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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1916)
p -.«J*'è» i G afe to C ra te r Lake The Enchanted City Th« beat and naarasi road Io Ih » beautiful, Mesto wondar la thru GOLD HILL. Try It neat lima you coma our way. is the name given GOLD MILL by lourtota. Tar Ila Beautiful fre e s Iwllt, Ptoturaaque Rogue fBvar, the home of (he S ga c M a d Trent V O k 19 GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 1916 NO. 16 Chas. Hughes Mrs. Langdell F. K. Churchill Jersey Twins, Wild Untamed JEALOU SY ! In Gold Hill. Takes a House V isits Office. L ocust View. Fancher Ford. W orks Harm S hakes hands w ith R e p u b lic a n W i ll P a tro n is e O n ly H o m e in S ta rts N ew s in T w in s born fo u r days a p a r t a re M rs . S tu e w e ’s guests tre a te d Selfishness, d u stry a n d g iv e eve ry here 16 yea rs a g o a n d e x a c t c o u n te rp a rts a n d stops fe w moments. one squ are d ea l. sold H a m m e rs le y both splendid. Ye editor was a passenger to Medtord thia week with Mr and Mrs J. W. Herron who mail« a «[xcial business trip to the big city. The ride was due and was en joyed as Mr Herron la a vary careful driver and looks wall olter tlie eomlort ol bis passengers. While visiting Ashland this wack we were agreeably surprised to note the ex - e-ieding bnay attitude ol our sister city. Ho much so was thia effect evident that we ventured to remark upon the matter to one ol the piomiurnt citiasns of that city ami he answcrwl briefly, "yes, they look busy, hot they only rush around like that to loot themselvee". This may he true but it makes us think ol the man who answered a tormentor thus, *’ Yaa, I know I ain a tool hut 1 don't like to be twitted about it". On August 16th Mrs I*, langdell took over the management ol the Home Din ning Hall formerly occnpied by MrsC. H. Price. Mrs langdell has had inngexpvrt experience In tlie hotel line and the way site has taken ahold ol the prop<iaition here shows ns that she will come as near to making tills a g<xsl hotel as the bouse will permit. We are very glad (or a hotel is very badly needed here. She wilt buy everything that she needs right here in this city ; she will not charge one man the regular price ami sting the next, and there it no reason why everyone ol us should not semi her all the |Mtlronagc that wu can. Her ad in this isanu shows that site means iMisineas. Boost a home industry along and help home trade. Mrs laura Hammerslcy and son Vern left tlie Urat of the week lor Rogue River to visit at tlie horneo!Mrs Hammenley'a lather. Misa Dorothy Smith «pent avverai dsyx Quite a number ol local people were ol this week at Grants pass. out hunting lor deer this week, some ol thorn were ancivsful, more only succeded Deacon Walker, Letsy and Hattie Hod In getting splendid appetites. We hop.« gvs and Mr and Mrs J. Eddington started Lite lucky ones will enjoy the eating the tiret ol the week on a hunting trip. Johnnie Reed is getting thathigh grade Lyman Orton ol .Melloni was visiting feeling these days. We note his arrival to work the oilier morning in a laige (rienda here the first of the wet k. automobile. It almost made us (eel Claire Tucker, Claire Baker, and Mar- like going horns and getting our own car gret Perry made the trip to Crater la k e and showing him what was what. Tuesday with Ralph Darliug. Mrs Merrit was a visit.,r at Gold Hill Mrs 0 . N. Shaver and sons Claudie this week. Her many friends are always and Woodrow visited at the home ol Mrs glad to see her. Frank Myers at Table Ruck the middle ol the week. A very vivid electric storm was enjoyed by a number ol the local residents who Mrs Lynn Smith was at the Pelton watched the beautiful effects ol the storm Ashland and other points received quite ranch Saturday. a drenching but nix on Gold Hill. How Mrs Geo Lane of Amity Oregon is th ever, we received several nice showers on guest ol her mother Mrs J. II. Beeman Wednesday night and Thursday. in this city. Jessie Cotton ol Rogue River was in Mrs F. Schrump and twin sons return town Wednesday on legal business and ed last week to Portland alter two weeks while here called at the News office to make our