Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1916)
" - 'J —r a w Result - Getting Cassified ------- Columns ------ T tlf ONt-ATTTM PT MAN OR IS N 'T H E T H E HANDSOME MAN! »ÌIW L E7>e CITY MEAT MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fiah and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon i: Pure Leaf Lard WOMAN •b o . lor »lampi«, pu»>B»l'«« » •*’ “n ,v- • " ' * 11 u ‘ bri" * ll tli« result, practical results. leelra dad,Ira lhal "ad w ttaln g dora uot pay,’' should study lite prattle In all linea »I rndeevor. «4 jwwsveranra. The law <4 "try again" la aa |MjU*nt In want a,lv«rti»lng aa In any other .11 .rt or enterprise. W . F. B L A C K E R T , P r o p r ie t o r Classified Bataa: Ona «eat per word, «rat Insertion, H cent per word lor each loaertlon lltsreafler; No adverllament Inserted lor less than 26 cents, cash with order REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS A S A V IN G S E R V IC E . Poa « a n - lu Dal Norta Ob., at Junction I saw cord wood to stove lengths with power saw, promptly on order. ol runde tending to dreni» I’aae Ore. Phons John J. Ritter, SF21. and Buraks. 4M acre« land good lor dairying. Hell all or part IMO per Now la lini lima to gel your babies picture orre. House and ¡I barila. Ala«. »Vocìi taken before the estrania bot weallwr ranga al Boatti end ol Beach. Cunslats alarla Palmer Studio ol 3U6 aeree. |1 0 per aera. Address, Marion Breen :WÜ» E lOtb at Oakland O lu IU i . u h u C uts, 8«,OtX) M others Cai. 9,18 many wealthy, deacripliona Ina, guar anteed early marriage. —Mrs. Wrubel, Mtwr sali UW ocre« «dille pina tini Box M. Oakland, Cal. « IB tier, 13 ulina north ol Prineville: »Hl cruise 1,MO,ODO laot. Malie nm an offer. F C., box 1*4. Cam»!, Wash. tf-IH « ISN’T IT WONDERTUL TO THINK THAT 10c Il A VE YOV a houae for naie? List il at thè New» office and wo will «eli It fot you. Oi4d Itili, Oregon. For Rent— Uve room bona«, nnxlern, new toilet, water, light, splendid loca tion, low rant lo keep boom occupied Apply t<> New» Office Oold HUI On gon AGENTS ♦ Acntn, we must build up our men hunt marble. It »'IU uot «Id to put tlio government luto comiwtltlon with private own- era That, It seems to inc. Is a counsel of folly A surer way of destroying the promise of our foreign trade could hardly be de- vised. It has well been asked. "Does the government Intend to operate nt a protV or nt a toss? We ne,si the encouragement and protection of government for our shipping Industry, but It cannot afford to have the government as a competitor. — From Mr. Hughes' Spec, li of Acceptance. + + + + + 4- + + + + + + + + + + + + + Ageiita-100 percent protit. Sell "tiaaald* suarantced to nave auto owners 60 per + + + + + + + .p + -I-.(. + + + + + + + cent mi o,«‘ration cost. Sure repeater. Establish j,nine II in permanent business Exclusive territory open. Specialty + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Sale« Go., Ô08-0 Herlin Bldg., Tacoma D E C R Y IN G IN T E R F E R E N C E . Washington IN T E R F E R E D IN M E X Wanted—reliable men or woman to no li,-It suberiptioas lor this pajier. Liberal offer to right party, now. MIST L ust —Oold watch fob, valuable to the loser as a keepaake, monogram ILK. W finder return to News office and receive reward. H. E. Wharton 1» fogno F ocho — Infante tun«, owner Identify It at News office and pay charge. 13- WANTED WawTii»— Several private milk custo mers, H .60 per month, no deliveries. F. W. Sears. News office. Gold HUI tl Wanted—«000 Sugar Pine Shakes, 21 or 3 loot long, call or write John (Kitter, Route 1, Bo« 4. O dd Hill, Oregon, or Phone 3-F 21. *6' 1# EOR SALE W ood by tie r or cord at lowest mar k e t price, delivered. F ir , pine, la u re l and oak. John J. R itter. IPhone 3F21._____________________ For Sale— Team, Hack, Harness and new Saddle, apply to lattice a Go., Oold Hill B u tte r paper, printed In accordance w ith the law, for sale on order at M i st S mli .