c fintò Hi II Xvtvo ÍB G ata to C ra te r L a k i Th« beat and naaraat raad ta thia beautiful, stank w e u d s r l i thru GOLD H K L . Try M aaal lime you vorne our way. GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 191« V01. IS) w w rx /j yj J' ava I f y / T A f « f Dr Hedge«, wife and children, return* < m | holin' to Medford Bunday after s|wnd- leg thu allvrnooa at the Lathrop hum*' a FW-v e j near Gold Hill. Other Towns: Mr Dan Grenlg.-r lormorly ol Gold Hill caiuu up from Glendale tlie laet oi laa. W han you can gat better m u l t i week to visit (ilends and relative«, return ing Wednesday. an d »ava fre ig h t by trad in g a t home Hay, Frioli.l what are you doing for you- hom town? An- you doing ail yov van? Fore, you ray. WeU let on aee II you an’. Hupp «a. you wo a man trading In some other town. Do you ask him why ami try to Indore htin to trade at homo? Now on the square do you? That 1» what I thpt. You never thol of it. Woll bow la the time. It la never loo let« to begin. K you hoar n man kuovk a home Institution tell him to cut It out and atari fiooatlng It takes a little cou­ rage, but you «III only have to do it once ami hn will n rpect you more than ever. TH E WINTER GARDEN’S MILLION DOLLAR HHOW "A World of Flea- aura,'' i'age, Medford. Oct. 6th. 1-22 Pfof. G. W. Milam, of the Gold Hill School«. -apeut Saturday night in Ashland Mn> Dick Itohiuwni went to Rogue River Wednesday to viail her parent«. hughes Alliance Miss Agnes« R. Deitricb, visited In A«hland Saturday and Sunday. Mrs Frank Pareut, a teacher In tha Kogne River School, apeat Brturday and Sunday at her home In Gold HUI. To Be Organized Born to Chaa Itred and wile at Tolo, Heptamlwr I4tli,, an eight pound gir , neither and daughter are doing line aud “ grandpa," our vonaervative friend ai il local iMNmler is so flaburgaated that Ju don't know anyone and II Ida lie d war Mrs Minnie Stlckel is furtiiering the not fastened on lie would certainly forget interests of tha National Hughe« Alliance It, whoopa Johnnie! who are trying to get a charter tor this p’ toe. Meaadaiu«« R. B. Hanley, first Moat Gorgeous and Iwwilderlng costumes vice-president of the ststa alliance; T. C. ever shown on any stage, "A WORLD Wicks, Bert Anderson, Jackson County ol PLEASURE," Page, Medford Oct organizer; and Harry G. Strickman visit­ ed in Gold Hill Thursday and enjoyed a big ober 6th. 1*22 special dinner they preveously ordered at Mrs Gwen Marion and aon Maxwell the Home Dining Hall whore they looked camo down from Medford Sunday to vis­ over the membership papers ol Mrs I^ng- it her pan nls Walter Stickle and wile. dell. These ladies will stop hereonSept. 16lh. and organize tlie candidates holding beat we forget, sometime ago il waa re- the special train here during (lie meeting lairtml Io the News that Tom Perry and alter which Mrs Langdell will accompany "wile” ol Sams Valley were in Gold Hill them to Medford. riiis Is erroneous lor Tom Pvrrj has no wile and we crave pardon. Hit sister Judge Touvelle was down from Jackson­ who is keeping house lor him aecompani- ville Wednesday on campaigning buai- d him ou thia eventful visit to our city. H. H. Leonard reported tha other day that the Bouden Mine, leased by Leonard Hammersley and Roes Is doing lar batter than they had at first hoped, the ore that they are daily uncovering is ol good qual­ ity aud ia increasing ia quantity all tha time. The engine and boiler ia on tha grounds and ia being set up. A thras Earl Adains. contractor and buRdcr, stamp mill will eoon be In operation and dho 1« eonstuctiug tlie school building at the dollars and sent« will do tba talking. the Sardine Creek Dietrict, war accident­ ly cut on the back of the wrist severing P qii S alx — One Pool aud one Billiard a largo vein, Sept. 27th while working Table. Will sell cheap (or Caah Write on tlie S hool House. He was brought H. G. Enders. Jr., Ashland, Oregon. fin the Gold Hill Hospital by his partner, Rev. II. J. Vanloasen was a north Whertth» wound ox«dreseed. Mr. Adams bound passenger Monday, enroute to the /went to work tb ’-ext day. Oregon Conference o f t h e Methodist ------------- ■ ■ vVilHn j ,ayt ,.aiU, In Tliurelay Irom churcb, convening this week at LeOenoo. In Gold Hill below Grants Pass, after two days pros- p^.ting, Thoa. Pankey and Robert Burch, Sams -Valley farmers motored