< m > a«i Gata to Crater Laho Th» beat and wiarssl reed to Iht» beautiful. "<«eic wonder b thru G O ID NH L. Try M W at tim» you tom » our way. \ 0 I . 19 The Enchanted City b the name ( b e a GOLD M U by touriste, t »eriste, for Ms Beautiful | green hills. Picturesque Rogue River, the home of the Speckled Trout GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 29 1916 NO. 13 The Gold Rush Some Crops!! P rize Lettuce Pierced Knee Banqueted By improvements, to Jackson Co. H. H. Leonard A t Gold Hill. Cap On Rocks Local Barber. R e im b u rsin g O r ig in a l C a lifo r ia G o ld Seek­ Takes m o to r p a r ty to ers Cross S isk iyo u in to Jackso n C o u n ty. S p ring s fo r Bybce L a rg e s t h ea d o f L e ttu c e ever F a lls w h ile o u t fis h in g on the Guests re p o rt “ C h icken Business a n d P leasu re. ra is e d in R o g u e V a lle y R o gu e R iv e r. T a k e n to p r iz e g ardens. K elsey H o s p ita l. R ig h t ” . Just The voters by s lig h tly in creas­ R e p a s t w e ll a p p o in te d a t th a t In 1H5I gold was discovered on Jackson Sunday, II. H Leonard took a party This last week there was brot to this Wednesday of tliii week while out fish A very enjoyable chicken dinner was creek. where Jacksonville now stands. up Evans Creek In the Cal Duarnbetry office for our inspection and for exhild- ing along the banks of tlie R gue Biver served at the home of M. J. Kortright on Thoau worn the days ot (lie gold rush auto. Ye scribe and companion acted aa lion, the largest head of Iarttnce that it near le-r home about a mile from this Thursday evening last. Those present to California to Yreka nad Cotton wood guide The |>arty arrived at the Bybee has ever b un otir priviledge to see and city Mrs J. W Herron fell and seriously were W. F. Blackert, Sain McClendon, In what Is now Hlekliou County (tie min­ ftpring" at about 9 a. m. and we lonnd we feel justified in staling that we know injured her self by striking her knee on Henry Barns, and M. J. Kortright. The ers warn swarming and all the gnlrlna tiling" so absolutely scrumptious and ag I whereof we «|>eak when we say that this a sharp piece of rock, puncturing her n-past was one long to he remembered as and streams wore yielding largo qnaati- rseablu there that we hiked two miles bead is alwolutely tlie largest and finest left knee cap. Thu injury was so severe everything necessary to make a perfect tlia of the yellow metal. From thence over the nice, dry. hot mountains to a specimen ever raised in the Bogue Valley that after suffering terribly all night and stag was provided. stray groups wandered across the Hlakl- spot wliere we eonld he alone and |«are (where ail vegetation is phenoininal) and J on Friday she was removed to the Gold C. A. Peterson and wife returned Wed- you mountains In the fall of ’ftI some renew and—a" 1 was "eying, the day was that no better Is-ttuce is raised anyw lere' H ill Hospital for treatment. Upon close men with a small hand of horses came ideal for the trip and dinner ws consumed from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts. . examination D r Kelsey reports that she n< »day afternoon after a five day trip to into Ilia cove where Jacksonville now is also the supper, was a gieat credit to the The specimen was of the "Crispet” var- j will be unable to make ase of hey knee O U fo rn l*. Wi|ile gway they visited the Castle Craig and re,«>rt the whole tiip and, concluding it to la* a likely place t o , ! cooks. -------- Enroute we passed fields of corn iuty and was 24 inches in diameter and for some time very beautiful and most enjoyable. winter tneir ituck, eatatiiiehrd theircaui|: that equal if not exoell the noted Missouri about 13 inches high, weighing & pounds, i 1 ,, - , -------------------------- la t a i Ilk - a a a M r 8 0 (1 '1 TH A tins and MrsC. Ament (or that purpose Men in those days sel­ cropsi and fields of wheat heads which It W8M headed like a cabbage a n d ----- wan Mrs Walter Stickel rettired to Medford of Grants Pass inotori d up Monday, stop­ dom went Into camp without prospecting nodded to us over the fences and by the equally as solid. For perfection in al1 Thursday. ping here on their way to Hams Valley to a b ill >t that which