—Or trade one ol the best pay ing Hotel Barber Shops in Willamette (account sieknes«), easy terms. Ad dress Hotel Albany Barber Shop, Al bany, Ore. 13-22 H a rd or soft wood, order from John J. R itter. WE ICO E X A 8 P E R A T IN G L Y . Phone 3 F21. F or S alk - Location notices, blank deeds mortgages, etc. at the N kws cilice. Medford. Oregon Phone 16» THE "GREATER OREGON GO W i t h n e w b u l l d l m » . b e t t e r w iu l p m e n t . a n d t t'A iu a d d it io n « to l U fa« u lt y . t h e I n l » r r . l t » o f t» r e « o n w i l l b e fftn U a f o r t » . f i r s t » e a r . T u » » - d a r . S e p te m b e r I t , 1 0 1 0 M p e r la l ( r a l n l n e I n C o m m e r c e . J o u r n a l! » « ! . A r c h I l e c t u r e , luaw . M e d ic t s»e. Tea« h l n < L ' b m - ry W o r k . M u i l r , P h y a i r * I T n H n l n f a n .l r « n e A r ia . L a r g e a n d a t r o n « d e p a r t m e n t * o f L i b e r a l L . iu c a t lo n . L ib r a r y o f m o re th a n f tt .e o e » » lu M M , f i f te e n b u i l d in g « f u l l y e y a lp p e d . t w o « p le n d ld «7 ■ 1 n aiu iM «. T u i t i o n F r e o . i J o r m t t o r le e f o r m o n a n d f o r w o m e n . K s p o n s e a L o w e s t- W r i t e f o r f r e o c a ta lo g « , a d d re « « !n g R e g i s t r a r TO G R A N D M A ’S . For Cold Drinks, Necter soda pop, and Lunch Goods. Lunches served at all hours in the good old home cooking style. It will please you. A . B . Graham , U N IV E R S IT Y O r OREGON PROP. RVOKHKo QREOOW GOLD HILL.0RE JENNINGS BLDG. HEADQUARTERS for Hardware, Carpenters tools, Builders Hardware Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Tulip Enamelware, Queens Ware, Garden Tools, Haying Tools, W. P. Fuller Paints, Cils, Varnishes, Castor Machine Oil, Engine oils for both Gas and Steam, Guns, Amunition, Miners Supplies, Powder Fuses, Caps, picks, Shovels, Gold Pans, Candle Sticks, and Five percent o ff for C A S H D. H. Miller, GOLD HILL, An Inducement If You Order To-Day We w ill tailor to your measure, a coat and pants anti an extra pair of pants at the suit price Gome and In,>k over this fine line of woolens. Our service 1» excellent, try us with a sample suit order P. B O U C H E T T a ilo r Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing. Orders taken for Mark Tailoring Co. Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon OREGON. We do Auto Repairing that suits YOU. We Also carry a fine line of Tires, Tubes, and accessories for Autos. - AIR SERVICE - You will find our work and prices right on Blacksmithing. Chas. Kell, P h on . H-M r Gold Hill, O r.gon. i c e * j PURITY GUARANTEED BY THE S la 'e B oard of H e a lth , M .d fo 'd lc . Storae* T u x e d o N igh ts Ralph L. D arling, DISTRIBUTER GOLD OREGON. H IL L , [by Walt Mason ^. + + + + + + + + -H - + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4. 4» .u 4. 4.4- + •!• + + “b + + + + + + The Barber who treats sverybody right. Wc do your work in Hist class shape to please you. Try our service. Oold Hill, Oregon V 21« W est Main Street My stock is complete and prices lower than the lowest. Try me and see for your self. M. L. R O R T R IG H T M ain Street P ow er C om pany. C a l i f o r n i a - O r e g i o n To The People With Autos. F + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Phrases whloh will NOT oe- eur In ths Woodrow Wilson speech of eecoptaneo! Psychological prospsrlty. Molasssa to catch files. Strict accountability. Too proud to fight. 8alut< tho flag. Gat Villa. Butt in. — L a n n in g in P rovidence B ulletin . Plumbing Goods. The dealings of the adminis tration with Mexico constitute a confused chapter of blunders. We have not helped Mexico. She Ilea prostrate. Impoverished, famine stricken, overwhelmed with the woes und outrages of Internecine strife, the helpless victim of a condition of anarchy which the course If the admin istration only served to promote. For ourselves, we have w it nessed the murder of our eltl- aens and the destruction of their property. We have made ene mies, not friends. Instead of commanding respect and deserv ing good will by sincerity, firmness and consistency, we provoked misapprehension and deep resentment. In the light of the conduct of the admin istration no one could under stand Its professions. Decrying Interference, we Interfered most exasperatlngly. We have not even kept out of active con flict, and the soil of Mexico Is stained with the blood of our soldiers. We have resorted to physical Invasion only to retire without gaining the professed object It Is a record which cannot be examined without a profound sense of humiliation.— From Mr. Hughes’ Speech of Acceptance. ♦ T h e News office. Will Lull 150 eggs, Will brew 60 cups of tea. Will make,&0 cupa of coffee, W ill toast 16« »lice» of bread, Will light eight hundred cigars, Will operat« a flatiron 2 hour». Will «aim 8» bottle, of baby*» milk, Will bring to boil 5 quart» of water, Will operate a 12 inch Un for 1« hour», Will ww .100,000 stitches on a machine, W ill operate a warming pad for 40 hour», W i l l warm «having water lor h morning», Will cook 4 »teak» on an S-in< h disc stove, W ill run the electric broiler for 60 minutes, W ill keep a foot warmer hot for 4 hoars, W ill run an office ventilating fan (or 8 hour», Will operate an electric griddle for 7« minute«, Will operate a luminous radiator for «0 minute«, W ill heat a M rling iron once a day (or 15 weeks, Will operate a seven-inch frying pan for «0 minutes Will pump 350,) gallons of water to a height of 25 feet, W i l l make you SMILE while it does all these things. J. Ritter, the ready wood-man. Is prepared lo Oil all ordera lor the best hard and soft wood, chunk or kitchen stove else. Prices low and quality high. W IT H O U T F E D E R A L C O M P E T IT IO N . POCKETBOOK PROTECTION 2* to be overlooked .IHTEN I— We have a Hue creek bottom ranch for aal«, nr trade, one of ihela-st lu Morrow Ononiy. Have you a farm to .w ap In relurnT Thia I« a 31200« .leal «ml you can »w lug II easy II you are S. P. Schedule for Gold Hill. ready to make a bargain, Nows office Mold Hill, Oregon. West Hound Portland and North. A by bother with your rentera when we Train No. 13 ».37 A M. have bail the experience in renting or '• 16 3.16 P.M. buying and wiling property anywhere " 267 7.20 A.M. bocal Fraigb and our legal advisers are capable ol Eact Hound collecting any rental we accept Writ» Real Estate Department, cere ol lit» California and South. Train No. 14 ».67 A M. Mold Hill News Office. ” 10 6.5« P.M. B UY not let ua mil your lana property ’ " 26» 2.26 P.M. Wo have several line Eastern Oregon + + -H - + + + + + 4 - + + 4, + + + 4’ Whi st ranches that can I«, bought on + ea»y term». Ncwa office, Gold HUI, FOR A M E R C H A N T M A R IN E + Oregon. INK ball «action Une wheat land in Morrow county for aale. 31000 real, balance long alme. Tins land la im proved ami reaily lor occupation. New » office, Oobl Hill, Oregon. to Important a M When the day’s work’s done, and the good old sun « has sunk in the well known West, then I stretch my form by the fireside warm, I sit at my ease and rest. Then I take my pipe which is mildly ripe, as the pipes of good smokers are, with a chortling soul then 1 fill its bowl from my glass 1 uxedo jar. And 1 smoke at ease, and my trouble flees to the place where dead troubles go; and my worries seem, in my waking dream no longer to have a show. And I say, “In deed, it’s a noble weed that drives all the ghosts away, and clamps the lid on the cares that skid around through the busy day. The worries and woes and such things as those in the daytime leave their scar, but there a rest at night and a calm delight in my - glass Tuxedo jar.” Get A Picture of your baby before th e extrem e h o t w ea th er g ets s ta ite d . My fa c ilitie s for portrait work are first class. I also tak e special o u tsid e view s to order. and picure fr a m in g . K odaks. F in ish in g , PALMERS PHOTO STUDIO Gold Hill, ' Oregon.