t i » « » » T h e G o ld H ill N e w s W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. C n v OrrivtAt. Nkwst-aPKM, PUBLISHED EVERY RATI RDAY AT GOLD HILL, JACKSON, COUNTY, _ ..... „ ORI GOV, ............ i GENERAL FRACTITIONKR . -- Scars Advertising Service. Mrmb r of the «Iregon S l.fe Pi — E ntered A Black and Grey hearse Day telephone No. 2 l . j © by Fach Bros. CHARLES EVAN9 C H A R L E S W A R R E N F A IR B A N K S . HUGHES. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * Every town has its human side, but it takes a human to find it a If the country is to be engulfed by a great rail road strike we neutrals can at least have the crowning satisfaction of cussing both sides and everybody concerned. That American inventor who claims to have harnessed the sun can always make the excuse that the harness broke. Now, all together, and for every known ill: * * * * * + * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * . “The war did it!” Stick to the farm, brother, and you woh’t have a horde of bad debts collectors sticking to you. Your Ideas— + * * * * * + + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * . D E T R O IT 'S IM P R E S S IO N S OF A MAN. G overnor H u g h es ' viol» to D o tro lt oponod th e p res id en tia l ca m p aig n o f 191#, and if wo m ay fo recast th o svonta »bet aro to fo llo w by th e omens o f M o nd ay wo w o uld prognootlcato on intsnosly w a rm , v iv id and h u m a n ly in terestin g period In the n ext fe w m onths. S o tting aside tho au tpieos o f m steo relog lcal conditions in th is p rs v l- oion of tho fu tu re — alth o u g h th ey aro approved by num erous professional au g u rs and by a hoot of o e m m o n alty as w e ll— wo boos th ia prophooy on th e characterio tlo o of tho ca n d id ate whose too b rie f stay w ith uo has boon onjoysd by oil w ith w h om ha ooms in to oantoot. T h e m isguided in d ivid u a ls w h o hove boon sxpoctin g C harles E. H ug hes w o uld prove to bo a cold prop osition and th e re fo re saoy to boot ore in fo r a shock th a t w ill m oke th em th in k they h ave boon h it by an u n in s u lated tro lle y w ire . T h o rs Is noth ing oold about M r . Hughoo, D e tro it has lo o m - od. H o Is about as In ten sely hu m a n a piece o f h u m a n ity as a v er captu red th e h earts of a crow d , and tho m ore people In tho U n ite d S tates he moots betw een now and N o v em b er tho m era votes w ill bo oast fo r h im . As o ca m p a ig n e r ho Io a ro v s la tlo n . H e likes hl« fe llo w beings, and thsy lik e h im because th ey see ho likes th e m . A nd w h a t his p e rs o n a lity begins hlo re m a rk a b le pow ers o f In telle ct and u ttsran cs fin ish . H e drives hie points homo w ith trom sndous fores. W h a t ho says sticks. T h e re a re thousands o f A m srlo an s to d ay w ho oan re ta il ovary stop in tho arg u m e n ts ha mode s ig h t years ago on th e B ry a n tr u s t policy, yet in 1908 M r. Hughoo woo not especially a p ro m in e n t fig u re and th sra woo no p a rtic u la r reason w hy his address m ors th a n others should have rem a in e d olearly in th o m em o ry sxeopt tho g ift of tho m an to asnd his ow n th ou ghts 00 deep Into the b ra in s of others. T h s y aro oloar in his ow n m ind firs t, un do ubtedly. H o kn ow s precisely w h a t ho w a n ts to say because ho has reasoned it o u t before ho opsako It o u t. P ro b ab ly th a t has oom sthing to do w ith tho ease w ith w h ic h he convoys his m oaning. B u t it io a v e ry ra re q u a lity ho possesses in his a b ility to m a s ts r subjects so th o ro u g h ly as to m oke th o m oot abstruse sim ple to h im s a lf and his h earers. It is a q u a lity s m in s n tly desirable In a p o litic a l candidate. It is in fin ite ly m ore to bo dssirsd in tho presiden t of a g roat c o u n try lik e tho U n ite d S tates. D e tr o it’s im pression o f C harles E. H ug hes is a ll fa v o ra b le . T h o th o u - sands of people w h o have studied him a t clooa range aro convinced th a t if ha is sleeted presiden t n ext N ovsm b or ho w ill bo a g rea t president, one of tho greatest th ia n a tio n has know n, w o rth y to stand in h isto ry w ith Georgs W ash in g to n and A b ra h a m Linco ln, a custodian of tho re p u b lic’s fa ta to w hom th a t fa ts m ay co nfiden tly bo in tru s te d . I f th a t co nvietio n io shared by th e people of o ther atatss w h om ho is s till to m ost tho o u t- come of his sw ing around th e g roat A m o rioan circle canno t fa il to bo pro- pitiouo fo r h im .— D e tro it F re e Prass. 