Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1916)
I fyt G ate to C ra te r Lake The Enchanted C ity ' • the name given GOLD UHL / oy tourists, for Its Beautiful green J n il* , Picturesque Rogue River, J Hie home of the Speckled Trout Ih r basi and nvervsl road Io Ihh bvaulifui. «troie wondar a thru <)OlO H i l l . Try « ««at time you coma our way. NO. 20 GOLD HILU JACKSON ( >1 NTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMI LR 16 1916 , jPcC liZlill* Neeer-the-leSS. W hy h It People From Other a litie s Come Here F or Provisions? U an ma rather peculiar to people that •re not wlar to all the lade In the matter Io tad the realdenta ol Evan« Creek doing their trailing hens in Gold Hill when then- are good »tore« very much closer to their home than we ate. When you me the other aide however, you can readily are that they go where they can aell the produce they have U> «ell and whan« they can get the tin thing« that thay an- In need ol when they want them and not have to wail lor them until the merchant order» them from the wholeeale hou«e. Thur«day we met Han Neathamcr and Will llillla, Irom up Evan« Creek, In thia city doing their trading, and they are by no mean« «mall buy. ra We <1 d not a*k them why lh. y did not gel the thing» that they nu ded at their local «tore«, but die fact remain» that they are doing tbalr trading hen- and that we have known «ev er«! ol their neighbor* In the l««t month or «o that have done the «am« thing and the reaaon lor It all la that they do not buy Irom tli* people that do not buy from them and the »ton-« here are alway» »n- xtdus to get the very thing they have to w i|. th l« 1« a reciprocity arrangement that work» In every phaao ol hie and one that work« In the new«pa|»ir game more than In any other __________ _ M 'sa Y °un8 Tone ila Removed Miss Mary Young, the vocal and piano ^ ' ^ A a l i ^ d . M h o l o r w i m a ’tlma taught a dsns In Gold Hill, reported thl» week that owing to thrpal trouble her voice will probably lar out ol cnminl»- aloii for aoveral week«. She la alao hav ing a great deal ol trouble with her hand that «he sprained l««t spring, and haa nut yet been able to play the music ol which «lie 1« capable. It la hoped a little real Irom tho claaw-a will nn-int matter». Hie will however alien I to her classes here just the same aa ever. \Vatson Goes On Vacation. Gold hill Climate And Softs Arc Adapted To Perfect Culture Of Raspberries A s Proven By Local Garden And Plant Culturist High School Reception. S9H M ining M an Investigates. II. L. Hubbell, o l Oakland, Calil., a mining r.ian. arrived in Gold Hill Mon day and will remain hereabout lor aome- liins looking over the mineral rest.arc»« in this district. He slated to a News re porter tin t ho has great hopes lor this district and that if he Is right in Id» er- I ¡mail' of ilit- wealth in the ground here liu will bu glad tu make bis future home in lliese part . The wealth is hew and if we can induce enough men har ■ to look il over tli.-re is no leas-m why ibis wifi .1 lx- 'lie City that we have been pre- di ing t-er since ve have hail a n y hing io ilo with tlic paper. “the New» is just in receipt of the Offi J. W. Haya last Thursday brot to the New» office lor exhibition a »tern off ol a cial Program of the Josephine County Ranberry bush, loaded with largo rlpo, Fair Tlie schedule «hows careful attention red berries that In- hail cultured In hl» to detail on the part of the committee garden at Gold Hill, It 1» not unnanal but the get up ol the pri' ted folder is very lar anyone hero to have berries, and very poor and docs not do justice to the com fine one» at that, but the remarkable mittee who arc gentlemen of taste and feature connected with thia incident 1« DMtnen. Wedneailay, September ‘JOlh. tin- fact that thl» la the second heavy crop Mr M S Em rv • id«oii, (A ’dami Messrs Barrick Salem wliohav hem il ripe (m il Irom the bu-he-i (In« wa« h i . i Hiring eastern and «truth* rn Oregon Mr Hay« ba« w >rkvd bard to |«-r(ict the n- mii il 1-- lb. ir bollarTui-day a ft muun «topping at Ciater hake and Klouiatb ililo cropping «train and hi« »uc.