFN, Prop. 7 :00 a 7 :16 » 7 :80 a. 8 :30 a. 9:00 a. Leave* Medford Leave« Central Point Leave« Gold H ill Leave* Rogue River Arrive« Grants Pas« 10:00 a. m. 10:"0 a. m. 11 :00 a. in. 11 .Ci a. in. 12:00 m. le ave« Grant« Pa«s Leaves Rogue River Leaves Gold H ill leave Central Point Arrive Medford le ave« Medford From the Hughes Lexicon. S E C T IO N A L IS T —Any one who was Leave« Central Point born or reared or la kin to any one Leaves Gold H ill (.eaves Rogue Rivor born or reared aouth of Maaon and Arrive Grants Pa«» Dixon's line. BR O A D LY N A T IO N A L - Govern­ Leave« Grant« Pa«« Leavee Rogue River ment by and for tho benefit of the Leave* Gold H ill business Interests of tho northeastern Leases Central Point Section of the United States. Arrives Medford IG N O R A N T O F T H E BUSINESS STANDS: Nash Hotel, O F T H E C O U N TR Y —Any man who Grants Paja Hotel Is not a high proteetlonlat vassal of the tariff barons. COVER IN T R IG U E -W ils o n diplo­ macy. FARE in. m. in. m. m. \ 1 :00 p. 1 :16 p. 2:00 p. 2:30 p. 3:00 p. m. m. m. in. m. 8:00 6:30 0:00 0:46 7 :00 ra. m. m. in. m. p. p. p. p. p. Medford Grants Paas $ 1 .0 0