Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, September 09, 1916, Image 4

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    ar reliât a» to th « Cuttrt may »earn aqu-
M O T IO B r o l l r u i t t . i c A i I
1« Twa Ot«’»'«» <*•■» “» '
t tabla.
Thia *ntn n,ona laxerved upon you by
publication tn the Gold H ill New», a
\V F. Black»rt, I ’lalatUI, 1
nawcpaper ol general circulation puis
- VA -
It.hed in »lohi H ill, Jachwu, County
J A. Habla«»«» and
Oregon .and that »aid publltatton 1» n,a«lr
Jam»« Il H a y e e »» *
onee a week tor »ix eoltaaetHlv« wack»,
f A " > hl »"4
I,y order of Houorahle F I. To,, A »II»
Jaroh llehrm an » '” ■
iJ m ’g a o fth a County Court, ol Grcgon
Ad«>lph N u lx ig e r.
De,en, l a i d » .
(or Jackton County, Mid order having
To J A Ruhlnwtn »U’l >»’" “• ,l
h, en mad» on the Tth day ol Auguat,
M d S A W yld, a n d J a c d . »h h rutan, ,
tiu» Newbury,
and Adopt, N u l- r«, r.
Jacaaoa » ” t «r» .
the above named deleo lmd •
A ttorney lor , ‘lalutlff
R A M « OF l l l t . S l A T R G F tlH F .G O h
You are hereby not lied and >eq i
» I to appear In Iho above ettllUml
Court and eauae and an.wer the
Mr« M R Rtc> formarly «talion again
haro lm» now a raaldenk ol Portland, ar-
rtvad In Gold H ill Friday lor a viti» w lü,
her m o th « . Mr». K. M. Mclntyta.
M ia. A. K
Kellogg wan» to Madlotd
Tbnraday w ill, M t» K. V . Vpton.
When you buy it here you cannot help but
feel like eating everything in sight, for
Tha Waelleader», who formerly operat­
ed the Com,,« T tx a ira hara, wound u|
all «heir bu'lneaa alfblra in Gold H ill,
T ltu r*la y
They have now «akan over
«ha »how at tVntral Fttlnt.
Dont Forget,
couiplatnl ol p la ia ll® • " ’*
nle ‘ ^ r*"
l„ agnlnet you w ithin »«• * •
the ihtla ol the fir.t pahlloaUou ol I da I
»„„„no,,a tti*on t otl. which la 11'» U«'" ‘1»F
„( A a g « » » » ‘ «»'‘ “d U
and an» wer within the »,„>• required, lor
want thereof the (d«h 1,1» • ¡4« plyh’ ihe
f .uil for the relief I J» 1 1
1 ' '
We tiro prepared to fill all orders for School
S u p p lie s S tationery, an d School Books. Wa
nlso carry a fu ll lina of Society and Business
Stationery of th e \ cry Best Q uality.
n,Mtded In hl» complaint, i»> * It s
For a Judge,ne„t again»» defei,danta
j a lto l„ ,'« o ,, n e ,I •' .>K « h G re»
,,,d each tloueol
the teteral .«„-e-
o ltu ll »et out l„ plaintiff*• co,,,, lain, Io
the lull »on, ol f t l t t l . ¡C an d lo r the co.,«
•m l .lUburteinen,» ol the »„1, to »e tax- ■
ed and lor a decree of the Court decree
lug the teveral llena •», ou, aa , xhihit»
to »aid complaint, conatttlng ol exhibit» ,
" A ” ,O ‘ "R " lncln»l»e. to I** valid, «uh- ,
».»ting and prefattad llena upn„»e«»l”h
gU, T»,wn«hip.M South, Rang*.» W e a to l
the Willamette Meridian, a . .eemilx lo,
the payu, «BA ol the »aid aeveral »„„,« j
toelted In the »aid noth','« ol lien, and
the aald judgement he'elidxlore refetr-J
•d to,and that a further deer«» of the
eottrt he entered for the lorevl.warn
•eol, ol aald hen» and,ha, the premiwa j
W e are making the following special offering,
and this is a very desirable opportunity for you:
is going down, and we follow
tho market nuntations. »See U s
GoU H.H.