all were feverishly way tlw fences with but few exceptions points of classification (his certainly was Mr Fletcher of the Clark Woodward the popular bathing beach. an king. These men found gold and it Were right up to date, of woven wire a prise head. This is tne second time Drug Co., spent Wednesday in Gold H ill was Inti a little time U|ilil the gut hrs and built to prevent passage of rabbits, that our friend Martin Ehrlwcin has been Mias Gladys Pelton was the guest of He saw a construction gang at the Ct m- were tilliil with men, and mining was coyotes and live stock In general—built thus publicly congratulated and altho this ent plant in the afternoon. soon in full blast. The mines went re- to stay built. The alfalfa ranches near community aboumb iu splendid gardens Hortenso Thompson Sunday. M r and Mrs A. Ia-wis and children are p .rted to la) very rich and all the accoin- Wimer lisiked fine an 1 the many broad and farms ho need fear no rival. H. Van Horenherg was in Medford , hack from the Mountain King mine. panliuenta of an active mining camp were fields of beaus look better titan in mauy M r Cooper of Sams VaHcy moved hi» Saturday last. inslahwd. Men wandoredotilollie Apple- years. The pros|>erity of the country is J. L. Chandler spent Thursday at Jack- gate, Farmers Creek, Sucker Creek, Ill­ evidenced by the buildings around the family up to tlie Cooper mine when* his •onville. new engine, crustier, and two stamp mill inois Itiver, Willow Springs and Gold H ill ranch houses, by the condition of tlie Bertha WoolverU..; was in from River- Mrs Coleman of Talent re timed to These names, of course, were not then roads and the looks of the country In gen will be put into operation in a few dayr. ! aide Tuesday. Iter home last Friday after a visit at the known, H it miners were not long in ap­ eral and by the fact that mauy of the P. J. Schninilx-rg was in this city with plying them aa suitable slid they are now faamers iu the valley are the owners of a load of apples from Foots Creek, last L, Nelson, representing the Union Oil home of Mrs W. 8. Campbell on Sardine Creek. In common use. Of course, in those days antoes, threshing machines, bailers, and Munday. Co., spent Thursday in Gold H ill on busi- tlie mining was confined to placer opera­ improved farm machinery. We also pas­ fteas. J. D. I ’efley returned to bis home in Miss Amy Koester, tlie News represen-' tions. But little attention was paid to sed a large band of sheep on tlie road tative from Foots Creek was in Gold H ill ! Mr and Mrs B. F. Adams of Enid left Ashland last Sunday after a visit with quarts, very little being known aa tu its and— say we’ ve seen some' sheep! sev- his son Lloyd Peffiy’and wife. Wednesday for Medford and Ashland Value, lamides facililitea were not avail­ erai of thain, hut of all the novelties from on business, Tuesday. to visit for a few days. Mr and Mrs W. 8. Campbell of Sar­ able for such mining. Ho rapid was the Nome to Yucatan, the sheep herder rid- Mr Pierre -McOual was in from Foots dine Creek were in Gold H ill Sunday. Roy Tucker made a hurried trip to Influx of men that the Territorial legis- ieg a bicycle to do his pastoral duties was Creek Saturday on a visit. Grants Pass this week. Walter Stickel was down from Medford h.ture was applied to for soma kind of the limit. W L. Carle und wile in Saturday from Sunday to s|"-nd tlie day at his home in governmental organisation. A commis­ Tin- Misses Nora and Bessie Newton Foot. Creek. sion of three men was appointed to organ returned this week from Ashland wliere this city. B. Clark Sec't. of tlie Beaver Cement ixc Jackson County. In response to tlie tliey have been camping for nearly a ¡Co , left last week for 'Frisco' after two ai t of the legislature they met at Jackson month. days visit in this city. villa» on the 7th day of March 1853, were Mr and Mrs Darleigh Hlead were shop Mrs Schmidt and twin eona arrived here sworn in by tlie Post Master, (therebeing Monday from Portland mid will spend ping in Medford Tuesday. no other official authoriied to administer Everyone who knows Prof. G. Milam some time with her relatives. an oath ) and proceeded to the discharge Miss Mildred Elmer of Phoenix was would never lieliuve that lie was a horse of tlielr duties They created pmiu.