Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, September 02, 1916, Image 3

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    M. L . R O R T R I G H T
Th« »'arber who tr«»»« .varylHsly right. W.< H
tu ptoastl you. Try um
■r work In first clam shape
Gold Hill, Oregon
Main Street
Result * Getting Cassified
We will tailor to your measure, a coat and pants and An extra pair of Danta
at t h e suit p r h O s o e and look over this fine line of w,»lens
Our service Is excellent, try ns with a sample suit order
“ 7 > I • prep red for war is one o f the moat
e/Z j* f, t me -na o f preserving peace” ?
An Inducement If You Order To-Day
''No, you're wron„». > i aan't I'oaaevelt. It wasn't Wilson, either. You're
«imply gueaaing, now."
Well, inalai you cao ha- •• eflliar | the 12 stab'« In which women will be al-
owe I p> vote for Pre« lei
hla y ear? No? My, hut you're getting maty.
fetter hruah up your Ilia. Heal k nowledgo light now by readlog
who, (or example, puhllahoa a Want ad onoo, ah . . . i. ma not bring the reunite
lealni, decido» that "advertlalng doe» ”ot I18?." ahould study the practical ruaulta, 1
In all linea ol endeavor, ol perseverance. The law of "try again" in aa potent In j
want adrertinlng aa In any other effirt or enterprise.
— — —— ——
ihe Preside r v i J the United States”
ClaMifled Ratea: Ona cent pur word, tirai insertion, Jtj cunt per word (dr each'J
insertion thereafter ;
No advurtiauient Inserted for leas than 26 oente, caali*wltborder. ‘ ’
Foe salb - In Did Norte Co., at Junction Now ia the time to get your babies picture
taken ln'lore the extreme hot weather
of roada leading to Grants l'aaa Ore.
•tarts Palmer Studio
and Eureka. 4»I0 acroa land good for
dairying. Hell all or part. |Ht) per
acre, llolian and 3 ham». Alan apick O ld R si . iaiii . x O li ’M, «0,000 mem liars
range at South end of Beach. Oonalata
many wealthy, dsscriptlnns free, guar­
of Hitt acre*. >10 per acre. Address,
anteed early marriage. — Mrs. Wruhel,
Marlon Breen 3II0H K 10th at. Oakland
Box 2« Oakland, Cal.___________ 9 1»
J. J. R itter, the ready wood-man. Is
Meat anil, 1(10 aeree white pine tim­
prepared to III! all orders for the
ber . 12 milea north of Prineville; will
beat bard and so ft wood, chunk
cruise 1,600,000 feet.
Make me an
or kitchen stove size. Prices low
offer. P C ., box UH, Cauiaa, Wa»h. »-1»
and quality high.
JHTENI— We have a flnu creek bolpmi
ranch for aale, or trade, one of the beet
In Morrow County. Have you alarm Pi
ewap in return? Thia ia a 612000 deal Such Latter» • • Thia A r t Coming Dally
and yon can awing it eaay if you are
to W h ite Houaa.
ready to make a bargain. Nawa office
July 29. 1910.
My Dear Mr. President;
Hold Hill, Oregon.
It la not neceasury that I abould
,Vhy bother with your renter« when we bother you with u eomuiuulcatlou, und i
have had the experience in renting or' It docs not need n reply. I am not ,
buying and aulling property anywhere seeking political favors or preferment, i
and our legal advlaere are capable of but dealre to any for your Information
collecting any rental we accept. Wrhe that some Progressives absolutely re-
Real Fatale Department, care of ltd» .’•i»e to have tltelr acts guided or con­
t in u e d .
Gobi HUI New» Office.
I am a native o f Illinois. I estab- ;
WHY net let na « ‘II your farm prof« “y 'I‘bed the A. M. Webster company of i
We have several tine Eastern Oregon Peoria. 111., und It la now owued and '
Wheat ranches that enn he 'nought <m controlled by my son A ho la engaged I
In handling farm properties.
For I
easy terms. Now» office, Cold I l i f f ,
tw enty five years I tiuve advocated Just '
aucb n rural credit bill aa you bavo {
»NE half aectlon Hue wheat land in
Morrow county for aale. $1000 ca»l»
lutlance long aline. Thia land ia im­
proved and ready foroccupatiou. New
office, Gold Hili, Oregon.
HAVE YOU a house lor sale? Liat it at
the New» olliixt and we will aell it for
you. Gold Hill, Oregon.
For Rent— Five room house, modern,
new toilet, water, light, splendid loca­
tion, low rent t«> keephouae norupled.
Apply to Naw« Office Gold Hill Oregon.
Wood by tier or cord at low est mar­
k et price, delivered. Fir, plno,
laurel and oak. John J. Ritter.
Rhone 3F 21.
Agent»-100 per relit profit. S--11 "Gaaald”
guarantee«) to save anto owner» W per
cent on o,»‘ration cost. Sore repeater.
Establish yourself in permanent business
Kxclusivn territory open.
Sales Ob., ftOH-t» Berlin Bldg., Tacoma
Wanteil—reliable man or woman to so­
licit auhcrlptions fur thia paper. Liberal
offer to right party, now.
Hard or so ft wood, order from John
J. R itter. Phone 3 F21.
L oot —Gold watch fob, valuable to the
loeer aa a keepsake, monogram H.E.W .
finder return to New»'office and receive
reward. II. E. W'hartoh
F orno— Infants truss, owner Identify it
at New» office and pay charge. 13-
W antf - p — Several private milk cuato
mere, $1.50 per month, no deliveries.
F. W. Sears, News office, Gold Hill tf
Wanted—«000 Sugar Pine Shake«, 2) or
3 loot long, call or write John Ritter,
Route 1, Box 4, Gold Hill, Oregon, or
Phone 3-F 21.
For Salp—Team, Hack, Harness and new
Saddle, apply to Lance a Co., Gold Hill
Butter paper, printed In accordance
with the law, for «ale on order at
The News office,
M i st S xi . i .—Or trade one ol the beet pay­
ing Hotel Barlier Shop« In Willamette
(account sickness), easy terras. Ad­
dress Hotel Albany Barber Shop, Al­
bany, Ore.
Fon S ai . b - Location notice«, blank
deed« mortgages, etc. at the Nawa office.
I aaw cordwood to »tove lengths with
power »aw, promptly on order.
Phone John J. Ritter, 3F21.
»1 m ed. I am highly pleased and not
only pleased with thia net. but many >
more beta since you have been our
pi eaident
1 w a s born In a Republican borne
and rocked In a Republican cradle. 1
did not vote for you; but, being dis-
gusted with ninny llepnhllcan rulers
of our atate and nation. I Joined tbe
Progreaalve party and still hold to Pro-
gteaalve principles Owing to the fact,
however, that the men who Blood loy­
ally by Theodore Roosevelt and the
Progressive party were tluully dumped
Into the aernp basket and aa we bavo
alnce l>een grossly Insulted by having
Progreaalve leaden tell us that we
must go back to the O. O. P In order
to eave tbo nation from Democratic
misrule and disaster. 1 balk.
Mr. President, your administration
has satisfied me. I could give Innu­
merable reasons why this Is ao. but to
tbo p oin t 1 have appointed myself
an a committee of one to vote for you
and the Itemocratlc ticket In Novem­
ber and do what little I can toward
bringing Democratic success.
May God bless you In your every e f ­
fort and guldo your every a ct Yours
This is a 4« page
r set »ize raannel, chock-fnll of reliable, authentic
fads, dates, lo c i., „
atiatica, etc., ah rat all past and present elections. It’s
the biggest little election argument settler yon oversaw. Yon can obtain a copy
at lliis office
lO c
To possess information Is always desirable Even a k ce should le "wi ll
You’ll certainly need tills book during the coming election. Get
your copy today. Just fits the vest pocket.
, ■-le d .’ ,
Gold Hill News
Massage treatm ent room at the Gold Hill Hospit­
al under the direction of Mrs. Grace E. Sears.
Special Vibratory Massage treatm ent given to
invalids in their own home. Vibratory Massage
is beneficial to Sciatic, Muscular, and Articular
Rheum atism . Its use brings excellent results
on patients having a sluggish circulation. In­
som nia or sleeplessness can be prevented in a
marked degree by the use of Special Massage
Treatm ents.
If You Are Not Sure
thpt we can help you, call and have a talk and we wijl tell
you exactly what we can do. Below is a list of a few of
the ailments Special Vibratory Treatment helps.
Body development
Relief of Constipation
Locomotor Ataxia
Infantile Paralysis
Office Hour»:
T a ilo r
Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing. Orders taken for
Mark Tailoring Co.
Main S t r ( -
Gold Hill, Oregon
Get A Picture
of your baby before the extreme hot weather
gets staited.
My facilities for portrait
work are first class.
1 also take special
outside views to order. Kodaks. Finishing,
and picure fram ing.
Lame Arm or Shoulder
Clearing Up Skin
Falling Hair
10 to 12 A. M.
Special Appointm ents
Mad« By
Gold Hill,
7o 77ie People Wu!» Autos.
We do Auto Repairing that suits YOU. We Also carry
a fine line of T;res, Tubes, and accessories for Autos.
You will find our work and prices right on Blacksmithing.
Chas. Kell,
F hon. 11-M
C old HiB, Oragon.
