Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1916)
«(O Mill Gata to Crater Lako w. li», best and nearest read la Ihta beautiful, « a a k wandar li thru GOtD HILL. Try H naii ilma ra« tem a eur way. 77b« E n c h a n ta d C ity ia Iba name given GOLD H U I by teurist», laa Ü» Benutif «I green h iir i, P ic tu re s q u e th e h o m e a f Ib , Rogue NO. GOLD HILU JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 5 1910 VOL. 19 R iv er, SpatUad Trout 14 Gold Hill Boy Wm. Stuewe Twenty covers Old Mans Plea Siskiyou Isis. Ed Smallwood Navy School. House keeping Laid, by Day’s To The Girls. Interesting fact Help Bill Home G re a te s t o p p o rtu n ity fo r edu S o c ia l fa v o rite s taka b e a u tifu l B e a u tifu lly d ec o rate d d in n in g c a tio n to Com m issioned O ffic e r possible. Varna Milam eon ol Pro, G. W. Milam iba principal ol the Gold Hill Schools, on August lal look train from Midlord Ora. altera Ita passod the preliminary M ao» Inatlona, an<l arrived at Ibc uftiusof l.leul J II Blackburn, llw receiving elation in Portland Ilia Iollnwlng morning paeting all la«U will» good eredlte. He |>a»«ed thru hare on Ina way to the Naval school at San Francisco Wednesday. a great many people are laboring under the idea dial tlx Navy arhool lea erlioololcorrec tion lor wayward boy bul inch ie not the ram, while ol coarse the discipline la very •»riel and ie enforced to die letter, tlm penalties and punishments prescribed In former year» lor Incorrigible» is abolished InHtead of the degrading, spirit breaking punishments underetr»»! to have been ent ployed, die oAleere employ only such nmaua as will command respect and any enllelnd man or boy that ie so unmanage able that It« enn not be influenced to do right with ilia llidoceruenis oflered Idin ba is court maraliald and dishonorably discharged. Verne Milam thru dieelTort» ol a member ol tlm New» «lair hae the 0 neat opportunity offered to boy« In the United State», and we are ready at a'l lime« to advtm and a»»iet in giving your l»iye die same chance. Foots Creek by Amy Koeetar Mrs Gracu Fltiglbbotw of Fool! Creek Jeanie Cotton ol Birdeuye were vist ore Io Gold Hill last week. Tim Mimes Matheus ware call«« in Hogue Kivar last week. Tha following were the gnaata ol Mr». Anderson last Wednesday: Mr and Mr« Carle, Mr» Gao Lance, Mi»»»» Anna and Lula Carle, Jaunita and Murrial Madmu» Fred Kooster wee a visiter In Grant« Paw a lew day« pa»l »offering with an ah scene In hi» head. Mr an<l Mri Frank Elliott and family, o Mulford, and Mr and Mr» Cliae Wahl ol the Riverside »tore enjoyed a picnic on the lelt lork ol Foots Creek Hunday. The Holcomb family ol Bogue Hirer loll last week lor the covet. Frank Gilmore ol Bogue Hirer had tin bad luck to h,»r uBe ol hie Cow« last week Fire destroyed the h ou « belonging to John K iikle < I Savage Crttk Tuesday. Marian Lance and wile ol Medford vi» Red on die creek tbs first ol the week. Born t > Mr and Mr»E. W. Wilson of Wards Creek, a daughter, July 2fith. Speed Up! The World’s Not Fast Enough. Bv MOSS. w o r ld SPINS. It takee YOU wltb IL If you alt per fectly STILL ah your life you may enjoy the delight ful sensation of this world Joy riding. However. If you put on a LIT TLE SPEED of your own you’ll go Just ao much faster and have lots more fun beside«. One wny you can speed up Is In really giving a little of your valuable time to tlie ADS. In THIS PAPER. Lota of W IDE AWAKE folka here are SAVING MONEY by going where they are INVITED and are TREATED RIGHT, with good service, square prices and proper quality. Of course, dear Mend, yon can toss the paper away with a mut tered •’Boabl” If you want to. Then you can keep on sitting atlll. The world will move right on, and maybe you'll enjoy It Juat na much But, believe us, plenty of OTHERS are SPEED ING RY YOU. SPEED UPI u b T retiden ce to e n te rta in seasons guests. room m ake» occaaion big success. B e a u ty fade» a w a y in to ashes Shore L in e E v id e n t F o r M a n y P o rterh ou se Steaks, w hen C auam etic» aup- p la n t fo re th o u g h t. m ile» proves G eo lo g iat b e lie f co rrect. To M u d fo r W e a k C o n s titu tio n F t C e te ra - Thursday evening the natives on the Certain physical conditions prevalent Feopla said «he waaabeMty. Hercheek» wen- rosea. Her eyes beautifully round in South-western Oregon and Northwest North side were startled to sec two wild- ed fragments »nati-hed from the cerulian ern California would i»ean much to tlie eyed men sneaking stealthily along Third Avenue with arms loaded with bundle« bine. Her inviting red lips, such a» ar miner and prospector if tlie condiilons and other thing» too numerous to mention tiste delight to copy, parted just enough were uniler«l<»«l. Vc-rv lew do under It was Bill tlie Butcher, and Ed tha stand it or ever have had their attention to show a mouth full of whitest pearls. freight wrangler, helping each other to Her hair a silken Ifoas, so disponed as fo called to it. It is thia: tlie geological get home. It was several hoars before decorate her artistically shaped face, that formation and age of tlie Siskiyou nionn- the natives saw Bill and he waa so full it taina are entirely different from that of l»* ped into patches from rifts among her was hard to tell when he had had a real, golden curls. Her hands and aruies and tlie Cascade range of mountain«. Tlie square tnasl before. When interviewed Siskiyou mountain» in Southwestern Ore grace of movement, tier form rounded by a News reporter he was simply bub and sylph like were tlie envy of her com gon ant' the Siskiyou, Bcotta, and Wooly bling over with praises for his friend Ed panions and tlie di«tractlou ol the artist Bailey mountains in Northwestern Calif who he says is one of the best house broke Her garment» were the ultimate creations ornia constituted an island iu Cretaceous hooks he ever saw outside of a circus. of the mo-le«|p and worn with a pose that lines, surrounded by the oecsn, hing be Tliey had every xnown kind of vegatabls Mis« Vera Davidson returned Tuesdny Dr Van Fosecn ol Ashland, the district iiespoke tlw extreme of soil consciousness. fore tlie CaHcade mountains came above and meat a la carte. We didn’t see Ed from Monmouth where she has been at- Hu|«rintendent of the M E. Church con You could pot look upon her without the surface of the waters. The Stakiyona so lie must have been overcome with the tending the sumuu-r term at the stale | ducted Quarterly Cotderance and preach- the realization that she was always poae- therefore, are older geologically, than the noxions gssesarising from two A No,, 1 Normal. Miss Davidson has Is-en away r(i | n g|,„ m . E. Church here Sunday, Cascades, very much older. The form ingi you observed that «he powdered, pri Porterhouse steakes. —The Tattler. .luce early in June. During this time roped, anU puffed and shut thots ol ali ation is entirely different. The mass of mrf.le from altcndmg school she visit, d . tlie old island is largely granite in char el» hut her sejf; that sell ol hone flesh and U. S. MINING STATUTES r. latives in PorU.nd I hom< blood—nought els- Years rolled o n ; na acter ; that of the Caacades, is sedimentary and broken by volcanic action and cap ture begins, and continues with inexor- H. Van Hoevenberg »pent Tuesday in Extracts from the Ruling Cases Decldsd Fletcher Stdht spent Sunday with his ilile Jiersiswnce, to ailverthe hair, vrinkle ped with basaltic lava. Age haa much to Medford on hiwim-es, United States and State Courts parents in Jacksonville. the face, and to give serious lines to tlie do with tlie mineral contents of any S“C- Mr »nd Mr» J Clark and three child H. Van Hoevenhcrg spent Tueaday In features; tlie natural decorations to digni lion. We know that tlie vegetable pro COMF1 LSI) UT a . X . K X I.U X X I ren, Reed, Huntington and Jams», re town on business. tied age. Against these she foolishly fight» ducts ol the Carboniferous period, supply turned Wednesday to their home in Leb the g.eatest and best beds of coal known: Inquiries will be answered in and seeks still to pose as a youthful beauty Ed Trowbridge of Medford Motored to anon after almost a month visit with Mr ,1'itnne, hot they must be confined to Her efforts to contravene the effects ol age has perfected It. Lime stone subject this city Monday to attend to budness. and Mr» Furl B Dav. honorable ageing, if persisted in converts ed to heat, pressure and great lengths of subjects treated in former issues, Prol. Clifton Price, Chair ol Latin at the beauty of yo, ,th to the disconsolate tima become marble. M etamorphism John McClendon landed a fifteen pound Berkeley arrived Tuesday morning for a hag; tlie most pitiable spectacle in the lias purified it by elimination, Iron of j 7orm, E xten t an d Dimension salmon here Tuesday. week's visit with his former pupil, Lynn world. Such faculties as we have are im the best quality is of the greatest age,.«* Mr and Mrs C. A. 1’etereon were enter W. Smith whom lie has not seen lor proved by use and inpaired by disuse. A Where metals are produced by infiltration o f M ining Location». tained at dinner Sunday at tlie Tucker twenty two years. g,»id mind if long subjected to the subject great lengths of time are required. Chem home. F. W. Russell spent Monday hero aa a 4>1 tlie jmrejliip ol oten physical attraction ically the minerals are separated and by The inteo’ of the statute 1866, and 1872 Mrs J. W. MerriU of Central Point «iff ho lost to all else. A well cultivated affinity those iff like kind are drawn to is that mining locations on lodss, shall representative ol a fire proof sale. »went the greater part of the week here. mind, exercised with a consciousness of gether. Cry^pltzation is the result of be made lengthwise in the general direc M.s D. A. Gordon and daughter Doris right actions furnish the proper decora elimination 6f tlie uulike and the concen tion of such vein, on the surface of tlie Allen Hodges lelt Monday for Eureka ol l ’uoeuix spent a couple ol days visit tions for old age. The cardinal virtues tration of tlie like, but great periods of earth where they are discoverable and California where be will make bis borne. ing at the home ol her parenta Mr and find lodgement in such a mind and old time are reqftiri-d to accomplish this re ttie end lines are to cross such veins and Miss Hasel L.iwe returned Monday to Mrs J. M. Hutson in this city. age comes clotbeii in a beauty that at sult in natures laboratory. The work is extend perpendicularly downward, and Ashland alter a short visit here. W. M. Scott and daughter of Sams tracts love and give« it forth as do the an slow but the result is perfect. Thegranit are to be continued in their own direction Victor Flint returned Monday from Valley were in town Monday. MissScott gles. I would not have beautiful girl ic formation belongs to a very early per either way horizontally; and to limit the Ashland where he has been employed at recently returned from Chico Calif, wheic hood disregarded by her, nor would I iod and are not found at the surface in dimentiou of tlie location and not hinder she has lawn attending summer normal wish that »he should not cherish it and the Cmeade». Probably it might be it shape, and the point ol measnrment se the Park Oarage lor sou»« time. suitably doth it and fed a pride in it; found at great depths below them. lected in the vein, and if tlie measure Word haa lewn received from Ie-eter M e th o d is t C hurch hut how pitiful it is. when endowed with No rich placer gold mines are found in ment he made along and from the mid- Corel staling that lie ha» deserted tlie S e r v ic e s good intellectual faculties she neglect« the Cascades, but they are plentiful in die of the vein, which departs laterally Hardware hoaineas for a position In the them anti prostitutes that immortal part, and along the shore line of the “ Old Is from its course at a right angle, it is ob Bank ol Danbury In Danbury Nebraska. 10: A. M Sunday School Regular preaching service« 11.A. M to the silly, coquetish call of the perish land” . The gold supply of Southwestern vious that the statute are satisfied. Tlie Christian Science Services 8:P. M. able physical self. My dear girls, do not Oregon and Northwestern California all statute contemplates that a mining claim Evening servicta 2:30 P M neglect the mint! that shall provide you comes from the old island. Fragments shall be in the form ot a parallelogram Regular Christian Science services Junior League 7:P. M with proper adornment when yon grow of granite constitute the Major portion of having its sidesj eqnidi.tance and not Senior league are held every Sunday morning at 11 00 Prayer Meeting Thursday 8: P. M. old, and meet each change in life with the gravels of all our placer mines. Thi se more than 300 feet from the center of the o'clock in the I. O. O. F. hull Everyone Subject lor Sunday morning Aug.6 due attention. Grandmother with cap gravels came from the old island, whose surface, and not exceeding 1800 feet in Invited. The subject lor Hunday July, The morning service will be held in and s|>ectaclos, a carefully cultivated ni'iiii shore lines almost every where that they length, with tlie end lines paallel to each 30tll.. is “ LOVE” connection with the Sacrament ol the and wrinkles that are badges ol mature have not been covered, are found to be other; the locator may claim 1500 feet in Born to Roy D. Cameron, at the Gold Lord’s Supper The new individual Com beauty and dignity, kind and loving, is rich in gold. The gravels coming from length the linear course ol the lode with Hill Hospital, a ten and one half ponnd inunion set will be used and all Christians the most beautiful snectacle that we mor the Cascades contain no granite and no 150 feet on each side of it, making the are invited to attend and participate. boy, Le.*oy James, on Aug 2nd., tals may know. But what of the boys? appreciable quantity of gold Yreka, location 300 feet in width, and 1500 feet The evening service will lie the last of I’ll have something to tell them later on. Ashland, Jacksonville, Willow Springs, in length. Frank Wllmarth, formerly a resident ol the present pastorate. A sermon suitable —C. B. Watson and Gold Hill stand on, or near to the this city, stopped here Friday last on bis 'Continued on last page) to the occaaion will be delivered. All old shoreline and the placer mill- « that way from Gailiee to Kenith Calil. where friend.» of the pastor, hl» family, and of have been worked at or near ia> h of be Is Interested 111 copper. the Church, are urged to attend this last these places are easily traced into tlk Mr» Win. Puhi, Tbur»<lay added to the service. The pastor desires to thank the Siskiyou mountain!, as the source from exhibits In this office two of the finest public in general, and his Iriends in par whence the gold came. and largest onions shown this year. The tieniar, (or their many courtesies, their It is well s tiled that all the placer gold onion« are ol the Danvers variety and kindnesses, and forbearance, during his Subscribers to the Gold Hill News wli came from the disintegration of rol l bear from the eeed stock raised be Hivers and peculiary difficult pastorate. He realizes Wharton of Evans Creek. that lie has made many mistakes, and to are engaged in farming or are interested ing ledges, or other bodies of gold bear some lias doubtless appeared unduly sev in that subject will be sure to want tliii- ing rocks existing at a greater or le«s pac Mr» J. W. Slam s, and daughter Ida By MOSS. Having determined ere. For all errors we humbly beg lor paper’s new club of magazines. Thi from the placer. «pent Thursday and Friday at the Dusen- club consists of Orchard and Farm, which these placer deposits to be along a shore SU S P IC IO N . liery ranch on Sardino (.’reek last week giveneas; and deaire to assure all concern is Luther Burbank’s official organ; the line, we would naturaly turn inland from S e ^ cw 3 Curiosity. ed that every word s|Hiken, every act [>er Common sense. Mrs Isora Hodges enter.ained at din- formed, was (or the single purpose ol be California Poultry Journal, anthoratativi said shoreline to find tlie sour*? of our Koine folks still omau s A orhl, wel _;ol I supply. Sand stone is the result of jr Wednesday evening, plates being laid ing a faithful waU-hinan over the Bock. in its line ; and the view the ads la know i ladies' magazine. In order to se sand deposits that by lime amt such m et lor eight The guests seated were: tin Eaek. 33:8 Our heart is warm toward th e newspaper M is se s Marguerite Wharton, Hattie, all persona, and, w ith malice toward none cure this excellent combination, any sub amorphic methods as nature employes w l t b S U S P I scrilier, whether new or old, needs only lias become a sand stone. Shells deposit Millie and Letey Hodges, and the Messrs and charity (or all, we resign our post to CION They cling 'd with tlie loose sand become the fossils Chas E. Wharton, Deacon Walker, and go hack to our former field ol labor. Fan to make a payment of two dollars ($2.00 to the belief that il lie desires the three magazines sent fo of the sand stone. The sand stone lapp H. E. Wharton. well. Hebrews 6 1 -6 “ 30” the merchant Is FORCED to ad on cyeai. All letters with regard to thi ing up on tliis old shore line are filled vertise to get rid of SPURIOUS Geo F. Dyer, former leader ol the band offer should lie addressed to the Maga with a plentiful supply of trigonira. trilo Mrs. Paul MeClunt called upon Mrs GOODS. here lias taken over the the job ol tun zine Department. —Gold Hill News bite, anionite and oyster, all of which are Short last Friday. Other folks read the ads. out ning the Giants Pass-Medford jitney. marine sliells, anil all of which, except ot CURIOSITY once in awhile Mrs Anna Milton and Ainy Koester The Ladies Aid of the M. E.Church the oyster is extinct. Hence we say that after they bHve fiutshed every A. W. Treshain brot in two fine large called on the Fisher and Slavin families will serve Ice Cream and sherberts, tlie water was salt and not fresh, the thing else In the paper. They pigs last week to W. F. Blackert Sunday. Mrs Fisher and niece Jean re and have a food sale In the usual place think the ads. are a NECES icean and not a fresh lake. We find turn to Seattle in September. “ The Blue F ront' on Saturday after Leslie W. Stansell, deputy County As SARY EVIL that can be IDLED these shells at Willow Spring», Jackson noon and evening. Benefit o f the Mr and Mrs Childers ol Sardine Creek aeaaor was in the past week to visit Flet- OYER ville, Ashland, Cottonwood, Yreka and present pastorate. spent Sunday at the Short home. Then there le the OR BAT all points between. Within half a mile Stout. GROWING THIRD CLASS, the of Siskiyou station at an altitude of 4000 In the ball game here Saturday, Geo. Mr Sclinerman ol the Gold Hill Flot r H. D. Reed, Lynn Smith, M. D. Bow licople who make It tbelr BUSI feet above sea level we find cliffs of sand Jacobs sprained his anklo. NESS to rend the ads. with the er«, wile and daughter Helen were visitors and store spent Saturday with relatives atone lieating these shells and alon ’ the COMMON SENSE purpose of Died nt his homo in Rogue River, Sat to Medford last Friday to see the show. In Ashland. Pacific Highway near the summit we find KEEPING POSTED on COM urday morning, Wm. Fowler. He was Mrs Curtis Miller o( Sams Valley lef the same ehar i ’ter of rock, bearing mar Jessie Tresham and Mrs Hutchinson MERCIAL EVENTS well known in this community and well The COMMON SENSE read were in from Powers Oregon Friday last Friday for Medford where she spent set ine shells. This tells its own story, i.e. advanced in years. tlie ocean was tliere and the shore line er» of this pnper. we happen te eral days with her friend Mrs H.tskins. PICTURE CONTEST. was lifted to that point when the cascade Dr Hem Fly Chaser is guaranteed, has know, are In the GREAT MA- Ida Iverson visited her friends, I*b range of mountains was brot up. IORITY They are WISE. no fishy odor and does not gum the coat If you have been SUSPICIOUS To the Amature who submits the best and Opal Harvey in Ashland last week Pilot rixk, risingaix hundred feet above For sale at Bowers Pharmacy. or CURIOUS Join the RIGHT negative before September 5tli wc will Have you noticed the ad ol Bower the summit just east of where the Pacific I' II I N K I N O THRONG AT Ivon Simons is this week wearing give a i> by 14 Tibtt Loose leal Photo A1 Pharmacy in this issue announcing a pic Highway crosses the mountains, is a ONCE a grtn that can’t be washed off. It's a bum. Negative must tie made during mninmi Mi volcanic spnnacle m m posed Mnke It your busineaa to BEN t ire contest. Here is an opportunity t largely of columnar basalt and belongs to girl at that and it’« an e'ght pounder to tlmo of this contest and brot to ns for de EFIT YOURSELF by WATCH velopment. For the second liest we will get a beautiful Photo Album, somethin the cascade formation. In fact the Pac boot and it arrived Monday the 3lat. ING the ads REGULARLY tat make an 8 by 10 cnlargt ment ol your any Kodak owner could well be prou- fle Highway does not cross tlie Si kiyoua the COMMON SENSE WAT. Congratulations, Papa. choice negative. of and make use of. Get your kodak am mountains as most p« ' pie suppose, but Get busy and win the Album. Bowers (Continued on last page) Geo. Lance of Foots Creek shopped in try (or the prize. Pharmacy. Gold Hill Saturday. Mr and Mrs Earl It. Day entertained at dinner Tuesday evening in honor of Mr and Mrs J. Clark ol lashanon, twenty covers being laid at three prettily decor ated tables. The color scheme being yel low. A m.wt enjoyable evening was pas- •ed with music and dancing. The guest- were: Measdames IL Feltou, L. W. Hmitb Van Hoevenberg, Bushnell, Mies Dorothy Hmitb. and the Me»«’re Horace P«lton, Roy Tucker mails a businee» trip to Lynn W. Hmitb, II. Van Hoevsnberg. Portland this week. ¡Clifton Price ol Berkely, Howard Bush- Martin Bowers was a Medford visitor null, John Day, John Reed, and Huut- Wedneeday. ington price. Hill Stuewe has moved bis wile and little K. 0 . from Price« where tliey have boarded several months, to the Hunt bouse, acrurn from the High School when- they will keep house during the next month while her two sisters, Claire and Kallirine Baker ol Portland and Mar garet Perry Iroiu Helena Montana are visiting here. Farm Journal Clubbing Offer Enlist In the Army of Common Sense.