acquaintance. He is proving visit here with relatives. up on ol the best homesteads on Birdseye Lloyd Simmons has returned from Med In his gardens at Rogue River he said lis had the liest Held corn in that district. lord where he had been employed on the Treshain ranch. Doglennel poison set in making it necessary (cr him to quit. Clarence Cook ol Rock Point visited in Medford Wednesday. Mrs M. D. Bowers ami daughter H elm returnod Monday from Central Point I>r Clemen«, ol Halem, the physician who worked so hard to save the life ol Miss Grace Milam while In the Hospital Christian Science Services there recently, visited the Milam home here on his way to Crater lake, Monday. lingular Christian 9cienoe servlets are held every Sunday morning at 11 00 Miss IxiCasta Magnum, Louise Harvey o’clock in the I. O. O. F. hall Everyone Frits Dean, and Mr Daggert of Grants invited. The «object lor Sunday Aug, Pass attended the dance hero Saturday 20th., is "Mind" night Mrs H. Van Hoevenbnrg, and mother Mrs J. Bushnell, left (or Newport where they will spend a month or two enjoying the salt air. Lloyd Miller, Milton Stelnmets, Letsy Hodges and Loleta Hotlghan motored to Crater la k e Saturday evening and return ed Sunday evening. The trip was made in Milts new Ford. Mr and Mrs Darleigh Slead accompan led Mr and Mrs E. V. Upton to Klamath Saturday, On the return journey a stop was made at Crater Lake. Martin Rowers spent Sunday alturnoon in Medford. Mr and Mrs F. K. Cliurchiil and son, E. R. Cliurchiil and wife, tlie original owner ol this paper sloped In Gold Hill Tuesday visiting obi friends ami renew acquaint*« with tlie News, tlie first copy ot which lie took off ol tlie press in 1H06. He left here for Albany when, he now lives, sixteen years ago, selling the News office to John Haminersley. The most noticahls Impression made on tlietn liere was the wonderful growtli i>t tlie town Alter a visit in Medlord and at Ciater la k e they an, planning lo return by way ol Eastern Oregon. where tin,y had been visiting Mrs. T. O'Hara for several days. Mrs H. D. Reed was hostess Saturday Owing to our inability to change tlie evening at a dinner party lor a number ad ol Simmons ami Hchuerman in this of friends. issue we beg to notify tlie public that that the price ol Hour will be raised alter this Judge («all of Ashlsnd, was visiting in date. this city at the home ot hi« daughter Mrs Isora Hodges. Mr and Mrs H. G. Hording, formerly U. S. MINING STATUTES ol this city, were in Gold Hill Sunday. The Chandler babe is gaining rapidly Mr Tomlinson left last week lor Port anil is much ts-ltsr alter the very severe land. Illness, She is still under the care of Mrs Hears who expects to take tier to the Earl Ttuny ol Medlord motored down coast (or a month to see if the sea air will Sunday and joined a swimming party at not bring the roses back to the little Jack Morrells. cheeks. - Leaves le a d e r h ere u>hen tra in Among lb« honor« done Gold Hill by campaigners wan ilia consideration shown Hi« Republicans when the llnghea private car attached to No. 15 hailed hare. I)r. R. 0 . Keleoy shook haudt arilli Mr d ie s . B. Hughs and wile whan they slop ad in Gold Hill on Thursday and told Mr Hugh«« that the Gold Hill Republican I,Tub would deliver a majority ol the vole ol the Gold llill precinct (or him. X 1896. Farm Journal Clubbing Offer Subscribers to the Gold Hill News whs are engaged in farming or are interested in that subject will lie sure to want this paper’s new club ol magnsines. This club consists ol Orchard and Farm, which is Luther Burbank’s official organ; the California Poultry Journal, authoratative in its line; and the Woman’s World, well known ladles’ magaxine. In order to se cure this excellent combination, any sub scriber, whether new or old, needs only to make a payment ol two dollars!