-v«» cau i after », - tiding tin - p. -t three week« at Mr nd Mr». J. Fall«, vlsiird with ili- ir "Id friend S V. only be credited to the Id- «1 berric climate I the lumie of her parce ist iei» iv -1 a ttno new line ol Ha and «oil condition« In the district around D. H edgepeth, io « u n MiFarreii In Gold llitl Tu-aday. ifiey. Fall ham, felt and velvets, large ami Gold Hill. small, ladies and children. Suit« will be Am ethist Lodge Celebaates. . Moody, Ilice, in later The Ladles Shop, Kelsey Arms Mes»rs Embry, Cat MrsGtia A. Lovegren ol Portland la j Scbltuuierborn and 11.--,,; i«r who hava Building, Gold H i’l, Oregon. 10 visit ug hi r husband who 1» h. re In the Ameilil«! Lodge No. 07, Rebekah», ol interest of the California Oregon Land« I been dismantling the Krauen mine, have Gold llill celebrated tliefr'fttth Anniver- Mr Underwood la naaistlug .Mr Sharp I finished their labor i I cone to Ashland, . • machinery at Horton Beeman a t U. o fO . «ary at the I. 0 . O. F. Hall at Gold Hill hi Id« work. Mr Sharp is Chief of the j where they will insu. Wcdne«ilay evening. Game« were in Camp» over the old land grant. Love the Ashland mine. dulged ill by all and refreshment» In the gren is establishing company» who are J. H-irton Beeman left Sunday morn Dick Walker, wilt id son, Cfinton, »haps ol Ice Cream and Cake w* re served surveyin'! and cruising the timla-r for the a n d Richard Morel < returned home ing for Eugene, where lie ¡staking a six- to the aaHcinhlad gin «la. Everyone had a Government. Saturday night, after several week«’ ab- year law course in tlie University. He dandy time. set ce, taking a trip through Portland, was accompanied by ids sister, Mr«. Geo. lame, who wa« returning to her home in towns. Boy I). Cameron returned to Collage Win. Myer anil wife und E. C. Gall, oi deattle und other nor J. W. Herron of Gold Hill wan at the Ashland, spent a few hours in Gold Hill Grove Sunday morning, aftgg. a wank » dted at Rogue Shoshone, Idaho. Mrs F. Wallace ré ILu beetle with an auto t»ai ol iriendf Huison Goes Hunting. Friday at the Hodges home on their way River last Wednet tta y at III« home In thia city. ie was acc jin- Llotd Simmon» 1» now furnishing niuaic at Brown’« Confection ry «ore. Medford. Mrs Alrbott returned to her home at Ashland, Tuewlay morning, after aérerai days visit with her daughter, Mrs. Zoe Noc. ’•Had" Hutaoii haa gone OH » hunting trip, and Tom l ’ankey I • wearing the marxiini * bftdtfü. Holiert 11. Moore and wife are moving Io Central Point to live with In» mother, Mrs. Roliecca Moore. They w i l l ha greatly missed, a« Mr. Moore ha« l«en the clerk In Merritt’» »to«« for thirteen years. Mrs N. K Blackburn left Sunday evening for Oklahoma and Missouri. Mr. and Mr». Horace Pelton left Tm-a day morning for Eugene for a visit with Mr». Pelton'» «later. Meadamea Heed, Caine, l-angdell. Mi«« M argaret Perry, J . F Dietrich and fam ily, Martin K. Johnson and family, and Sprague Riegel were among those who a t tended the circus Irom Gold Hill Monday. The Epworth Ixragui- ««lend« a hearty invitation to everyone In tho Gold Hill community to attend their annual recep tion to the Teacher» ol our School» and tin Students ol ill • High School, to I»- held In the M. E. Church at Gold If III on to the Venison barbecue. panicil by lier hu ./. C. Burch a t Medford. "t There was quite a turnout Irom Gold F Wallace Sears vii were Innch- Kill to the Rogue ltlver barbecue Friday eou guests with M tlie Wai- 1 ik«r Mr. and Mr». J. C. Burch and lien and all seemed to be Jtvll pleased with dori H tel at R->gu- R r la-t Wcilnes- Kiiri-h arrived by auto from Portland on f the most home- day. Tills Hotel ia >' Monday for a business and uncial visit the kindness shown them. d in our travels like places we have heia They will make their home in "Dol” Moore was a business visitor at Mulford for the mat of the season. Ben NoherA A. F»rgu))o)i. formerly of this Barth will return to l ’uttland after a lew Mi-HIn S u n d ay. district, 1» now a we11 to do farm owner days of recreation in Gold Hill. I Hist week Roy P. Tucker end motliei near Pancrasa, Alberta, Canada, having Mr« E. M. McIntire spent Wednesday moved Irom Myrtle Day's residence, to located tlere on government land before with friend« In Medford. Mrs. Lucy Mee'e bungalow op(>nalte the tho railroad was extended through that Mrs Lynn Smith and sialer Mr» Ham country. high school building. ilton Markland left Wednesday morning for visits at Hugo and Grant« Pass. After one week of schooling in Ashland, Lloyd Simmon», the piano player for the Saturday night dance«, returned to Dorotliy Smith returned home to go tc Virgil Eddington lett Bunday for Ills Gold Hill after an absence of three week» school here. Home is the beat place home in Central Point, after visiting with after all. over to Copoo, Cal. relatives in Gold Hill and vicinity. O dd Fellows O f G old H ill C ontribute to Fund To R eim burse F e llo w Lodge Members Loss. Gold Hill Odd Fellow» sent a donation Mrs. I. T. Galllgar went to Jackson to Chief of Police John Hula of thia place ville the first of the week to take charge who loat hl» home by flro last Friday eve as principal ol the achoola there. ning. Thl« make« nearly $100.00 secured «0 far. There ia more to come and dona ’ Joseph Perry moved his lamily beck tions of Inmber are axpeettd. A» aoon homo after »pending neveral month» su os all the moneys are- in the Government perintending the Braden mine. crew have promised to build the house. Many articka of clothing ere coming in Mr. and Mr». F. Zena and J . E. Mar dully, and before long the old couple will ting, the ahoa doctor, went to Medford be provided for by their many k’nd friends Monday on business. The fire last Friday evening ia supposed to have caught from the explosion of a Mr«. Fred Guy and children, of Sar kerosene lamp, and happened while Mrs The dine Creek, went to Grant» I’ase Monday, Hui went to a neighbor’» house. blaze lasted about twenty minutes and to visit with relatives and friends took everything, nothing tielng saved. Miss Elsie Milder left Saturday evening Their loss was around $1000 with no in surance. Anyone who ca n . contribute - to enter the stale normal at Monmouth will please do ao at once. Moneys can >« Mr. and Mr». 1 T. Galllgar returned mailed to the Argus office or to the First the latter part of last week from a hunt State Hank of liogue River. Josephine County - C O N V U L S IO N S - i Prngiiatical and punctlfarm debate, Pinguidinotu conversationalism, And absonon« blandiloquetwe 1 hate, And blind appulsivu pyrrhonisui. • • • II Abncbnlated theories, cabals; Tenebreous iwrspicaciousnees; Galescent litigations, caitiff brawl? Altiloqiwnt loquaciousness. • • • III Perissological abtenebrations; Agrestic, acraotic prose, In eliaologicalagglomerations, Spuineacent, convolute, ainose. • • • IV Conglutinated crocodi ity, Astute, co active dogmatism, With soporiforons subtility, Aud pbilomathic cynicism. Starqullenona, amorphous piety; Noiiculpalive optimity ; Anomalttical saiety, And renegade proximity. • • • VI Calion», parochial parelinoneonsneas, big and fishing trip on Big Butte. Well By BUrplicid penury cajoled; Bert Jones and family, who have been we will not tell what ancce-s they had, Ecclesiastic queremoneousneaa, but they seemed to relish the venison at working down at Copco, Cal., returned And agonia^> rotrorsuly trolled. to Gold Hill Saturdny »veiling. the Barbecue. F a ir September 19, 2 0 , 21. Mrs. R. Moore Honored Here Judg C. U. >'’anon, of the law firm ol Waiaon A Kellogg, ol tbi« city, leave» thl« wi-ek lor Montague, California, for a month’» stay lor the purpose ol reorgan izing the .4 t. Sbasta Land A Irrigation When L ad ies’ A id Society En- roinpany and extending their exU-niive ter ta in A t a Surpriee system In that valley, A. L. Harlow, the weh known irrigation promoter, 1«. A n d F a rew ell. the gi-nral mane.gnr of the company. "Coming event* cast their shadows be fore". A party ptann. il for Taeaday eve ning to honor Mr» R. H. Moore was al most over«ballowed by tlie fact that tlw fir«t dray load of their household effects left Tuesday morning lor their future iiome in Central Point. Nevertheless, the ladies not to be daunted, engaged Mn. McFarren to occnpy Mrs Moore at her Iiome with conversation until tlie time appointed to bring her to the ladies aa- «■ io bled at tho residence of Mrs W. H. Gardner in Gold Hill. To Mr» Moore the trip around tlie town was almost like a “ toor of the world" before reaching ilicir d.-Mt-nation, but on arriving and finding tier old accoet .med buoch there a-seiiibled el»* gasped "well’’ - looked flintier around tlw room and gasped ig a in . lo n er in tlie i veilin g all repaired i < the Home Diniug Heil where a lovely lunch was served. The ladies present were: the Mesdsmcs It. H. Moore, M. R. Rioe, Ralph Darling, A. E. Kellogg, G. W. Milam, E. M. McIntire, Nellie Darl ing. Lucy Mee, Isora Hoiles, FerninZaua Tom West, J. F. Deitrich, Geo Iverson, D. H. Mil'tr, E. T. Simmons, C. N. She ver, W. H. Gardener, P. Langdell, and R. C. Kt laey. AU departed at a late hour wim pl asaut memories of the eve ning but sad regrets at the prospect of losing Mrs Moore from their midst; she has been a willing worker in all the un dertakings if the Ladies Aid and a w ill ing and competent secretary and wiU be greatcly missed in all their future work. Chief of Police Hutaon of Gold Hill last Sunday pinned the official bodge ol auth ority onto H. T. 1‘ankey and took him Mtadouj't Boaqaat* self off to th<- raonntain« in tlie neighbor hood ol Flounce Rock at the home of his Fire Warden Pomeroy and Joe May- son in law where he expeet? to kill all field burned the slashing? on Joe’» place the deer the law sl ows. Friday which causdfi the big smoke. BEAGLE Fied Bolt, Ray Fleming, and Ed Rhoten Tiie farwell dance to the Wyland girl» left for the Cresent City vicinity for a mine at the Pomeroy bouse was an enjoyable they are interested in. incident Saturday night and ratuer an exclusive affair. Mrs Brown of the Kane» Creek district left Wednesday for a visit with friends in Mr Easterly who leased the Lampman Medford. plactf last spring was in the Meadow« lor a hunt the past week. Cal Dusanberry Ernest Lymnn returned Wednesday brought him from Gold HiU. from his Portland trip. Dr Chisholm. Henry Hay and a party were out for a visit at the Chisholm group of mines Sunday. Pathologist Is Reported Bad. A crew of surveyors and timber cruiser« about a dozen all told, are camped on The annual Josephine county fair will Morris, in Creek near the road and are be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thur , looking over the Rail Road land for the sday , September 10, 20 and 21, at Grants Para. The fair board and citizen»’ coin F ru it Inspector and P a rty A r e Government with a view to closing it. ... I They are remarking the section corners mitteea have filled tlie three days witli Supposed to H ave Vio- waich lg mnch nee,led. events of intereat, including »po«,ta and la te d Game Law s. [ Mrs J. B. Welsh, took her nephew, carnival feature«, and tm-h evening after Loron Prock to Central Point ao that he tlie gates at the fair ground? close tlie atree’a of tlie city will be alive with the A few day» past il was reported that might resume his studied. Jarrel Mil- carnival spirit. There will 1» dancing County pathologist, C. C. Cate, fruit | chell took th m to town, every evening, and a mask carnival on inspector Johnuie Aiken and Nate Biden Finis Mayfield, rather than see an ac tho laat ni lit. made a bunting trip tlie past week on cident happen, "worked over." th-) High Tlie entrieain the agricultural and flock upper Moriison Creek and so rumor say« way bridges the past week. They are now show will be the largest ever recorded they killed a coupie ol doe« and a faun in pretty fair shape. here, ai.d rivalry for tlie awards will b • thereby bringing the wrath oi the law- J F Pearl and son of Central Point, intense. Buildings for tlie housing of upon them. One man paid twenty-five were among the week end hunters who dollars fine after pleading guilty in the the exhibits are being erected at the ball Medford Justice Court and the indigna tramped tlie hills around the B.