-ts, J.' C Burch, president of tlie Bearer the guest of Bertha Woolrerton last wee* M r Chae Wahl and hire Pauline EUioU trailer hut such is tlie case, las reported) appointed Justices of the Peace and con­ It teems that lie went to Grater Ijik e tlie Cement Co., spent part of tlie week here Mr Chapman, agent of tlie Binger sew­ surprised their many friends when they stables and arranged for ths calling of an quietly married at the brides home, the l>ast week witli Prof. Smith of tlie U of O leaving for Portland Saturday. ing Machine Co., spent Tuesday liere. •lection The Iwundrlee of the county Bive.wide store on Foots Creek Thursday Horten Bt-cnian took in tlie ball game Incidentally it might la, mentioned that Mrs Dock Hutson shopped in Medford i afternoon, July 2Utit. Only a few relat- were indefinite, but embraced what is they drove a horse. On the way back in Medford Sunday. Tuesday. now Jackson, Josephine, Curry, Coos iver and friends were present; M r and they talked alaiut disposing of tlie animal I I . P. Pelton attended business matter« ami a ,« r t of Ihiuglaa, while to the east Mr and Mrs M. S. Johnson took their Mrs Chas. Chaplin and family, .Mrs Fred and tiefore many miles tliey met a band in Jacksanvilie Saturday. no bouodrv was fixed Tlie commission son Cecil to tlie Hospital in Medford Wahl and M r and Mrs W. R. Swackcr of horse traders who declined to buy or W . A. Schmidt of Portland motored to Tuesday. He had been suffering for sev­ The Rev M r Carle of Foots Creek offici­ era appointed Justices and ronstabiee trade. However tliey told them of a man Gold H ill tlie early part of the week, spend­ eral days with malaria and the eflcct of s ated, Mrs Chapman then took them all wherever iu this great area there seem Ml who lived a short way back who waa in present need of them. Subsequently, the market for a hone. Tlie mans place ing Monday here fishing in the Bogue. sunstroke last year. to her home, where tliey enjoyed a most His reward was a four pound Steelhead when the country was further developed sumptuous dinner. In tlie evening after was reached in due time and whan the Howard Bushnell insdc a hurried trip which w aa sent to his wife in Portland lit the election of County Judge and Co., tlie bride anti groom had returned home equipage drove up Prof. Milam, turned Mr Schmidt jonrneyed in the evening for to Gold H ill from Saras Valley last week a crowd gathered and proceeded to give Commissioners, they granted ferry licen­ to Prof. Smith and intimated tiiat he bail Ashland where lie intended to camp for a ce» at Coos Bay and on the Umpqua Geo. Alden motored to Medford this them a rousing reception. had experience as a ‘hoe trader' and day or two and then go on to Crater Lake week. river, and at various places on the Koguo would rather Prof. Smith stayed with the Christian Science Services and the Illinois rivers. Tho first road Miss Isiuiae Harvey, Vere Murray, Fritz rig until he got back ( only going to be A. Mattlieus and Mrs Rose Gay were established was between Jacksonville and Dean and Mr Daggert of Grants Paa« at­ gone a minute). Prof Milam went to tlie Medford visitors Tuesday. Itegular Christian Science services Willow Springs. The early roads were house— met tlie farmer, and found he tended tlie dance liere Saturday evening are held every Sunday morning at 11 00 Maelver Reddy arrived Tuesday to designated as "trails". The second road knew him ami waa invited to set down remaining over Sunday as the guests of spend Itis vacation liere as a guest at the o’clock in tne I. O. O. F. hall Everyone established was from Jacksonville to a Boy and Claire Tucker. for lunch which ba proceeded to do. Rozalia Ranch. He lias spent the pest invited. The subject for Sunday July, connection with tlie "Government T rail" Bcbt. Burch of Sains Valley spent Mon­ After dinner tlie horae trade was broaclied year studying in the Boston Art Institute 30th., is “ L O V E " which was afterward the toll road over and finished, it was then that tlie Prof., day in town. and is the proud possessor of a scholar­ Lowr—Gold watch fob, valuable to tlie tlie Siskiyou mountains, now supplanted thought of lib friend