Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, September 09, 1916, Image 1

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    Cata to Crater Latta
The heal uwfi nvarml reufi I *
this beautiful, «cauto wonfiar to
thru GO» D f i t t i .
Try N M a t
time you tom e our way.
VOL. J 9
t (Êrfîl
The Enchanted City
to the am w e given GOLD
by le ur tote, fo r Its Beautiful |
hfil», Picturesque Rogue I
the home o l Use Specified
NO. 19
Mrs. K ellogg\B -E -A Ranch Thompson sold Roaring Camp Ye Newleweds M. E. Pastor
Entertains Us. Raises A Prize $15.90 Sheep A Big Success Of California. Flathead Lake
Dinner served a t seven o ’clock W ith ou t irregation corn is pro- Sm all b an d o f Southdow ne sold A U the oldtirners w ere rem ind­ T ried to ste a l a m arch on the D iscribes trip an d is very w ell
p lea se d w ith n ew charge
e d o f days o f long ago
c ity an d new s spreads
bringing highest prices
du ced th a t is not sur­
to Ya editer an d fam ily
on b eau tifu l lake.
over gam e tables
like w ildfire.
ever know in Ore.
p a ssed in U. S.
c a n ’t ba beat.
Tlie writer, tho he has seen a great
Last week on Friday H. E Wharton
was seen to board the south bound train ileal of this our United States, confesses
By wore present at the home of A. E Kel­
and to have tlie air of going on a serious to have been in a state of constant sur­
logg to spend a lew pleaeant hours. I pon
expedition. lie was not again seen in prise during the last two weeks at tlie
the arrival ol the guests Mrs. Kellogg be­
these parts until Sunday night at church. marvelous series ot wonders it has been
gan to load the table with a host ol sup­
He seemed sane enough but those who his privilege to see. After leaving Port­
per dainties that would make a hungry
were in on tlie facts knew that he was far land for Spokane via the 8. P. and S. Ry
man's eye gleam. There was fried bel-
from rational at tlie time. On arriving we were permitted to see under almost
glan here dune to a nicety, and to top
in Montague, Calif., he took auto for perfect conditions, the natural wonder,
off the niorr than bountiful spread were
Yreka, where lie was to meet an old Mt Mood, and the beautiful Columbia
nice large Iresh strawberries grown In
ol his, and «aid friend was there River. But the great surprise of the tnp,
their own garden. Mr and Mrs. Kellogg
all right b u t that is not the point.
At was the railroad itself; built and owned
have one ol t h e nleast and nlgbtliest
by two transcontinental companies, It
homes I n Gold Hill and every foot ol
is used entirely aa a cut off to Spokane,
their lula have some useful Iruit or vege­
News and Journal lie routed the License and lias not a large town on Its whole
table growing. Grapes o l every variety
away from his dinner and family length, film* onr arrival in Krlispeii, we
are growing there Belgian harvs are kept
«omittance to the eotilt have been filled with wonderment at the
In the rear ol the Iola and tliese are fmui
his entrance he seenr- prodigality of Nature in relation to crops
some ol tlie linnet strains io he bail In
to forever leave Is- In Montana, particularly around Kalis-
America. Alter ettpper many selection^
o f single pell, the crops are different Irom those
w e r e played on a flue large Columbia
of Northern Oregon, fruit of all kinds;
Phonograph and about 10:30 the gueets
including apples, pears, prunes, apricote
atarted lor home more than pleased with
for some time of the actions of this ap­ and cherries, are in vast abundance. Late
their reception.
pendage lo tlie News office and his actions frosts ruined the peach crop but other
have been closely observed by many of fruits overshadow that loss. Potatoes,
our lady citizens, but tlie re was nothing beans, sweetcorn, ind all garden track
that they could find out that would en­ is in vast abundance and almoet given
txt/a c ta from the Ruling fuses D«Jd«d
lighten them as to the intentions of the away. Tlie town to which we have been
In United Stales and State Courts
aforesaid unrational printer. And while sent is liwatesi upan 'he west shore ot one
there are some here that are not in tin- of Nature’s most beautiiul lakes, the Mg
cou er a. «. aai.Looo
least surprised at tlie outcome of the trip Flatii -ad, so named because it is in the
«UL.U iu l l . okboos
to California (for they knew Wharton to mid-t of that name; aud is reached by
be a minister's son) still the bulk of the -teainer after a 20 mile cruise from Somers
Inquiries will lie answered In the«--
here were so susprised that they Flathead lake occupies an ancient crater
lolumns, but they must be confined to
are even now among the unbelieving, bnt and its waters are marvelonaly clear. Rock
,he mining statute, and copy sent to the
at the depth ot 50 to 00 feet are easily seen
it is never tlie less a iact.