In town Thurs­ day on business. The photo window in Bowers Pharm­ acy allows excellent taste. It was the center of attraction. M lsses Louise Hai vey and Vera Murray >1 Grants Pass visited with friends In Gold Hill Saturday. Mrs J. T Galagtier motored to Medford Saturday accompanied by Mrs Lynn Smith and Mrs Hamilton Markland. NO. 22 Why Medicine Shows Prosper When eoerybody is perfectly healthy ie very pu zzl­ ing to doctore. Report has it that we are to have a viail from a real live MEDICINE SHOW. For what purpose this kind of a thing has a being outside of making a boat of eaap money wa do not know. A m an» MM- tens healthy or are they not? Front tha »porta of local medical man we Sad that thb section is one of the moel healthy placet that can ba found ia our great state. Tbia being tbe caae why allow shows ol thia kind to graft upon oar home people. While there ia yet time to stop each things cannot oar City Connell take •tape to compel soch firms Io pot up a good stiff advance lee for doing busioeae or let them quit. Make them pay *60 or 1100 per day lika the City of Portland does aad then perhaps they will not ba eo anxious to stay. Next Uxae you meet ana of yonr coaneilmen or th« Mayor tall him what you think of it perhape you can Wma give the d ty a chanoe to make «erne of the easy money or save the people from being grafted. John McIntire, aon of B. M. MelwMie isited at the home ol the later in thl« Don’t miss the surprise of yonr life "The city Monday and Tueeday ol thia week World ol Pleasure," October 6th. Page Tlie train schedule has been changed on their return trip to their home at Med'ord. 1-22 as follows: South bound, 18 8:22 a. m. Seaelde. Ira Brown ana wife, Mr. Soale and 17 3:60 p. iu., 11 10:14 p. m ., local frei­ Clyde Walker motored over from Mon« ght 257 7210 a. m. North Bound: 14 Mrs L. Cunningham and ion came up tagoe Wednesday. 8:63 a. m., 1C 0:52 p. ra., local height from Weed lo r is ii at the home of Mrc. 258 2:05 p. m. PhilUpp Deschner the ex-Texaa cow­ Jno. Hill in Gold HiU. boy, who left off roping steers le tench Altar the first of October the Poetofiice Christian citizens how to rope, throsg at 6:00 p. m. and A WORLD of PLEASURE, 126 People, and hog tie the booie bnsineae, «peaks i < will dose prom?' their own special train, Baggage and for distribution ol open again i>r tha eharen at Gold Hill, at eighto,cloch Pullman Car«. October 5th. Page, mail to patrol •» next Wedaualay. Thia young bucknrocia Medford. 1-22 full of poach and pluck and knows the Mrs Geo llaff visited in Grants Paaa on liquor and brewer trieta from A to Z and Anyone flgurin^ cn sanding away for will deal with them Mralgbt from the goods can gal p •l,d prices at Lance & last Thursday. •boulder in his speech, “ Separating the Co., whomak'- -i> •i 4 prices on large or­ Mr J. R. Williams who owns lhabiick Outlaw from bis G an.” li see. dart. Try th* i house accioei tbe river went to Central Zina t o to h la n d o h Bert Jones, a rca.dent of Foots Creek, Point Sunday to live with Ida eon on a badness Wednesday. who has been workiug in Cbetco Cal?, count of Ida health. was in Gold Hill Wednesday. Win Gardener who has employment nt Sotting the Pace tor tbe T W B N T T F IB Sf Oentnry “ A World of Pleasare," Page Mrs Tom Cook met with an accident tunnel No. 4 at West Forks came np and Sunday, Medford, October 6th. 1-22 last week when she drove a sewing roach ■pent Sunday with hia folks. cent«, cash lor egg«. The new train service will give H im ., O rkoow . brick building on Main Street. While In Captain. Boys team, Joe Billadeen Man­ has moved to Bandon where he will tlie big city be visited bis brother who Mrs Earl Adams of Rock Point spent Il you want to know tlie true meaning of ager; Frank Carter Captain. Tha Pav- make hia periu-in nt home. Hia wifs Sunday School 10: A. M. he has not wan for a year. Tuesday in Gold Hill and alter purchas­ the word “ Sensation," aae “ A World ion haa bean secured aad tha pnplb will No Regular preselling services and sons will join him aa soon as be get* ing a new hat visited a couple of hour» ol Pleasure, ” October 6th Page, Med­ •oon begin play. Evening servicts S:P. M. located. Mr. Slnunons of Beagle has The Gold Hill corresiMjndent ol the with Mrs Langdell ol the Homo Diniug ford. 122 Junior I-caguo 2:80 P M. taken up the Scott ranch and will