Smith who had J. Rued, special agent for the Conuet- ship given by that institution. by ths "Pacific Highway". A history loser as a keepsake, monogram H .E . W. been patiently walling all this time in the ticut Insurance Co., spent Saturday in of tlw road building in Jackson count) finder return to News office and receive Mrs Julia B. Powell was in from Sar­ rig right where the hut sun hit him hard this city on business. would lie Interesting, and I may give it reward. IE E. Wharton 13- dine Creek Tuesday. eat Some joke on Smith. M r and Mrs Horace Pelton, Lynn W. to you sometime. The beautiful Bogus G. W. Milam and Warren Smith re­ river valley did not long fail to attract a Mr and Mrs O. E Blackington were iu Smith and wife, and Dorothy Smith last Sunday motored to tlie end of the Foots turned from Crater Iaike wliere they spent class of settlers very different from the from Galls Creek Thursday. several very busy days studying the geo­ Creek road. miners, and notwithstanding the ferocity A. A. Cornell of Grants Pass was here logical formation of tlie mountain. Tlie past week lias been very hot, lint Hugh Porter and daughter HHdegarde of the Indians and the ieolatioe of this re­ Thursday for a short time. drove iu from Central Point Monday eve­ gion, farmers and stock meu began to es­ Tits cool days this week have put a ideal for haying which is in full awing in ning last. tablish themselves. The mines continued crimp in the shimming, much hi the dis­ the Meadows. Grain is also being cut U. S. MINING STATUTES Guy M, Ingram representing tlie M ut­ pleasure of those who have been daily ' and the threshing rigs are being i leaned to enrich the gold seekers who furnished ual Eife Insu-aiice Ce., was writing in­ a market tor the beef and agricujtural F i tracts from (he Ruling Cases Decided surance in Gold H ill Monday. bathers. The first warm day is sure to j op and made ready for (he seas-ins run Fred Moore intends to g>-t iiis machine truck, and at higli prices. Tlie miners of in United Staten and Slate Courte Clyde Rhodes was in from Sams Valley he accompanied by a lot of splashing from started on bis crop this week and later in those days were aa a rule, nervous and that direction. Monday. the reason there is a possibility that he migratory In their habits, ready nt any couru.«n nv a. I . xai.ixxxi M r and Mrs I ’at Robins of Rogue River Tlie small daughter of Mrs Chandler will go down into tlie Antioch country time to rush off for a new strike that pro­ were ill ibis city a short time Monday. who has been so seriouly ill in the hospi- for a run. Ellsworth Drake is already Inquiries will I mi answered in these mised higher pay. They did not work; H . I). Reed was a Grants Pass visitor columns, hut they must be confined tO down there witli his sell binder an lie re­ thia week. their claims close, and the old mines en­ and to lie on tlie mend. Cholera infant- I ports tiiat the crop is heavy. subjects treated in former isxies. Chas. A. Carney of tlie Herring, Hall, riched many newcomers who worked Marvin Safe Co., of 'Frisco' was in Gold is the diagnosis of Dr R. C Kelsey. The ; them over. Tlie new settlers, however Several came up from tlie Wimer coun­ infant is being cured for at the home of Hill on business Monday. M in in g L o c a tio n o r C la im . who gave their attentions to home build­ Carry Edmonds is here for a few days Mrs. F. W. Sears, nurse of the Gold H ill try for tlie dance*at Bill Pomeroys which Ernie mining claims must conform to from the Mountain King mine. ing were of more staid and stable charact­ Hospital. The little one was removed was well attended on Saturday night. er, and to them the glorious climate and the vein or lode, and It would be imprac A great many froiiiliere are attending from the hospital after the crisis was psst M r and Mrs Win. Cottrell drove over valley np|ienled and to them more than tical if not iinpoesihlc to make them al­ ‘ The Birth of a nation” in Medford. into Jorepliine County Monday of this Mrs Victor Bailey and daughter from to the miners Bogue river valley is now ways conform to tlie pulilic surveys, and Mrs Isora Hodges and daughters after week taking R. J. Bowen over to look at indebted for Its prominence on the