»ai piler the week preoedlng th e ^ u b -
Have here a very pleasant parsonage ol
icatien cl same.
companied by Miss Ida Starns motored to »even rooms overlooking a fine fertile
northern California Sundav a in. and Gael covered with orchards and at the
Enforcing M iner’s Lien
met Wharton, and for a wonder he was foot of the tract the lake spreads far and
sober, tlio the country was very wet and away to the mountains of the majestic
—Chas. E. Wharton.
A complaint to lorolose a lien ol a
he hail not been o, t of ti e slate of Ore­ Rockies.
liner lor services rendered by him In a
gon since it went dry. Judge Niles, of
i a mine la sulllulent where it Is alleged
Mrs Walter H. Stickel and grandeon
Siskiyou county,, was presented and din­
boarded train No. 13 for Medford Thure--
sat he was employed hy the duly au-
ner was ordered for the whole party.
torised agent ol the minging oorpora-
Wharton hsd previously retained tlie day.
nn and began work upon the property
use of a private parlor in the hole and
I an underground miner, with pick ano
Utti® Wallace Iverson who has been
the services of the Judge, and just as the
hovel and other usual tools used in such
clock struck twelve o’clock tlie first words quite til is much improved.
-ork, end that he performed a certain
of the most solemn rites known to man
la ted number ol day’ labor at an argeed
Ed Bolt returned Wednesday from Cres­
were uttered, and at twelve-fifteen Miss
'age ol a certain stated price per day,
City and the Chetco district where
Starus lia l passed into ■. hlivion or rattier
hereby earning a elated total sum and
her name ba 1 and Mr. Niles had the hon­ he went last Saturday with the Medford
I which there was doe him a certain
or of shaking hands with the very happy ball team. He w ae investigating th «
lated amount Irom the mining comp-
Mr. and ' rs. JI. E. Wharton, and »tak­ mines in that part of the country, but we
n y ; that such labor and services were
ing them o n life's journey with at! the are not sure what h e thinks of the re-
one and performed in the working, de-
hope that a Christian gentleman could. sonrees as yet.
elopment* and operation of the mining
The Methodist ceremony w as followed as
Kenneth Edmunds returned Monday
roperty described and were for the ben-
much as possible and the marriage by tlie
lit ol such property ; and on a certain
Have just received a fine new line ol
judge, instead of the pastor (who was afternoon "from Crater Lake, whence he
tated day he did, for the purpose ol re- Fall Hats, (elt and velvets, large and
found to be away to tlie California Con­ had gone with his father to bring back the
urlng and perfecting a lien (or the small, ladies and children. Suits will be
ference) was strictly religious. Lee-Ken­ rig. He was accompanied by John Kel­
loner due him nnder his contract, Ills In later. The Ladies Shop, Kelsey Arms
ton, an old re-ident of these parts, served sey, who bad been employed at the Lake
nd cause to be recorded in the office ol Building, Gold Hill, Oregon.
on a survey crew for over a month.
the dinner.
be county clerk his claim ano notice ol
The trip home with Owen Woods at
T loyd Miller returned from Chetco on
ten duly verified by h im ; that such
Mrs Grant Harrison left Tuesday for
the wheel was one of the finest sight see­
laim and notice contained the name ol Eugene Oregon and will visit in Rosburg
ing trips that any one could wisli for, as Tuesday, where he went Saturday with
Ion claimant a true statement ol his Cottage Grove, Portland and later she
there had lieen a big rain tlie niglit be­ the Medford baseball boys.
laim and demand altea deducting all will make her home In Elbe Washington
fore and tlie air was so clear that one
Mr. and Mrs. Carle were callers in
Mrs. Dick Robinson went to Rogue
ust credits, the name ol the owner ami
could see every mountain that rose above
A. B. Graham a retired business man Rogue River Friday.
he reputed Owner o f the rolnlg prop
the horixon. We will not attempt to de­ River Wednesday to visit her mother.
irty. and the name of the person by ol Gold Hill, was injured lhe first ol the
Wednesday morning while attempting scribe the scenery for that is a j >b for
R. D. Koester called upon the Ander-
Willis Hays and Martin Johnson «rent
shorn the claimant was employer), a week while assisting in making some
steer his automobile past the congested an artist and we would only belittle the
to Rogue River on Thursday evening to
His ron family Sunday evening.
rue statement ol the contraot under slight repairs cn the automobile.
trade on Fourth Ave., north in Gold
rbicb such services were performed, s injuries were dressed at the Gold Hill
late in the afternoon and listened to the oversee tlie venison barbecue.