4 * 4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 + . ' * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . ’ * * ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ Did you ever stop to think what a job it would be for you to fill this column fifty two times a year with ideas that would not offend and that would do the community at least some good? 4 How long would your present supply of ideas last? Could you 4 write this stuff week after week and always hit the nail on the 4 4 head? Never get stale? We find that it is rather some job. We * * 4 are starting on a campaign of community advertising and pub­ * x * T licity and we need all the ideas that can be had, also we realize » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ f t 4 * * + + 4 > * + * 4 > + * + * 4 + * 4 that the only way to use your ideas is first for you to tell us what they are. You know what you have that may or may not Special rales to Picnic and Anto Parties. Phono 11 K any time day or nfght benefit the community and we appeal to you to come and talk it G o ld H ill L iv e r y S t a b le s over with us or write us and we will see that your ideas are R. L. Darling, Prop. brought before our many hundred readers in a way that will Auto Hire and Truck Line bring results. Gold Hill, Oregon Main Street We can’t expect to m ake our community any better than it is if we are all the time sitting back on our dignity and waiting f o r ! the other fellow to do all the pushing. Everyone has to get under and lift a little and then there will be no load on any of us, but as long as the most of you wait for us to do the heaving by our selves the weight continually becomes heavier and there may come a time when we n,ay fall down on the deal. We are not the only people who are placing the community resources in the limelight; there are also some that are tearing down as fast as the others can build and we ask you in the name of fair play, | to wake up and give the other fellow a chance to do all the good he can. If you can’t lift, for goodness sakes get out of the way We have a fresh consignment of the wonderful Diamond Flour recognized by every housewife as the cream of all Flour, for its and don’t be a stumbling block to those who are trying. BEST GRADE OF FLOUR Swimming advise: When diving fill your lungs full of air in­ stead of water. You’ll live longer. No, we can t say th at we are entirely unbiased as to the war in Europe. Our sympathies are distinctly with America. . ----------------- - • t If all sinners were suddenly removed from this world we would still have editors and a few others left. When every man adopts the principle of voting for the one best fitted for public office we’ll all be gloriously in the running. There is always a bright side to life, but people who hunt fo r1 gloom never find it. Grants Pass-Medford Grants Pass—Medford AUTO STAG E AUTO STA G E W. E. McCRACKf N, Prop. & Chauffeur Leaves Medford Leaves Central Point Leaves Gold Hill Leaves Hogue Kiver Arrives Grants Paas Leaves Grants Pass Leaves Rogne River Leaves Gold Hill Leave Central Point Arrive Medford 7 :00 a. 7 :15 a. 7 :60 a. 8 :30 a. 9:00 a. in. in. m. m. m. 7:00 A. M. 7:30 i t 3:00 u *• 8-45 9:00 << STANDS: Nash Hotel, Grants Pass Hotel 10:00 a. m. Leave Medford 10:00 10.30 a. m. “ Central Point 10:15 1 1 :00 a. in. “ Gold Hill 11:00 II :45 a. m. “ Rogue River 11:00 12:00 m. Arrive Grants Pass 12:00 1 :00 p. m. 1 :15 p. m . Leave Grants Pass 1:00 “ Rogue River 2 :00 p. in. 1 :30 “ Gold Hill 2 :30 p. in. 3:00 3:00 p. in . “ Central Point 2:46 3:00 5:00 p. m. Arrive Medfnrd 5 :30 n. m. Leave Medford 4:80 0:•*' p. m . 0 :46 p. m. “ Central Point 4 :1 5 7 :00 p. m. “ Gold Hill 5:00 “ Rogue River 6:30 M edfo rd Grants Pass Arrive Grants Pass 0:00 FARE $ 1 .0 0 Leaves Medford Leaves Central P oint Leaves Gold Hill Leaves Rogue Kiver Arrive Grants Pass Leaves Grants Pass L eaves Rogue River Leaves Gold Hili L eases Central Point A rrives Medford excellence in bread making quality. Now for 51.80 Wherever good bread is made you will And the Diamond Flour high in praise and strong in favor, always in the lead. If you try one baking of the floor and find it not as good as any Flour you have used or better, bring it back and we will refund your money. Cash paid for Chickens, Hides and Eggs. We do custom grinding. Have a full line of Feed, Flour and Cereals, Hay, Grain, Seed and Poultry supplies. Everything u ll m S t a n d s : & ? ; / * X : v « ^ 'F a r e «( <8 Simmons & Schuerman PHONE 17 - L . T h e W a y to G r e a te r G r o w th No town or city can make its industries great, but indus­ tries can make a town or city great. A live community is the manifestation of business enterprise. If this com­ munity is to grow in importance it will have to be by thè enterprise of stable business interests. it We Are Ready a a it • ( «« «< <( • 5 to cooperate in every way to make local business safer, better and bigger. We are sincere in giving individual service to every depositor, regardless of the size of his ac­ count. Talk your plans and business broblems over with us. We may be able to make helpful suggestions. TH E G O L D H IL L B A N K . $1. Gold Hill Hospital Gold Hill, Oregon A. K. Kellogg. 