work Medford Knn is sonic pithy writer; lie get« Hall. Senior League 7:P. M. it hereafter. Tlio many friends ol Mr. The Literary Society haa been Alfred Lewis waa a bnslnese visitor to the goat «I unite a few of our young bucks Prayer Meeting Thursday 8: P. M, Scott will fee! r giei that he haa left th s Medford Monday. ed with the following officials Who ever it is has our sympathy if 1» Jesse Houk, Joe Oox, and John Hays The Ladies’Aid Boclety entertainment country. A goqd man lost ia a blow to Houghnm, President; Velma Davi d aen. gets uncovered. In the church last Sunday was attended any community, Secretary; Ida Johnson Vim Preeideet; returned Monday afternoon from Chalco, J. V. Mason and wife spent Monday at by a large and appreciative audience, Ada % Tremmer; Agnm Flippea. where they went three weeks ago pros­ Grants Pass. W. H. Miller went to Ashland with who did not refrain from applause The First Critic: Defores Kelsey, Second Critic G. H .G rist & Co., ol Phoenix have pecting for Gobi and Platinum. Prof Milam the other day. readings were very good and all together Alva Cook, Chaplain ; Kenneth Dnvidaon rented the old Noe - ore r..om and pro­ Roy D. Campbell returned to lib home it la evident that when the talent in the M arshal;R ath(M y.P tantal. Thaeocfoty Mrs Jesse Dank* returned ham« Monday Winter Garden's moat Oorgeoua. Dazzl­ church try, success is tlie echo. The en­ pose to install therein a first class grocery In Ashland Monday. la divided into two parts and each divi­ store stocked with a fine line ol staple ing, Girllest Revue. October 6th. tertainers are getting in practice better altar attending a week in Ashland with sion girea a program once a month on groceries Mr Grist ia here now fixing Mr Farnam came in Wednesday morn Friday efternouna. Tbe next literary Page, Medfonl. 1-22 all the time and this next Sundays pro* lip the place to have it ready for the ar­ friqlidg, ing lrom tlie Cliff ranch with a load gram Is looked forward to with anticipa­ program will ba given on October flth. rival of the new goods. W. H. Gardener visited with his family tion. fruit. Fnonds ol tlie school are Invited to at­ Mrs Jobe ol Central Point visltkd tha in this city. tend. News oltiaa In response to the Butter Mrs Clyde Walker came in over the Maude Coy ia leader ol Division No. 1 Wrapped ad running In tide paper and J'hillipp Deschner expects to be here in Siskiyous from Montague Sunday even­ end Ida Johnson of Division No 2. secured a supply ol printed ,taper that Gold HUI to speak at the M. E. Church, ing to visit with her parents, J. C. Clark and wile. complies with all the legal reiiuireminU* October 4th. Bee notioes and handbills AU pupils ere getting the subjects want­ for details. ed. Third year Latin and second year •r’ f Grandma McIntire returned from her Algebra are being taught thia year. Man­ A family reunion was held at the home L&st Friday we passed one of the would-be promi­ Thursday noon the milk wagon ol the trip to San Diego Mexico and points in uel training pupils have been t harpening ol Grandpa and Grandma Morris at Hock Locust View Dairy made a return trip to California Sunday, alter an absence of the tools which b one ol the main foater- nent citizens and what do you suppose he was doing? Poirit last .Sunday an«! 20 relatives met to Gold Hill without a driver and those who es in thb work. About 15 boys ere Inking about a week. make the family one just for a day saw the team coming say that It made s Why, knocking as hard as he was able. What was he pert in the manual training dam sad Among these were the six dangnters 'ol record trip. It oolllded with some object knocking about? Well, we are going to keep tabs on Dancing, Comedy and scenic speed limit •bout that number of glrb are taking Morris's and their two sons, W. C. Fry and tore a wheel loose. The team was are violated In tlie monster prodnulon Cooking and Domestic Scianca ol which and wile ol Merlin, (Mrs Fry crossed Ilia stopped near the depot in this city. him and see if he does it any more. If he does, we A World of Pleasure, October 6th* Mim Silver haa tlie directing. plains with tlio Morris family In 1877); are going to tell you just what kind of a knocker he ami J. W. Herron ami wife. Four gen Page, Medford. 