*2.00) il lie desires the three magazines sent for one yeat. All letters with regard to tills offer should tie addrysned to tlie Maga xine Department. —Gold Hill News. Pxtracts front tbc Rüting fa s e * Datided In United States and State Courts Foreclosing Miners Lien. Qaattion:— I recently filed a lien on a mine for labor contracted a leasee, ami I want to leave tlie state, can I assign my clnin, and have it foreclosed liy tlie assig nee without my presence at the suit? A ru w tr:— In case of default by the de fendants it wosld not be necessary, but where, in a suit to forclosc a lien foi all labor contracted for by lessee, no evidence is offered to tlie effect that lienors have received no payment after tlie liens were filed, the liens must tie dismissed, tlie burden Ixiing on the lien claimant on that point (Lewis vs. Iteenian, 40 Oregon 311). Mining Claims areRealestate Q aeilion:— Is a hill of sale, signed by tlie grantor, and witnesod by two witnes ses, sufficient to convey a mining claim in tliis state? in w ild F o rd . Born to Peggy Dnsenlierry at Locust la st week Mrs Win Stuewc was hostess yiew,, to a very enjoyable dance given at her Strange tilings happen every day hot the iieautiful home here. The dan e strangest tiling that lias ba|>pened for was given in lionor ot her sisters from some time is—listen : On August 12, Peggy Portland, Claire and Katlierine Baker one of tlie prize cows of tlie herd belong and Margeret Perry of H elm a Montana. ing to Dusenls-rry and Guy gave birth to One thrilling event of the evening was a fine heifer calf. Everything seemed tlie arrival of Bill Fancher in a borrowed normal until the following Wednesday, ' Ford. He dashed madly aronne a tele- Augostlti; Peggy did not come home at I plione pole like a cat after its tail and night and search was made at once locat 1 then to save the Ford from smashing its ing tier not far from tlie stables proud : lights on the rear of Murrels Cadilac lie and happy in the possesion of a fine son, leaped ont and raced ahead and stopped an exact counterpart ot his sster born the wil l untani d steed His pitiful alib four days before. This is tho cow t lint was that tiie breaks would’nt hold. At was recently purchased ol Mrs P. Lang about midnight cake and ice« Were served dell, thoroghbred jersey, milk tests 6.09 Those present were: Mr and Mrs L. W. and tho only three years old is the mother Smith. .Mr and il D. Reed, Mran.i Mrs of three calves. Darleigh Sled, Jacob Catiini and wife of Portland, Vere Murry an<l La Gala Mag num of Grants Pa-s, C la ir e Tucker, Dorothy Smith, Mrs Tucker. Sprague Keigle, Roy Tucker. Randolph Manning, Bill Fancher and Fred Tracy of Medford, Jack Morrill, Fred Dodge, and Mr. Dey Mrs Russell is quite recovered from her recent illness but her daughter, Mrs Ral eigh of Ashland remains and is enjoying a visit with the old folks. by Amy Koester BEAGLE Foots Creek The deer season opened quite auspici ously in the Meadow s, about a dozen big C O U r it.F I, DY Ä . B . M l X O O d bucks "went ont" as a result of the first Inquirles will he answered in these days sport. The deer seera to be pretty ouluinns, but they must he conflnod to well up on tiie higher ridges however. subjecta treated in former lakuea. Ira Cawbolt and party from Medford, Jim Dinkins ami party from Medford, f'lias Surdin, brother in law of Lane Wy Discovery Essential. land and Wyland himself, ail getting a buck the first day. The purpose of the law is to reward the diacoven«r and to prevent the location Th« Tyn ll threshing outfit is working ol land not found to bo mineral; discov ery la tlie initial act upon which all min ont near Antioch thi« week. ing rights are based, including the rights ot npp-oprialion and posaeralon, and thia is the source of title to mining claims, discovery of a vein on unappropriated lands of tlie United StMtes is a prere quisite lo the valid location of a mining claim. Both by Congressional and State Legislation and by tlie local rule, ami customs of miners, discovery and,appro priation are recognized as the source of title to mining claims; a discovery is a whole and may not lx« divided ami par celed out among the discoverers When u locator finds rock in place containing mineral lie lias made a discovery within tin? meaning of the statute, whether the rock or earth is rich or p«sir and whether it assays high or low; no mining claim can be located and no patent issued until the actual discovery of a vein within tlie limits of tlie claim as located; this is a prerequisite to a valid title. A mining claim hased upon