Mr. end Mrs. McKan, of A»hland, Hill, Mr Webber ol Sams Valley ran into band concert, walked thru tlie park, took
Inscription ol the property charged with Hospital and it is believed that he will
moved here last Sunday. Mrs. McKan
M. ft. Johnson made a business visit to
he lien sufficient for identification, and make a |ierfect recovery.
depot. The post was so badly damaged several pictures of tlie bride and groom,
is teaching school here.
vhich claim and lien were verified by
l i t h i a water and motored to Medford last Wednesday.
that it will be nec.-ssery to replace it and
Daniel Applegate came up Irom Drain
be oath ol the claim ant; and that said
Medford, wlierejdtnncr was served in the
Mr. Webber is minus a fiver.
L. O. Walker, who has been the handy
ilaim ol lien has not in any way been last Sunday alter absence ol three months
Johnson Cafe at six o'clock.
man at Reed's confectionery store for the
and is the guest ol Mrs Hodges until the Rogue Rivet Wednesday.
latlsfied ot discharged, and the same
Pro! A. F. Reddy and son, Mac Ivor,
last two months, went out to Jack Mor­
>ow a valid subsisting lien upon sticb return ol his parents.
very well satisfied with tlie trip.
George Woodcock and wile, ol Birds­ who have been visiting for some time nt
rill’s ranch Wednesday to superintend
iroperiy. (Hain«« C o m m trc il C o m p a n y
Monday evening the young people ol
the Riverside colony, left Tuesday morn­
the making of fruit boxes.
Judge C. C. Gall, who has been visiting eye Creek, were callers in Rogue River
ft G r a m llt, O r tg o n S u p r tm t C o u rt.
ing for their home at Eugene. Professor
his children E. H. Gall and Isora Hodges Wednesday.
N c o tm b t.1 9 1 6 ).
Reddy is on the faculty ol the State Uni­ Home and to the surprise and chagrin of
Our city marshal was a business visitor
returned to bis home in Ashland theflrrt
tin- Newleweds pnx-eeded to make the
The Ladies Ai I soeielv met for a busi- versity.
of the month.
Medford Wednesday.
most unearthly racket one ever heard un­
Essentials o f D iscovery
Jiesa session Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Clark, ol Salem,
Mrs Newten and daughter Bessie left
that The Bowers Phar­
who havo been visiting for the past two
There must bo such a discovery of min
for Corvalls on Monday.
Amy Koester called on friends in Rogue
weeks nt the home ol Mrs. Clark’s pgr- order on the Bon Ton for the treats macy handles all kinds of school station­
ral as gives reasonable uvldence ol the
River Wednerday.
ents, Prof, and Mrs. D. K. Lathy, cihLior the crowd. They s're just beginning ery, books and general school supplies.
resence of a vein or lode, or if a placer
Van Gall who has lieen visiting with his
aim that it is valuable (or such mining
Sardine Creek, returned to their home to realiz-' that they are married, for they
find tlie world rotates just the same as
Guv Webster was a caller in Grants Tuesday.
Last week Mrs. S. A. McIntosh, of Al-
heextentand value ol discevery, rsqulr uncle on Summit Ranch (or several days
ever and that every thing is as it always tnris, Calif., who has been visiting her
1 by the statute have tx-en met where returned to his home In Jacksonville Pass Wedneaday.
linerals have been discovered and the Sunday.
Mrs. R. C. Kelsey and daughter, Yo­ was, Bnt it is rather hard to accustom parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, 0. McClendon,
R. H . Moore, J. II. Beeman and Fred landa, visited at Grants I’ass in tlio inter­ ones self to the idea of one and one mak and her brother, Sam McClendon, left for
yidence is sufficient to justify a person
ing one. Vic Flint eseap d without the her home. She was one of a party headed
I ordinary prudence in .making ai>3 x Mrs Mattie Meserve and son, ol Medford Witt and wife went to Medford on legal ests of the Ladies Shop, Tuesday.
finishing touches, and it seems hardly by Dr. Coppedge and family o f Alton«.
business Thursday.
enditure ol labor and money, with a re
visited Saturday and Sunday with her
sonable prospect ol success, in develop-
day morning for a short stay with Mrs. (sir but there will lie a laugh later if Vic Mrs. Chas McGill, of Oakland, was also
C. P. Easley, formerly 8. P. agent at H . D . R ed, before continuing h e r •ver return-,
ig a valuable mine.