1-22 J. W. Herron and wile were city visit­ Rath Cady, a High School tea ch er, haa is. Of course that will put ub in the knocker class orations were represented. Mrs. John Hainmertley and son Dale charge ol the music this year. ors one day this week. too, but its the only way we know of to cure this man who have been spending the summer at While at Rogue River iast Wednesday Willow Flat came down Saturday stay­ Southern Oregon* greatest Theatrical event Saperintandnnt Milam hne eU depart­ who might otherwise be one of the best boosters we we visited the brxu.1 new grocery depart ing over Sunday with Dr Chisholm’ ment« well organized and direct« all tha The World ol Pleasure, October 6th. ment of the T. J. Halstead store. Every have. A knocker is just a booster turned wrong side folks, returning to Grants Pees where activities ol tha achoob both In ttudy and Page, Medford. 1-22 thing is dean and fresh and the Halsteads Dale will attend school. otherwise. out When you start a little “white lie” or a “scandal” Joe Beaman was a Grants Pass visitor promise material reductions in prices to about some one, do you ever stop and commune with people In and around Rogue River. They Wednesday and transacted business in Mrs Geo Lynch of C entral P oint waa The SnperinMedant, thru th b paper, that city. Mr Beeman was named as a want the business and will make prices a guest ol Mr» Joe Perrys on her way w bheeto Invite the percale aad friends yourself and see what a mean act you did? Do you candidate on the Democratic ticket for to get it, so Theo Halstead sxld to an County Commissioner but as yet has home from G lendale Saturday. of the student« to visit the tchoob sa y ever stop to consider that every little act like this tie made no campaign. Joe Is very capable Argus reporter. will return to you with a hundred fold added for Henry Miller one of our city merchante of handling the job and thera Is hardly punishment? Think it over friend. matb a buainess trip to Ashland Saturday Thb b the firet year in several that Amy Koester was a Rogue River visit­ any ol his friends who will not be pleas ed to see him win the place. the school has ran without fire re tha or last week. _________ Fon S al » - Location notiere, blank weather het bean vary pleasant mort of Max Shultz and wile of 9ams valley R. D. Koester of Rogue River visited leeda mortgagee, etc. et tho News office. the tima. came down Thursday on buainaaa. on Birdse) e Creek last Sunday. Rev and Mrs E. C. Richards, well Vem White twllar known as "Dock residents of Klamath Falls passed thru this city northward on Yae" moved to Medford Wednesday. Monday. Ralph Darling waa aomc bury inan last Joe Parry and family Ira Nirholt and Thursday taking load« of («rople to are Mrs Lloyd Hlmmonds, left Tuesday family went out ramping in the Mead­ the circus. Scvend trip« wera mail •. afternoon lor Medford to reside, aa Lloyd ow« Bunday. has employmant there. Dot Eddlnga had tlu> misfortune to cut Jamaa Pelton and wife of Klamath hia hand on a broken insulator the past Martin Parry mo'orad In from Lake week, lie waa placing lira lnaolator on County the first of the week and is vWt- Fulls and Miss Jude of Han Francisco were in Gold Hill Friday lb>*T were visit­ one of ilia crossarm pin« when It flew to ing Ids brother, Joe Perry and family ing at the home« of Mrs M. R. Pryce piece« and the «harp edge« made a very and Mrs A. E. Thompson accruse tha ugly cut. A real “ 1917” Henaalion “ A World of river. Pleasuro" opens legit season, O ctobr W. H Miller war a paaaenger to Med­ 5tb. Page, Medford. 1 22 Guy Cronomlller who is working on ford and the Oounty auat today. Kura Berg who has lawn aerloualy ill the transformers at the cement plant, lor soma lime was brought to tha Gold Joe Barman wa» a passenger to Me 1- Hilt Hospital an Tuasday where an opa: made a business trip to Medford Tueeday ford aud Ja.ku.nvUI«. Thursday-tiftlnr stion was performed to give temporary weak. Joe ia one of the husiaet man in relief. The o|wration by Dr Kebey was Andrew Morris and wl'e of Inkevlew, our city. He la on the go all the time. a success and Berg expect* to return to and Lee Cook and wile motored out to hia home lit a lew days. the Hosmer ranch on Foots Creek last Simmons and Hdinennai: will pay 821 Mesdames T. U. Kola ri» and Elmer knowu here and Kera spent Wednesday iu Graute Pasa. Activitiea o f T he Gold Hill School». Ready! Aim! - - -