V Newport “ Oregon’» premier beach retort is not far away and is easily reached. S o u th B e th le h e m , F a . from Albany and Corvallis. Low round trip fares are available. Good hotel accomodation Fine surf bathing. Boating on Yaquina Bay. F ish in g ' T a c k le o f a ll K in d s at You c a n ’t beat N e w p o rt fo r a place to enjoy a vac t ion. Ask any local agent or w rite to J ohn M. n o rr, General Passenger Agent 1’ okti ax p , Oregon. Southern Pacific Lines. The committee in charge of the Harvest Festival at Rogue River, which w ill he held in connection w ith the Venison Bar- hecne, September 8th., wishes to hate all persons Interested in this, arrange their exhibit« and if possible, to n o tify the co­ mmittee, as to what the exh ib it w ill l-e and what gnaee it w ill require so that all arrangements can I.- perfected p r i.r to date of the fair. Address Mrs Ju.i •, Gilmore or W. P. WethcteU, Rogue River ■ tailored to order suit and - overcoat for Autumn delivered whenever you want them — but we advise you to B e th le h e m S tee l Co. 2 Daily T rains — itan arranSe to have your T h ii» the title of • bookie* we have prepared. W o •Stall ho g la d to »end a copy froo to a n y o ,io in to ro a to d . C o m e in a n d S e le c t y o u r P a tte r n T o d a y G et the choice of the handsome and ex­ clusive woolens from Ed V. Price & Co.’s line and have us send them your measure. Geo Scott and Robert O rr are out in the W illiam « Creek country to get deer for the Barbecue, September '»th., they say they w ill stay u n til they get one each for themselves and then two each for the crowd that w ill he here on the big day. Quite a cr iwd gathered at Pave Dun­ can's. Rogue River, Sunday in honor of Mis Duncan's father whq is visiting them Dave tells tis they are going to see Crater latke this year or know why. The BoN-ToN VENISO N B A R B E C UE and Harvest Festival at Rogue River, Ore. S e p t . 8 t h ’1 6 Rearonable Prices L A N C E & CO GOLD HILL. 'Gho B ig iS to re T h e W a y t o G r e a te r G r o w th No town or city can make its industries great, Lui indus­ tries can make a town or city gr at. A live community is the manifestation of busin, 3 enterprise. If this com­ munity is to grow in importance it will have to be by the enterprise of stable business interests. We A re Ready Music by Band and Orchestra DANCING DU RING THE EVENING Suitable Prizes Given For Athletic Events and Fair Exhibits “W e lc o m e ” ra m D IA M O N D S a n d S U C C E S S W earing diamonds gives an a !r of prosperity th a t brings greater success. Everyone knows th a t diamonds are high and th a t no one ran wear therr. who has not considerable means or first-cla-s cred it. I f then you wear ’ hem you are shewing positively th a t you are a t least on the road Io pro­ sperity, and it is hum an nature to pay trib u te to succe s by helping it to fu rth e r success. I t is business for a business man to show th a t he is suc- cosrfnl, for it w ill I ring h im more and better customer«, and there is no better way to show th a t you aro successful than by w. a rin g w ell chosen diam onds. A ll our diamonds are c o rre ctly graded by experts, w ith ex­ act weights, qu alities and lowest prices m arked in plain figures Martin J. Reddy, The Jeweler HOUSE OF QUALITY 2 1 2 E. Mam Street Visitors Always Welome to cooperate in every way to make local business safer, better and bigger. We are sincere in giving individual service to every depositor, regardless of the size of his ac­ count. Talk your plans and business broblems over with us. We may be able to make helpful suggestions. T H E G O L D H IL L B A N K . BEST GRADE OF FLO U R We have a fresh consignment of the wonderful Diamond Flour recognized by every housewife us the - ream of all Flour, for its excellence in broad m aking qunlity. New for !f I.So Wherever good bread is mi,-le j ii vill find the Diamond Flour high hi praise and strong in favor, always in tie- l-iu l. If you try one baking of the Hour am i find it not as good as any Flour you have used or betl- r, b rin g It hark and we w ill refund your money. Cash paid for C lihke fis, Hide- mid Eggs. We do custom grinding. Have a fu ll line of F- - I, Flour and Cereals, Hay, Grain, Seed and Poultry supplies. E veryth in g w e a re tellin g it o f g u a r a n te e d p u r ie ty a n d th e p ric e it righ t Simmons & Schuerman PHONE 17 - L. GOLD H IL L OXE. The yards of tie-Sou Pae Co., iircl» ing M r nod Mrs D I-. f,.,-.¡11 I- ft Saturday filled w ith wood r a - ly for shipm ent to afternoon f-.r a trip to ( T ri. r t a k e ; tie \ ihe Sugar Beet factory at G rants P. »r. '••nt to Medford where they were joined This industry helps all, ev-n t i e , w , , r ( , 1 b y M r - T e i r i t ' s „ „ - t h - r . \ | i „ „ Gertrude .. . . . . . . . . i » H tho Hnuhii'4 Ca-hier who Inkca not fortunate in having the factory local- y,,ur ......... y at |.irs! state at Rogue ed at Rogue River. River while M r T e rrill is away PHONE 8 - L NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, s Tur l un i n t ", m .ig Hiiiuox, I’m J . i i k s o n Cot ary. W. F , liliic k e r t, P la in tiff, ' — VS — J. A. K uhl,isoli anil .lumen It. Ila ye su ie t IB . A W ,|.| .,. i Jacob lle b riiia u and Adolph Nelierger, Defendants. k ' Hermosa T o .I.A . Rol insoii and lama« l{. Ilayea, and F. A M 'y|,|, aii-l Jacob Itc tirn ia ii, and Adoph Nplu-rg. r, the above named defendants: IN T H E NAMEOI H IE STATE O EO U EtlO N : You are hereby n o tifie d and re q u ir­ ed to appear in the above e n title d j C o urt and cause and answor the com p la int c i p la in tiff now on file there­ in against you w ith in nix week* from the dale o f th e firs t p u h lica iio n of tills -om inous upon you, which la th e 12thday 1 of August I Will, and If von fa il to an|H-ar and aim wer w ith in the tim e required, for want thereof the p la in tiff w ill apply to the Court for tho relief prayed for and de­ manded io file c o m p la in t, to -w lt: For a ju dg em en t a g n im t defendants J. A Koldneon and James It. Ilnye« and each thereof on the several causes of su it set out In p la ln llir « c o m p la in t in the fu ll sum of tlO jl.flo and lo r the coat« and d is h u u , incuts of the s u it to he ta x ­ ed and for a decree of the C o u rt decree­ ing Ih u tv v e iw l liens .e t out as e xh ib its to said com p la int, consisting of e x h ib its “ A ” to “ K ” in clusive, to ho valid, suh- s sling and preferred liens upon section llli. Tow nship .‘it South, Ranged Went ol the W iljam ett- M e rid ia n , an security for the paym ent of the said several minis recited ill tho sai-l notice* of lien, and the said judgem ent herelnl>a(ore re fe rr­ ed to, and th a t a fu rth e r decree of tile co u rt be entered for Ihe foreclosure of eaeii of said liens am i th a t the premises described herein ho sold to satisfy said judg- m ent, co-ts, a tto rn e y’« lees and accruing costs, and th a t an order of sale be made by th is P o n rt to th a t effect, and th a t all rig h t or eq u ity of redem ption of aid defendants nr either thereof in or Io said den rilied premises he io re ro r burr,i,I, except as io the manner p ro vid - -id by law, and fo r such o th i r and f u r th ­ er relief as to the C ourt may seem equ­ itable. This summons is served upon you by j publication in the G old H ill News, a newspaper of general c irc u la tio n pub­ lished in Gold H ill, Jackson County Oregon,an I th a t saitl publication in m ailt onee a week lor six e. n ecutive weeks, by order of Honorable F. I,. T o ll Velle Jin go of the County C o urt, of Oregon for Jackson C o un ty, «aid order having been mad« on tho '7th day o l August, W ill. • *»-21 —Oils Newbury, Attorney for Plaintiff, *1