a discovery made upon within Ute limits ol anv other claim is void; there is no provisions for a discov ery shaft in the Felieral statute. Propri ety of a discovery is an essential fact in determining the riglit of postession to mining ground, as surh discovery gives propriety of riglit against naked location and possession. T h rills by W m . F an c h er Mrs Riasiom and son Paul of Rogue River moved to Grants Pass Monday The Rogue River Industrial Fair and Veniaon Barbecue at Rogue River will 1», this year on September 8th. Mr and Mrs Geo Lance and Miss Eina Guanyaw left Monday for a few days vis it with Mrs Lance’s brother and family at Gazelle, California. Jinimy Burns is looking after their interests in their absence. Wm Cottrell wat, luck from his trip to ill« Applegate but went out again Mon- Steve Mt-Reynaida of Gold Hill was on dao for several days journey into the Foote Creek one day tills week. Klamath Falls country. H a tre d , D e tre m e n t to M a lic e , a C om - m u n ity a ll-w a y s . Any person afflicted with a jealons dis position is lo he pitied. Th« condition of a community convulsed with Jealousy toward another community is deplorable. One can be jealous and be just at th« same time. An individual or community smirks and belittles itself by jealousy. Selfi-hness and jealousy go hand in band. Jealousy stultifies Judgement. Jealousy begets prejudice and if persisted In indue«« meanness; it perverts your better self; cultivates dishonesty and sua- picion and lowers the conception of a prop r moral standard. It is iusiduona and reduces its victim to the pitiable state of not being distinguish (»tween right and wrong, wltere the object of its bate is involved. Between two communities mutnal ben efit is the resalt of thoughtful cooperation Yon cannot bnild up a healthy progreaa of self by pulling your neighbor down. It is more criminal to steal the credit due to your neighbor than to steal his puree. Such a course involves damage lo your moral standard and works destruction of self respect. That which is true between two comma nities is, if possible, truer still between factions of the same community. The "get together" sentiment Is the "give and take” principle should rule; redoes it to an expression of all who are interest ed then exercise the American doctrion of majority government. Vindictivoees, Selfishness and hair pulling in a family do not make for love, harmony and proa- perity. This is equally true io the com munity This seems to be "whats the matter with Gold Hill’’. Get together on such as you can agree on. It is not necessary that nothing should ba done stmply because you can not agree upon everything. —C B Watson, by request s ie th o d iit C h urch S e r v ic e s Sunday School 10: A< M . No Regular preaching services B. G. Harding and wife of Rogue Riv. r 8:P. M . Finis Maytiehl and wife have been on were callers in Go.d llill one daylast week Evening services Junior League 2:30 P. M . me of their infrequent vacations which 7;P. M . they spent down on lower Evans Creek Albert Mathis and sister Annie called Senior I.«agne 8: P. M . Carter family bringing Miss Eyalean back upon tiie Kix-rter family Sunday and pttr Prayer Meeting Thursday Next Sunday Rev. J. 8. Snrth of Ash- with them chased a Poland China pig am., w.-ll known here, will preach both in 'ruing «nil evening. Special music. Theo and Loran Ice drove to Medford August "eetns to be th«* ni ««t favorable Monday returning next day month in tlie calan ier for birthdays n Tlie ■ r _r mi.- at he M E. Churrhlaet Foots Creek, below are a few: Allxr 'nn lay ni :lit was well attended and well S. H. Hulbert of Beagle was up to the Mathis, 12th; Retha Cotton, 13th; l.izzie ini, red Besides vocal and instrumen Wilcox, 13th; Grandma Whitney, 15ih; Meadows mining ¡¡strict for several hours Amy Koester, 15th: Johnnie Dunnigan, tal tnu«ic several selection« of James Whit Sunday. nnbe Rilev were read and appreciated; loth; their ages are not known. a “ tribute" t > the Pixst Lanriete of Ind Satn’l Bertelson lias moved a tent and iana, written by Ben Hnr, Lanpan wrs some personal belongings to Gold Hill on read by Mrs A. E. Kellogg. Judge C .B . liis way a few miles up