Pacific ti e statute expressly provide" that they camping a month in Ashland park, re­ Grants Pass wito have been visititg rel­ turned home Friday well pleased witli atives in this city for several days proce­ some mining property that lias lieen tin Ooast. There is, however, great wealth need not conform to tlie public survey. eded on their way to Ashland to spend a der development for tlie past year. in the mines, and they constitute one of The location is tlw initial step taken by tlie outing. Mrs I, W . Smith, MrR H . D. Reed, few days witli relatives. Sam’l. 1! r!' s n, Fred Moore and K J. the ohief resources of Southern Oregon to the locator to indicate the place and ex­ Rowan drove into Gold llill Thursday on to which f will advert in subsequent issu­ tent of the surface which ho desires to ac- Claire Tucker, and Dorothy Smith spent Don Colvig, division accountant for the Friday in Medford taking in the show. inire, and it includes the giving of notice; es of this paper. —C. B. Watson. C -0 P. Co., and A. Alendorfcr; colloctoi business connected witli the mines ill the W. F. Blackert, Lloyd Miller, Floyd tlie terms "locaticina” and "m in in g Meadows district. Dean, ( ’lay Hutson, and M. J. Kortright for the same company, were in Gold Hill Ed Bolt, Alvin Guide, Floyd Hutton, claim" are often used indiscriminately to were visitors at Medford Thursday even­ Wednesday. Cel Dusenberry brot 8. Bertelson fr, m In order to es­ ing to attend the show. Gold H ill Friday morning. Dock Hutson Martin Bowers and Silas Fleming rooted denote tlie same thing. Janies Perdue of Central Point visited is finally leaving us for Malta Montana for the local nine at Grants Pass Hunday, tablish any title under tlie mining laws Tlie Lewis home in the west part of each party must show a location upon town lias just been newly painted by Mr here this week. He lias been employed at the Little Jean Mr and Mrs Miilner of Ashland accom and associated projierties for a number M r and Mrs I. T. Gallagher visited iu unappropriated territory; no right cun Stcinoff, W. C. Gray, reporter on the Portland panied liy their daughter Mrs E. C. Rich of months and lias made a splendid show - town Thursday. Mrs Gallagher recent­ lie initiated upon Government lands (list His recent retorting arils ot Klamath Falls motored over to ing with liia work ly returned from Eugene where she atten are not in tlie actual possession of others Telegram waa hero Friday. Mi».; Dorothy Smith is spending tlie this city to visit with acquaintances. Rev of tlie high grade ore (rem the Jean I,as deil summer school for a while but w«i by a forcible, fraudulent, or clandestine Tlie statute restricts tlie week end as the guest Mabele Hearn at Richards Is a former pastor of the local been very encouraging to all ill tliis great forced to return before the term expired entry thereon. (Continued on last page) district. here. Phoenix. on account of her eyes. Local Professor is SOME Hos trader Foots Creek Has Great Surprise. BEAGLE in g the com m on taxes o f the c ity people. A great many people seem averse to my move which looks like an indue ment io increase taxes. This is periicnlsily ' rue in the matter of a municipd bond issue It is true that many such cases have not been well considered, and have ri-aulted in a harden withont any correa- |K>nding benefit. Such cases must, there­ fore tie avoided. There are, however, many Instances where the interests of the community call loudly for funds to meet greatly needed improvement» which; alien inasle, more than offset tlie expense and induce a condition which results in large profits, and lays a foundation for increased growth and progress. We all realize tiiat there are things, which if we could accomplish, would give to our town increased growth and progress en­ abling us to do greater things w ithout ap- pan nt difficulty We have an instan -e at our doors; Ashland voted 1175,000.00 for its mineral springs and park enterprise. Many people could see nothing but great burden and no profit in it, yet its recent celehiation induced wholly by thia greet enterprise, it is conservatively estimated left in that city not less than $150,000.00 and this before tlie money of the bond issue ha