-aglu dia- park, where the lair will be held. tion felt led to tlie arreit of two of onr trict without success. highly respected young ranchers on the W. W. Cottrell went to the valley but Mary Trnax went on train No. 14 on cliarge of chasing deer with dogs. The not to tlie circus, early this week. Monday to Eugene, where she will re-en dieriff aud a Constable served a warrani 8»ntembar«tli., the first killing frost but the ease was dismissed when it was ter tlie university. of the season nipped the melons along found that they were trailing upawound tlie ereek. The Fletcher Stout went to Jacksonville Iasi ed buck to get it out of its misery Dad Drake and Dad Russell returned inquiry developed tlie fact ol three il égal Saturday to visit witli home-folks. killings by tlie oilier party who plead from tlieir hunting trip on Elk Creak up among the deer and huckleberries but did Loreta Owens came up from Rogue guilty and p a ii their fines. not harm tlie bucks. River Saturday, and stayed over Sunday, S. H. Hubbard i* entertaining a nephew 32 pupils are enrolled in tin- Rogue tlie guest of Margaret Chisholm. from the Willamette Valley who haa River High School. This is quite a few more than any ol the surrounding town been visiting here since Sunday. Thirty cars ol lumber wood and bay and speaks well for tlie directing heads. Mrs Finis Mayfield haa rented a house from hero are scheduled for eastern points in Rogue River and plans to bring the Five cars have already lieeu sent, tlie Sam Sandry left Sunday to apend two children here where tlie older girl», Zelda ; balance will be sliipiied as soon as cars weeks in Curry County. What's matter and Violet can attend high school thia can be bad. Thia condition also effect« Sam, Barbecue to much for you? Come winter. 'd cars lor local shipment. Thia begins Howard and Frank Mayfield are again to think of it we felt that same way onr to look as tlio Rogue River was coining | at homo after a few week» visit In town, selves. to tiie front as a shipping center. j They are at the PattUlo ranch on tha VII Mr*. James Stebbins came up from 8a H. C. Barne« and wife left Sunday for Bubreplive, parasitical finesse; cramento last Snnilay to visit her mother, Ashland, whore they will attend t h e Aiiiniverou» depecnlatlon; Mrs. Sarah Ray, and family. Bouiharn Oregon G. A. R. rcuniun. Sophisticated conaentaneousneas, And frustratory compotations. Mr*. J. L. Rowe returned to her home — II. k w. G. K. Howard, Democratic Candidate In Sam* Valley Sunday after »pending for Joint Representative of Douglas and We desire to thank the many kind a week with her daughter, Mrs. John Jackann counties, vlaited in Gold Hill on friends wlio have done so mnch for lie Eddington. Saturday Inst. since we loat everything fyom tho burning o! our home. James Fltsgibbon a n d wife came in — Mr. and Mrs. John Hnl. Mrs. Ivan Simon and daughter, Helen from Foot* Creek the first of tlie week to send tlieir daughter to Medford, where Virginia, returned Sunday morning form Mrs B. M. Outer of Foots\Creek lias «lie will enter the Sister« of Charity school. an extonded visit, with her parents nt liecn very ill and was moved to the home Simmon a Schuerman are paying 30e Hillsboro, Oregon. They were met by of her sister Mrs Puhi ol Rock Point. Mr. Simon, who returned with them. perdozen for fresh uggs. Tho Parent Teachers Association will hold tlieir Annual Meeting at tho School building at Rogue River, Friday, Sept ember 20th. Tliis is one of the beat propo aitioua and should be given attention by every mother. Mrs c-arn Sandry is the president. Wanted a good correspondent in every district around Rogue River, we make special indneeme’its to good correspond on iltseasy to get by. Why not let us have your name, or better a ill, call and see us forks of Evans Creek. Mrs Jim Dinkins it home again at the ranch bnt planning to take her grand- daughter, Beth aud go back to the valley W be nearer school for the winter month« Born to Mrs and Mr Geo Woodcock, Fred Moore and wife with W. W, Col- a Daughter, Sunday September 10th„ trell and wife motored to the valley last Mother and child arc doing well. | Friday.