the river to invest Watson made the address of tlie evening ¡gate some placer ground that he has ac and gave some timely points ona "Better quired. He will not he back to the Mea Tho birthday party given in honor of Gold ilill" which were gladly received. the one hundredth birthday of Mrs Su«an Great pains are being taken with these dows for a couple of weeks. Whitney was a positive success. The programs and everyone is invited and Charley Kell who drove Ralph Darlings crowd liegau to gather at about lOo’chx'k assured an enojyable evening. truck up to tlie mines on Sunday to the , There were assembled about seventyfive Bertelson outfit had a thrilling trip down 1 guests who partook of a bountiful repast out of the hills when tlie chain jumped ; at noon under the treos at the Short home tlie sprockets and left him without brakes i where Grandma is making her home. for a fast trip and that is what they had, , Many pretty and nsfui presents were pre LOCAL MENTION a good fast one. He talked about 100 sented among them was a large old fash- miles tier lionr and maybe yon would too i loned fruit cake sent by Arthur ib iide*. J. G. Herman has returned from Oo- had yon beent here when he came by. j shot of Eugene that arrived to late for quille and declares that this, after all the J consumption at the tlie noon feast. Am- climates have been tried ont, is the best 1 useinent was furnished tlie gnests by the Bill Pomeroy is binding Ralph Russell» acrobatic Mess’rs Carle and P >yer who of all and that lie does not like the Coqn- grain tins week up on the Hanna place, shattered all former records in their per ill brand of weather at all. its a shame to let the 15th go tiy without formance. Everett and McCrolichie have made getting into tlie hills, Bill. a fine cleanup; the ore milling *30 Mr Peterson of this place moved his per ton, but owing to complicatione Mr. F.verett has thrown up the ieaee and re It is reported that that there has been family hero from Grants Pass Tuesday. turned to Nevada. a tale of Cinnabar claims over near the heed of Ramsey Canyon where Ned Pot Dr Fellows just returned from a hunt Eil Boling of tliis place enjoyed a visit ing and outing trip of a month duration ter and Jim Hayas have a few claims to the dentist is Grants Pass this week. on tlie Applegate. staked out, they were taken by eastern Mrs Bill Fanner is spending a few days R. L. Dtisenberry and wile, and 8. A . parties under tow of Joe Beeman of Gold wtlli lier niece Mis B. C. Anderson. Dtiesonberry and wife have returned from Hili and are a likely property. a two week's onting, motoring over a big Mr and Mrs J. M. Spencer of Rogue part of the country between here and the Jim Dinkins folks have lx«en enjoying I River are spending their vacation on Willamette. a visit from their son in law the past week this creek. R. H. Moore and Mr McArthur from and the Wersham lleo has been busy Portland were up looking over the big cairyio*! them around the Meadows. Mrs Brower of Rogue River was tiie saw mill on this creek Wednesday. victim of a surprise party Wednesday eve Mr McDougal and Spenear of Grants Mrs Wyland’s brother, Chas Turpin ning. She intends to leave Friday for Puss were looking over the Lucky Bart and family have spent tiie past week at I Central point. mine with an idea of running it. Centennial! Answer.*— No, it must lie done by deed, duly executed and acknowledged. Sec tion 6132, L. 0 . L's provide, that all min ing claims, whether quartz or placer, shall be real estate, and tlie owner of the this season of the year to tlie limit. Miss Julia Martin of Rogue River spent possessory rigid thereto, and shall have a Tuesday night with tlie Misses Carle. R. J. Rowan was a visitor to the Ap legal estate theeeon. Mrs Jacob Canim of Portland was the plegate last week looking at some Cinna A large crowd motered from Central guest of Mrs II. D. Reed of several days bar properties and «[x'lit Monday and Point for the dance here Saturday eve this week- Tuesday in Medford and Gold Hill. ning. Sardine Creek Jim Lawrence is hauling wood from the Van Ho iten place. Mrs L. M. Ring attended to bu matter« in Gobi Hill over night Wedn day, returning up the creek Thursday morning.