Mere indications brother, Chas Carter.
a member of the party. The doctor and
this place, was in town tlie first o f tlie journey to California.
I mineral, however strong, are not suffi-
family came hero and left Mrs. McIntosh
Lance A Co., the big store of Gold Hill, week.
lent to answer the requirements of the
while he made several side trips around
tat'ito on the subject ol discovery either have had a host of surprises In store for
Mr. and Mrs. L. C Applegate returned thot here is where we learn something the country and after each one of th«
Mrs. M . E . Gaidner, postmistress a t Tuesday afternoon Irom a visit a t tlie
party had completed their visit they pro­
a to lode ot placer claim s; whether a vein their patrons. The past week they have
We did, but not what we exiected . In
as b -en discovered or exists within the added a fine new American adding ma­ Sams Valley, was in Gold Hill Wednes­ homo of her parents at Drain Mrs. and
ceeded home. Everyone of them were
the near future v e are going to tell you
mils of a particular location Is always a chine to their office equipment. It la one day afternoon.
the children hail lieen there several weeks, what they said and who they said It well pleased with t h e country and will
[Uestion ol fact; the statute Is broad en­ ol the beet machinea in the market and
come again next year.
but Ix>n only a short time.
about. It’s tim e some of us know what
ough to embrace minerals ol the melalic will help out in getting the totals on bill
Mrs. E. V. Upton motored to Medford
Mrs F Zsna returned to her home
t well as the non-metalic class wherever Ing day.
Misses Laccata Malignili and Vere Mur­ baper is going to tell some facts that it
Thursday afternoon, accompanied by tlie
ound in rock in place; but Cinnabar Is
after spending two weak« at
Homer Elliart came down Irom Ashland mesdames E. P. Tucker and Darleigb ray were week-end visitors from Grants secured thru it’s regular new« channels
tot found in any fissure of the earth's
with Mrs Frank Wilmarth,
and it’s going to make some few vexed.
Pass with Mrs. H. D. Reed.
Wadnawlay evening ye editor and (am
Last Saturday the days ol ” 52” wen-
pul ed off near the pavilion in Gobi Hill
and a very nice crowd attended- Tin
eats were put up in the usual good
form hv M. 8. Johnson and Ge->. Iverson
and no one *'sss«ed the cooks” for thej
each carried a six shooter and knew bow
to use it. Toe Red Dog Saloon was pre­
sided over by a one eyed galoot with a
sawedoff shet gnu in each boct leg and
toe way lie made those tenderfoots stand
around proved that be w -i tlie real goods
and loaded for bear. Next came tlx
chance parl-iT and there was enacted the
old time stunts that nsed to he so 'amiliar
to resi-’ents in the district in days gon-
by Everyone there bet at the« had and
were looking lor mors.
Joe Beeman
Was tin re with bel s and be looted «»
fierce na a wild buxz saw with the gover­
nor gone. When lie told a man that bia
bet was gone to the house the man lo ik­
ed one« and nevvr disputed for Joe was
heeled with a big bowle knife in each
sleeve and a small sized cannon on each
hip. For once little Joe was boss with a
big “B ” and say, we nearly forgot that
little pill »hooter Msrtin Bowers, the guy
with the rhcsrfnl grin. When he spit
the boys all dodged and hunted for rover
Tliey knew his power and dreaded to
get pills in their coff- e. Last hut not least
was little Johnnie Reed, that cheer! I
cuss with tlie red hair and the steely blue
eye who never let one single dance artist
get by without paying tribute to the bouse
Johnnie is soma goods when it comes to
looking alter stunts ol this kind. The
bank was presided over by that hard look
ing cuss, Lynn Smith and his smiling
partnei, Bill Stuewe. Lynn went broke
several times but was equal to the occa­
sion and gave bis I O C with a pleasant
grin that made bis customers feel like he
was getting a real favor. We started to
write up some of the other fellows but
they promised to shoot us on sight and
we desisted because we have a family to
support and they don’t like to be alone.
