i c r e *5 PURITY GUARANTEED BY THE HlaU* Hoard of Health, M«at and pants and an extra pair of pants at tin; suit price. Coine and look over this fine line of woolens. Our service is excellent, try ns with a sample suit order P. B O U C H E T We hone razors.. Try us. Crystal B a rb er »Shop C. M. Shaver, Proprietor T a ilo r Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing. Orders taken for Mark Tailoring Co. Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon Our bath tubs are kept clean and sanitary, try them. Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon • pecisl rates to Picnic and Auto Parties. Phone 11 K any time day or night Yc Gold Hill News Paper. &f>e G o l d H i l l L i v e r y S t a b l e s R. L. I'arling, Prop. Auto Hire and Truck Line Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon M. L. K O R T R IG H T The Barber who treats everybody right. We do vonr work in first clast shape to please yon. Try our service. Main Street Gold Hill, Oregon G O L D H IL L IM P L E M E N T C O . West Main Street is to Im p o rta n t a Five percent off for CASH Sacks are high, you furnish the Cash and we will get your grain sacks at cost leave your order Early and it will have prompt attention. Standard Binding T w i n * ........................... 13)^c per lb. Manila ’’ ” ............................16Mc per lb. Castor Machine Oil - - ...................... 40c per gal. JeAnsen k a n d lu Cemant, bay o f Him. W . F. B L A C K E R T , P r o p r ie to r My stock is complete and prices lower than the lowest. Try me and see for your self. Our service is given to please you. Attention to Farmers! Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard A SA V IN G SERVICE Paints,Oils,Varnish Get your money’s worth by buying your paints, oils and varnish here, where 3 ou get a dollar’s worth of quality for every hundred cents you spend. " Everybody knows that we handle the Stil - letto brand of paints, noted all over the world for its failure to scale. Nearly everybody here­ abouts uses it to economical advantage. Make It your economy next. C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T for Hardware, Carpenters tools, Builders Hardware Stoves, Tinware, Granite Ware, Tulip Enamelware, Queens Ware, Garden Tools, Haying Tools, W. I*. Fuller Paints, Cils, Varnishes, Castor Machine Oil, Engine oils for both Gas and Steam, Guns, Amunition, Miners Supplies, Powdi r Fuses, Caps, picks, Shovels, Gold Pans, Candle Sticks, and Plumbing Goods. COLD HILL, Hay, Grain, Seed and Poultry Supplies, PHONE 17 - L. HEADQUARTERS Election Arguments Settled Some Scintillating Solecisms, done into a bibliomag of Oregon Yarn for esoteric absorption, the which as a remedy for bile, basaltic bigotry and bated breath might help just a little. The whole printed on prickly pear papyrus in ye commonwealth of Ore. bailiwick of Jackson and sold at only Y l decennium the chunk, $1.50 per. “ 7o be prepared for war is one of the most effective means o f preserving peace” ? “ No, you’re wrong. It wasn't Kojsevelt. It wasn’t Wilson, either. Y o u ’re simply guessing, now.’* Well, malic you can name ofFhnnd the 12 states in which women will tie al­ lowed to vote (or President thin year? No? My, hut you're getting rusty. Better brush up your Historical knowledge right now by reading “The Presidency of the United States'’ To The People With Autos. We do Auto Repairing that suits YOU. We Also carry a fine line of Tires, Tubas, and accessories for Autos. - AIR SERVICE - You will find our work and prices right on Blacksmithing. Chas. Kell, Phono ll- M This is a 48-page, vest pocket size manuel, chock-full of reliable, authentic facts, dates, incidents, statistics, etc., about all past and present elections. It’s the biggest little election argument settler you eversaw. You can obtain a copy at this ofllcc lO c P o sta g e 2 c To possess information is always desirable. Even a fence should lie “ well posted.’, You’ll certainly need this book during the coming election. Get your copy today. Just fits the vest pocket. Gold Hill News GOLD HILL, OREGON. UNKINDNESS. A« “unkindness has uu remedy at law." let Its avoidance Le with you a |x,lat of honor.—Ho­ sea Iinllou. Unkind language is sure to produce the fruits of unklnd- nees— that is, suffering in the bosom of others. - Bent hnm. Unkindness may do much. And his unklndr may defeat mv life. Gold Hi«. Oregon. ___ _____ I h«)d tt the Almighty had ever made a set of men that should do all the eating and none of the work be would have made them with mouths only and no hands, and If he had made another class that he Intended should do all the work and none of the eating be would have made them with­ out months and with all hands.— “ J Abraham Lincoln.