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
Mciins the highest degree of purity in Air, l.i$ht, and
in the wate?
use anti drink, if the Plumbing is not of
expert instalation. or if non at all the air is hound to be
impure. If the Night-Lighting system doe9.not/ ,^ W
White I ight the health is impared, eyes ruined, air bad.
If the Water supply is not l'rolH'.rly
profits. We are prepared to instal the I lot Acetj lene
Lighting and heating system; the Cheapest, W hitw Lm ost
ceiivement light known. No job of plumbing » to large «
small tnd we never have to go over a job that we have
done; everybody we work for recommend us.
deegrthed herein I» .U d to aalltly raid
judg. n,«',d. coat«, attorney *• I e * and i
accruing coat«, and that an order ol »ale
lx made by th,» Cm»«
that effect, and
that alt right or equity ol rvslemptlon j
el »aid defendant» or either thcreol in i
or to »an, dea,',d*>l premia»« Ix lorvver
bnr**d, exoept a» in Abe mnnne p ro v id ­
ed by law, and for »„ch oilo r and forth-1
»»•(A G e « H M /madama«» © »-.
Buying groceries is simple, easy and economical at thia store. There is but one
price and that applies to every person and is reduced right down to the lowest pos­
sible figure, below which no one can sell IL We solicit your patronage, and we will
serve you well. Every article sold here absolutely guaranteed, the very best quality
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 0
*♦ *
Hilt, O n t o » .
67>e B i g « S to re
A Fair of the People, for the People, by the People
Jackson County
Industrial Fair c
MEDFORD, Sept. 13, 1 4 ,1 5 ,1 6
Agricultural Hall.
A r.n.
Will contain products of field. garde r
and orchard. There w be rains gras-
scs. seeds and\ega»ab.cs,
\ raammoth
display of county district cn ’.bits, ten t
T Lively
' ,
bp , ay
races, bu.o .
M aC
A llkin d so fto o lsA n d im p lem en tso fh u s-
handry for farm ard garden, wagons and
motor vehicles.
Big School and Feld meet
^ teroWr MA.
Races Daily
Baseball games. buck
F a rm
o .. p ^
«new. cowhoy
: ' 2
s u n « . S-Mnwhin*
doing every minute,
rrprvsented. Running races.
pole vault*. broad jump, shot p u t basket
» f l l . te n n . » - .n t . e . « « x * t h » i i 1 x for
for all
the young athletea to do.
B ig F r ee B a r b e c u e a n d C o m m u n it y D a y .
Septem ber i t . com m encing a t 12 o clock. Every m a n . w om an and
Jackson C ounty expected to a tte n d . Bring jo u r cups and try th e coffee,
and d o n 't be bashful, for we w ant all to eat and be m erry.
Women's Department.
Textile Fabrics.
la an o p p p o rtu n itj to tiew a beau-
tiful scene of spec nens o f w om en's
industry and handiw ork. Especially
fine th is year. This d e p a rtm e n t
w ill be p u t uptow n in l \ t t is Yaw te r
bu d d in g . next to Schieffelin G ro
c e r t . Sept. I.t. M hen you g o to m ake
b n i t <-nu>
wot bring <»fair » m u
K n ittin g , sew ing.crochet and fancy
work, draw ings engravings, photo-
graphs, brie - a - brae, curiosities
a n d keepsakes. P la n ts ,fio ra lb o u -
quer# and pieces. M usic and in ­
<tTUinenu, m erc h a n ts' displays,
. ,
. v f r Knikline
Ml » t r t r t .« 7 * '* '
n d s .b u t ta k e s a m e to th is b u ild in g
c o rn e r C e n tra l a n d S ix th s tre e .