To The
Amateur who subm its
the best negative be­
fore September 5th we will give a 9 by 14 Tibu
Loose Leaf Photo Album. Negatives m ust be
made during tim e of this contest and brot to
us for development. For the second best we
will make an 8 by 10 enlargem ent of your
choice negative. Get busy and win the Album.
Cold HUI,
2 to 4 P. M
L ttta r.
S » e C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T
Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods
in Season :: Our home cured Hams
and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard
W i t h n e w b u i l d in g s , b e t t e r e q u ip m e n t , a n d
m n n r a d d it io n s to ft« f a t u i t y , t h e I 'n t v e r s i t r
o f O r e g o n w i l l b e g in it« f o r t y - f i r s t y e n r. T u e s ­
d a y . S e p te m b e r I t . l t l f l .
H p ec t e l t r a i n i n g I n C o m m e r c e . J o u r n a li s m .
A r c h i t e c t u r e , L a w . M e d i c in e .T e a c h i n g . L i b r a ­
r y W o r k , M u s ic . P h y s ic a l T r a i n i n g a n d F in e
A r t » . L a r g e a n d s tr o n g d e p a r t m e n t s o f L i b e r ­
a l E d u c a t io n .
L i b r a r y o f m o r e t h a n 6 9 . 0 0 0 v o lu m e s , f i f ­
te e n b u i l d in g s f u l l y e q u ip p e d , t w o s p le n d id
ty m n s ilu n n .
T u itio n F re e . D o rm ito rie s fo r m e n a n d fo r
w o m e n . E x p e n s e s L o w e s t.
W r i t e f o r f r e e c a ta lo g s , a d d r e s s in g R e g is t r a r
Saved From Conquest, It la Werking
Out Ito Own Destiny.
Encouraging news continues to come
from Mexico, and the tirades of Presi­
dent Wilson’s critics grow tamer all
the while. Mexico lias seen much mis­
fortune. has borue inuny trlnls, has e x ­
perienced many tragedies, but there Is
a buoyancy to tbe present situation
that gives cheer to friends e f that long
suffering republic.
Americans coming from that country
bring optimistic assurances. They de-
clnro that thero ia much better gov­
ernment there than for many years,
that Carranza money Is Increasing In
value, that business Is picking up and
that law la being respected.
The New York Evening Sun. a Re­
publican newspaper, which usually crit­
icises everything President Wilson
does, Is compelled to recognize the
facts tolegrnphed from Ban Antonio.
Ter., by William G. Shepherd, war
correspondent o f the United Press, who
bas been one of the keenest observers
of conditions both lu Europe and Mex­
ico. Mr. Shepbord. back from a long
service abroad, was sent recently to
the Mexican border. After a careful
survey he reported conclusions which
tho Sun displays under tho hend.
Ing: "Mexico Coming H ack-Business
Grows Brisk—Confidence III Carranza
Increases, and Things Look Up." In
part Mr. Shepherd says:
Mexico Is coming back. It's not
a dead rubber nation. It's got a
bounce In It
A summary of the news from the
heart of Mexico gathered In the
last three weeks along the border
from Americans Incoming from
Mexico shows beyond doubt that
conditions arc Improving, confi­
dence In Carranza la growing, the
situation Is gaining buoyancy, Car­
ranza money la gaining In value,
and business Is picking up,
P o s ta g e 2 c
P. B O U C H E T
W . F. B L A C K E R T , P r o p r ie t o r
J O m re »Ore H a u l
re f w
AQa«re 6 -S A T .Q re K M
for Hardware, Carpenters tools, Builders Hardware
Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Tulip Enamelware, Queens
Ware, Garden Tools, Haying Tools, W. P. Fuller Paints,
Cils, Varnishes, Castor Machine Oil, Engine oils for both
Gas and Steam, Guns, Amunition, Miners Supplies, Powder
Fuses, Caps, picks, Shovels, Gold Pans, Candle Sticks, and
Plumbing Goods.
G R A N D M A ’S.
For Cold Drinks, Necter soda pop, and Lunch
Goods. Lunches served at all hours in the good
old home cooking style. It will please you.
A . EL. G r a h a m ,
i c e * j
State Board of Health,
M td fa rd Zee S to ra g .
My stock is com plete and prices
low er than the lo w est. T ry me
and see for you r self.
R alph L. D a r lin g ,
Our «ervico i= given to please you.
Five percent off for CASH
Try na.
C?6c C rystal B a r b e r 5 h o p
C. M. Shaver, Proprietor
Our bath tubs are kept clean and sanitary, try them .
D. H. Miller,
We hone razor«..
Gold Hill, Oregon
Main 9treet
r f ««MT««