Some one mentioned the City Marshal
and we almost Io, got to say that he show
ed up once and sonic wild eyed galoot
shoved him up in a corner and proceeded
to tell him how it happened at the point
ot a small maxim, and the last seen of
Jltn was a streak of dust and with a yell
ol dispair, Jiui fainted and Dr Kelsey
wu> summoned and arrived in his brand
new ambulance to take him to tlie Gold
Tlie Mesdames Jamison and Tierce, ol Hill Hospit 1. Take it all in all the af­
Galls Oreek, were visitors at tlie Koester fair was a glorious good time and every­
ranch Tuesday for a load of plums.
one was satisfied but tlie editor who had
to stay at home and take care of the baby.
Miss Almeda Orr, ol Rogue River, will
attend Normal school at Monmouth.
Mrs L. J. Sears of Eugene isvisitingat
home ol D. H. Mi ler, havingarrived
School opr ned here Monday with a
small attendance.
W. E. Thompson, of the Cavanaugh
Mrs B. E. Adams this week sent to the
News Office lor our inspection, two ears ranch lias a very fine bunch ol yearling
ol corn that were raised without any irre­ sheep numbering about 150, theotherday
gation or watering ol any kind and to he liad cause todis|*ose ol a lew and the
say that they were flue Is lar to mild a amount received was so interesting
way to dlscribe them and we advise you that this paper thought it might Interest
to come in and i them for we are afraid oilierstokliow what this country produce«
that II we try to dlscribe them the way , in the way ol sheep. The I- leece from
tliey look to us that you will think | each ahsep brought $41 30 and the mutton
brought $9. til) making a total ol $15.90
we have preqaricated a little.
for sheep and wool. II vw is this (or a
n-ve-iue bringer. What he ha- done, can
M w t K o d ln t
C h u rc h
be done by others Who will be the one
to bring in another such good record.
G old Ht i . i ., OaxooM.
Christian Science Service«
Goi.n J^ ii . i ., G kkuqii .
Monday School
10 A. M
No Regular preaching services
tte.ular Chin-liau ä cim re se>vices
Evening service
H:P M. are held every Sunday morning at 11 00
Junior Inague
2:80 P.
o'clock in tue 1. O. O. F. hall Ever) one
Senior League
7:P. M Invited. Tlie »object for Sunday Sept,
Prayer Meeting Thursday
8: P. M. 10th., is “ Substance”
The preaching hour In thusevening on
8unday September 10th., will heoccnpied
entirely b , the Epworth Is-.gue and lor j j Whenever you have theopjmrtnnlt, to
w rsrsl weeks clom attention and ranted- !
srable pains have bm-n taken by Mrs : “ ke don ‘ ov‘-rlooik lhe <•'“ '»* The"; *«?
verson and her able assistants to make I
w,* « ’ e.r
‘° k
this the best entertainment ol the season and were we all to look a little for the good
that there» is here in this city to be done
Song hits, catchy readings by experienced
we would be busy all the time and there
readers, Trio, quaitit, chorus and choir
are a lew of us that would not have the
musts. This is the best program ol It’s
time to knock the rest of tlie crowd that
Ind ever put on in Gold Hi>l. There
is willing to do a little good.
will be no admiaetnn charged as thia is
not a theatre but the regular collection
Capitan A. J. Vance visited Gold Hill
fur pastors salary will 1« taken; a free
Hogue Hiver Friday on business.
offering; that any one would be small in­
deed were they to refuse to five at least a
dime to help the cause along and it’s a
very poor hour's entertainment that is
not worth twice as much.
by Amy Koester
The entertainment In the church last
Munday under the auspices ol the Hnnday
Miss Mary Fitzglbbon of Foots Creek,
School and the direction ol Mr Chas. M.
left laet week for Medford, where she
Shaver the president, was in all respects
will attend »chool. She wiil be greatly
a great success and the the audiance rc-
(raned Irom applauae in the church, Mr
Shaver was congratulated by nearly all
Darleigb Slead, reports that on Mon­
present and i neouraged to repeal the per
day he caught a salmon weighing twen­
formant» in the near future.
ty-five pound«. Some catch.
The Sunday School Board meeting held
In the church Monday was well attended ] Several ol our peop'c are particular
by the officers and the future wellfare of abo(U wh„n lb. lr birthdays com«. They
this department ol tlie churce at Gold are: The Misses Dean 8chrumbergwr,
Hill was I,Hiked into closely. The liter­ Jean Fisher. Susie Mattis and Mesdames
ature (or the year was selected and order­ Katherine Slavin and Mary Mattis. Theirs
will be tliis month.
Foots Creek
(Continued on last page)
and stayed over Sunday with friends.