Nolle« o l Hearing
Nottna la h a ra b , givaw »hat A . C .
i'alker, a t execnU»r of the • • » • » • “ *
.c o b O m y F ry . o th e r« ,» « known a» J
. F ry , decanted, h»» died hta fin»l nr-
Mint m »u«h a x K U lo r w tlh I he county
o u rl ol tb« State ot Orxgoo tor th«
tounty o fJ a rk a o o , and lb « court h a ,,
, an e rd .r made, rendered and enter-
1 of record therein, appointed M onday,
M 9th da« ot O ctober, 191*. • * ‘ ha
c i r ol 10 30 A . M ot m M day, at the
ffiee ot th« count» judge ot „'nekton
o u a ty , I ' m to o . tn tb« courthoo-« •»
ackaouvilla, Oregon. na tb« tim « and
daoa for hearing tb« «aid final account
4 lb « M id «»«cutor and ohj.ction« tba-
. .
, <a
T , ,-M avJ.ih
be r « * 4
i® ’* •
D e w » ' ««1«
cruet or in any !■»)« a» defined by geolo­ S F Ib w o r th Drake haa l»«n helping Ralph
g ic ,. yet it»« <4»tule apeak» ol n«ck in KuBnell with b it grain
place tearing ciunbar
Character of Land Open un­ Rill Cottrell haa again traded hirnaelt
In to po»e<i»i< n ol the old ('hildera ranch
where a lew year» ago he built a liongalow
til Final Entry.
I t i» now one of I lie floret raachee la tbe
Q a .ttro n
A, «ay» that he ran local« Meadow* dlatrict.
H e traded tbe <dd
• m ining claim any tim e on a homaatanJ Cottrell ranch a m e »ix mi be eaet ol
location. B, any» not altar patent la leaned Medford to M r Picket lor tbe ranch here
The lamiliee w ill make tbe tra ta b r ol
who i» right?
humre next week.
A m u r . - Thi» name question « u «n»-
wered iu thia column quit« recently, re­
CUff Haa»I wood and J o h a a b Drake
plying again, w ill «ay. that until tb« an-
1 trym an ba» mad« float proof paid the are now at Deep River Waabingtcn-
lend office charge« and obtained hi« final
receipt, the character ol I l i a land it open
to Inquiry, and it it can 1» ahown by an
advaraa claimant that U i» more valuable
tor mineral than lor agricultural porpoa-
Alt yxavon« b a tin g any In U ra e t 1« aa tb« houwrtend entry may be cancelled
a d e»u»e *n d legally entitled thereto and a mineral entry allowed.
ra hereby notified to 41« objection», il
ay t h e , b a re , to the final accouot of
be »aid A. C . W a lk e r «« executor, in
tr ilin g on 0» before M onday, the »th
lay 01 October, 19,4.
Bated tfcx Otb day of September, 1»»«
A. P . W a lk e r.
R J. Rowvn and W’ m. Cottrell drove
Executo r ot th e K « ta te e f Jacob G ray to Grant« l'aw and Gold H ill W.-dnee-
rr» . i W n « : » k n o a n * • J G . F r r , de
day aftero,em
M r M axw ell wbo baa
k-need.________ _ _ _
«pending a few day® with hl« eon in
N O T 1 C S F O R P C B U C A T tO M .
law M r FickeU at hie ranch io t l x M m
owe ren t a» tar ae I »old H ill with them
IV p a rtm e e t et tbe Ie to n o r,
on bi» way home near the Canadian line
. F Land O tto» a l R oteburg. »»rrgon in Washington.
Angnet * , 191fi.
Baeid (V ttro ll and family drove the
Xouce x bereby gi»ea th a ï J m »
natt Oottoe. « f R o ro * R i»»r. O rxgoa, Oeerlan.1 te tbe Valley Tbureday at la «
be. ee Se p ie « ber », l* W . «aadeHomw week on a »hopping tear
M d K n tr . Ne. OMFl. for W t ,
& « •< et Re Viou A Townehip ST S,
Clap R. H . Mover Chief of Police ol
a a r» « W . w m e tl» M errdiaa. haa
leo aeoce et mtentioai te mak» Final Portland iVvgoa, le giving mncb ol h b
lee reer F ro o t. te eetahliah cla'm te time to moral and religion» week.