0 . B. W ataon. K. Night No. 2 The I^iw Office <> f Uniting Learning and Labor THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE ‘Will practice In Federal and Stale Coarta. hold hill , oaaooH. In its S ix Schools and Forty-eight De­ portments it engaged in the great wotk of uniting Learning and Labur. PHYSICIAN AND8UKUEON lu c c ia ie # to oe a a Weoee Watson A Kellogg, D h . JOHN C. W H1TEAKER Or**oM K och » Klv»r, F o rty -e ig h th School Y e a r Opens SEPTEMBER 18, 1916. Degree Courses re q u irin g a four-year h ig h school p rep aratio n , are ottered in th e fo llow ing: AGRICULTURE, 18 D ep ortm ents; C O M M E R C E . 4 D epartm ents; E N G IN ­ E E R I N G . 0 D ep artm e n ts ; M IN E S , 3 D ep ortm ent«; F O R E S T R Y , 2 D e p a rt­ m ents; H O M E ECONOMICS. 4 Deport m en ts; and P H A R M A C Y . V o c a t io n a l C o u rso s req u irin g an E ig h th Grade preparation for entrance are offered in A g ric u ltu re . D a iry in g , C om m erce, Fo re atrv, H om e M akers, and M echanic Apia. Pharm acy w ith a tw o- year h ig h school entrance requ irem ent. S C H O O L O F M U S IC .— Piano, S irin g . Band and V oice C u ltu re. C atalogue and b e autifu l Illu strated bo oklet free. Address Tim R koistrar . t «-7-it it t » » i ■«) cokvallis . ongnoN Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 M W A Gold H ill- Oregon Macia Every Saturday Evening. J. B Palmer — Onuueul Alvah E, Kellogg—Clerk Fire! Fire!! ! .Vocd of every dercription at lcwest pricei. Wood saw for custom woi k. ,Yanis llih siile Ave. . ’bnnr il’Jl J. K itter S. P. Schedule for Gold Hill. West Bound Portland and North. Train No. 13 9.87 A.M. ” ” 16 3.15 P.M. ” " 257 7.20 A M . Local Fiwlgli Eant Bound California and Train No. 14 ” ” 10 ” " 258 South. 8.57 A M. 5.56 P.M. 2.25 P.M . “Inadequate" aptly characterizes the Wilson administration, but almost any synonym o f nnaatlxfactnry will do Have you ever fe lt th e re­ lief of w earing p erfect-fit­ tin g glasses? If n o t, our new Fits-U Eyeglasses w ill be a revelation of c o m ­ fort to y o u , th ey are so en tirely a d eq u a te. Drop in and e x a m in e th em . T hey w ill please you. Dr.R. C. Kelsey Gold H ill Ore In The Country God Made And Man Forgot” T here w ill be horse RACES you fellow w ith th e speedy horse G et B usy. B all G am es, D an cin g, and o th er Sports B a n d M u sic — E v e r y D a y - H e a r T h a t Bring your TENT and BED and utilize the Free C am p in g-G rou n d Tho Date . . . . Tho Place . . . . Tho Event . . . . September 2, 3, 4. Brooking«, Curry Conn tv, Oregon. C H E T C O C O V E C A R N IV A L . HOME COOKEDMEALS OUR SPECIALTY, H o m e D ining' H all. Mrs P. Langdell, Proprietor. Sunday Meals 6 to 8 P.M. GoldHill, Ore. COLD H IL L ORE. It noon DU. IL C. KELSEY taIJing it o f g oaranteed p a ria ty a n d the price it right E d w a rd » a n d C a rp a tila » . Leave Grants Pass “ Rogue River “ Gold Hill “ Central P oint Arrive Medford AND Well equipped morgue chapel, complete line of caskets, robes, etc. Announcement Ultraextraordinary. We’ll give a whole weeks subscription absolutely free to the person who will supply us with a rock ribbed and guaranteed method of extracting money from negligent, thoughtless, indif­ ferent or don’t-care delinquent subscribers. Heavens, fellows, come on. b G old H il l , O regon . <> Twilight Sleep lined in conflnenient case* and where needed v It takes a poor promiser to live up to his promises. R Tourth Avnus North, Gold HIM . - Orsgoa Subscription §1.50 per Annum in Advance. He,s dead again. f* FUNERAL DIRECTOR EMBALMER > ì ui n. American lYe— Asenclatinn New V rk al the Guld Hill poMotSce for tranradseion through the moil» a* second-cleaa matter Poor Villa! Professional Cards JUST ARRIVED A s h ip m e n t o f A -l HANDLES of all d escrip ­ tio n and w ill sell a t th e follow in g prices, Single and double Ax Handles, each • • 40c Drift I’ick, Handles, e a c h ........................... 35c Railroad Pick and Matock handle, each - 36c Sledge hammer Handles, each . . . . Single Jack Handles, 10 inch, each • - • 16c Hammer Handles, 14 inch, 2 lor - . . 26c While they last— Aluminum Wash Boards, each - , . . 40c Spring Clothes Pine, 3 d o z e n ...................... 20c No Work Ice Cream Freezer, 1 qt. size 52.50 ..................... " “ 2 q t. aize $3.00 Camp Necessities. G O L D H IL L IM P L E M E N T C O . West Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon