ar reliât a» to th « Cuttrt may »earn aqu- M O T IO B r o l l r u i t t . i c A i I 1« Twa Ot«’»'«» <*•■» “» ' t tabla. 1 Thia *ntn n,ona laxerved upon you by publication tn the Gold H ill New», a \V F. Black»rt, I ’lalatUI, 1 nawcpaper ol general circulation puis - VA - It.hed in »lohi H ill, Jachwu, County J A. Habla«»«» and Oregon .and that »aid publltatton 1» n,a«lr Rvuguna Jam»« Il H a y e e »» * onee a week tor »ix eoltaaetHlv« wack», f A " > hl »"4 I,y order of Houorahle F I. To,, A »II» Jaroh llehrm an » '” ■ iJ m ’g a o fth a County Court, ol Grcgon Ad«>lph N u lx ig e r. De,en, l a i d » . (or Jackton County, Mid order having To J A Ruhlnwtn »U’l >»’" “• ,l h, en mad» on the Tth day ol Auguat, M d S A W yld, a n d J a c d . »h h rutan, , 1VI«. . tiu» Newbury, and Adopt, N u l- r«, r. Jacaaoa » ” t «r» . the above named deleo lmd • A ttorney lor , ‘lalutlff • R A M « OF l l l t . S l A T R G F tlH F .G O h You are hereby not lied and >eq i » I to appear In Iho above ettllUml Court and eauae and an.wer the Mr« M R Rtc> formarly «talion again haro lm» now a raaldenk ol Portland, ar- rtvad In Gold H ill Friday lor a viti» w lü, her m o th « . Mr». K. M. Mclntyta. M ia. A. K Kellogg wan» to Madlotd Tbnraday w ill, M t» K. V . Vpton. When you buy it here you cannot help but feel like eating everything in sight, for Tha Waelleader», who formerly operat ed the Com,,« T tx a ira hara, wound u| all «heir bu'lneaa alfblra in Gold H ill, T ltu r*la y They have now «akan over Heartily «ha »how at tVntral Fttlnt. GOOD Dont Forget, couiplatnl ol p la ia ll® • " ’* nle ‘ ^ r*" l„ agnlnet you w ithin »«• * • «»"•' the ihtla ol the fir.t pahlloaUou ol I da I »„„„no,,a tti*on t otl. which la 11'» U«'" ‘1»F „( A a g « » » » ‘ «»'‘ “d U and an» wer within the »,„>• required, lor want thereof the (d«h 1,1» • ¡4« plyh’ ihe f .uil for the relief I J» 1 1 1 ' ' We tiro prepared to fill all orders for School S u p p lie s S tationery, an d School Books. Wa nlso carry a fu ll lina of Society and Business Stationery of th e \ cry Best Q uality. n,Mtded In hl» complaint, i»> * It s For a Judge,ne„t again»» defei,danta j a lto l„ ,'« o ,, n e ,I •' .>K « h G re» ,,,d each tloueol the teteral .«„-e- o ltu ll »et out l„ plaintiff*• co,,,, lain, Io the lull »on, ol f t l t t l . ¡C an d lo r the co.,« •m l .lUburteinen,» ol the »„1, to »e tax- ■ ed and lor a decree of the Court decree lug the teveral llena •», ou, aa , xhihit» to »aid complaint, conatttlng ol exhibit» , " A ” ,O ‘ "R " lncln»l»e. to I** valid, «uh- , ».»ting and prefattad llena upn„»e«»l”h gU, T»,wn«hip.M South, Rang*.» W e a to l the Willamette Meridian, a . .eemilx lo, the payu, «BA ol the »aid aeveral »„„,« j toelted In the »aid noth','« ol lien, and the aald judgement he'elidxlore refetr-J •d to,and that a further deer«» of the eottrt he entered for the lorevl.warn i •eol, ol aald hen» and,ha, the premiwa j W e are making the following special offering, and this is a very desirable opportunity for you: SU G A R is going down, and we follow tho market nuntations. »See U s BOW ER S P H A R M A C Y GoU H.H. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Sanitation— Mciins the highest degree of purity in Air, l.i$ht, and in the wate? use anti drink, if the Plumbing is not of expert instalation. or if non at all the air is hound to be impure. If the Night-Lighting system doe9.not/ ,^ W White I ight the health is impared, eyes ruined, air bad. If the Water supply is not l'rolH'.rly e£e” profits. We are prepared to instal the I lot Acetj lene Lighting and heating system; the Cheapest, W hitw Lm ost ceiivement light known. No job of plumbing » to large « small tnd we never have to go over a job that we have done; everybody we work for recommend us. deegrthed herein I» .U d to aalltly raid judg. n,«',d. coat«, attorney *• I e * and i accruing coat«, and that an order ol »ale lx made by th,» Cm»« that effect, and that alt right or equity ol rvslemptlon j el »aid defendant» or either thcreol in i H. H. LEONARD, GM or to »an, dea,',d*>l premia»« Ix lorvver bnr**d, exoept a» in Abe mnnne p ro v id ed by law, and for »„ch oilo r and forth-1 »»•(A G e « H M /madama«» © »-. Buying groceries is simple, easy and economical at thia store. There is but one price and that applies to every person and is reduced right down to the lowest pos sible figure, below which no one can sell IL We solicit your patronage, and we will serve you well. Every article sold here absolutely guaranteed, the very best quality o ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 0 ° *♦ * DA NCE & CO Hilt, O n t o » . GOLD HILL. 67>e B i g « S to re PHONE 8 A Fair of the People, for the People, by the People Jackson County Industrial Fair c MEDFORD, Sept. 13, 1 4 ,1 5 ,1 6 Agricultural Hall. A r.n. Will contain products of field. garde r and orchard. There w be rains gras- scs. seeds and\ega»ab.cs, \ raammoth display of county district cn ’.bits, ten t T Lively ' , D n bp , ay races, bu.o . M aC ~ inCTy. A llkin d so fto o lsA n d im p lem en tso fh u s- handry for farm ard garden, wagons and motor vehicles. Big School and Feld meet ^ teroWr MA. I Races Daily Baseball games. buck F a rm o .. p ^ «new. cowhoy : ' 2 , v . . . . . . . .vc races s u n « . S-Mnwhin* doing every minute, rrprvsented. Running races. pole vault*. broad jump, shot p u t basket » f l l . te n n . » - .n t . e . « « x * t h » i i 1 x for for all all the young athletea to do. B ig F r ee B a r b e c u e a n d C o m m u n it y D a y . Septem ber i t . com m encing a t 12 o clock. Every m a n . w om an and Jackson C ounty expected to a tte n d . Bring jo u r cups and try th e coffee, and d o n 't be bashful, for we w ant all to eat and be m erry. Women's Department. Textile Fabrics. la an o p p p o rtu n itj to tiew a beau- tiful scene of spec nens o f w om en's industry and handiw ork. Especially fine th is year. This d e p a rtm e n t w ill be p u t uptow n in l \ t t is Yaw te r bu d d in g . next to Schieffelin G ro c e r t . Sept. I.t. M hen you g o to m ake b n i t <-nu> wot bring <»fair » m u K n ittin g , sew ing.crochet and fancy work, draw ings engravings, photo- graphs, brie - a - brae, curiosities a n d keepsakes. P la n ts ,fio ra lb o u - quer# and pieces. M usic and in <tTUinenu, m erc h a n ts' displays, . , . v f r Knikline Ml » t r t r t .« 7 * '* ' n d s .b u t ta k e s a m e to th is b u ild in g c o rn e r C e n tra l a n d S ix th s tre e . Nolle« o l Hearing • • Nottna la h a ra b , givaw »hat A . C . i'alker, a t execnU»r of the • • » • » • “ * .c o b O m y F ry . o th e r« ,» « known a» J . F ry , decanted, h»» died hta fin»l nr- Mint m »u«h a x K U lo r w tlh I he county o u rl ol tb« State ot Orxgoo tor th« tounty o fJ a rk a o o , and lb « court h a ,, , an e rd .r made, rendered and enter- 1 of record therein, appointed M onday, M 9th da« ot O ctober, 191*. • * ‘ ha c i r ol 10 30 A . M ot m M day, at the ffiee ot th« count» judge ot „'nekton o u a ty , I ' m to o . tn tb« courthoo-« •» ackaouvilla, Oregon. na tb« tim « and daoa for hearing tb« «aid final account 4 lb « M id «»«cutor and ohj.ction« tba- . . , , <a rr T , ,-M avJ.ih « be r « * 4 i® ’* • D e w » ' ««1« hon.Tng. cruet or in any !■»)« a» defined by geolo S F Ib w o r th Drake haa l»«n helping Ralph g ic ,. yet it»« <4»tule apeak» ol n«ck in KuBnell with b it grain place tearing ciunbar Character of Land Open un Rill Cottrell haa again traded hirnaelt In to po»e<i»i< n ol the old ('hildera ranch where a lew year» ago he built a liongalow til Final Entry. I t i» now one of I lie floret raachee la tbe Q a .ttro n A, «ay» that he ran local« Meadow* dlatrict. H e traded tbe <dd • m ining claim any tim e on a homaatanJ Cottrell ranch a m e »ix mi be eaet ol location. B, any» not altar patent la leaned Medford to M r Picket lor tbe ranch here The lamiliee w ill make tbe tra ta b r ol who i» right? humre next week. A m u r . - Thi» name question « u «n»- wered iu thia column quit« recently, re CUff Haa»I wood and J o h a a b Drake plying again, w ill «ay. that until tb« an- 1 trym an ba» mad« float proof paid the are now at Deep River Waabingtcn- — lend office charge« and obtained hi« final receipt, the character ol I l i a land it open to Inquiry, and it it can 1» ahown by an advaraa claimant that U i» more valuable ♦»o. tor mineral than lor agricultural porpoa- Alt yxavon« b a tin g any In U ra e t 1« aa tb« houwrtend entry may be cancelled a d e»u»e *n d legally entitled thereto and a mineral entry allowed. ra hereby notified to 41« objection», il ay t h e , b a re , to the final accouot of be »aid A. C . W a lk e r «« executor, in tr ilin g on 0» before M onday, the »th lay 01 October, 19,4. Bated tfcx Otb day of September, 1»»« A. P . W a lk e r. R J. Rowvn and W’ m. Cottrell drove Executo r ot th e K « ta te e f Jacob G ray to Grant« l'aw and Gold H ill W.-dnee- rr» . i W n « : » k n o a n * • J G . F r r , de day aftero,em M r M axw ell wbo baa k-need.________ _ _ _ «pending a few day® with hl« eon in N O T 1 C S F O R P C B U C A T tO M . law M r FickeU at hie ranch io t l x M m owe ren t a» tar ae I »old H ill with them IV p a rtm e e t et tbe Ie to n o r, on bi» way home near the Canadian line . F Land O tto» a l R oteburg. »»rrgon in Washington. Angnet * , 191fi. Baeid (V ttro ll and family drove the Xouce x bereby gi»ea th a ï J m » natt Oottoe. « f R o ro * R i»»r. O rxgoa, Oeerlan.1 te tbe Valley Tbureday at la « be. ee Se p ie « ber », l* W . «aadeHomw week on a »hopping tear M d K n tr . Ne. OMFl. for W t , & « •< et Re Viou A Townehip ST S, Clap R. H . Mover Chief of Police ol a a r» « W . w m e tl» M errdiaa. haa leo aeoce et mtentioai te mak» Final Portland iVvgoa, le giving mncb ol h b lee reer F ro o t. te eetahliah cla'm te time to moral and religion» week. He - , laiad abeeeôeecnhed. be oe» H e rb e rt ttwA» at tbe Meadow» echoed hone» oe m itb . C a . Onoirr.,«»»»rieT, at office a t G ra a t» Faea. tVregon, on Wednesday evening la « , rooting ont front O rrlra l Point with W nt Mayfield Sr »« rtn d fia» e» Sepaember. t a if i CJmm art r a n w a» » te m m » : and 1» vM tin g with F la b Mayfield and ïArtoe K ia U e , et R . F. D. S e X fam y until the mbhlle cd tb b w eek. BEAGLE A CtpeerAele. «f R R iver, U <W»oa, et Rogo» R iv e r, v^regoa - — W . B C a«»ee O A W o e d M c l.o l- A N C E . P ro s. 3 . I. B R O W N , S e c . M r F h e rb y who ie in charge ol t lx fire warden« In thia dittrict. came out the laet ol the m onth on aecownl ol tbe r*e. tgnatlon n| t i e warden Soott and appoint e,l W m Pomeroy. Bill b very popular beroabonte and b b appointment will meet with the approval and cooperation ot all the reetdenk» at the d iM rirt Juet to make the oeeaeew» one to be remembered, eonx rarvlM» hunter» b i a fire get away fr m them on t l x eaet elope cd M t. Splgntt w j.k b took all night to o -n tru b M r M e rrtu came owt from Gold H ill with Cal I'ueenherrv and wac me* by J. B W e b b and team at tbe Pomeroy'» hlarkamith «bop Tbnreday Cal campel on the erwek until * 90 w k ib b b paaaeng- er» drove ep to tbe aaw miU end o tb -r prvpertxe in which both are iatereeted. A proepecting party beefied by Geo. M c lx lle n of Medford drove te tbe apper »r.d of the Meadow» Fr»day end made a ram p on Fvene Creek a quarter of a mile above Blnkln» place They came l a a m w Bodge tonring cax. Jim O tnkiae took the Ford. teem, and wagon and went up into the V n ie a Creek rvgion to b o a t, gntde. and peck Jim ha» a reputation a» a cwpabb man in all thee* linee end bee dwbe a rla M b» l ule Steoen» ol I'h e e n li it vtelling la n e W y la n d and tamSy are m tb» val »o tb» new ranch with h«» A n al, M i t W W . Cottrell, on ley. they expert to the old Tony Cl«Mt piece. anna. R eg leier M r» R m bry. * Akhlar..* wwe >• ». ww h 't »preadlrtg -nUy v v e ,I o»«r bu-baad whe b work A FAIR FOR YOUNG AND OLD • win h .» (twnrth:ng *ere» tb» «hep» cor W» ha»» been ranterkahly tree trven tire tb b vaat lig h tn in g r ttw k a couple he-.lge» era grttirig In te ; «reveal of them M m Rcy B Campbell et Aablaad w el tree» up n a u Mayfield'» piece on la « ara .tangeron» an.1 need tbe attention of t bore trttf. ber S » b a n d who b * the roed aaperefitat. T oa*l»y iti<hi acttinc them afin . onr cd- 1 ba» beee workiwg ai the bra A.-xcit fir» «arden W . Scott arri»»d on Fr»d Moo»» and W OottrvA moaored the e-eee in a abort tint» and pre vene-, I to Medhwd cat M .m dar .g ; Children’s Department Bigger and Belter than fSer F in al Account. • M arry— I Bad 1'rwke and IM d Rueaall ate hat tag the lit»» cd their livre up >wt M k W » V a n F .-e w * et teblawd Bbarick where the 4 m H«i inn a d a n of the M K. ebwncb. was as —.j, a , ,\.kA oaa — - i Cro, k are pleanUfbl and the •aitefcr your a.sM 'iefnl (rive <k\»W nw t l x t v x tkM e many> 1« e x ia g parttcnlare tree ReheW eClub; ttn__ VI