- , laiad abeeeôeecnhed. be oe» H e rb e rt ttwA» at tbe Meadow» echoed hone» oe
m itb . C a .
Onoirr.,«»»»rieT, at
office a t G ra a t» Faea. tVregon, on Wednesday evening la « , rooting ont
front O rrlra l Point with W nt Mayfield Sr
»« rtn d fia» e» Sepaember. t a if i
CJmm art r a n w a» » te m m » :
and 1» vM tin g with F la b Mayfield and
ïArtoe K ia U e , et R . F. D. S e X
fam y until the mbhlle cd tb b w eek.
A CtpeerAele. «f R
R iver,
U <W»oa, et Rogo» R iv e r, v^regoa
— W . B C a«»ee
O A W o e d M c l.o l-
A N C E . P ro s.
3 . I. B R O W N , S e c .
M r F h e rb y who ie in charge ol t lx
fire warden« In thia dittrict. came out the
laet ol the m onth on aecownl ol tbe r*e.
tgnatlon n| t i e warden Soott and appoint
e,l W m Pomeroy. Bill b very popular
beroabonte and b b appointment will meet
with the approval and cooperation ot all
the reetdenk» at the d iM rirt Juet to make
the oeeaeew» one to be remembered, eonx
rarvlM» hunter» b i a fire get away fr m
them on t l x eaet elope cd M t. Splgntt
w j.k b took all night to o -n tru b
M r M e rrtu came owt from Gold H ill
with Cal I'ueenherrv and wac me* by
J. B W e b b and team at tbe Pomeroy'»
hlarkamith «bop Tbnreday
Cal campel
on the erwek until * 90 w k ib b b paaaeng-
er» drove ep to tbe aaw miU end o tb -r
prvpertxe in which both are iatereeted.
A proepecting party beefied by Geo.
M c lx lle n of Medford drove te tbe apper
»r.d of the Meadow» Fr»day end made a
ram p on Fvene Creek a quarter of a mile
above Blnkln» place They came l a a m w
Bodge tonring cax.
Jim O tnkiae took the Ford. teem, and
wagon and went up into the V n ie a Creek
rvgion to b o a t, gntde. and peck
ha» a reputation a» a cwpabb man in all
thee* linee end bee dwbe a rla
M b» l ule Steoen» ol I'h e e n li it vtelling
la n e W y la n d and tamSy are m tb» val
»o tb» new ranch
with h«» A n al, M i t W W . Cottrell, on ley. they expert to
the old Tony Cl«Mt piece.
R eg leier
M r» R m bry. * Akhlar..* wwe >• ». ww h 't »preadlrtg
-nUy v v e ,I o»«r bu-baad whe b work
• win
h .» (twnrth:ng *ere» tb» «hep» cor
W» ha»» been ranterkahly tree trven
tire tb b vaat lig h tn in g r ttw k a couple he-.lge» era grttirig In te ; «reveal of them
M m Rcy B Campbell et Aablaad w el tree» up n a u Mayfield'» piece on la « ara .tangeron» an.1 need tbe attention of
t bore trttf. ber S » b a n d who b *
the roed aaperefitat.
T oa*l»y iti<hi acttinc them afin . onr cd-
1 ba» beee workiwg ai the bra
A.-xcit fir» «arden W . Scott arri»»d on
Fr»d Moo»» and W
OottrvA moaored
the e-eee in a abort tint» and pre vene-, I to Medhwd cat M .m dar
.g ;
Children’s Department Bigger and Belter than fSer
F in al Account.
M arry— I
Bad 1'rwke and IM d Rueaall ate hat tag
the lit»» cd their livre up >wt M k
W » V a n F .-e w * et teblawd Bbarick
where the 4 m
H«i inn a d a n of the M K. ebwncb. was
as —.j, a
,\.kA oaa
— -
Cro, k
are pleanUfbl and the
•aitefcr your
a.sM 'iefnl
(rive <k\»W nw
t l x t v x tkM e many>
e x ia g parttcnlare tree
ReheW eClub;